sternumun en üst parçası

listen to the pronunciation of sternumun en üst parçası
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Tıp) manubrium
The tube extending from the central underside of a jellyfish and ending in a mouth
The broad, upper part of the sternum
A handlelike process or part; esp
The proboscis of a jellyfish; called also hypostoma
of Hydromedusa
{i} part which resembles a handle, presternum (Anatomy, Zoology); upper part of the sternum (Anatomy); long process of the malleus (Anatomy); handle (Archaic)
the anterior segment of the sternum, or presternum, and the handlelike process of the malleus
the upper part of the breastbone
sternumun en üst parçası

    Расстановка переносов

    ster·nu·mun en üst par·ça·sı

