stands for dining at the y. performing oral sex on a woman with her legs spread

listen to the pronunciation of stands for dining at the y. performing oral sex on a woman with her legs spread
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
stands for dining at the y. performing oral sex on a woman with her legs spread

    Расстановка переносов

    stands for din·ing at the y. per·form·ing o·ral sex on a wo·man with her legs spread

    Турецкое произношение

    ständz fôr daynîng ät dhi way pırfôrmîng ôrıl seks ôn ı wûmın wîdh hır legz spred


    /ˈstandz ˈfôr ˈdīnəɴɢ ˈat ᴛʜē ˈwī pərˈfôrməɴɢ ˈôrəl ˈseks ˈôn ə ˈwo͝omən wəᴛʜ hər ˈlegz ˈspred/ /ˈstændz ˈfɔːr ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˈæt ðiː ˈwaɪ pɜrˈfɔːrmɪŋ ˈɔːrəl ˈsɛks ˈɔːn ə ˈwʊmən wɪð hɜr ˈlɛɡz ˈsprɛd/