
listen to the pronunciation of standing
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{s} ayakta

Tren o kadar kalabalıktı ki ben bütün yol boyunca ayakta durmak zorunda kaldım. - The train was so crowded that I had to keep standing all the way.

Orada ayakta duran kız Mary'dir. - The girl standing over there is Mary.

(Ticaret) devamlılık

İnsanlar ona çok yakın durarak onun kişisel alanını istila ettiğinde Tom bunu sevmez. - Tom doesn't like it when people invade his personal space by standing too close to him.

Orada durarak seninle çalışamam. - I can't work with you standing there.

(Ticaret) hazır bekleyen
(Ticaret) yürürlükte

O yol boyunca ayakta durmaya devam etti. - He kept standing all the way.

Yapabildiğim bütün şey ayakta durmaya devam etmekti. - It was all I could do to keep standing.

ayakta duran

Orada ayakta duran kız kız kardeşim Sue'dur. - The girl standing over there is my sister Sue.

Orada ayakta duran kız Mary'dir. - The girl standing there is Mary.

{f} dur

Birisi duvarın arkasında duruyor. - Someone is standing behind the wall.

Bütün gün ayakta durduğum için yoruldum. - I'm worn out, because I've been standing all day.

{i} duran

Sadece binanın önünde duran insanlar polis. - The only people standing in front of the building are policemen.

Kapının yanında duran bayan ünlü bir şarkıcıdır. - The lady standing by the gate is a famous singer.

{i} yer

Tom Mary'nin durduğu yere doğru yürüdü. - Tom walked over to where Mary was standing.

Sandalyemiz yok. Ayakta dururken yer misin? - We're out of chairs. Would you mind eating while standing up?

{i} geçmiş
{s} her zaman geçerli olan
{i} itibar
{i} eskilik
(Mukavele) kalıcı
{s} dikilen

Şurada dikilen kadın kim? - Who's that woman standing over there?

Eski bir Noel geleneğine göre, eğer bir kadın dikilen ökseotunun altında dururken yakalanırsa, bir adam onu ​​öpebilir. - According to an old Christmas custom, if a woman is caught standing under hanging mistletoe, a man may kiss her.

{i} konum
{i} ayakta durma

Sadece ayakta durmaktan usandım. - I'm just tired of standing up.

Ben ayakta durmayı kafama takmam. - I don't mind standing.

{s} sabit
{s} dik duran
stand ısmarla/dayan/dur
{s} ayakta yapılan
ayakta durmak

O, trende ayakta durmak zorundaydı. - She had to stand in the train.

Siyah insanlar otobüsün arkasında oturmak ya da doluysa ayakta durmak zorunda kaldılar. - Black people had to sit in the back of the bus, or stand if the back was full.


Siyah insanlar otobüsün arkasında oturmak ya da doluysa ayakta durmak zorunda kaldılar. - Black people had to sit in the back of the bus, or stand if the back was full.

Tren o kadar kalabalıktı ki Osaka'ya giden bütün yol boyunca ayakta durmak zorunda bırakıldık. - The train was so crowded that we were obliged to stand all the way to Osaka.

standing back
standing order
(Askeri) devamlı emir
standing order
süreli sipariş
standing orders
standing start
(Spor) ayaktayken yapılan depar
standing wave
(Fizik,Teknik) duran dalga
standing wave meter
duran dalga ölçeri
standing wave ratio
duran dalga oranı
standing waves
(Askeri) duran dalgalar
standing committee
daimi komite
standing committee
daimi encümen
standing on one's head
çok kolay bir şekilde
standing order
sürekli ödeme emri
standing room
ayakta duracak yer

Sadece, Nürnberg Bölgesel Ekspres treninde ayakta duracak yer vardı. - There was standing room only in the Regional Express to Nuremberg.

standing water
durgun su
standing wave
durgun dalga
standing about
Yaklaşık ayakta
standing appointment
Düzenli olarak yapılan buluşma

My classmate esin has trouble with physics, so she made a standing appointment with a learning lab tutor every friday.

standing at
standing for
için ayakta
standing room
duracak yer

Sadece, Nürnberg Bölgesel Ekspres treninde ayakta duracak yer vardı. - There was standing room only in the Regional Express to Nuremberg.

standing somebody up
birini ekmekbirini satmaksöz verdiği halde buluşmaya/randevuya gitmemek
standing someone up
kadar kimse ayakta
Standing Naval Forces, Atlantic (NATO)
(Askeri) Atlantik Hazır Deniz Kuvveti
standing armaments committee
(Askeri) silahlanma daimi komitesi
standing army
(Askeri) DAİMİ ORDU: Bak. "Regular Army"
standing barrage
(Askeri) DURAN BARAJ: Düşman kıtalarının geçmesini önlemek için, belirli bir saha veya hat üzerinde, bir savunma tedbiri olarak tesis edilen sabit top veya makinalı tüfek ateş. Bak. "box barrage"
standing cloud
(Meteoroloji) dikelen bulut
standing committee
(Ticaret) sürekli komite
standing committee
daimi komisyon
standing committees
(Politika, Siyaset) daimi komiteler
standing conference
daimi konferans
standing corrections
(Askeri) ruhlu tutarı
standing corrections
(Askeri) RUHLU TUTARI: Mevzi ve esas kademe düzeltmelerinin, milyem ve ondalık saniyeler dahilinde, cebri toplamı
standing cost
(Ticaret) sabit masraf
standing data
(Ticaret) sabit bilgiler
standing data
(Ticaret) sabit veriler
standing defence plan
(Askeri) devamlı savunma emri
standing defence unit
(Askeri) hazır savunma kuvveti
standing jest
alay konusu
standing joke
(deyim) beylik şaka,genel alay konusu
standing ladder
(İnşaat) ahşap yerli merdiven
standing lug
(Askeri) sabit praçilera yelkeni
standing offer
(Ticaret) geçerliliğini koruyan teklif
standing offer
(Ticaret) geçerli teklif
standing on end
diken diken
standing operating procedure
(Askeri) DEVAMLI HAREKAT USULÜ: Tesirlerinden birey kaybetmeksizin, belirli veya standartlaşmış bir metoda göre yürütülebilir faaliyet şekillerini kapsayan talimatlar grubu. Talimat, özel bir durum için aksi ifade edilmedikçe, geçerlidir. Böylece, özel durumlar için zaruri olan elastikiyet muhafaza edilmiş olmaktadır
standing operating procedures for coordination of atomic operations
(Askeri) atom harekat koordinasyonu için daimi harekat talimatları
standing order
belirli aralıklarla gönderilen sipariş, süreli
standing order
(Askeri) DEVAMLI EMİR: Değiştirilinceye veya iptal edilinceye kadar yürürlükte kalan yayınlanmış emirler
standing order
çoğ. içtüzüğün kuralları
standing order
geçerliliğini kaybetmeyen emir
standing order
çoğ. hastanedeki hastalar için geçerli olan kurallar
standing order
ödeme emri
standing order
değişmeyen sipariş
standing orders
standing orders
iç tüzük
standing ovation
ayakta alkış yağmuruna tutma
standing ovation
ayakta yapılan alkışlama
standing ovation
ayakta alkışlama
standing panel
dikine levha
standing patrol
(Askeri) SABİT KEŞİF KARAKOLU: Kuvveti hakkındaki karar, görevlendiren komutan tarafından verilecek olan bir keşif kolu. Görevi, keşif, dinleme, muharebe veya bunların bir karışımı olabilir. Bu keşif kolunun keşif, dinleme veya muharebe görevli keşif kolundan farkı, görevin ifası için mevzilendikten sonra, vazifesinin devamı sırasında, yetkili komutan tarafından izin verilmedikçe hareket serbestisine sahip bulunmayışıdır. Bak. "patrol"
standing patrol
(Askeri) sabit keşif karakolu
standing position
(Askeri) AYAKTA NİŞAN VAZİYETİ: Ayakta atış vaziyeti. Bir erin, ayakta atış yapmak için aldığı belirli vaziyet. Bu vaziyette er; yarım sağa dönmüş, sol dirseği iyice tüfeğin altına girmiş, sol eli tüfeğin ağırlık noktasının önünden tutmuş, sağ dirseği yüksek ve yanağı tüfek dipçiğine yakın olarak durur. Bak. "firing position"
standing position
(Askeri) ayakta nişan vaziyeti
standing provincial committee
(Politika, Siyaset) il daimi encümeni
standing rigging
(Askeri) sabit arma
standing rotator machine
disk rotavatör
standing rule
standing rule
standing rule
standing rules of engagement
(Askeri) daimi çatışma kuralları
standing seam
dik kıvırma ek
standing signal instruction
(Askeri) muhabere devamlı talimatı
standing signal instructions
(Askeri) MUHABERE DEVAMLI TALİMATI: Muhabere işletme talimatında mevcut maddelerin kullanılmasını açıklayan bir talimatlar serisi. Muhabere devamlı talimatı ayrıca komutanlık muhabere elektronik faaliyetlerinin koordinasyon ve kontrolü için gerekli diğer talimatları da içine alabilir
standing signals instructions
(Askeri) muhabere devamlı talimatları
standing start
spor ayaktayken yapılan depar
standing tree
(Marangozluk) kabuğu soyulmamış kütük
standing water
hareketsiz su
standing water
durgun ve akmayan su
standing wave force
(Askeri) duran dalga kuvveti
standing wave meter
duran dalga olceri
standing wave pressure
(Askeri) duran dalga basıncı
standing wave ratio
duran dalga orani
{i} duruş

Tom cesur bir duruş aldı. - Tom took a courageous stand.

Duruşumu netleştireyim. - Let me make my stand clearer.

{i} hal

Tom hâlâ ayakta duruyor. - Tom is still standing.

İş teklifi hâlâ duruyor. - The job offer still stands.


Aynaya bakmadan tıraş olabilirim! Bu iyi ama İran halımın üzerinde dayanma. Kanlısın! - I can shave without looking in a mirror! That's good, but do not stand over my Persian carpet. You're bloody!

{f} dayanmak
{i} katlanma

Tom katlanmaya çalıştı ama yapamadı. - Tom tried to stand, but couldn't.

Buna katlanmayacağım. - I will not stand for this.

{i} yer

Tom durduğu yerden gölü göremiyordu. - Tom couldn't see the lake from where he was standing.

Olduğun yerde kal yoksa seni öldürürüm. - Stand where you are or I'll kill you.

ayağa kalkmak

Ayağa kalkmak istiyorum. - I'd like to stand up.

Ayağa kalkmak için zahmet etmeyin. - Don't bother standing up.

{f} kalmak

Tren o kadar doluydu ki tüm gezi boyunca ayakta kalmak zorunda kaldım. - The train was so packed that I had to stand up during the whole trip.

{f} dur

Biri odasının önünde duruyor. - Somebody is standing in front of his room.

Bu ikisi yan yana duruyor. - These two are standing abreast.

{f} çekilmek
{f} (stood)
{f} (up) ayağa kalkmak
{f} desteklemek
{i} tezgâh
{f} ısmarlamak
be left standing
ayakta kalmak
node of a standing wave
duran dalganın boğumu
iş yeri
boyunda olmak (bir şeyin)
müsamaha etmek
ağaç topluluğu
(Kanun) istinad
{i} durum

Ben her zaman sorun durumunda hep yanında olacağım. - I'll always stand by you in case of trouble.

(Kanun) istinad etmek
bulunmak (belirli bir durumda)
-in ağırlığında olmak
yürürlükte kalmak
(Arılık) kovan sehpası
olmak (bir yerde)
kürsü (konferans, mahkeme)
geçerli olmak
durmak (bir yerde)
devam etmek

Yapabildiğim bütün şey ayakta durmaya devam etmekti. - It was all I could do to keep standing.


Bizim politik doğruluğa karşı koymaktan korkmayan güçlü liderlere ihtiyacımız var. - We need strong leaders who are not afraid of standing up to political correctness.

park yeri
aday olmak

Bana bir dayanak noktası verin, Dünya'yı yerinden oynatayım. - Give me somewhere to stand and I will move the earth.

bir yerde kalmak (su vb)
commercial standing
ticari itibar
credit standing
kredi yağdayı
credit standing
mali itibar
financial standing
mali durum
leave sb standing
yaya bırakmak
long standing
çoktandır devam eden

John, başım derde girdiğinde bana destek olurdu. - John used to stand by me whenever I was in trouble.

Ken ebeveynleri tartıştığında her zaman annesini destekler. - Ken always stands up for his mom when his parents quarrel.


Ayaklarımın üzerinde güçlükle durabiliyordum. - I could scarcely stand on my feet.

Tren o kadar kalabalıktı ki ben bütün yol boyunca ayakta durmak zorunda kaldım. - The train was so crowded that I had to keep standing all the way.

(ayağa) kalkmak

Öğrenmeniz gereken ilk şey, kendi fikirleriniz üzerinde durmak. - The first thing you must learn is to stand on your own ideas.

O, trende ayakta durmak zorundaydı. - She had to stand in the train.

satış sergisi

Tren doluydu, bu yüzden o ikinci mevkide seyahat etmek zorunda kaldı ve yol boyunca ayakta durmak zorunda kaldı. - The train was full, so she was obliged to travel second-class, and had to stand all the way.


Orada duran adam dükkanının sahibidir. - The man standing over there is the owner of the store.

mahkemede tanık yeri
ayakta dikilmek
{f} sineye çekmek
advanced standing
ileri ayakta
floor standing boiler
Kat kaloriferi
free standing cabinets
serbest duran dolaplar
high standing
Yüksek ayakta
in good standing
İyi ilişkiler içinde, araları iyi
long standing
Sürüncemede kalan
uzun zamandır varolan
moral standing
of the same standing
Aynı duran
social standing
sosyal ayakta
{f} direnmek
{f} bulunmak
{f} ihtiyaç duymak
{f} göğüs germek
{f} karşı koymak

Bizim politik doğruluğa karşı koymaktan korkmayan güçlü liderlere ihtiyacımız var. - We need strong leaders who are not afraid of standing up to political correctness.

(Spor) (league standings) Puan durumu
things thus standing
(Kanun) "Koşullar değiştiği takdirde" anlamına gelen uluslararası hukuk ilkesidir. Bu ilkeye göre, bir anlaşmanın yapılışı sırasında var olan ve anlaşmayı etkileyen koşullarda değişiklik olması halinde taraflar bu anlaşmaya son verme ya da uygulamayı durdurma hakkına sahiptir
Interagency Standing Committee (UN); interim acting service chief
(Askeri) Birimler Arası Daimi Komitesi (Birleşmiş Milletler (UN)); geçici kuvvet komutanı vekili
a standing dish
temcit pilavı
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Present participle of stand.; in the process of coming to an upright position
The position of a team in a league or of a player in a list: "After their last win, their standing went up three places"
Position or reputation in society or a profession: "He does not have much of a standing as a chemist"
Erect, not cut down

So you punched out a window for ventilation. Was that before or after you noticed you were standing in a lake of gasoline? - Robert DeNiro, Backdraft.

room in which to park a vehicle or vehicles

The engineering crisis boiled down to roads, hard standing, and waste..

The right of a party to bring a legal action, based on the relationship between that party and the matter to which the action relates

He may be insulting, a miserable rotter and a fool, but unless he slanders or libels you, or damages your property, you do not have standing to sue him.

Stagnant; not moving or flowing

standing committee.

Performed from an erect position

standing ovation.

Remaining in force or status
The act of a person who stands, or a place where someone stands
{a} set on the feet, settled, lasting, stagnant
{n} continuance, stay, station, condition
A person's right to bring a lawsuit because he or she is directly affected by the issue raised
Remaining erect; not cut down; as, standing corn
(of fluids) not moving or flowing; "mosquitoes breed in standing water"
The right to take part in legal proceedings
having a supporting base; "a standing lamp"
The act of stopping, or coming to a stand; the state of being erect upon the feet; stand
the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position
It is an ordinary foul for any player except the goalie to take an active part in the game when standing on the bottom of the pool
Many orders per requisition, each order gets one delivery
permanent; "a standing army"
It is ordinary foul for any player except the goalie to take an active part in the game when standing on the bottom of the pool
{i} status, reputation; duration, length of time; act of one who stands; place where one stands
Not flowing; stagnant; as, standing water
Not transitory; not liable to fade or vanish; lasting; as, a standing color
Condition in society; relative position; reputation; rank; as, a man of good standing, or of high standing
maintaining an erect position; "standing timber"; "many buildings were still standing"
the freeflier straightens their legs to align them with their upper torso (as if standing)
Established by law, custom, or the like; settled; continually existing; permanent; not temporary; as, a standing army; legislative bodies have standing rules of proceeding and standing committees
The legal right to initiate a lawsuit
Place to stand in; station; stand
the legal right of a person or entity to bring a lawsuit
the right to bring a legal action
maintaining an erect position; "standing timber"; "many buildings were still standing
Maintenance of position; duration; duration or existence in the same place or condition; continuance; as, a custom of long standing; an officer of long standing
The prerequisite characteristics for bringing a case into the judicial system as prescribed in the U S Constitution The courts will only hear controversies between parties where one party has directly suffered a wrong at the hands of the other party
(of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs; "standing room only"; "a standing ovation"
the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"
You can use the expression of many years' standing to say that something has had a particular function or someone has had a particular role for many years. For example, if a place is your home of ten years' standing, it has been your home for ten years. a Congressman of 24 years' standing My girlfriend of long standing left me. In law, the status of being qualified to bring a legal matter before a court because one has a sufficient and protectable interest in its outcome. The courts have ruled that a plaintiff who has suffered or is threatened with actual injury (physical, economic, or other) clearly has standing. A plaintiff who cannot demonstrate such injury will lack standing and therefore be unable to bring a case
The legal term for the right to bring a claim before a judicial or regulatory body The person bringing the claim must have "a personal interest in the outcome beyond that of the general public "
executed in or initiated from a standing position; "a standing ovation"; "race from a standing start"; "a standing jump"; "a standing ovation"
not created for a particular occasion; "a standing committee"
social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"
Not movable; fixed; as, a standing bed (distinguished from a trundle-bed)
You use standing to describe something which is permanently in existence. Israel has a relatively small standing army and its strength is based on its reserves Elizabeth had a standing invitation to stay with her. = permanent see also free-standing, long-standing
A party's or person's standing is their popularity. But, as the opinion poll shows, the party's standing with the people at large has never been so low
{s} upright, erect; done while in an upright position; unchanging, lasting; still, stationary, stagnant
Someone's standing is their reputation or status. an artist of international standing He has improved his country's standing abroad
not cut down; "standing timber"; "uncut trees"
The legal right to bring a lawsuit Only a person with something at stake has standing to bring a lawsuit
in the process of coming to an upright position
Sage jo Ritsu jo
standing cloud
a small cloud which remains stationary and is related to a geographical feature, such as a mountain. Classified as banner clouds, cap clouds, crest clouds, or lenticular clouds
standing clouds
plural form of standing cloud
standing down
Present participle of stand down
standing end
The end of a rope that is not used to make a knot
standing ends
plural form of standing end
standing for
Present participle of stand for
standing in
Present participle of stand in
standing joke
A laughing matter amongst a group of people, about something customary

The two aunts laughed heartily , too, for Gabriel's solicitude was a standing joke with them. - The Dead, by James Joyce.

standing order
A request made once for periodic fulfillment
standing order
A rule of procedure adopted by a governing body for its own internal use
standing orders
plural form of standing order
standing out
Present participle of stand out
standing ovation
Enthusiastic applause given by people who rise from a sitting position
standing ovations
plural form of standing ovation
standing part
The section of rope between the standing end and a knot being made
standing parts
plural form of standing part
standing room only
An event that is so well-attended that all of the chairs in the venue are occupied, leaving only flat spaces of pavement or flooring for other attendees to stand
standing room only
public transportation services that have extremely high ridership
standing seam
A type of seam between adjacent sheets of metal roofing material made by turning up the edges of two adjacent panels and then folding or interlocking them in a variety of ways
standing seams
plural form of standing seam
standing stone
A prehistoric monument consisting of an upright megalith; often in groups
standing stones
plural form of standing stone
standing tall
Present participle of stand tall
standing up
Present participle of stand up
standing up to
Present participle of stand up to
standing wave
A wave form which occurs in a limited, fixed medium in such a way that the reflected wave coincides with the produced wave. A common example is the vibration of the strings on a musical stringed instrument
standing waves
plural form of standing wave
standing man
A new style of peaceful protest started by a Man who has been standing in İstanbul Taksim Square since Monday morning Jun 17th 2013
Standing Committee
a committee of members in the British Parliament or in the US House of Representatives, whose purpose is to examine a bill (=new law that has been suggested) and to consider whether it needs any changes Select Committee
standing army
A permanent army maintained in time of peace and war
standing army
a permanent army of paid soldiers
standing army
regular army, permanent army
standing at attention
military stance that is upright and with the arms as the sides
standing at ease
military stance which is more relaxed than attention but soldiers may not talk or move about
standing battle orders
permanent operational and managerial instructions which must be carried out at the beginning of a battle or operation
standing by him
support in his position, giving support and encouragement
standing committee
A designated committee which considers proposed legislation during a legislative session
standing committee
Committees permanently established by House and Senate rules The standing committees are legislative committees; legislation may be referred to them and they may report bills and resolution to their parent chamber
standing committee
= a committee of Ramsar Contracting Parties consisting of representatives from the six Ramsar regions, plus the last host (Costa Rica) and the next host (Spain) of the Conference of the Parties, elected during each triennial COP to meet annually and direct the implementation of the Convention and the work of the Ramsar Bureau between COPs The Netherlands (host of Wetlands International) and Switzerland (host of the Ramsar Bureau) have the status of Permanent Observers on the SC
standing committee
A permanently established legislative committee that considers and is responsible for legislation within a certain subject area; e g House Ways and Means Committee
standing committee
A committee created in the rules of either house that meets during the legislative session or an interim to consider and report on measures referred or tasks assigned to it by the respective presiding officers
standing committee
board which is chosen to deal with the forming decisions and control of their outcome
standing committee
A permanent committee during a session authorized and named by Senate or House Rules
standing committee
a permanent committee
standing committee
a committee appointed by the president or board to carry on a continuing function
standing committee
A permanent committee of Council The Chairwoman of a Standing Committee is a Director or Adviser, with a voting position on Council
standing committee
one of the permanent committees used by each house of Congress
standing committee
A permanent congressional committee with responsibility for a particular area of public policy An example is the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
standing committee
A committee established by the Rules
standing committee
A permanent committee of the Senate or House that has responsibility over specific areas of public policy or oversight over federal agencies and programs These committees are established by the rules adopted in each chamber
standing committee
Created by the House or Senate rules, a permanent committee that specializes in certain legislative areas and to which all similar bills can be referred
standing crop
The total amount of biological material present at any given time, (see productivity, biomass)
standing crop
The biomass of living organisms within a unit area
standing crop
The total biomass of plants in an ecosystem at a specific point in time
standing crop
The total amount of living organisms, as of plankton, in a specific area at a given time
standing dish
regular meal, ordinary meal
standing easy
standing in a comfortable position, standing as one sees fit
standing for
be in support of -; representing, symbolizing
standing joke
If something is a standing joke among a group of people, they often make jokes about it. Her precision became a standing joke with colleagues
standing jump
jump in place from a standing position
standing operating procedure
predetermined order of activities and preparations before going out on a mission
standing operating procedure
a prescribed procedure to be followed routinely; "rote memorization has been the educator's standard operating procedure for centuries
standing operation procedure
permanent combat command, command that is always in effect in fighting
standing order
A type of order which is for a specific item(s) to be shipped multiple times within a specific time frame with exact quantities and prices per unit established
standing order
A regular payment of a specified amount to a named payee, made by a bank on your instruction
standing order
Publisher sends all publications on specified titles or subjects Orders are paid for individually
standing order
A standing order is an instruction to your bank to pay a fixed amount of money to someone at regular times. An order or rule held to be in force until specifically changed or withdrawn, especially a regulation relating to military or parliamentary procedure. an arrangement by which a bank pays a fixed amount of money from your account every month, year etc direct debit
standing order
s - The rules made by the House of Representatives that govern its proceedings
standing order
an instruction to a bank to pay fixed sums of money to certain people at stated times
standing order
Pre authorised payment in which the customer gives instructions to their bank to pay fixed sums at regular intervals or on defined dates
standing order
A serial publication which is automatically shipped and billed to the library as it is released
standing order
Annuals, non periodical serials (a k a irregulars), monographic series and sets can be acquired on standing order Standing order means the publisher or vendor will automatically supply subsequent volumes "until forbidden," that is, until the librar y asks them to stop
standing order
Order issued by a payer to his bank to execute regular recurring payments, which are to be paid to a payee at a constant level Standing orders are principally used for paying rent, insurance premiums, taxes, etc In contrast to the standing order, the payee uses the debit advice to discharge the payment
standing order
A regular payment for a fixed amount that you can ask us to make from your account to another specified account
standing order
Refers to an order that is automatically fulfilled each month For example, hundreds of SFI affiliates get a 30-day supply of Veriuni Advance Liquid Nutrition on an ongoing, month-to-month basis Most keep a credit card on file on their account to have the monthly cost for this automatically debited each month As we roll out additional "consumable" products, a Standing Order could consist of your choice of nutritional supplements, shampoos, and cleaning products that you want to have automatically shipped to you each month so you never run out of them
standing order
An order the library places to receive all parts of a multi-part work as volumes are published, such as multi-volume works, monographic series, etc until a publisher or dealer is notified to cancel or work is complete [bj] Also called a continuation SEE ALSO Subscription
standing order
An order to a publisher, wholesaler, or dealer to supply each succeeding issue of a publication, particularly of an annual or serial, as it is published, until notified otherwise
standing order
permission for the bank to pull regular funds out of a customer's account for a certain body; permanent direction, regulation whose validity is not temporary; permanent command or issuance
standing order
An instruction (mandate) to your bank or building society authorising them to pay a fixed sum every month to another account This would be used for rent, sport club membership or for HP agreement where a fixed sum of money needs to be paid every month Also see glossary('Direct Debit','direct debit',5)
standing order
similar to the "blanket order" but the library has the option of returning materials that it does not want (see also approval plan)
standing order
a rule of order permanently in force
standing orders
military instructions that determine operation procedures for regular issues
standing orders for operations
set procedures, commands that are performed and followed regularly; regular battle equipment
standing out
being conspicuous, being notable, being remarkable
standing ovation
enthusiastic response, very favorable reception (often accompanied by loud applause)
standing ovation
enthusiastic recognition (especially one accompanied by loud applause)
standing ovation
If a speaker or performer gets a standing ovation when they have finished speaking or performing, the audience stands up to clap in order to show its admiration or support
standing press
a large printing press that exerts pressure vertically
standing rigging
Stationary rigging that supports a spar
standing rigging
The non-moving rods and lines that support the mast and sails
standing rigging
The lines or cables used to support and hold a vessel's rig together-shrouds, stays, etc
standing rigging
The part of a ship's rigging which is permanently secured and immovable; e g stays, shrouds, etc
standing rigging
You guessed it rigging that doesn't move
standing rigging
lines that secure the yards and sails in place They are not adjusted while the ship is sailing
standing room
room for spectators to stand only
standing room
Standing room is space in a room or bus, where people can stand when all the seats have been occupied. The place quickly fills up so it's soon standing room only. space for standing in a theatre, sports ground etc
standing room only
no seats available, space available only for standing on one's feet, all seats have been sold or taken
standing seam
A type of metal roof system where the longitudinal seams on adjacent panels are turned up, overlapped and folded in various ways in order to prevent moisture entry and interlock the panels
standing seam
a metal roof system that consists of an overlapping or interlocking seam that occurs at an upturned rib
standing seam
a metal roof system that consists of an overlapping or interlocking seam that occurs at an upturned rib The standing seam may be made by turning up the edges of two adjacent metal panels and overlapping them, then folding or interlocking them in a variety of ways
standing seam
Seam type that consists of an upturned rib, that may also be structural, with a watertight seam It is made by turning up the edges of two adjacent metal panels and then folding them over in one of a variety of ways
standing stone
A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith. Also called menhir
standing tall
standing erect, standing vertically straight and outstretched, pride
standing to attention
standing tall and straight without moving
standing up
in a standing position, getting up
standing wave
A wave characterized by lack of vibration at certain points, between which areas of maximum vibration occur periodically. Standing waves are produced whenever a wave is confined within boundaries, as in the vibrating string of a musical instrument. Also called stationary wave
standing wave
a wave (as a sound wave in a chamber or an electromagnetic wave in a transmission line) in which the ratio of its instantaneous amplitude at one point to that at any other point does not vary with time
standing wave
wave that is motionless
executed in or initiated from a standing position; "a standing ovation"; "race from a standing start"; "a standing jump"; "a standing ovation"
having a supporting base; "a standing lamp"
not created for a particular occasion; "a standing committee
(of fluids) not moving or flowing; "mosquitoes breed in standing water"
still standing
still existing, existing at or up to the present time
double lock standing seam
A standing seam that uses a double overlapping interlock between two metal panels
Not fixed in any way to a surface. Relying solely on the force of gravity to stay in place
good standing
The status of a person who is known to be of good character and to be trustworthy
good standing
The status of a member of a profession who is not suspended or disbarred, and is registered with a proper authority and has paid any registration fees
Describing something that has been done for so long that it has become convention

Long-standing custom calls for referring to the town chairman as mayor, even though we don't have a mayor.

Describing something that has existed for a long time
A resolute, unwavering position; firm opinion; action for a purpose in the face of opposition

They took a firm stand against copyright infringement.

A device to hold something upright or aloft

He set the music upon the stand and began to play.

The platform on which a witness testifies in court; the witness stand or witness box

She took the stand and quietly answered questions.

A partnership
A small building, booth, or stage, as in a bandstand or hamburger stand
To tolerate

I can’t stand her.

A defensive position or effort
To remain motionless

Do not leave your car standing in the road.

To be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position

Here I stand, wondering what to do next.

A single set, as of arms

The police and troops captured eleven thousand stand of arms, including muskets and pistols, together with several thousand bludgeons and other weapons.

A contiguous group of trees sufficiently uniform in age-class distribution, composition, and structure, and growing on a site of sufficiently uniform quality, to be a distinguishable unit
Of a ship or its captain, to steer, sail (in a specified direction, for a specified destination etc.)

To repaire his defects, hee stood for the coast of Calabria, but hearing there was six or seven Galleyes at Mesina hee departed thence for Malta .

To rise to one’s feet; to stand up

Stand up, walk to the refrigerator, and get your own snack.

A designated spot where someone or something may stand or wait: taxi stand
A period of performance in a given location or venue

They spent the summer touring giving 4 one-night stands a week.

A standstill, a motionless state, as of someone confused, or a hunting dog who has found game

Antonia's patience now was at a stand— / Come, come, 't is no time now for fooling there, / She whispered .

To seek election

He is standing for election to the local council.

A particular grove or other group of trees or shrubs

This stand of pines is older than the one next to it.

plural form of standing
A collective list of the standing of each team in a league

I don't look at the standings because my team is doing poorly.

{v} to be on the feet, stop, remain, offer as a candidate, persist, be consistent, abide, suffer, direct a course
{n} a stop, halt, station, post, difficulty, prop, a musket and its apparatus
high standing
(Spor) (league standings) A list of teams or players put in order according to how many games or points they have won in matches or competitions
things thus standing
(Kanun) Clausula rebus sic stantibus ('things thus standing') is a doctrine in international treaty law that stands for the proposition that a treaty may become inapplicable owing to a fundamental change of circumstances. This poses a risk to the security of treaties as its scope is relatively unconfined and it requires strict regulations as to the conditions in which it may be invoked
a quarrel of long standing
{i} very old quarrel, long-standing dispute
advanced standing
The status of a college student granted credit, usually after passing a qualifying test, for courses omitted or taken elsewhere
free standing
A dwelling which stands independently of others
free standing
a building which is unattached to any other and shares no common wall or walls with any other building
A free-standing piece of furniture or other object is not fixed to anything, or stands on its own away from other things. a free-standing cooker
good standing
A status assumed or stated that a student is eligible to continue at or return to an institution unless noted otherwise
good standing
Status denotes that a student is eligible to continue at or return to an institution
good standing
is the status assigned when your semester and cumulative GPA is 2 0 or higher
good standing
the status of chapter or an individual when all responsibilities and standards have been met
good standing
a status that indicates students are maintaining the required minimum GPA
good standing
Eligible to continue to register for university course work
good standing
Students are in good standing if they are eligible to continue or to re-enroll at the University, even if on scholastic probation or on academic warning status
good standing
A status reached upon the fulfillment of all financial and scholastic obligations to a chapter Greek Any member of a fraternity/sorority
good standing
An indication that a Working Group participant has attended meetings diligently and produced deliverables in a timely manner
good standing
A student is said to be "in good standing" if he or she is meeting the requirements of the course
very old, ancient, antique
A long-standing situation has existed for a long time. They are on the brink of resolving their long-standing dispute over money. long-standing economic links between Europe and much of Africa. having continued or existed for a long time
moral standing
* A being's moral standing determines the extent to which its well-being must be ethically considered for its own sake To say that some group of beings have moral standing is to say that, as a moral matter, their well-being must be given some consideration It does not decide the question of whether they have the same moral standing as people (and thus have "human" rights) The welfare of such beings, for example cattle, might be considered for prudential reasons, too, but that would not require that they have moral standing For example one might judge that it would be important to feed one's cattle, just as one might decide it was stupid to throw one's stamp collection into the river, thinking of the stamps or cattle as an investment without believing that either the cattle or the stamps deserve better treatment In that case one would not be considering the moral standing of the cattle
moral standing
A being's moral standing determines the extent to which its well-being must be ethically considered for its own sake To say that some group of beings have moral standing is to say that, as a moral matter, their well-being must be given some consideration It does not decide the question of whether they have the same moral standing as people (and thus have "human" rights) The welfare of such beings, for example cattle, might be considered for prudential reasons, too, but that would not require that they have moral standing For example one might judge that it would be important to feed one's cattle, just as one might decide it was stupid to throw one's stamp collection into the river, thinking of the stamps or cattle as an investment without believing that either the cattle or the stamps deserve better treatment In that case one would not be considering the moral standing of the cattle
person of high standing
eminent person, distinguished individual
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