{n} a mental view, examination, spy, the act or practice of buying things, and relying for profit on an increase of price, opposed to regular trade in which the profit is the difference between the wholesail and retail prices
An activity, quite contrary to its literal meaning (L Speculare, to watch and examine closely), in which a person assumes high risks, often without regard for the safety of his invested principal, to achieve large capital gains The time span in which the gain is sought to be made is usually very short The shorter the term, the more speculative the investment is
describes buying into an arrangement, whether personalised plates or art, for which there is little intrinsic value and the only way to make money is by selling at a higher price This differs from an investment, which earns income such as interest, rent and dividends; even if the value of the initial investment falls, the investor can still earn income
{i} contemplation, deliberation; conjecture, hypothesis; act of engaging in risky business transactions; buying and selling of commodities in order to profit from market fluctuations
continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature; "the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge"
Act of investing in risky securities such as options, futures, penny stocks, etc , or a term referring to trades on short-term price swings in securities
An attempt to profit from futures price changes through the purchase or sale of futures contracts In the process, the speculator assumes the risk that the hedger is transferring, and provides liquidity in the market
a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence); "speculations about the outcome of the election"; "he dismissed it as mere conjecture"
Buying or selling currency in expectation of an exchange rate movement, so as to make a profit, either in the same market or between two different markets, e g forex cash markets and derivatives markets
A game at cards in which the players buy from one another trumps or whole hands, upon a chance of getting the highest trump dealt, which entitles the holder to the pool of stakes
in expectation of selling at a higher price, or of selling with the expectation of repurchasing at a lower price; a trading on anticipated fluctuations in price, as distinguished from trading in which the profit expected is the difference between the retail and wholesale prices, or the difference of price in different markets
Originally: to conduct risky transactions, to count on something; in other words, buying and selling on the basis of (anticipated) price variations, particularly on the securities, commodities and property markets, as in stock exchange dealings A speculator buys securities because he hopes that the market price will rise rapidly and that he will be able to resell them at a profit (bull market speculator), or he sells securities on the assumption that market prices will continue to fall, enabling him to buy them back cheaply (bear market speculator)
The practice of buying and selling land or other property in order to profit by the rise or fall in their market value; implies a riskier venture than investment
the act of betting on changes in exchange rates in hopes of profiting A speculative "attack" occurs when a large number of investors anticipate a reduction in currency values and sell off large quantities of their holdings (thereby often creating the price crash they predicted) Speculators often work for major banks and investment firms