
listen to the pronunciation of source
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Açık kaynak; teknolojik yeniliği kullanan motordur. - Open source is the engine that drives technological innovation.

Tatoeba açık kaynak yazılımdır. - Tatoeba is open source software.

(Askeri) KAYNAK: 1. İstihbarat bilgilerinin elde edildiği şahıs, cisim veya faaliyet. 2. Gizli faaliyetlerde bulunan normal olarak yabancı tabiiyetli bir şahıs (ajan). 3. Sorgulama faaliyetleri sırasında, istihbarat amaçlı bilgileri bilerek veya bilmeyerek veren herhangi bir şahıs. Bu meyanda, kontrol edilen kaynak, istihbarat faaliyetin emrinde veya kontrolunda olup bilgilerin istihbarat amacı için kullanılacağını bilmektedir. Kontrol edilemeyen kaynak ise, bilgileri gönüllü olarak vermektedir ve bunların istihbarat amacıyla kullanılacağını bilmeyebilir. Bak. "agent", "collection agency"
{i} memba
memba suyu
(Bilgisayar) kaynağı

Televizyon önemli bir kültür kaynağı olabilir, ve eğitim yayınlarına birçok okulda değer verilmektedir. - Television could be an important source of culture, and its educational broadcasts are valued in many schools.

Bir dil öğrenmenin geleneksel yolu olsa olsa birinin görev duygusunu tatmin edebilir ama o bir sevinç kaynağı olarak hizmet edemez. Ayrıca muhtemelen başarılı olmayacaktır. - The traditional way of learning a language may satisfy at most one's sense of duty, but it can hardly serve as a source of joy. Nor will it likely be successful.

{i} kaynakça
{i} yararlanılan kaynak
{i} kaynak; köken
{i} menşe
(Askeri) (NATO) KAYNAK: İstihbarattaki kullanımıyla, bilgilerin elde edildiği şahıs veya şey. Bak. "agency", "agent"
pınar başı
(Tıp) Kaynak, herhangi bir şeyin çıktığı veya elde edildiği kaynak
haber kaynağı
(Bilgisayar) kaynak dosya
source absent
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yok
source address
(Bilgisayar) kaynak adresi
source amnesia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kaynak amnezisi
source class
(Bilgisayar) kaynak sınıfı
source code
(Bilgisayar) kaynak program
source coding
kaynak kodlaması
source country
(Ticaret) gönderen ülke
source country
(Ticaret) kaynak ülke
source country
(Ticaret) ihracatı yapan ülke
source culture
kaynak kültür
source current
kaynak akımı
source data
(Bilgisayar) veri kaynağı
source doc
(Bilgisayar) kaynak belge
source edit
(Bilgisayar) kaynağı düzenle
source feature
(Dilbilim) ayırıcı özellik
source field
(Bilgisayar) kaynak alan
source file
(Bilgisayar) kaynak dosyalar
source file
kaynak kütüğü
source files
(Bilgisayar) kaynak dosyalar
source folder
(Bilgisayar) kaynak klasör
source form
(Bilgisayar) kaynak formu
source image
(Bilgisayar) kaynak resim
source image
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yansıma
source in
(Bilgisayar) kaynak sürücü
source is open
(Bilgisayar) kaynak açık
source item
(Bilgisayar) kaynak öğe
source log
(Bilgisayar) kaynak günlüğü
source mask
(Bilgisayar) kaynak maskesi
source name
(Bilgisayar) kaynak adı
source network
(Bilgisayar) kaynak ağ
source node
(Bilgisayar) kaynak düğümü
source object
(Bilgisayar) kaynak nesne
source of illumination
ışık kaynağı
source of income
(Ticaret) geçim kaynağı
source of pride
medarı iftihar
source of trouble
çıban başı
source path
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yolu
source path
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yol
source port
(Bilgisayar) kaynak bağlantı noktası
source program
(Bilgisayar) kaynak programı
source quench
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yavaşlatma
source rock
kaynak kaya
source routing
(Bilgisayar) kaynak dolaştırma
source routing
kaynaktan yol atama
source socket
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yuva
source system
kaynak dizge
source term
(Bilgisayar) translation
source text
kaynak metin
source traits
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kaynak kişilik özellikleri
source computer
kaynak bilgisayar
source disk
kaynak disk
source document
kaynak belge
source drive
kaynak sürücü
source language
kaynak dil
source machine
kaynak makine
source program
kaynak program
source program
kaynak bağdarlama
source region
kaynak bölgesi
source card
kaynak kartı
source citation
kaynak kaynak
source code

Bana kaynak kodunu göster. - Show me the source code.

Senin kaynak kodun var mı? - Do you have the source code?

source data automation
kaynak veri otomasyonu
source documents
kaynak belgeler
source identifier
kaynak tanımlayıcısı
source impedance
kaynak empedansi
source material
source of a tough elastic wood
zor bir elastik ahşap kaynağı
source of data
veri kaynağı
source of income
Gelir kaynağı
source of inspration
Esin kaynağı
source pack
kaynak küme
source point
kaynak noktası
source program listing
kaynak program listelemesi
source quench
(Bilgisayar) Kaynak yavaşlaması
source tape
kaynak bandı
source tax jurisdiction
(Ekonomi) Kaynağa göre vergilendirme
source activity augmentation
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak aktivitesinin artırılması
source book
kaynak kitap
source code
kaynak program kaynak kodu
source code
kaynak kodu,kod
source coding
kaynak kodlamasi
source container
Kaynak Kapsayıcısı
source current
kaynak akimi
source data
(Askeri) KAYNAK
source data label
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak veri etiketi
source deck
kaynak küme
source deck
kaynak deste
source diskette
kaynak disket
source entry utility
Kaynak Giriş Hizmet Programı
source file
kaynak kütük kaynak dosya
source language
(Askeri) KAYNAK DİL: Bir deyimin çevrildiği kaynakta kullanılan dil
source maintenance and recoverability code
(Askeri) KAYNAK BAKIM VE ONARIM İMKANI KODU: Bakım veya onarım ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere seçilen parçaları, seçilmiş onarım parçasına ait en verimli ve elverişli ikmal kaynağı veya usulünü, onarım parçasını monte veya imal edebilecek kabiliyetteki en küçük bakım kademesi ve onarım parçasının onarılma imkan ve kabiliyetini gösteren kod
source material
yararlanılan kaynak
source material
ana malzeme
source materials
(Askeri) KAYNAK MATERYALLERİ: Bir kara veya hava haritasının hazırlanması için gerekli olan bilgiler. Bu malumat diğer haritalardan veya başka kaynaklardan çıkarılmış olabilir
source member
kaynak üye
source module
kaynak birim
source module
kaynak modül
source of aggregate
(Tarım) agrega kaynağı
source of amusement
eğlence kaynağı
source of anxiety
endişe kaynağı
source of concern
endişe kaynağı
source of contamination
(Kimya) kirlenmenin kaynağı
source of current
akım kaynağı
source of fill material
(Askeri) dolgu malzemesi ocağı
source of finance
(Politika, Siyaset) finansman kaynak
source of information
istihbarat kaynağı
source of information
haber kaynağı
source of local power
(Politika, Siyaset) yerel iktidar kaynağı
source of method
(Tıp) metot kaynağı
source of pollution
(Çevre) kirlilik kaynağı
source of sediment
(Askeri) katımadde kaynağı
source of supply
(Ticaret) tedarik kaynağı
source of supply
karşılayan kaynak
source of supply
source of the vibration
titreşimin menşei
source of vibration
titreşim kaynağı
source of vibration
sarsma kaynağı
source of wealth
(Ticaret) servet kaynağı
source of worry
endişe kaynağı
source overlap
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak bindirme
source physical file
kaynak fiziksel kütük
source program library
kaynak program belgeli¤i
source range
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak bölgesi
source range monitors
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak aralığı ölçüm aygıtları
source reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötron kaynak reaktörü
source rock
köken kayaç
source routing
Kaynak Yönlendirmesi
source size
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak boyutu
source strength
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak aktivitesi
source term
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak terimi
source voltage
kaynak gerilimi
source volume
kaynak oylum
sound source
(Dilbilim) ses kaynağı
sole source
tek kaynağı
one promising source
Bir okumada paragrafın asıl belirtmek istediği noktaya dikkat çekmek için kullanılan ifade
capture source
(Bilgisayar) yakalama kaynağı
confirm data source
(Bilgisayar) veri kaynağını doğrula
constitute a source
kaynak teşkil etmek
content source
(Bilgisayar) içerik kaynağı
controlled voltage source
(Bilgisayar) bağımlı gerilim kaynağı
deduction at source
dependent source
(Bilgisayar) bağımlı gerilim kaynağı
dust source
(Çevre) toz kaynağı
event source
(Bilgisayar) olay kaynağı
external source
dış kaynak
independent current source
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bağımsız akım kaynağı
intensity of light source
ışık kaynağı şiddeti
move source
(Bilgisayar) taşıma kaynağı
open data source
(Bilgisayar) açılacak veri kaynağı
open data source
(Bilgisayar) veri kaynağı aç
open source
(Bilgisayar) kaynağı aç
row source
(Bilgisayar) satır kaynağı
row source type
(Bilgisayar) satır kaynak türü
sealed source
(Çevre) kapalı kaynak
(Osmanlıca) menabii
specify external data source
(Bilgisayar) dış veri kaynağı belirt
this source
(Bilgisayar) bu kaynak
unknown source
(Bilgisayar) tanınmayan kaynak
use source
(Bilgisayar) kaynak kullan
utility source
elektrik kaynağı
voice source
(Bilgisayar) ses kaynağı
data source
veri kaynağı
direct current source
doğru akım kaynağı
disturbing source
parazit kaynağı
dynamic source current
dinamik kaynak akımı
dynamic source resistance
dinamik kaynak direnci
dynamic source voltage
dinamik kaynak gerilimi
foreign-source income
dış kaynaklı gelir
giant source
dev kaynak
heat source
ısı kaynağı
interference source suppression
girişim kaynağı bastırma
ion source
iyon kaynağı
isotropic source
izotropik kaynak
jamming source
frekans bozan kaynak
kilocurie source
kiloküri kaynağı
light source
ışık kaynağı
message source
mesaj kaynağı
radiation source
radyasyon kaynağı
radiation source
ışınım kaynağı
renewable source
yenilenebilir kaynak
funding source
borç veren bir kredi kuruluşu
lexical source
sözcük kaynağı
nutritional source
Besin kaynağı
outside source
dış kaynak
source of

Akıllı bir okuyucu, anonim kaynaklar dahil, okudukları her şeyi tartmak için istekli olmalıdır. - An astute reader should be willing to weigh everything they read, including anonymous sources.

Muhabir kaynaklarının adını vermeyi reddetti. - The reporter refused to name his sources.

(Endüstri) Kaynak sağlama
strict sense stationary source
tam anlamıyla sabit kaynak
source code
kaynak kod
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired
Source code
to obtain or procure; used especially of a business resource
A reporter's informant
Spring; fountainhead; wellhead; any collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates
{n} a spring, head, origin, first cause, root
The released forces that generate acoustic or seismic waves, also called the earthquake source
In fiber optics, the device which converts the electrical information carrying signal to an optical signal for transmission over an optical fiber A fiber-optic source may be a light emitting diode or laser diode
a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to; "he carried an armful of references back to his desk"; "he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation"
this guide uses the word source in the broadest sense It includes everything from dictionaries to indexes to people These sources may be print or electronic (often referred to as databases) The electronic sources may be CD-ROM products, on the Internet or accessible online only by librarians
The source of something is the person, place, or thing which you get it from. Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical Tourism, which is a major source of income for the city, may be seriously affected
The device (usually LED or laser) used to convert an electrical information-carrying signal into a corresponding optical signal for transmission by an optical fiber
(technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system; "a heat source"; "a source of carbon dioxide"
the place where something begins, where it springs into being; "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"; "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"; "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"; "communism's Russian root"
The rising from the ground, or beginning, of a stream of water or the like; a spring; a fountain
Source information describes the origin or derivation of a single feature, primitive, or attribute It includes information about processing of the data as well as information about the data source
get (a product) from another country or business; "She sourced a supply of carpet"; "They are sourcing from smaller companies
The source of a river or stream is the place where it begins. the source of the Tiber
Any place or object from which air pollutants are released Sources that are fixed in space are stationary sources and sources that move are mobile sources
A general term used for library material that provides information
The Dublin Core element used to designate a reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived The present resource may be derived from the Source resource in whole or part Recommended best practice is to reference the resource by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system See also section 4 of the Dublin Core Users Guide
a document (or organization) from which information is obtained; "the reporter had two sources for the story"
Spring (of water)
Any place or object from which pollutants are released A source can be a power plant, factory, dry cleaning business, gas station, or a farm Cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles are sources Consumer products and machines used in industry can also be sources
A light emitting diode (LED) or LASER diode (LD) that emits optical signals into the fiber network in response to an electrical signal input
a facility where something is available
All of the emissions unit(s) including quantifiable fugitive emissions, that are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person or persons under common control, whose activities are ancillary to the production of a single product or functionally related groups of products Activities shall be considered ancillary to the production of a single product or functionally related group of products if they belong to the same major group (i e , which have the same two digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement
The actual code of a computer program Often, the actual commands are hidden from the user in a batch of text that appears to be a combination of gibberish and comic-strip cursing So, instead of put the keyboard strokes in the memory location called mnop, the source code might be #jM8! _dja*9 Some software is provided in open source form
The source of a difficulty is its cause. This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem. = cause
The origin (of a river, of information, of goods, etc.)
The place that an audio signal comes from A microphone or a tape recorder are sources to a mixer A mixer can be a source to an amplifier
Any substance which emits radiation Usually refers to a piece of radioactive material conveniently packaged for scientific or industrial use
The channel of sale that produced a subscription, or the single-copy sales channel On circulation reports, the source is shown either by key (see definition) or agency designation “Source” includes both mini-source (individual keys) and maxi-source (keys grouped together in a planned way)
{i} origin; starting point; source code (Computers)
administrative metadata is for describing the object from which the digital content files were produced Sometimes this will be the original; othertimes it will be an intermediary such as a photographic slide
In the parlance of plant physiology, source refers to leaves and/or stems where carbon is acquired by photosynthesis The sugars produced at these sites are subsequently transported to areas that are actively involved in growth and development (sinks), where the demand for sugars is high
anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies; "an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival"
in atmospheric chemistry, the place, places, group of sites, or areas where a substance is injected into the atmosphere Can include point sources, elevated sources, area sources, regional sources, multiple sources, etc
a facility where something is available anything that provides inspiration for later work a document (or organization) from which information is obtained; "the reporter had two sources for the story"
A radioactive material that produces radiation for experimental or industrial use
That from which anything comes forth, regarded as its cause or origin; the person from whom anything originates; first cause
A show's lineage, including the type of mics used, the recording device, and every medium & format conversion since Detailed ource information is useful for ensuring the quality of a show A good guide on how to read the source info for a show can be found here: http: //www moelinks com/random/source/
someone who originates or causes or initiates something; "he was the generator of several complaints"
A reporters informant
a person who supplies information
any place or object from which pollutants are released A source can be a power plant, factory, dry cleaning business, gas station or farm Cars, trucks and other motor vehicles are sources, and consumer products and machines used ir industry can be sources too Sources that stay in one place are referred to as stationary sources; sources that move around, such as cars or planes, are called mobile sources
In business, if a person or firm sources a product or a raw material, they find someone who will supply it. Together they travel the world, sourcing clothes for the small, privately owned company About 60 per cent of an average car is sourced from outside of the manufacturer
anything that provides inspiration for later work
A source is a person or document providing evidence A primary source is the place where the evidence has originated from – and is therefore the most reliable of sources Secondary sources are those which have been derived from primary sources
get (a product) from another country or business; "She sourced a supply of carpet"; "They are sourcing from smaller companies"
{f} originate from; reveal the origin of something; obtain from a particular supplier
The act of rising; a rise; an ascent
As used in SFX Machine, source can refer to the original sound selection, or to any signal selected by the module's Source menu The term can also refer to a modulation source, a signal used to modulate a destination module
Name and contact information for the agency, vendor, individual, or publication that served as the source of the slide in the Bainbridge Bunting Memorial Slide Library (BBMSL) slide collection These sources might be museums, libraries, commercial image vendors, galleries, artists, scholars, publishers, or publications Our acquisition of any given slide might have occurred up to twenty-five years ago Therefore, the source listed may no longer be in business or may no longer offer the image in slide format Contact the source given for acquisition information e g Art on File, 1837 East Shelby, Seattle, WA 98112; http: //www artonfile com/ for Punk Bear Spirit
The following fields contain data pertinent to reformatting ("rf" in the field tags) activities Their content will describe the physical object (the "source") that is being reformatted, and those aspects of the treatment or process that are applied to the physical item In the LC setting, facts about video items are for the most part recorded in a separate database (MAVIS, a collections management software from the Australian company Wizard Systems) and these separate records are referenced here In contrast, information about recorded sound items is captured in this database For LC AV objects, the various source forms, audio, image and video may be filled in by the audio-video laboratory staff who create the audio reproductions or by processing section staff
A source is a person or book that provides information for a news story or for a piece of research. Military sources say the boat was heading south at high speed
specify the origin of; "The writer carefully sourced her report"
source code
Human-readable instructions in a programming language, to be transformed into machine instructions by a compiler, interpreter, assembler or other such system
source codes
plural form of source code
source control
A technology that handles access to computer files containing source code so that several users can work on the files without interfering with each other's changes
source domain
Within a conceptual metaphor, the conceptual domain from which we draw metaphorical expressions
source language
The language of the source code to be compiled
source language
The language from which a translation is done
source routing
A technique whereby the sender of a packet can specify the route that a packet should take through the network
source text
The original text from which a translation is done into another language, often abbreviated as ST

tudents in their first year believe that source text and target text should be identical in content, that the TT should be a reproduction of the ST in another language, and that the TT should read well and be understandable.

source flow
(Mühendislik) (fluid mechanics) In three-dimensional flow, a point from which fluid issues at a uniform rate in all directions. In two-dimensional flow, a line normal to the planes of flow, from which fluid flows uniformly in all directions at right angles to the line
source quench
(Bilgisayar) Using the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), a source quench is a message from one host computer to another telling it to reduce the pace at which it is sending packet to that host. The source quench is one of several ways to manage the flow of packets on the Internet
source reduction
(Çevre) Reducing the amount of materials entering the waste stream from a specific source by redesigning products or patterns of production or consumption (e.g., using returnable beverage containers). Synonymous with waste reduction
source book
book from which material is taken
source book
a collection of historically important documents published together as a book
source code
Code written by a programmer in a high-level language and readable by people but not computers. Source code must be converted to object code or machine language before a computer can read or execute the program. the original form in which a computer program is written before it is changed into a form that a particular type of computer can read machine code
source code
program instructions written as an ASCII text file; must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution
source code
source language that a program is written in, computer program before is is compiled
source document
document in dynamic data exchange from which copies in other documents are linked
source file
A file that contains source statements for such items as high-level language programs and data description specifications IBM Contrast with object file
source file
ASCII text file usually created with an editor that is an input file to a system program, such as a language translator or text formatter
source file
A text file that contains the programming language statements that make up a program (Source code must be translated by a compiler into object code, or machine code )
source file
Any file stored in the Version Control Systems* archive Originally, SCCS could only handle text files (or program source files) and not binary files (or the compiled executables) Since all files stored in SCCS were originally source files, the term has been expanded to any file stored in the Version Control Systems*
source file
[Also: HTML file, document source, page source] A plain text document that includes HTML code When it is interpreted by a browser, it will be displayed as a Web page
source file
An HP-UX file containing C++ program code
source file
A file that cannot be produced from another file automatically Typically, a source file is processed by OmniWorks into a target file Source files are archived in the OmniWorks Repository See also Target file
source file
A program or portion of a program library, such as an object file, or image file
source file
The actual code being examined by Xbrowse
source file
A file that you transfer to a destination file-for example, a table from Excel or Access that you insert in a business report in Word
source file
A file containing program text
source file
(1) A file that contains source statements for such items as high-level language programs and data description specifications IBM Contrast with object file (2) In VisualAge C++, any file input to a build, including object files, compiled or uncompiled resources, libraries, import libraries, and DLLs or shared libraries
source file
The text file created by a programmer that will be turned into a computer program by an interpreter or a compiler Also called source code
source file
A text file containing data and algorithm descriptions using the syntax of a given programming language In Java, these source files have the java extension Once compiled, a bytecode file with the class extension is created
source file
A file which contains a program written in assembly language It is an input to the assembler An assembly language source file usually has the extension ASM
source language
The language from which a translation is to be made or from which a word is borrowed
source language
{i} language which is to be translated into another language
source language
a language that is to be translated into another language
source listing
detailing of sources
source material
text of origin, research information
source materials
publications from which information is obtained
source of evil
{i} source of wickedness, origin of evil
source of illumination
any device serving as a source of visible electromagnetic radiation
source of income
manner in which one earns money (usually at one's workplace or via a profitable real-estate deal)
source of inspiration
root of creative stimulation
source of light
place where light originates
source program
source code
source program
a program written in a language from which statements are translated into machine language
sole source
A good made and marketed or service supplied by a contractor having the exclusive right to manufacture and sell such item, substantiated by its technological, specialized or unique character
sole source
A purchase from the only available supplier of a product or service Therefore, no bids or proposals can be obtained Also referred to as a Non-Competitive Purchase Award
sole source
The only supplier capable of meeting University requirements within the time available, including emergency and other situations which preclude conventional planning and processing
sole source
Supplier is the only source for contract item, i e patented or copyright product
sole source
  An award for a commodity or service to the only known capable vendor, occasioned by the unique nature of the requirement, the vendor, or market conditions
sole source
An item or service supplied by only one vendor and which cannot be purchased from any other source Any sole source requirement, which exceeds $10,000, must be submitted by the Purchasing department to the Office of the Governor for review and approval prior to placement
sole source
A single vendor contract
airmass source region
An extensive area of the earth's surface over which bodies of air frequently remain for a sufficient time to acquire characteristic temperature and moisture properties imparted by that surface. Air so modified becomes identifiable as a distinct air mass. See Airmass
broken source
A subset of open source computer software that is considered buggy, unstable and incomplete
Whose constituent makeup, or source code, is not made publicly available
energy source
A source from which useful energy can be extracted or recovered either directly or by means of a conversion or transformation process (e.g. solid fuels, liquid fuels, solar energy, biomass, etc.)
light source
A source of illumination
open source
Open-source software in general

His contributions to open source are numerous.

open source
The practice of providing open-source code for a product
open source
To make open-source
open source religion
a decentralized religion that is continuously undergoing open source revision by its followers
Of, or relating to a product which is licensed to permit modifications and redistribution of its source code

Linux is an open-source operating system.

To release the source code of

The big Unix company Sun Microsystems bought the code for StarOffice in 1999, and some time afterward they open-sourced as much of it as they could.

point source
a source of pollution, radiation, waves, fluid or other substance that has one specific location (and negligible physical extent, distinguishing a point source from other source geometries). In simulations they can often be approximated using mathematical point sources
point source
the abstract concept of a singularity emitting a flux or flow. A source with infinitesimal dimensions in space
power source
A source of power such as a generator or mains outlet

He would have liked to use the electric drill but there was no convenient power source.

primary source
A historical document that was created at or near the time of the events studied, by a known person, for a known purpose
radio source
Any astronomical object that emits radio waves

Some quasars are bright radio sources.

sealed source
A measured amount of radioisotope sealed within a protective container
secondary source
Any document that draws on one or more primary sources and interprets or analyses them; also sources such as newspapers whose accuracy is open to question
Present participle of source
the supply of resources needed by a business process
tertiary source
A selection, distillation, summary or compilation of primary sources, secondary sources, or both
Collins English Dictionary, A Dictionary of the Maori Language - H W Williams (1988), the New Zealand Encyclopedia, and from anecdotal and cultural information
The Nonprofit Good Practices Guide wishes to acknowledge every source of information Follow this link for a full bibliography
Source code
mainly, US, past of source
There are two main sources: primary sources, and secondary sources
U &lc Type Selection, a magazine of International Typeface Corporation & Adobe Systems Incorporated
Glossary of Environmental Restoration Terms and Acronym List (EPAIOPA-87-017, August 1988)
Sources of indoor air pollutants Indoor air pollutants can originate within the building or be drawn in from outdoors Common sources include people, room furnishings such as carpeting, photocopiers, art supplies, etc
Partnership for Caring: America’s Voices for the Dying™, Zen Hospice Project, Growth House, Inc , Caregiver Network
Atomic Archive, Glossary Ariel Center for Policy Research, Ballistic Missile Defense Glossary Gary T Gardner, Nuclear Nonproliferation: A Primer (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994) New Mexico Weapons of Mass Destruction Preparedness Glossary Tariq Rauf, Mary Beth Nikitin, Jenni Rissanen, Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies (Monterey, CA, 2000) J Schilk, Editor, Glossary of Terms: Nuclear Material Protection, Control, and Accountability (Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U S Department of Energy, October 1997) Steven L Spiegel and Fred L Wehling, World Politics in a New Era, Second Edition (Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace, 1999) U S Department of Defense, Dictionary of Military Terms U S State Department, Glossary of Terms: Arms Control & Disarmament
sources used to compile the data
Contains over 45,000 articles compiled over a period of 15 years More than 6,800 scholars from around the world, each writing on his or her own specialist field of study, contributed Includes more than 20,000 artists biographies and thousands of images of painting, sculpture, graphic arts, architecture, photography and the decorative arts are
The Maine Forest, Maine Forest Service Fact Sheet, April 2000 Forest Trees of Maine, Department of Conservation’s Maine Forest Service, 1995 The Forests of Maine, University of Maine’s Water Resources Program, May 1994
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Citizen's Guide to MTC American Public Transit Association (APTA)
www whatis com, www teleprofessional com, Call Center News Service, Call Center Magazine, CC News Homepage, CRM News, DMNews com, TMC Net, IT Com: IT Glossary, Information Week, Marketing glossary, Teleservices and Contact Centre Glossary
Montana Legislative Fiscal Division and the governor's Office of Budget and Program Planning
Good sources of beta carotene include carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and other orange winter squashes, cantaloupe, pink grapefruit, spinach, apricots, broccoli, and most dark green leafy vegetables The more intense the green, yellow or orange color the more beta carotene the vegetable or fruit contains Beta carotene is not destroyed by cooking which, in fact, may make it easier to absorb
The New Collins Compact Dictionary (Collins, 1984), Encyclopedia of Mountaineering by Walt Unsworth (Penguin, 1975), Munros Tables (SMC, 1997)
Jaeger, R M (1990) Statistics: A Spectator Sport Newbury Park, CA: Sage Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluations (1981) Standards for Evaluation of Educational Programs, Projects and Materials New York: McGraw Hill Scriven, M (1991) Evaluation Thesaurus 4th Ed Newbury Park, CA: Sage Authors of Chapters 1-7
Household products including: paints, paint strippers, and other solvents; wood preservatives; aerosol sprays; cleansers and disinfectants; moth repellents and air fresheners; stored fuels and automotive products; hobby supplies; dry-cleaned clothing
Academy for Educational Development, National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities, Parents Involved Network, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, www add org, CHADD, National Institute of Mental Health, American Academy of Pediatrics
Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST), Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA; American Guidance Service; Harcourt, Inc ; Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U S Department of Education
adapted from Charles Abrams, The Language of Cities: A Glossary of Terms (Viking, 1971) Updated from Julie Ann Gustanski and Roderick H Squires, eds Protecting the Land (Island Press, 2000) and Loring LaB Schwarz, ed , Greenways (Island Press, 1993)
The files containing the source code for a program or program system, from which the executable program or library can be built or ported to another computer platform
describes how the applicant became aware of the TMA (i e newspaper, billboard etc )
third-person singular of source
8th Graders, 1993-1994: Common Core of Data School Years 1993-94 through 1997-98 CD-ROM (Washington, D C : National Center for Education Statistics, U S Department of Education, December 1999) Graduates, 2000: State Nonfiscal Public Elementary/Secondary Education Survey Data, (Washington, D C : National Center for Education Statistics, U S Department of Education, April 2002) Percentages calculated by the Education Trust
plural of source
Glossary of Environmental Restoration Terms and Acronym List (EPA/OPA-87-017, August 1988) Glossary of Environmental Restoration (DOE, Office of Environmental Restorations and Waste Management, Oak Ridge Operations, October 1990 and October 1991)
The term is used here to describe the way a switch is connected in the circuit If the switch completes the electrical circuit by connecting the load to the positive/(+) it is considered to be sourcing the load In a solid state device this is equivalent to a PNP output
{i} purchasing of products or services from external suppliers
A type of customer behavior; customers in the sourcing mode seek long-term supply contracts, a steady flow of consistently high quality products and services, from a handful of providers
The process of identifying, conducting negotiations with, and forming supply agreements with vendors of goods and services
Activities related to locating and pricing a given product or service
This is the process where a MEL script is loaded into Maya, then executed
mainly, US, present participle of source