Individual components or fillets held together by wire to form a parquet flooring square or tile Also, individual pieces forming the backs of PATTERN PLUS® 2-ply units
An "auxiliary wing" along the top of a wing's leading edge Puffed open by extra lift exerted on it, creating a slot (narrow gap between the slat and wing) what prevents a stall by guiding the air over the wing
Also referred to as vanes and louvres Slats are the horizontal members of a venetian blind
The active element in the TOFp Tray There are 41 of these, and each is Bicron BC420 plastic scintillator with diamond milled edges and dimensions 1 5" x 2cm x 20cm
Slats are narrow pieces of wood, metal, or plastic, usually with spaces between them, that are part of things such as Venetian blinds or cupboard doors. a thin flat piece of wood, plastic etc, used especially in furniture (esclat; SLATE)
a fixed or adjustable aerodynamic device mounted integrally with or immediately forward of the ram wing to create a "slot" effect along the leading edge; may be a canard
A moveable control surface at the leading edge of a wing that when moved, changes the chord line of the airfoil, affecting the angle of attack. Employed in conjunction with flaps to allow for a lower stall speed in the landing attitude, facilitating slow flight
State & Local Advisory Team Appointed by the SEC to advise them on managing cooperative efforts at the state and local levels Composed of representatives from various agencies as well as a parent representative and a CSA coordinator
1) A crosspiece supported on a bedframe's side rails to carry the mattress 2) A horizontal crossbar in a chair back which braces the uprights and supports the sitter's back