
listen to the pronunciation of shelter
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} barınak

Barınaklar kuracağız. - We're going to set up shelters.

Gıda, giyim ve barınak hayatta kalmanın temelleridir. - Food, clothing and shelter are the foundations of survival.

{i} sığınak

O, yağmurdan dolayı sığınak aradı. - He sought shelter from the rain.

Tom yağmurdan korunmak için sığınak aradı. - Tom sought shelter from the rain.

{i} sundurma

Onlar yağmurdan sığınmak için bir yer aradı. - They looked for a place to take shelter from the rain.

Ben bir ağacın altına sığınmak zorunda kaldım. - I had to take shelter under a tree.


Ben bir ağacın altına sığınmak zorunda kaldım. - I had to take shelter under a tree.

Onlar yağmurdan sığınmak için bir yer aradı. - They looked for a place to take shelter from the rain.


İnsanlar kendilerini korumak için sığınaklar tasarladı. - People devised shelters in order to protect themselves.

{f} koru

İnsanlar kendilerini korumak için sığınaklar tasarladı. - People devised shelters in order to protect themselves.

Bu çiçekler yağmurdan korunmalıdır. - These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.


Evsiz, serin sağanaktan korunmak için sığınak aradı. - The homeless sought shelter from the chilly shower.

Bu çiçekler yağmurdan korunmalıdır. - These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.


Tom korunaklı bir hayat yaşıyordu. - Tom lived a sheltered life.

Tom çok korunaklı bir yetiştirmeye sahipti. - Tom had a very sheltered upbringing.


Asker sipere sığındı. - The soldier took shelter in the foxhole.

{f} korunmak

Tom yağmurdan korunmak için sığınak aradı. - Tom sought shelter from the rain.

Evsiz, serin sağanaktan korunmak için sığınak aradı. - The homeless sought shelter from the chilly shower.

muhafazalı yer
(Askeri) SIĞINAK: Kıtalar ile mühimmat veya ikmal maddelerini top ateşinden, gaz veya hava bombardımanından koruyan, tabii veya suni, herhangi bir sütre. Sığınaklar, derinliklerine göre, yer üstü sığınağı (surface shelter), gömme sığınak (cut-and-cover shelter), dehliz sığınak (cave shelter) olarak ve ateşe karşı mukavemetlerine göre, parça emniyetli sığınak (splintproof shelter), hafif mermi emniyetli sığınak (light shellproof shelter) ve bomba emniyetli sığınak (heavy shellproof shelter) şeklinde sınıflandırılır
emniyette bulunma
{i} siper: They took shelter under a tree. Bir ağacın siperine sığındılar

İnsanlar kendilerini korumak için sığınaklar tasarladı. - People devised shelters in order to protect themselves.

{f} yatırmak
{f} saklamak
{f} barınmak
shelterless açık

Araştırmalar, temel barınma ve gıda ihtiyaçları karşılanır karşılanmaz, ilave zenginliğin mutluluğa çok az şey kattığını gösteriyor. - Studies show that once the basic needs of shelter and food are met, additional wealth adds very little to happiness.

shelter belt
(Çevre) koruma şeridi
shelter belts
rüzgar kıranlar
shelter deck vessels
(Askeri) barınak güverteli gemiler
shelter tent
(Askeri) iki kişilik çadır
shelter to
sığınacak liman
shelter tent
shelter deck
barınak güverte
shelter from
shelter area
(Askeri) barınak bölgesi
shelter area
(Askeri) BARINAK BÖLGESİ: Bir harekat alanında kıtaların; konaklarda, ordugahta veya herhangi bir mahalde barındıkları bölge
shelter deck
(Askeri) ana güverte üzerinde olup
shelter half
(Askeri) YARIM PORTATİF ÇADIR, PORTATİF ÇADIR: Arazide kullanılan ve erlere, sefer teçhizatı olarak birer tane verilen çadır. İki çadır birbirine eklenmek suretiyle, bir çadır kurulur ve böylece bir çadırda iki er yatar. Bak. "double tent"
shelter half
(Askeri) yarım portatif çadır
shelter half
(Askeri) portatif çadır
shelter oneself
shelter oneself
shelter tent
(Askeri) İKİ KİŞİLİK PORTATİF ÇADIR: İki kişiyi barındırabilen küçük çadır. İki yarım parçadan kurulan bu çadırın, her yarısı bir er tarafından, kendi sefer teçhizatının bir parçası olarak taşınır

Tom korunaklı bir hayat yaşıyor. - Tom lives a sheltered life.

Tom çok korunaklı bir yetiştirmeye sahipti. - Tom had a very sheltered upbringing.

{s} kötü ve tatsız şeylerden korunmuş, kötü ve tatsız şeylerden uzak
(Çevre) siperleme
underground shelter
yeraltı sığınağı
women’s shelter
kadın sığınma evi
air-raid shelter
bomb shelter
collapsible shelter
katlanır yatak
{f} koru

Tom korunaklı bir hayat yaşıyordu. - Tom lived a sheltered life.

Tom korunaklı bir hayat yaşıyor. - Tom lives a sheltered life.

{f} koru
{i} korunaklı
take shelter
take shelter
take shelter
take shelter
take shelter

Ben bir ağacın altına sığınmak zorunda kaldım. - I had to take shelter under a tree.

Onlar yağmurdan sığınmak için bir yer aradı. - They looked for a place to take shelter from the rain.

take shelter
siper almak
take shelter
tax shelter
vergi koruması
animal shelter
hayvan barınağı
emergency shelter
Acil durumlarda kullanılan sığınak
fallout shelter
Nükleer bombalardan korunmak için kurulmuş sığınak
homeless shelter
Evsiz sığınağı; evsizlerin konaklaması için yapılan yer
mountain shelter
Dağ evi, dağ barınağı
taking shelter
vandalize a bus shelter
Bir otobüs sığınak barbarlık
women's shelter
kadın sığınma evi
Selective Service System; shelter subsystem
(Askeri) Seçici Servis Sistemi; kabin alt sistemi
air raid shelter
air raid shelter
hava saldırılarına karşı korunma sığınağı,sığınak
aircraft shelter
(Askeri) uçak sığınağı
ammunition shelter
arctic type shelter
(Askeri) kutup tipi çadır
avalanche shelter
(Coğrafya) çığ sığmağı
cave shelter
(Askeri) dehliz sığınak
cave shelter
(Askeri) DEHLİZ SIĞINAK: Askerler için, üst tarafından toprak tahrip edilmeden, bir dağ eteği veya yarmadan içeriye doğru kazılmış yer altı sığınağı. Bir dehliz sığınak kazılmış bir kuyu olan ve üzerine suni bir kapağı bulunan gömme sığınaktan (cut and cover shelter) farklıdır
characters per second; collective protective shelter
(Askeri) karakter/saniye; toplu korunma sığınağı
chemical biological protective shelter
(Askeri) kimyasal-biyolojik korunma sığınağı
children's shelter
çocuk sığınma evi
children's shelter
çocuk sığınmaevi
collective protection shelter
(Çevre) toplu korunma sığınağı
concrete shelter
(Askeri) Beton yığınak
defense dissemination system; dry deck shelter
(Askeri) savunma yayım sistemi; kuru güverte sığınağı
double shelter tent
(Askeri) DÖRT KİŞİLİK PORTATİF ÇADIR: Bak. "double tent"
dugout shelter
(Askeri) YERALTI SIĞINAĞI: Bak. "dugout"
elephant steel shelter
(Askeri) BÜYÜK ÇELİK SIĞINAK: Personel ve malzemenin korunması için büyük boyutta çelik kemerlerden yapılmış sığınak. Bu sığınak; çelik kemerli tiplerin en büyüğü olup, parça emniyetli (splint proof shelter) olarak kullanılır
emergency shelter
acil durum sığınağı
forest shelter belt
(Çevre) orman koruma kuşağı
gas proof shelter
(Askeri) GAZ GEÇMEZ SIĞINAK: Harp gazlarının girmesine mani olacak şekilde yapılmış sığınak. Bak. "ventilated shelter", "unventilated shelter"
give s.o. shelter
birini korumak
gun shelter
(Askeri) MAZGAL KAPAĞI: Toplara mahsus daimi tahkimatta, top atış vaziyetinde bulunmadığı zaman mazgalları kapamaya yarayan kurşun geçirmez bir kapak veya kalkan. Sahrada top mevziinin üstüne örtülen ve parça tesirine karşı koruyan örtüler bu vazifeyi görür
harbor shelter
(Askeri) liman korunaklı alanı
instrument shelter
(Meteoroloji) alet korunağı
instrument shelter
(Meteoroloji) alet siperi
jungle rain shelter
(Askeri) CENGEL YAĞMUR SIĞINAĞI: Bak. "shelter"
jungle rain shelter
(Askeri) çengel yağmur sığınağı
light elephant steel shelter
(Askeri) ORTA BOY ÇELİK SIĞINAK: İnsan ve malzemeye mahsus olmak üzere, çelik kemerlerden yapılmış orta ağırlıkta ve orta boy sığınak. Bu sığınak; iki kişilik çelik sığınak (two-men steel shelter) 'tan daha büyük ve sağlam; fakat büyük çelik sığınak (elephant steel shelter) 'tan küçüktür. Parça emniyetli sütre (splinterproof cover) işini görür
light shellproof shelter
(Askeri) HAFİF MERMİ EMNİYETLİ SIĞINAK: Bak. "shellproof"
light shelter
(Askeri) MERMİ EMNİYETLİ SIĞINAK: 8 inç (205 mm.) çapındaki mermilerle devamlı olarak yapılan bombardımanlara karşı koruyabilen sığınak. Bu sığınağı; 6 inçlik mermilere karşı koruyacak şekilde inşa edilmiş olan hafif mermi emniyetli sığınak (light shellproof shelter) ile karıştırmamak lazımdır
missile shelter
(Askeri) FÜZE SIĞINAĞI: Bir fırlatma noktasında, füzenin alarm durumunda tutulup, buradan süratle fırlatma durumuna getirilebileceği veya fırlatma durumunda fırlatmaya hazır tutulabileceği bir sığınak. Füze sığınağı; füzeye, ya yatay veya, silo tipi bir tesis olması halinde, dikey duruş sağlar
natural shelter
doğal barınak
personnel shelter
(Askeri) PERSONEL SIĞINAĞI: Personeli biyolojik ve radyolojik taarruzlarla kimya taarruzlarına karşı koruyan sığınak
personnel shelter
(Askeri) personel sığınağı
pet shelter
evcil hayvan barınağı
prone shelter
(Askeri) YATMA ÇUKURU: Yatmış bir insanı hafif silah ateşlerine ve yerde infilak eden bomba ve topçu mermilerine karşı koruyacak derinlikte (0.60 x 0.60 x bir insan boyu) açık bir siper. Böyle bir siper havada infilak eden mermilere veya tanklar tarafından çiğnenmeye karşı pek az koruma sağlar veya hiç korumaz
prone shelter
(Askeri) boy çukuru
prone shelter
(Askeri) yatma çukuru
protected shelter
(Çevre) korunmuş sığınak
{s} mahfuz; kuytu, siper
(sıfat) kuytu
tehlikeden uzak
{s} kuytu
single shelter message switch
(Askeri) tek kabinli mesaj tablosu
splintproof shelter
(Askeri) PARÇA EMNİYETLİ SIĞINAK: Piyade ve makinalı tüfek mermilerine, tahrip danesi parçalarına ve el bombalarına karşı emniyetli olan; 3 inç (7.62 cm) veya daha küçük çaptaki mermilerin tam isabetine dayanamayan sığınak. Bak. "shelter"
surface shelter
(Askeri) YERÜSTÜ SIĞINAĞI: Tamamen toprağın üzerinde inşa edilen sığınak. Yerüstü sığınağı üstü örtülü bir çukurdan ibaret gömme sığınaktan (cut and cover shelter) farklıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "shelter"
tactical shelter system; target sensing system; timesharing system; time signal
(Askeri) taktik sığınma sistemi; hedef algılama sistemi; zaman paylaşımlı sistem; zamanlı sinyal dizisi; trafik servisi istasyonu
take shelter behind
-i siper almak: He took shelter behind the wall. Duvarı siper aldı
take shelter in
temporary shelter
geçici sığınak
trench shelter
(Askeri) siper sığınağı
trench shelter
(Askeri) SİPER SIĞINAĞI: Siperlerde yapılan çeşitli tip sığınaklardan biri
unventilated shelter
(Askeri) VANTİLASYONSUZ SIĞINAK: Personeli harp gazlarından koruyacak şekilde yapılmış hava geçirmez sığınak. Bu sığınaklarda, vantilasyon tertibatı yoktur; fakat sığınak kapatıldığı zaman içerideki hava tecrit edilmiş olur
ventilated shelter
(Askeri) VANTİLASYONLU SIĞINAK, HAVALANDIRMA TERTİBATLI SIĞINAK: Personeli harp gazlarına karşı koruyacak şekilde yapılmış hava geçirmez sığınak. Bu sığınaklar, içeriye girecek havayı temizleyen bir havalandırma cihazı ile teçhiz edilir
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An institution that provides temporary housing for homeless people, battered women etc
To take cover
A refuge, haven or other cover or protection from something
To provide cover
{v} to cover, defend, protect, harbor
{n} a place of safety, cover, defense
a place to hide from danger and get out of bad weather
a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
That which covers or defends from injury or annoyance; a protection; a screen
If you shelter in a place, you stay there and are protected from bad weather or danger. a man sheltering in a doorway
To take shelter
To screen or cover from notice; to disguise
An organization whose primary purpose is to provide shelter on a short-term or temporary basis to needy clients
If a place or thing is sheltered by something, it is protected by that thing from wind and rain. a wooden house, sheltered by a low pointed roof
If you shelter someone, usually someone who is being hunted by police or other people, you provide them with a place to stay or live. A neighbor sheltered the boy for seven days. see also sheltered. a British charity organization that helps people who are homeless (=do not have a home to live in)
{f} give refuge, provide a safe haven; seek protection; protect, defend, screen, cover
A shelter is a small building or covered place which is made to protect people from bad weather or danger. The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids. a bus shelter
a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings
(n) structures, usually three-sided, constructed of wood, stone, or block and located about a day's hike apart; also referred to as a lean-to or hut in some locations
One who protects; a guardian; a defender
The state of being covered and protected; protection; security
A shelter is a building where homeless people can sleep and get food. a shelter for homeless women
If a place provides shelter, it provides you with a place to stay or live, especially when you need protection from bad weather or danger. The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent the hut where they were given food and shelter
To be a shelter for; to provide with a shelter; to cover from injury or annoyance; to shield; to protect
Housing option which may or may not allow for support services designed to provide housing for situationally or chronically homeless populations Targets overnight and transitional clientele Target population per program guidelines May or may not furnish meals May offer limited hours of operation Immediate intake based solely on availability May or may not require income Semi-private or dormitory space
provide shelter for; "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people"
A structure that shields or protects, esp against weather: a place of refuge, retreat, or temporary lodging in distress: protection
a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger protective covering that provides protection from the weather temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons invest (money) so that it is not taxable provide shelter for; "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people
the condition of being protected; "they were huddled together for protection"; "he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home"
protective covering that provides protection from the weather
temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons
To betake to cover, or to a safe place; used reflexively
invest (money) so that it is not taxable
A roofed structure usually open on all sides, (See Program Shelter)
Facility operated by the Red Cross for housing evacuees During a nuclear plant emergency, shelters are called Congregate Care Centers
{i} refuge, secure location, protected place; protection, safety; building which temporarily houses homeless people or animals
cover from elements, for natal activity, to travel in, for bedding, etc ; varies depending upon species
shelter dog
A dog temporarily resident in or obtained from an animal shelter
shelter tent
a small wedge-shaped tent made by folding two waterproof sheets of material together
shelter tent
type of small tent for 2 people
shelter tent
A small tent usually pitched by securing together two or more pieces of waterproof material. Also called pup tent
I need shelter
Indicates that the speaker needs shelter
air-raid shelter
A structure, often a reinforced underground shelter designed to give protection against air raids
animal shelter
An organization that provides temporary homes for stray pet animals
animal shelter
A facility providing such shelter
bomb shelter
An air-raid shelter, a structure designed to give protection against bombs
bus shelter
A building or other structure constructed near a bus stop, to provide seating and protection from the weather for the convenience of waiting passengers
fall-out shelter
A thick-walled building, usually under the ground, built so that people can keep away from dust after a nuclear explosion
fallout shelter
A thick-walled building, usually under the ground, built so that people can keep away from dust after a nuclear explosion
homeless shelter
A building set up to provide for the needs of homeless people; often including shelter, food, sanitation and other forms of support
homeless shelter
A public building used to temporarily house people displaced from their homes
homeless shelter
A sanctuary for the temporary housing of domesticated animals without a home
rock shelter
A shallow cave-like opening at the base of a bluff or cliff, frequent location of prehistoric archeological site
three hots and a cot
Protected, as from wind or weather

The boat was much safer, during the storm, in the sheltered cove.

Simple past tense and past participle of shelter
A person who shelters
A person who provides shelter
tax shelter
A legal structure that reduces tax liability for a person or that person's assets
animal shelter
An animal shelter is a facility that houses homeless, lost or abandoned animals; primarily a large variety of dogs and cats. The animal is kept at the shelter until it is either reclaimed by an owner, adopted to a new owner or placed with another organization. In the past, they were more commonly referred to as "dog pounds", a term which had its origins in the pounds of agricultural communities, where stray cattle would be penned up until claimed by their owners
emergency shelter
Emergency shelters are places for people to live temporarily when they can't live in their previous residence, similar to homeless shelters. The main difference is that an emergency shelter typically specializes in people fleeing a specific type of situation, such as battered women, victims of domestic violence in general, or victims of sexual abuse. A more minor difference is that people staying in emergency shelters are more likely to stay all day, except for work, school, or errands, while homeless shelters usually expect people to stay elsewhere during the day, returning only to sleep or eat, They sometimes facilitate support groups, and/or provide meals
fallout shelter
A fallout shelter is an enclosed space specially designed to protect occupants from radioactive debris or fallout resulting from a nuclear explosion. Many such shelters were constructed as civil defense measures during the Cold War
A shelter
A shelter
A shelter
To shelter
To shelter
air-raid shelter
bunker used to protect from bombs during an aerial attack
battered women's shelter
institution providing shelter for women physically abused by their spouses
bomb shelter
a room or building that is built to protect people from bomb attacks
bomb shelter
{i} bunker used to protect against bomb attacks
bomb shelter
a chamber (often underground) reinforced against bombing and provided with food and living facilities; used during air raids
bus shelter
A bus shelter is a bus stop that has a roof and at least one open side. a small structure with a roof that keeps people dry while they are waiting for a bus
fallout shelter
protective structure designed to shield against radioactive residue or particles resulting from an atomic explosion
fallout shelter
a building under the ground in which people can shelter from a nuclear attack
fallout shelter
a shelter to protect occupants from the fallout from an atomic bomb
found shelter under
obtained cover under, got protection under, found safety under
gave him shelter
provided him with refuge or asylum; provided him with cover from the elements
instrument shelter
{i} (Meteorology) thermometer shelter, device that looks like a box used for protecting meteorological instruments (from exposure to precipitation, direct light of the sun and condensation) and concurrently supplies sufficient ventilation
provided shelter
gave shelter, gave protection
If you say that someone has led a sheltered life, you mean that they have been protected from difficult or unpleasant experiences. Perhaps I've just led a really sheltered life
Sheltered accommodation or work is designed for old or disabled people. It allows them to be independent but also allows them to get help when they need it. For the last few years I have been living in sheltered accommodation. see also shelter
{s} protected, shielded; covered, screened
A sheltered place is protected from wind and rain. a shallow-sloping beach next to a sheltered bay
protected from danger or bad weather; "a sheltered harbor"
protected from danger or bad weather; "a sheltered harbor
who grew up being overprotected by parents or other guardians; often implies a lack of social skills, worldly experience, etc
Past tense and past participle of shelter
{i} one who provides shelter, protector
present participle of shelter
plural of shelter
sought shelter
requested sanctuary, requested refuge
take shelter
find refuge
take shelter from rain
find a way of keeping dry from the rain
tax shelter
An investment that is planned to result in tax-favored treatment The IRS has placed restrictions on tax shelters where the principal purpose of the activity appears to be the avoidance or evasion of taxes or where the activity might result in more deductible expenses than the investors have at risk
tax shelter
A term often applied to real estate investment and refers to various tax advantages
tax shelter
a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings
tax shelter
Legal methods taxpayers can use to reduce tax liabilities An example is the use of depreciation of assets
tax shelter
In general, any means used to provide favorable tax treatment for all or part of an individual's or corporation's income More usually, "tax shelter" is an investment device that generates tax deductions larger than the income from the investment
tax shelter
A phrase often used to describe some of the tax advantages of real estate investment, such as deductions for depreciation, interest, taxes, etc , which may offset the investor's other ordinary income to reduce the investor's overall tax payment
tax shelter
Any investment that defers or reduces taxes (i e , real estate or individual retirement accounts )
tax shelter
A tax shelter is a way of arranging the finances of a business or a person so that they have to pay less tax. a plan or method that allows you to legally avoid paying tax
tax shelter
An investment vehicle that offers potential reductions of taxable income
tax shelter
Legal methods used by taxpayers to reduce tax liabilities, for example, by the use of depreciation of assets
tax shelter
A term often applied to real estate investment, referring to various tax advantages
tax shelter
a way of reducing or postponing taxation, by spending income on a pension plan, a life insurance policy, etc
tax shelter
An investment that offers some sort of tax savings such as immediate deductions, credits or income deferral
tax shelter
This is an investment that offers tax savings in some form, such as immediate deductions, credits or income deferral
tax shelter
A phrase often used to describe some of the tax advantages of real estate or other investments, such as noncash deductions for cost recovery (depreciation), interest, taxes and postponement or even elimination of certain taxes The tax shelter not only may offset the investor's tax liability relevant to the real estate investment but also may reduce the investor's other ordinary income, which reduces overall tax liability
tax shelter
an investment that produces after-tax income that is greater than before-tax income The investment may produce before-tax cash flow while generating losses to shield, from taxation, income from sources outside the investment
tax shelter
A method used by investors to legally avoid or reduce tax liabilities
tax shelter
A form of investment that in some legal manner reduces or defers the taxes an investor must pay
thermometer shelter
{i} (Meteorology) instrument shelter, device that looks like a box used for protecting meteorological instruments (from exposure to precipitation, direct light of the sun and condensation) and concurrently supplies sufficient ventilation
vandalize a bus shelter
{f} damage a bus station, damage the structure at a bus stop
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение shelter в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

rüzgâr siperi wind belt, shelter belt
(of trees)