
listen to the pronunciation of selective
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Tom'un seçici işitmesi var. - Tom has selective hearing.

Onun seçici işitmesi vardır. - She has selective hearing.

ayıran seçici
(Biyokimya) seçimli
(İnşaat) seçimsel
{s} selektif
telsiz telgrafta birkaç haberi bir arada gönderme sistemineselective service kura ile askerlik
selective attention
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici dikkat
selective breeding
(Arılık) yetiştirme
selective breeding
(Denizbilim) seçici yetiştirme
selective breeding
(Denizbilim) seçici üretme
selective breeding
(Denizbilim) seçici çoğaltma
selective call processing
seçici çağrı hizmeti
selective dump
seçici döküm
selective erasing
seçerek silme
selective fading
seçici sönümlenme
selective interference
(Bilgisayar) seçici karışma
selective laser sintered
selective media
(Tıp) seçici besi yeri
selective perception
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici algı
selective perception
algıda seçicilik
selective sort
seçmeli ayıklama
selective absorption
seçici soğurum
selective breeding
Hayvancılıkta düzgün ırkları birleştirerek, verimliliği artırmak için yoğunlukla sanayi devrimi öncesi uygulanan teknik

Many lanowners and farmers also experimented with selective breeding of livestock in times of preindustrial era.

selective breeding
Seleksiyona dayalı ıslah, seçici yetiştiricilik
selective carburizing
seçmeli karbonlama
selective exposure
seçici poz
selective flotation
selektif yüzdürme, seçmeli yüzdürme
selective hardening
seçmeli suverme
selective information
seçici bilgi
selective trace
seçimli izleme
Selective Service System; shelter subsystem
(Askeri) Seçici Servis Sistemi; kabin alt sistemi
selective localization
(Nükleer Bilimler) (biology) seçici yerleşme
selective absorption
(Meteoroloji) secici emme
selective adaptation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici adaptasyon
selective agar
seçici katı besiyeri
selective amnesia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici amnezi
selective availability
(Havacılık) seçicilik uygunluğu
selective call processing
secici ca¤ri hizmeti
selective calling device
(Telekom) seçici çağrı aleti
selective credit policy
(Ticaret) selektif kredi politikası
selective demand
(Ticaret) seçici talep
selective detector
(Aydınlatma) seçer alıcı
selective distribution
(Ticaret) seçimli dağıtım
selective distribution
(Ticaret) seçici dağıtım
selective dump
secici dokum
selective erasing
secerek silme
selective fading
secici sonumlenme
selective field
(Askeri) ayırıcı alan
selective fire capability
(Askeri) Tek tek ve seri ateş edebilme
selective gear
(Denizbilim) seçici araç
selective identification feature
(Askeri) SEÇİLEBİLİR TANITMA ÖZELLİĞİ: İçine monte edildiği uçağı otomatik olarak tanıtan hava puls-tipi trnasponderi- bunu kara, gemi güvertesi veya uçaktaki dost tanıtma tesislerine yapar
selective identification feature
(Askeri) seçici tanım özelliği
selective immigration
(Eğitim) seçici muhaceret
selective inattention
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici dikkat eksikliği
selective inattention
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici dikkatsizlik
selective jamming
(Askeri) seçilebilir karıştırma
selective jamming
(Askeri) SEÇİLEBİLİR KARIŞTIRMA: Bak. "spot jamming"
selective limited tendering
(Politika, Siyaset) istekliler arasında ihale
selective loading
(Askeri) kontrollü yükleme
selective loading
(Askeri) KONTROLLÜ YÜKLEME: Teçhizat ve ikmal maddelerinin gemide, birliklere dağıtımı kolay olacak şekilde tertibi ve istiflenmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "loading"
selective magazine
(Ticaret) seçici dergi
selective mobilization
(Askeri) KONTROLLÜ SEFERBERLİK: İhtiyat birliklerinin, münferit hazır ihtiyatların ve bir düşman taarruzunun sonucu olmayan bir ulusal olağanüstü durumun gereklerini karşılamak için desteklerine ihtiyaç duyulan kaynakların seferber edilmesi amacıyla, Kongre ve/veya Başkan tarafından, faal Silahlı Kuvvetlerin genişletilmesi
selective mutism
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici dilsizlik
selective quotas
(Ticaret) selektif kotalar
selective radiator
(Aydınlatma) seçer ışıyıcı
selective recall
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici hatırlama
selective reflection
seçici yansıma
selective reflection
secici yansima
selective release
(Askeri) nükleer silahların seçilmiş hedeflere atılması
selective retention
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seçici saklama
selective service
(Askeri) İHTİSAS AYIRMA HİZMETİ: İnsan gücünün seferber edilmesiyle ilgili 16 Eylül 1940 tarihli Mecburi Eğitim ve Hizmet Kanunu ile kurulmuş bir hükümet bürosu. 1942 yılında "War Manpower Commission" a devredilen bu büro, 1948 yılında yeniden (Selective Service) olarak kurulmuştur
selective service
zorunlu askerlik sistemi
selective services
(Askeri) ABD'de kura ile askerlik
selective solvent
ayrımsal eritici
selective sort
secmeli ayiklama
selective stability
(Meteoroloji) seçici kararlılık
selective trainer
(Spor) seçici antrenör
selective trawl
(Denizbilim) seçici trol
selective unloading
(Askeri) KONTROLLÜ BOŞALTMA: Bir amfibi harekatta, çıkarma komutanının isteğine istinaden taarruz gemisinden KONTROLLÜ olarak boşaltma ve spesifik yüklerin kıyıya taşınması. Ayrıca bak "combat loading", "loading", "selective loading"
selective unloading
(Askeri) kontrollü boşaltma
sex selective abortion
cinsiyet tercihiyle kürtaj
(Askeri) ayırma kuvveti
(Biyokimya) seçimlilik
manipulation of selective benefits
seçmeli kazançların yönetilmesi
digital selective calling
(Askeri) dijital seçici arama
frequency selective fading
secici sonumlenme
identification, friend or foe/selective identification feature
(Askeri) dost/düşman tanıma / seçmeli tanıma özelliği
seçici olarak
zor beğenme
(Askeri) SELEKTİVİTE, AYIRMA KUVVETİ, SEÇİCİLİK: Değişik frekanslardaki radyo dalgalarının ayırt edilebilmesi
{i} selektivite
{i} yayını parazitsiz alma
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Having the authority or capability to make a selection

In the USA, military conscription is controlled by the Selective Service.

Of or pertaining to the process of selection
Choosy, fussy or discriminating when selecting

He's very selective and spent hours in the store choosing a new shirt.

having the power of choice
disapproval If you say that someone has a selective memory, you disapprove of the fact that they remember certain facts about something and deliberately forget others, often because it is convenient for them to do so. We seem to have a selective memory for the best bits of the past + selectively se·lec·tive·ly a tendency to selectively forget all the adverse effects of the drug
characterized by very careful or fastidious selection; "the school was very selective in its admissions"
A selective process applies only to a few things or people. Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf. + selectively se·lec·tive·ly Within the project, trees are selectively cut on a 25-year rotation. + selectivity se·lec·tiv·ity The soldiers specialized in going out in small groups, to kill with a very high degree of selectivity
Selecting; tending to select
{s} choosy, picky, finicky; making a selection, choosing; pertaining to selection; highly specific in effect or action
tending to select; characterized by careful choice; "an exceptionally quick and selective reader"- John Mason Brown characterized by very careful or fastidious selection; "the school was very selective in its admissions
When someone is selective, they choose things carefully, for example the things that they buy or do. Sales still happen, but buyers are more selective + selectively se·lec·tive·ly people on small incomes who wanted to shop selectively
tending to select; characterized by careful choice; "an exceptionally quick and selective reader"- John Mason Brown
selective advantage
The characteristic of an organism that enables it to survive and reproduce better than other organisms in a population in a given environment; the basis for evolution by natural selection

Better to see predators in tall grass my dear. -- The Man From Earth.

selective breeding
The practice of breeding the best specimens of a given organism to encourage certain features

Monsanto practices selective breeding to produce high-yield seeds.

selective compression
A process in modelbuilding, in which bulky and/or repetitious elements of the prototype being modeled are omitted, in order to capture the important details in a smaller-than-scale model
selective distortion
The tendency of people to interpret information in a way that will support what they already believe
selective mutism
Inability to speak or communicate orally in certain social settings
selective mutisms
plural form of selective mutism
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Any of a class of drugs, such as fluoxetine or sertraline, that inhibit the uptake of serotonin in the central nervous system and are often used to treat certain mental illnesses, such as depression
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
plural form of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
selective breeding
Selective breeding is the process of developing a cultivated breed over time
selective mutism
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Selective mutism is a social anxiety disorder in which a person who is normally capable of speech is unable to speak in given situations
Selective Media
(Reklam) Media that, unlike mass media, reach only small and identifiable groups of people, for example, members of a particular profession or industry or other groups defined by geographic, demographic or psychographic data (otherwise known as targeted media)
selective amnesia
amnesia about particular events that is very convenient for the person who cannot remember; "why do politicians always develop selective amnesia when questioned about their transgressions?
selective breeding
breeding in a way to make a race better
selective exposure
The concept that consumers actively choose whether or not to expose themselves to information
selective exposure
our eyes and minds seek out and notice only information that interests us
selective exposure
The selection of inputs that people expose to their awareness p 119
selective exposure
the idea that people expose themselves or attend to those messages that are consistent with their preexisting attitudes and beliefs
selective exposure
In communication, a receiver selects preferred media to which the receiver wants to pay attention
selective hearing
listen solely to what one wants to listen to, avoid hearing what one does not wish to hear
selective perception
the means of interpreting experience in a way that conforms to one's beliefs, expectations, and convictions
selective perception
We misinterpret information in a way that seems to confirm our behaviour and attitudes
selective perception
people screen out or modify ideas, messages, and information that conflict with previously learned attitudes and beliefs
selective perception
this is where one responds only to attitudes or beliefs one favours while viewing a film
selective perception
A process through which different consumers will perceive the same information differently based on their individual needs, motives, and past experiences
selective perception
A biasing effect common to all observation The process of observing only part of the pertinent data available for analysis Selective perception may cause focus group observers to develop a set of beliefs based on only part of the information
selective service
In the United States, selective service is a system of selecting and ordering young men to serve in the armed forces for a limited period of time. A system for calling up people for compulsory military service
selective service
an independent federal agency that administers compulsory military service
selective service
draft, military service required in times of need
selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor
an antidepressant drug that acts by blocking the reuptake of serotonin so that more serotonin is available to act on receptors in the brain
ion selective electrode
An electrode whose potential is dependent on the concentration of a specific ion in the solution in which it is immersed
ion-selective electrode
an electrode, that is used to measure the concentration of a specific ion in a solution by use of a ion-selective membrane
ion-selective membrane
a membrane (e.g. of a chalcogenide glass) across which an electrical potential differs according to the concentration of a specific ion; used in ion-selective electrodes and in electrodialysis
potassium selective electrode
An ion selective electrode used to measure the concentration of potassium ions, especially in biological fluids
In a selective manner, only affecting or applying to some selected cases
The state of being selective; discernment
The ability of a radio receiver to separate a desired signal frequency from others
in a selective manner; "we choose our students very selectively"
in a selective manner; "we choose our students very selectively
in a selective manner; in a choosy manner, in a finicky manner, in a picky manner
{i} state of being picky, choosiness; state of being selective
for columns, the relative affinities of a pair of analytes for a stationary phase under a given set of chromatographic conditions For detectors, the types of compounds which will cause a detector response
A measure of how selective something is; discrimination
refers to a gas detector's ability to select one type of fuel gas from a mixture of fuel gases and other pollutants Most gas detection technologies today are not selective Laser technology offers the potential for selectivity
The ability of a receiver to reject interfering signals close to the desired carrier frequency
used to describe the variability in rate of movement of different ions thru the same ion channel The "height" of the energy barrier of an ion channel's selectivity filter will help determine ion it let thru Often, the term selectivity is not properly defined and can refer to either of the two processes of permeability or conduction The distinction should always be made
Many reactions can potentially occur in any real catalyst systems Selectivity is the measure of the ability of the catalyst to promote desired reactions without affecting those that are not desired
Selectivity refers to application of safeguards measures in a discriminatory manner, against a particular country whose exports have risen and contributed particularly to the "injury "
Selectivity is a measure of the narrowness of a band pass filter The greater the selectivity, the narrower, or more selective, the filter The term is also used to describe the ability of a radio receiver to separate transmitting stations that are close together on the dial
The degree to which a plant or plant part is removed differently from that which is expected by random removal Selectivity is expressed as the ratio of the proportion of a plant or plant part in a diet to all the other herbage
the property of being selective
Refers to the percentage of rows in a table that are returned by a query A query is considered highly selective if it returns a very limited number of rows A query is considered to have low selectivity if it returns a high percentage of rows Generally speaking, if a query returns more than 5% of the number of rows in a table, it is considered to have low selectivity
Automated method of designating/screening imported merchandise for examination by a Customs inspector or commodity specialist
The property of a tuned circuit that discriminates between signal voltages of different frequencies
The ability of a type of gear to catch a certain size or kind of fish, compared with its ability to catch other sizes or kinds
The degree of falling off in response of a resonant device with departure from resonance
The ability of the receiver to select the station it is tuned to, from all the others close to it on the dial/display
Eligibility criteria for recipient of social benefits or services that target a particular group and usually include means-testing
Tuner specification which defines the tuner's ability to reject adjacent station interference 1
ability of a receiver to reject signals on frequencies adjacent to the tuned frequency; measured in decibels (dB) at a particular frequency point away from the wanted signal
Ability of a type of method, material, or instrumentation to respond to a specified substance or constituent and not to others
The ability of a device to distinguish the signal from the background
{i} state of being picky, choosiness; state of being selective; quality of being able to tune in to one particular frequency while blocking out other unwanted frequencies (Electronics)
A measure of a fund manager's ability to choose stocks that outperform the market Selectivity is determined by the difference between a fund's actual rate of return and its market equivalent rate of return
The ability of a medium to reach a specific target group in greater proportion than other media
Property that relates to how many rows are typically identified by a key value A unique key value has high selectivity; a nonunique key value (for example, one found in 1,000 rows) has poor selectivity
  A measure of the ability of a receiver to discriminate between a wanted signal on one frequency and unwanted signals on other frequencies   (188)
Identifying main ideas and important supporting details First of three essential study strategies
= the relationship between the affinity of a compound for a particular receptor and its affinity for other types of opioid receptor For instance, a compound that will bind with high affinity to the mu-receptors, but with very low affinity to kappa and delta receptors, is said to possess high selectivity for mu