
listen to the pronunciation of security
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bizim güvenlik kameraları sahte. - Our security cameras are fake.

Yaşlandığında güvenlik istiyorsan, şimdi biriktirmeye başla. - If you want security in your old age, begin saving now.


Tom bize Birleşik Devletler hükûmetinin Rusya'nın emniyetini cidden tehdit eden bir silah bağdarlaması icra etmeye gayret ettiğini söyledi. - Tom has told us that the US government is trying to implement a weapon program that could seriously threaten the security of Russia.

Günün sonunda, hedefler basittir: emniyet ve güvenlik. - At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security.

(Ticaret) taşınır değer
güvence akçesi
(Ticaret) esham
(Ticaret) tahvil
(Ticaret) sigorta poliçesi
{i} depozito

Bir güvenlik depozitosuna ihtiyacın var mı? - Do you require a security deposit?

{i} selamet
(Askeri) (NATO) EMNİYET: Belirli bilgilerin, malzemenin, personelin, faaliyetlerin ve tesislerin casusluk, sabotaj, yıkıcı faaliyet, terörizme ve yetkisiz beyanına karşı korunması. Bu terim, bu duruma ulaşmak için gerekli tedbirlere ve bu tedbirlerle sorumlu kuruluşlara tatbik edilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "counterintelligence, "physical security", "port security", "protective security", "security intelligence", "subversion"
(Askeri) EMNİYET, GÜVENLİK: 1. Bir askeri birlik, faaliyet veya tesis tarafından kendisine yöneltilebilecek tehlikelere karşı alınan önlemler. 2. Düşmanca faaliyet ve etkilerden korumak için bir bölgede koruyucu tedbirlerin sürdürülmesi ve tesisi. 3. Gizlilik dereceli malzemenin milli savunma yararına emniyet altında bulundurulan resmi bilgilere, yetkisiz kimselerin nüfuzunu engelleyen durum. Ayrıca bakınız: "national security". 4. Emniyet; İkmal maddelerinin ve ikmal tesislerinin, düşman taarruzuna, yangına, hırsızlığa ve sabotaja karşı korunması. 5. Muhabere emniyeti; Bak. "communication security", "electronic security", "physical security", ve "signal security". 6. Kefalet
{i} tic. menkul kıymet, taşınır değer
{i} ipotek
emniyet tedbirleri
Security Council Güvenlik Konseyi
{i} güvenlik önlemleri
{i} teminât
security risk devlet memuriyetinde veya milli güvenliği ilgilendiren bir
(Ticaret) hisse senedi
(Ticaret) bono
(Ticaret) menkul değerler
(Ticaret) kıymetli kağıt
(Finans) menkul kıymet

Tom maksimum güvenlikli bir hapishanededir. - Tom is at a maximum security prison.

Dan maksimum güvenlikli bir tesiste ömür boyu hapis cezasını çekiyordu. - Dan was serving a life sentence in a maximum security facility.

security officer
güvenlik görevlisi
security guard
Güvenlik görevlisi

Tom bir güvenlik görevlisi olarak kimliğini gizledi. - Tom disguised himself as a security guard.

Tom işsiz bir güvenlik görevlisidir. - Tom is an unemployed security guard.

security alert
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik uyarısı
security camera
güvenlik kamerası
security charge
emniyet yükü
security chief
(Kanun) emniyet amiri
security cordon
güvenlik çemberi
security cordon
güvenlik kordonu
security enable
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik devrede
security erase
(Bilgisayar) güvenli silme
security for
(Bilgisayar) yandaki için güvenlik
security for
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik
security forces
emniyet güçleri
security forces
güvenlik kuvvetleri
security forces
güvenlik güçleri
security funds
(Ticaret) menkul kıymet fonu
security gap
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik açığı
security group
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik grubu
security groups
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik grupları
security id
güvenlik kimliği
security index
(Tıp) güvenlik indeksi
security inspection
güvenlik incelemesi
security issue
(Ticaret) senet ihracı
security label
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik etiketi
security labels
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik etiketleri
security level
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik düzeyi
security level
(Askeri) gizlilik derecesi
security levels
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik düzeyleri
security log
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik günlüğü
security name
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik adı
security of supply
(Politika, Siyaset) arz güvenliği
security owned
(Ticaret) tahvilat cüzdanı
security page
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik sayfası
security patch
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik yaması
security point
güvenlik noktası
security policy
güvenlik yönetimi
security price
(Ticaret) teminat bedeli
security prices
teminat bedelleri
security rule
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik kuralı
security shield
(Otomotiv) emniyet kalkanı
security shield
(Otomotiv) emniyet sacı
security symbol
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik simgesi
security tax
güvenlik harcı
security team
(Askeri) emniyet timi
security treaty
güvenlik anlaşması
security type
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik türü
security unit
emniyet birimi
security wizard
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik sihirbazı
security zone
(Askeri) güvenlik bölgesi
security bond
kefalet bonosu
security clearance
güvenlik belgesi
security clearance
güvenlik soruşturması
security consultant
güvenlik danışmanı
security council
güvenlik konseyi
security deposit
güvenlik depozitosu
security director
güvenlik müdürü
security exchange
menkul kıymetler borsası
security force
güvenlik kuvveti
security intelligence
security measures
güvenlik tedbirleri
security review
güvenlik incelemesi
security staff
güvenlik görevlisi
security system
güvenlik sistemi
security agency
(İdari Yönetim) Emniyet makamı
security blanket
Genellikle tehlike ya da telaş anında olan birisine güvenlik hissi veren kişi ya da şey için kullanılır
security blanket
Bir çocuğun yanında bulundurmayı veya birlikte uyumayı sevdiği, kendine güven hissi veren eşya veya oyuncağı
security blanket
Uzun süredir sizde bulunan, endişelenmemenizi, kaygı etmemenizi sağlayan bir şey
security clearence
(Kanun) çok gizli bilgilere erişim için verilen statü. USA da devletin gizli projelerinde çalışma hakkı verilen memur statüsü
security concerns
Güvenlik kaygısı

Anywhere, anytime mobile connections can bring rising costs and pressing security concerns.

security dashboard
Güvenlik panosu
security department
menkul kıymetler birimi
security dilemma
(Politika Siyaset) Güvenlik İkilemi
security enabled
Güvenliği etkinleştirilmiş
security fence
güvenlik çitleri
security issue at par
başa baş emisyon
security market
menkul kıymetler borsası
security number
menkul kıymet numarası
security procedure
güvenlik işlemleri
security question
güvenlik sorusu
security room
Güvenlik odası
security screening
Havaalanlarında güvenlik noktasında yapılan arama işlemi
Security Council
(isim) güvenlik konseyi
security accounts manager
Güvenlik Hesapları Yöneticisi
security administrator
guvenlik yonetmeni
security agency
security agency
(Askeri) emniyet kurumu
security alert system
(Askeri) Emniyet alarm sistemi
security alert team
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK ALARM TİMİ: Güvenlik alarmlarına, acil durumlarına ve düzensizliklerine karşı koyan ana takviye unsurundan oluşturan 2 veya daha fazla güvenlik kuvveti mensubu
security analysis
guvenlik analizi
security and target acquisition
(Askeri) Gözetleme ve hedef tesbiti
security assistance
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK YARDIMI: 1961 Dış Yardım Kanunu ile ve 1976 Silahların İhracını Kontrol Yasası ile ve diğer kanunlarla kanunlaştığı şekilde ABD'nin savunma maddeleri, askeri eğitim, savunmayla ilgili hizmetleri, yardım kredi veya nakit satışlarla milli politika ve hedefler dahilinde sağlamasıdır
security assistance general operational requirement
security assistance management manual
(Askeri) güvenlik yardımı yönetimi el kitabı
security assistance office/officer; security assistance organization; selected a
(Askeri) güvelik yardım ofisi/subayı; güvenlik yardım kuruluşu; seçilmiş taarruz seçeneği
security audit
Güvenlik Denetimi
security audit trail
guvenlik denetimi izi
security audits
Güvenlik Denetimleri
security bond
(Kanun) teminat varakası
security certification
security check
(isim) güvenlik kontrolü
security check
{i} güvenlik kontrolü
security classification
(Askeri) (NATO) GÜVENLİK SINIFLANDIRMASI: İzinsiz açıklanmasından doğacak ve izinsiz beyanatına karşılık koruma standardı gerektiren NATO/milli güvenlik açısından tehlikeyi belirten savunma bilgilerin veya malzemesi için tayin edilmiş sınıflama veya derece
security classification
(Askeri) GİZLİ: Onaysız açıklamasının milli güvenliğe ciddi zarar vermesi beklenen ve önemli ölçüde koruma gerektiren milli güvenlik bilgileri veya malzemesi ciddi zararların örnekleri şunları ihtiva eder; milli güvenliğe önemli ölçüde etki eden dış ilişkilerin baltalanması, milli güvenlikle doğrudan ilgili bir program veya politikanın önemli derecede tehlikeye sokulması, önemli askeri planların ve istihbarat faaliyetlerinin açıklaması; ulusal güvenlikle ilgili önemli bilimsel ve teknik gelişmelerin gizliliğinin ihlali
security classification code; Space Control Center (USSPACECOM); Standards Coord
(Askeri) güvenlik sınıflandırma kodu; Uzay Kontrol Merkezi; Standart Koordinasyon Komitesi
security clearance
(Askeri) EMNİYET BELGESİ: Giriş kartı
security clearence
(Askeri) Giriş belgesi
security cognizance
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK PROGRAMI UYGULAMA YETKİSİ: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı Müsteşar Muavini (insan gücü) 'nin münferit bir tesise ait Milli Savunma Bakanlığı endüstri güvenliği programının uygulanması ile ilgili olarak, kuvvet komutanlıklarından birine verdiği sorumluluk
security configuration
guvenlik duzenlesimi
security configuration editor
Güvenlik Yapılandırma Düzenleyicisi
security control of air traffic and navigation aids
(Askeri) hava seyrüseferi yardımcı cihazları ve hava trafiği güvenlik kontrolü SC
security control officer
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK KONTROL SUBAYI, GÜVENLİK KONTROL MEMURU: Savunma bilgilerinin korunması ile ilgili karargah murakabesini icra maksadıyla bir komutanlık veya makama atanmış subay, astsubay veya sorumlu sivil memur
security copy
(backup copy) yedek kopya
security council resolution
güvenlik konseyi kararı
security countermeasure
(Askeri) güvenlik karşı tedbiri
security countermeasures
(Askeri) KARŞI GÜVENLİK TEDBİRLERİ: Güvenliği zedeleyici ve düşmanca tecavüzleri tesirsiz bırakmak için alınan tedbirler
security descriptor
Güvenlik Tanımlayıcısı
security detachment
(Askeri) EMNİYET MÜFREZESİ: Bir komutanlığı baskına, düşman müdahale ve yer gözetlemesine karşı koruyan ve örten birlik. Emniyet müfrezesi; yaptığı vazifeye göre, öncü, artçı, yancı, muharebe keşif kolu, örtme müfrezesi, gözcü veya ileri karakolunu ve mevzii emniyet tertibatını içine alır
security detachment
(Askeri) Emniyet için özel ayrılmış kuvvet
security echelon
(Askeri) EMNİYET KADEMESİ: Emniyet vazifesiyle, muharebe mevziinin ilerisinde bulunan kuvvetler. Emniyet kademesi, uçakları, örtme kuvvetini, ileri karakolunu ve mevzii emniyet tertibatını içine alır
security echelons
(Askeri) Emniyet kademeleri
security filter
guvenlik suzgeci
security force
güvenlik kuvvetleri
security force
(Askeri) Emniyet kuvveti
security force
(Askeri) EMNİYET KUVVETİ: Bak. "security detachment"
security forces group; special forces group
(Askeri) güvenlik kuvvetleri grubu; özel kuvvetler grubu
security forces squadron
(Askeri) güvenlik kuvvetleri bölüğü
security forces; single frequency; special forces; Standard Form
(Askeri) güvenlik kuvvetleri; tek frekans; özel kuvvetler; Standart Form
security guard
(Askeri) EMNİYET NÖBETÇİSİ: Hırsızlık, izinsiz girme, tabii tehlikelerden meydana gelen hasar ve güvenliği bozacak şeyleri önleme maksadıyla, askeri tesislerde ve etrafında nöbet hizmeti gören askeri şahıs
security guard
(Askeri) emniyet nöbetçisi
security hazards
security identifier
(Sıd) Güvenlik Belirleyicisi
security information form
(Avrupa Birliği) güvenlik bilgi formu
security intelligence
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK İSTİHBARATI: Düşman kuruluşların veya terörizm, yıkıcılık, sabotaj, casusluk ile ilgili şahısların niyetlerinin ve imkan ve kabiliyetlerinin belirlenmesine ait istihbarat. Ayrıca bakınız: "counter intelligence", "intelligence", "security"
security kernel
guvenlik kabu¤u
security layer
guvenlik katmani
security lock
guvenlik kilidi
security man
güvenlik görevlisi
security management infrastructure
(Askeri) güvenlik yönetim altyapısı
security measure
guvenlik onlemi
security measures
(Avrupa Birliği) güvenlik önlemleri
security method
Güvenlik Yöntemi
security mission
(Askeri) EMNİYET GÖREVİ: Dost kuvvetleri, düşmanın gözetlemesine veya taarruzuna karşı korumak ve saklamak için yapılan iş ve görev
security monitoring
(Askeri) EMNİYET KONTROL DİNLEMESİ: Bak. "monitoring"
security of data
veri guvenli¤i
security of information
bilgi guvenli¤i
security on the march
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞTE EMNİYET, YÜRÜYÜŞ EMNİYETİ: Bir yürüyüş kolunu, düşman gözetlemesinden ve baskın taarruzlarından korumak için alınan tedbirler. Bunlar; kimya veya hava taarruzlarına karşı alınacak tedbirleri, nöbetçi ve devriye çıkarmayı ve yeterli bir keşif vazifesini içine alır
security patrol
(Askeri) EMNİYET KEŞİF KOLU: Birliklerin büyük kısmını düşmanın taarruzundan koruyan keşif kolu
security patrol
(Askeri) emniyet keşif kolu
security police
(Askeri) güvenlik polisi
security policy
Güvenlik İlkesi
security regulation
security shell
guvenlik kabu¤u
security strategy
guvenlik stratejisi
security subsystem
Güvenlik Alt Sistemi
security support provider
Güvenlik Destek Sağlayıcısı
security supporting assistance
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK DESTEK YARDIMI: Seçilmiş önemli güvenlik problemleri olan hükümetlere, ödünç verme veya yardım bazlarında sağlanan ekonomik yardım programı. Fonlar, malların ithalinin sermayenin veya teknik yardımın finansmanından ikili anlaşmalara istinaden kullanılır; ilişik fonlar böylelikle bütçe desteği yaratmak için kullanılır. Bu fonlar alıcı ülkenin kendi kaynaklarını güvenlik ve savunma amaçlarına, ekonomik ve politik sonuçların etkisi olmadan daha başka bir şekilde yapılamayacak şekilde imkan verir
security technical procedure
(Askeri) güvenlik teknik prosedürü
security test and evaluation
(Askeri) güvenli test ve değerlendirme
security to be issued
(Ticaret) ihraç edilecek hisse senedi
security violation
Güvenlik İhlali
senior security
(Ticaret) rüçhanlı hisse senetleri
sense of security
güvenlik hissi
debt security
(Ticaret) borç senedi
(Hukuk) menkul kıymetler
administrative security
yönetsel güvenlik
asset backed security
(Ticaret) varlığa dayalı menkul
bid security
teklif güvencesi
bid security
(Ticaret) geçici teminat
border security
(Politika, Siyaset) sınır güvenliği
collateral security
(Ticaret) karşılıklı teminat
collateral security
karşı teminat
district security directorate
ilçe emniyet müdürlüğü
edit security
(Bilgisayar) güvenliği düzenle
ensure security
emniyeti sağlamak
ensure security
güvenliğini sağlamak
extent of security
(Kanun) teminatın şümulü
international security
uluslararası güvenlik
item security
(Bilgisayar) öğe güvenliği
lend something on security
teminat göstermek
lend something on security
teminat vermek
listed security
(Ticaret) borsada kote edilen tahviller
listed security
(Ticaret) listelenmiş hisse senetleri
listed security
(Ticaret) kote edilen menkul değerler
multilevel security
çok katlı güvenlik
pledge something as security
teminat olarak göstermek
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык

Определение security в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Tennur kızdırılan nesne
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
something that secures the fulfillment of an obligation or law
property temporarily relinquished to guarantee repayment of a loan
Freedom from apprehension
proof of ownership of stocks, bonds or other investment instruments.W
an organization or department responsible for providing security by enforcing laws, rules, and regulations as well as maintaining order
something that secures
the condition of not being threatened, especially physically, psychologically, emotionally, or financially
{n} a safety, protection, defense, pledge
The condition or quality of being secure; secureness
A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences
A security is an agreement or contract between an investor (an individual, a group, or an institution) and an issuer (a corporation or a governmental entity) Issuers create and issue securities in order to raise money or finance their operations
{i} safety; protection, defense; act of making safe; pledge, guarantee; stock, bond; freedom from danger; serenity, tranquility
Collateral pledged by a bond issuer (debtor) to an investor (lender) to secure repayment of the loan
the state of being free from danger or injury; "we support the armed services in the name of national security
A feeling of security is a feeling of being safe and free from worry. He loves the security of a happy home life If something gives you a false sense of security, it makes you believe that you are safe when you are not. Wearing helmets gave cyclists a false sense of security and encouraged them to take risks
Securities are stocks, shares, bonds, or other certificates that you buy in order to earn regular interest from them or to sell them later for a profit. US government securities and bonds. see also social security. In finance, written evidence of ownership conferring the right to receive property not currently in the holder's possession. The most common securities are stocks and bonds. Governments, companies, and financial institutions use securities to raise money. Stocks are securities issued in the form of equity ownership. Bonds are securities that take the form of debt. They constitute promises to pay a specified amount at a specified date and to pay interest at a specified rate in the interim. Most government securities are bonds that pay a fixed amount of interest per year; unlike commercial securities, their repayment is guaranteed. Both stocks and bonds are traded publicly on organized exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. External forces such as international troubles, changes in government policies, and trends in foreign stock markets all have an effect on security prices. For individual stocks, the company's current and prospective financial performance play an important role, as do overall trends within its business sector. See also investment; saving. Staatssicherheit State Security Pacific Security Treaty National Security Agency National Security Council social security Social Security Act United Nations Security Council Securities and Exchange Commission National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
Ensuring that private information remains private and uncompromised in an atmosphere where all other information is free Security techniques such as encryption, passwords, and firewalls are designed to prevent unauthorized access to information, to protect the integrity of computing resources, and to limit the potential damage that can be caused by attackers and intruders The notion of a "secure computer" is relative though: the only truly secure computer is one powered down in a locked facility that no one has access to
freedom from anxiety or fear; "the watch dog gave her a feeling of security"
Means used to protect against the unauthorized use of and prevent unauthorized access to digital information
The property that serves as collateral for a loan
measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc
measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc ; "military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising"
An evidence of debt or of property, as a bond, a certificate of stock, etc
a department responsible for the security of the institution's property and workers; "the head of security was a former policeman"
Something given, deposited, or pledged, to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation, the performance of a contract, the payment of a debt, or the like; surety; pledge
Security refers to all the measures that are taken to protect a place, or to ensure that only people with permission enter it or leave it. They are now under a great deal of pressure to tighten their airport security Strict security measures are in force in the capital
{s} pertaining to safety
The property that will be pledged as collateral for a loan
Controlling access to software objects In SD-UX, security is achieved by a combination of Access Control Lists (ACLs) associated with objects and commands, and the security inherent in the file system permissions on which the software is stored See Access Control List
The security of a system is the extent of protection against some unwanted occurrence such as the invasion of privacy, theft, and the corruption of information or physical damage
Piece of paper that proves ownership of stocks, bonds, and other investments
a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; "he held several valuable securities"
proof of ownership of stocks, bonds or other investment instruments.[W]
An investment instrument issued by a corporation, government, or other organization which offers evidence of debt or equity
One who becomes surety for another, or engages himself for the performance of another's obligation
Generally, a stock or a bond Specifically, a piece of paper that indicates the holder owns a share or shares of a company (stock) or has loaned money to a company or government organization (bond) BACK TO TOP
This is a privacy requirement - one of the Fair Information Practices Any organization creating, maintaining, using or disseminating records of personally identifiable information must ensure the reliability of, and must take precautions to prevent misuse of, the information
Property that is pledged as collateral for a debt
A piece of property designated as collateral
an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in
Work that involves ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of systems, networks, and data through the planning, analysis, development, implementation, maintenance, and enhancement of information systems security programs, policies, procedures, and tools
property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation; "bankers are reluctant to lend without good security"
Property that serves as collateral for a debt
the state of being free from danger or injury; "we support the armed services in the name of national security"
Something given, deposited, or pledged to make secure the fulfillment of an obligation, usually the repayment of a debt
a guarantee that an obligation will be met freedom from anxiety or fear; "the watch dog gave her a feeling of security"
This privacy requirement is one of the Fair Information Practices Any organization creating, maintaining, using, or disseminating records of personally identifiable information must ensure the reliability of, and must take precautions to prevent misuse of, the information
Freedom from risk; safety
a guarantee that an obligation will be met
In lending, the collateral given, deposited, or pledged to secure the payment of a debt
"military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising"
Hence, carelessness; negligence; heedlessness
The quality or state of being protected from unauthorized access or uncontrolled losses or effects Absolute security is impossible to achieve in practice and the quality of a given security system is relative Within a state-model security system, security is a specific "state" to be preserved under various operations
defense against financial failure; financial independence; "his pension gave him security in his old age"; "insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness"
The collateral or property given, deposited or pledged to insure the fulfillment of an obligation or to pay off a debt When you sign a mortgage, you pledge your property as the security for the money that you borrowed
If something is security for a loan, you promise to give that thing to the person who lends you money, if you fail to pay the money back. The central bank will provide special loans, and the banks will pledge the land as security. = collateral
That which secures or makes safe; protection; guard; defense
A pledge made to secure the performance of a contract or the fulfillment of an obligation Examples of securities include real estate, equipment stocks or a co-signer Mortgages are a form of security with strong legal standing, because they are publicly registered following a formal legal procedure A mortgage gives the lender holding a mortgage security the right to reclaim the asset being financed, if repayment is not made
as, government securities
"military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising" a guarantee that an obligation will be met freedom from anxiety or fear; "the watch dog gave her a feeling of security" a department responsible for the security of the institution's property and workers; "the head of security was a former policeman" defense against financial failure; financial independence; "his pension gave him security in his old age"; "insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness" property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation; "bankers are reluctant to lend without good security" a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; "he held several valuable securities" the state of being free from danger or injury; "we support the armed services in the name of national security
Security encompasses all of the safeguards in an information system, including hardware, software, personnel policies, information practice policies, disaster preparedness, and the oversight of all these areas The purpose of security is to protect both the system and the information it contains from unauthorized access from without and from misuse from within Through various security measures, a health information system can shield confidential information from unauthorized access, disclosure and misuse, thus protecting privacy of the individuals who are the subjects of the stored data (Privacy and Health Information Systems: A Guide to Protecting Patient Confidentiality)
Freedom from apprehension, anxiety, or care; confidence of power or safety; hence, assurance; certainty
Security Council
The UN Security Council
Security Intelligence Review Committee
oversight committee overseeing the CSIS sercurity service of Canada
Security Service
a government organisation that aims to protect its nation and its secrets from enemies
security blanket
Any object one uses to have a sense of security or reduced anxiety

That rabbit's foot is his security blanket.

security blanket
A blanket that one uses to have a secure feeling or reduced anxiety, usually in the early years of life: Linus van Pelt had a famous security blanket
security blankets
plural form of security blanket
security communities
plural form of security community
security community
A region of the world in which large-scale use of violence, such as war, among nations is highly unlikely
security deposit
An amount of money paid in advance as security against the payor's non-performance of a contractual obligation

The landlord demanded one month security deposit for rent, another for damage to the apartment, and one month rent in advance.

security deposits
plural form of security deposit
security guard
A person who is employed to provide security for people or property
security guards
plural form of security guard
security hole
A security vulnerability in a software system
security holes
plural form of security hole
security interest
The right of a lender to take possession of collateral offered to secure the loan
security interests
plural form of security interest
security market line
A line representing the relationship between expected return and systematic risk, thus a graphical representation of the CAPM. It is valid both for portfolios and individual assets
security mom
A mother particularly concerned with security issues and terrorism
security moms
plural form of security mom
security principal
An entity capable of being authenticated by a computer system or network
security procedure
A procedure or set of procedures followed to ensure that state secrets, trade secrets, data, etc. are not compromised
security procedures
plural form of security procedure
security through obscurity
Relying on an adversary's lack of knowledge to provide security
security officer
guard, safety officer, one who works to maintain security
security agency
(İdari Yönetim) A security agency is an organization which conducts intelligence activities for the internal security of a nation, state or organization. They are the domestic cousins of foreign intelligence agencies
security blanket
a piece of material that a child likes to hold, to comfort himself or herself
security blanket
something that you have had for a long time, and that you use to make yourself feel less anxious
security clearance
Official permission for someone to see secret documents etc, or to enter a building, after a strict checking process
security clearance check
A security clearance check is a background check of a person to determine whether he can be trusted with confidential information. Unauthorized release of such information could damage a company's competitiveness or endanger military and intelligence personnel. About 3 million people in the United States have security clearances at any given time
security interest
Any interest in a property that secures the payment of an obligation
Security Council
{i} United Nations international peace-keeping council made up of 5 permanent members and 10 elected members
Security Council
The Security Council is the committee which governs the United Nations. It has permanent representatives from the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom, and temporary representatives from some other countries. the most powerful part of the United Nations, which is responsible for making sure that countries behave peacefully towards each other, and for deciding what the United Nations should do if countries go to war. It is a committee of five permanent members (the US, the UK, Russia, France, and China) and ten other members who change every two years
Security and Exchange Commission
board that regulates the public offering and sale of securities
security apparatus
defense system
security arrangement
security agreement, agreement on issues of safety
security arrangements
arrangements intended to protect the security of a country's residents from both sides of the border
security bill
promissory note which will only be used if other obligations have not been fulfilled
security blanket
If you refer to something as a security blanket, you mean that it provides someone with a feeling of safety and comfort when they are in a situation that worries them or makes them feel nervous. Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar
security blanket
A baby's security blanket is a piece of cloth or clothing which the baby holds and chews in order to feel comforted
security blanket
a blanket (or toy) that a child carries around in order to reduce anxiety anything that an adult person uses to reduce their anxiety
security breach
A security breach is any incident that results in unauthorized access of data, applications, services, networks and/or devices by bypassing their underlying security mechanism
security cabinet
{i} government cabinet of ministers in charge of matters related to security
security camera
A security camera is a video camera that records people's activities in order to detect and prevent crime
security capital
money that has specific guarantees placed against it
security check
{i} process in which people or baggage are checked for security purposes (as in an airport)
security classification
rank of a person that determines how much sensitive military information can be revealed to them
security clearance
permission given to a person to deal with a topic that was classified for security reasons
security code
To prevent unauthorized use of your line by neighboring cordless phones, the handset responds to signals from the bases, which are encoded with a security code 4,026 Combinations: SPP -121 More than 65,00 Combinations: SPP-M502, SPP - 206
security code
A number used to prevent unauthorised or accidental alteration of data programmed into wireless phones The security code can be used by the owner of a phone to change the lock code
security code
a number used to prevent unauthorised alteration of data programmed into the phone
security code
A code used to hide meanings from another party
security code
A security code is a number used to identify each traded security, including shares of mutual funds
security consultant
an adviser about alarm systems to prevent burglaries
security consultant
person who provides guidance and gives advice about alarm systems to prevent thefts
security council
a permanent council of the United Nations; responsible for preserving world peace
security deposit
A deposit of money by a tenant to a landlord to secure performance of a lease This deposit can also take the form of a Letter of Credit or other financial instrument
security deposit
Comprises of an interest free lump sum payment to the landlord at the commencement of the lease, which is refundable at the end of the lease term Though the deposit amount varies depending on city , property type, location and the period of the lease, it may range anywhere between 6 to 18 months of monthly rental it is not uncommon for some landlords to provide a bank guarantee to the tenant as security for the repayment of the initial deposit amount
security deposit
Synonymous with the term margin A cash amount of funds that must be deposited with the broker for each contract as a guarantee of fulfillment of the futures contract It is not considered as part payment or purchase Related: margin
security deposit
Money held by the landlord to ensure the tenant meets his obligations under the lease
security deposit
Cash, surety bond, Refundable Claim Deposit, or Written Agreement deposited with USCIB to indemnify USCIB as a result of USCIB's payment on behalf of a Carnet holder
security deposit
Money deposited by or for the tenant with the landlord, to be held by the landlord for the following purposes: 1 to remedy tenant defaults for damage to the premises (be it accidental or intentional), for failure to pay rent due or for failure to return keys at the end of the tenancy; 2 to clean the dwelling so as to place it in as fit a condition as when the tenant commenced possession, considering normal wear and tear; and 3 to compensate for damages caused by a tenant who wrongfully quits the dwelling unit (See landlord, tenant)
security deposit
The security deposit is $15 00 for each Smart Tag that you add to your account This deposit applies when: 1) You open an account without automatic replenishment 2) Or you switch from automatic replenishment to manual replenishment The security deposit is refundable to you when you close your account and return the Smart Tag in the same condition in which you received it; it is also refunded to your available balance if you switch from Manual Replenishment to Automatic Replenishment All Smart Tags are the property of the Virginia Department of Transportation If you close your account, or if your Smart Tag no longer works, you must return it to one of our Service Centers, either in person or through the mail (we recommend Certified mail) You are responsible for each Smart Tag issued to you, until we receive it back The cost for each lost, damaged, or stolen Smart Tag is $35 00
security deposit
an amount of money that you give to a landlord before you rent a house or apartment, and that is returned to you after you leave if you have not damaged the property
security deposit
An amount you may be required to pay, usually at the beginning of the lease that may be used by the lessor in the event of default or at the end of the lease to offset any amounts you owe under the lease agreement Any remaining amount may be refunded to you
security deposit
A sum of money paid at the beginning of a lease term to offset any excessive wear and tear at the end of the lease, but refunded if the car is returned in good condition; also called a reconditioning reserve
security deposit
Money deposited by or for the tenant with the landlord, to be held by the landlord for the following purposes: to remedy tenant defaults for damage to the premises (be it accidental or intentional), for failure to pay rent due, or for failure to return all keys at the end of the tenancy
security deposit
A sum of money held by a landlord from a tenant for the purpose of securing the performance of the terms of the lease by the tenant for such things as the payment of rent and repair of damages caused by the tenant
security deposit
Synonymous with the term margin A cash amount that must be deposited with the broker for each contract as a guarantee of fulfillment of the futures contract It is not considered as part payment or purchase Related: Margin
security deposit
An amount used to offset possible costs associated with excessive wear and tear, or unpaid lease charges at lease-end, where applicable After applying the security deposit to any amounts owed by the lessee at lease-end, any remaining deposit is refunded to the lessee
security deposit
Generally, a deposit of funds by a tenant with a landlord to secure performance of a lease
security deposit
A cash advance held by the lessor as security against default by the lessee In most cases, a security deposit is refunded or credited to the lessee when the lease expires and the technology is returned undamaged
security deposit
In a lease, the amount of money prepaid by the tenant to secure performance of a lease and often provides the amount of liquidated damages if the tenant does not perform
security deposit
Money deposited by or for the tenant with the landlord in conjunction with a lease or month-to-month tenancy
security deposit
A cash advance held by the Lessor as security against default or damage by the lessee
security deposit
Amount to be paid as a security against the loan
security deposit
An amount paid at the beginning of the lease that is held by the lessor until satisfactory payment of all amounts due under the lease terms, at which time the security deposit amount is returned to the lessee
security deposit
Generally, a deposit of money by a tenant with a landlord to secure performance of a lease
security deposit
Money deposited by or for the tenant with the landlord, to be held by the landlord for the following purposes: 1) to remedy tenant defaults for damage to the premises (be it accidental or intentional), for failure to pay rent due or for failure to return keys at the end of the tenancy; 2) to clean the dwelling so as to place it in as fit a condition as when the tenant commenced possession, considering normal wear and tear; and 3) to compensate for damages caused by a tenant who wrongfully quits the dwelling unit
security deposit
Money paid to the landlord by the tenant in addition to rent
security deposit
A security deposit is paid by a renter or a lessee If there are no damages at the end of the rental period or lease the money is returned Usually the security deposit is equal to the first months lease on a car You can try to get it waived when dealing with an auto lease
security deposit
Is a non-interest bearing deposit on a lease, refunded at lease termination, unless it is used to pay out any remaining amounts that you may owe
security deposit
the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
security director
head of a private security force working for a business or industry
security fence
protective fence
security force
a privately employed group hired to protect the security of a business or industry
security forces
armed forces, all the organizations that deal with ensuring the safety of the state
security guard
a guard who keeps watch
security guard
security man, guard, watchman
security guard
A security guard is someone whose job is to protect a building or to collect and deliver large amounts of money. A person hired by a private organization to guard a physical plant and maintain order. someone whose job is to guard money or a building
security intelligence
intelligence on the identity and capability and intentions of hostile individuals or organizations that may be engaged in espionage or sabotage or subversion or terrorism
security intelligence review committee
an agency of the Canadian government that oversees the activities of the Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada and has the power to intrude on the privacy of suspected terrorists or spies
security interest
An interest in property, other than real estate, which is given as security for a debt or other obligation A security interest is created by execution of a security agreement and one or more financing statements under the Uniform Commercial Code
security interest
An interest in personal property or fixtures which secures payment or performance of an obligation
security interest
An interest in property that is acquired for purpose of securing payment of a lease obligation A security interest allows the holder of the security interest to obtain the property in the event of default and gives the holder additional rights in the event of bankruptcy
security interest
An interest that a lender takes in the borrower's property to assure repayment of a debt See Mortgage and Deed of Trust above
security interest
A term designating the interest of the creditor in the property of the debtor in all types of credit transactions It thus replaces such terms as the following, chattel mortgage; pledge; trust receipt; chattel trust; equipment trust; conditional sale; inventory lien; etc
security interest
If stated in your lease agreement, a lessor's legal right to your property (such as stocks or bonds) that secures payment of your obligation under the lease agreement
security interest
The lender's right to take property that has been offered as security
security interest
The interest of the creditor in the property of the debtor
security interest
The property or a portion of property offered as security
security interest
Legal term for the claim the lender has against the borrower's property which has been pledged under a loan
security interest
The creditor's right to take property or a portion of property offered as security
security interest
an interest in personal property created by a transaction that in substance secures payment or performance of an obligation Security interests also include a lease for a term of more than one year, a commercial consignment and a transfer of accounts receivable or chattel paper
security interest
An interest that a lender takes in the borrower's property to ensure repayment of a debt, i e a mortgage
security interest
"Security interest" is the type of interest a lender has in the property of the borrower The borrower's property is set aside so that the lender can sell it if the borrower defaults on the loan A mortgage and deed of trust are security instruments
security interest
The interest of a creditor in the security collateralizing an investment
security interest
The right of the lender to recover the property leased or financed in case the borrower defaults or goes bankrupt The property cannot be seized and sold to settle the borrower's debts, but must be returned to the lender This "security interest" must be stated in the loan documents and perfected by filing a UCC-1 financing statement
security interest
Any interest in property acquired by contract for the purpose of securing payment or performance of an obligation
security interest
A Security Interest is a secured by either a security clause in a contract, or by a lien on property If you have a Sears charge card, you are in a secured contract with the bank which issues the Sears charge If you have a title loan on your car, the creditor has a security interest in the car title until the bill is paid
security interest
The legal right or share that your mortgage lender holds in your property
security interest
A term designating the interest of the creditor in the property of the debtor in all types of credit transactions It, thus, replaces such terms as the following: chattel mortgage, pledge, trust receipt, chattel trust, equipment trust, conditional sale, inventory hen, etc
security interest
An interest that a lender takes in the borrower's property to assure repayment of a debt
security interest
the interest of a creditor in the property of a debtor
security interest
The legal right or share that the mortgage lender holds to the property
security interest
Small Business Stockbroker Term Overriding Royalty United States
security leak
leak of information that could endanger public safety
security light
a light that turns on when someone tries to enter a building or area at night
security modifications
changes to security arrangements
security needs
safety requirements
security partnership
cooperation for the sake of security
security policy
The means to configure the Policy Enforcement Points (PEPs) to accept or deny network traffic These rules allow a network service to originate from a specific source
security policy
The set of laws, rules, and practices that regulate how an organization manages, protects, and distributes sensitive information
security policy
A set of high-level directives that control the deployment of network services along with the ongoing maintenance and auditing of these security policies
security policy
A set of guidelines defining what you want to protect and what you want to allow at your site
security policy
A document which states the requirements and good practices regarding the security protections and operational control
security policy
The data which defines what protection a system's security services
security policy
The set of laws, rules, and policies that regulate how an organization manages, protects, and distributes sensitive information
security policy
The framework within which an organization establishes needed levels of information security to achieve the desired confidentiality goals A policy is a statement of information values, protection responsibilities, and organization commitment for a system (OTA, 1993) The American Health Information Management Association recommends that security policies apply to all employees, medical staff members, volunteers, students, faculty, independent contractors, and agents (AHIMA, 1996c) (as cited in HISB, DRAFT GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATED TO INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS draft Glossary of Terms Related to Information Security in Health Care Information Systems ) Part of the security management process on the matrix
security policy
The security policy defines what is meant by security within the domain, the rules by which security may be obtained to the satisfaction of the security authority, and the activities to which it applies
security policy
A set of rules and practices that specify or regulate how a system or organization provides security services to protect resources Security policies are components of security architectures Significant portions of security policies are implemented via security services, using security policy expressions
security policy
the security set work product produced during business engineering that documents the customer organization's overall security policies
security policy
The active policy on the client's computer that programmatically generates a granted set of permissions from a set of requested permissions Security policy consists of several levels that interact - only permissions granted by all layers are allowed to be granted
security policy
A document which articulates requirements and good practices regarding the protections maintained by a trustworthy system in support of the PCS
security policy
In the Trusted Solaris Operating Environment, the set of DAC, MAC, and label rules that define how information may be accessed and by whom At a customer site, the set of rules that defines the sensitivity of the information being processed at that site, and the measures that are used to protect the information from unauthorized access
security policy
The definition of reactions taken by agents when recognizing signatures, and the notifications that will be made in those cases
security policy
A policy used to limit access by an applet to the resources of a host system
security policy
The set of laws, rules, and practices regulating how an organisation, computer system manages, protects, and distributes sensitive information
security policy
A security policy is written by organisations to address security issues, in the form of "do's" and "don'ts" These guidelines and rules are for users with respect to physical security, data security, information security and content (eg rules stating that sites with sexual content should not be visited, and that copyrights should be honoured when downloading software, etc)
security policy
A security policy is the set of rules, principles, and practices that determine how security is implemented in an organization It must maintain the principles of the organization's general security policy
security policy
The set of laws, rules, and practices that regulates how an organization manages, protects, and distributes sensitive information
security problem
safety problem, fault in the security system
security rails
security fence, protective fence
security rate
certain rate in relation to the face value rate (for stocks, etc.), set price
security risk
If you describe someone as a security risk, you mean that they may be a threat to the safety of a country or organization
security risk
danger to security
security road
road used to make security patrols
security room
bomb shelter, room that is secured
security service
the government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for internal security and counterintelligence on British territory
security service
a government organization that protects a country's secrets against enemy countries, or protects the government against attempts to take away its power
security services
services specially created to provide maximum protection
security sphere
region of security
security staff
those in an organization responsible for preventing spying or theft
security system
(computing) a system that enforces boundaries between computer networks
security system
an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in
security system
an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in (computing) a system that enforces boundaries between computer networks
security wall
wall built for protection, wall built to ensure security
security zone
area that is secure
sense of security
feeling of protection, safety