A wearing away of the surface through abrasion or a thermo-mechanical displacement of the upper surface of the floor covering by friction from traffic bodies
If you scuff something or if it scuffs, you mark the surface by scraping it against other things or by scraping other things against it. Constant wheelchair use will scuff almost any floor surface Molded plastic is almost indestructible, but scuffs easily. + scuffed scuffed scuffed brown shoes
{i} scratching or scraping sound; act of scratching or scraping; flat-heeled slipper that covers only the toes; abrasion, scratch mark, mark caused by scuffing
the act of scuffing (scraping or dragging the feet) poke at with the foot or toe mar by scuffing; "scuffed shoes" get or become scuffed; "These patent leather shoes scuffed