Terlemekten çok usandım.
- I'm so sick of being sweaty.
John kazağını ters giymişti.
- John had put his sweater on inside out.
O kazağını ters yüz giydi.
- He put on his sweater wrong side out.
Tom terlemeye başlıyor.
- Tom is starting to sweat.
Ellerim terlemeye başladı.
- My hands began to sweat.
When the sweat comes back this summer, 1528, people say, as they did last year, that you won't get it if you don't think about it.
When Kawazoe pinned me down at the meeting, I broke out in a cold sweat.
- Als Kawazoe mich in der Sitzung niedermachte, brach bei mir kalter Schweiß aus.
Have you ever wrung sweat out of your clothes?
- Hast du schon einmal den Schweiß aus deiner Kleidung herausgewrungen?
This is the first time I've ever wrung sweat out of my clothes.
- Es ist das erste Mal, dass ich den Schweiß aus meiner Kleidung wringe.