
listen to the pronunciation of safety
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Emniyet kemeri olmasaydı şimdi hayatta olmazdım. - But for the safety belt, I wouldn't be alive today.

Kaza geçirme ihtimaline karşın biz her zaman bir emniyet kemeri takmak zorundaydık. - We always had to put on a safety belt in case we had an accident.


Güvenlik için kadın, değerli şeylerini bankada sakladı. - She kept her valuables in the bank for safety.

Tom Mary'nin güvenliği hakkında endişeli. - Tom is concerned about Mary's safety.


Tom neden koruyucu gözlük takmıyor? - Why is Tom never wearing safety goggles?

Tom gerçekten koruyucu gözlük takmalıdır. - Tom should really wear safety glasses.


Güvenlik en önemli şeydir. - Safety is the most important thing.

Kendi güvenliklerine önem vermediler. - They paid no attention to their safety.

(Tıp) güvenlilik
(Avcılık) emniyet mandalı
safety match kibrit
emniyeti sağlayan
(Askeri) EMNİYET, EMNİYET DÜZENİ: Bir silah veya füzenin kazara ateşlenmesine engel olan kilit tertibatı veya yakıt kesme cihazı
safety glass dağılmazsafety lamp madenci lambası
safety belt emniyet kemeri
safety catch kabza emniyet mandalı

Bana bir kez daha tüm güvenlik özelliklerini açıklayabilir misin? - Could you explain all the safety features to me once again?

safety lock emniyet kilidi
(Askeri) emniyet düzeni
safety pin
çengelli iğne
safety catch
kabza emniyet mandalı
safety fuze
(Askeri) saniyeli tapa
safety fuze
(Askeri) saniyeli fitil
safety match
safety pin
(Tekstil) kancalı iğne
safety shoes
(Askeri) emniyet ayakkabısı
safety tests
(Tıp) güvenilirlik testleri
safety zone
güvenli bölge
safety belt
emniyet kemeri

Emniyet kemeri olmasaydı şimdi hayatta olmazdım. - But for the safety belt, I wouldn't be alive today.

Kaza geçirme ihtimaline karşın biz her zaman bir emniyet kemeri takmak zorundaydık. - We always had to put on a safety belt in case we had an accident.

safety bolt
emniyet cıvatası
safety brake
emniyet eğleci
safety catch
emniyet mandalı
safety chain
kar zinciri
safety chain
emniyet zinciri
safety circuit
emniyet devresi
safety device
emniyet tertibatı
safety factor
emniyet faktörü
safety fence
safety fence
safety fuse
güvenlik sigortası
safety fuse
safety fuse
emniyet tapası
safety glass
dağılmaz cam
safety glass
kırılmaz cam
safety goggles
koruyucu gözlük
safety goggles
emniyet gözlüğü
safety hat
güvenlik şapkası
safety information contractual document
güvenlik bilgisi yüklenici doküman
safety island
emniyet adası
safety island
safety lamp
güvenlik ışıtacı
safety lamp
emniyet lambası
safety lock
emniyet kilidi
safety match
emniyet kibriti
safety measure
emniyet tedbiri
safety measures
güvenlik önlemleri
safety pin
safety pin
emniyet pimi
safety rail
safety razor
tıraş makinesi
safety related
güvenlikle ilgili
safety rod
emniyet çubuğu
safety rod
güvenirlik çubuğu
safety stripe
safety stripe
safety switch
emniyet şalteri
safety tyre
emniyet lastiği
safety valve
güvenlik subapı
safety valve
emniyet süpabı
safety valve
emniyet supabı
safety zone
güvenlik bölgesi

Şu günlerde, bir güvenlik bölgesi her zaman güvenli değildir. - Nowadays, a safety zone is not always safe.

Safety in numbers
birlikten kuvvet doğar
safety brake
emniyet freni
safety coil
emniyet bobini
safety coupling
emniyet kavraması, emniyet bağlantısı
safety cutout
otomatik emniyet şalteri
safety data sheet
güvenlik bilgi formu
safety engineer
Güvenlik mühendisi
safety engineering
Güvenlik mühendisliği
safety explosive
emniyetli patlayıcı, güvenlikli patlayıcı
safety gear
Korunma ve güvenlik amaçlı giyilen veya kuşanılan ekipman
safety goggles
iş gözlüğü
safety guard
Emniyet muhafazası
safety interlock
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Güvenlik kilidi
safety lamp
madenci feneri
safety lock
1. emniyet kilidi. 2. (silahta) emniyet tertibatı
safety needle
Dışarı çıkmasını engelleyici düzeneği olan tıbbi iğne
safety nets
güvenlik ağları
safety roller
emniyet merdanesi
safety rules
güvenlik kuralları
safety shell
suda boğulmalara karşı kullanılan koruyucu giysi
safety standart
Güvenlik standartı
safety stripe
röfüj, ortakaldirim
safety tape
güvenlik şeridi
safety valve
Emniyet valfı
Safety boots
(Tekstil) Güvenlik ayakkabısı
Safety device
(Tekstil) Güvenlik donanımı
Safety equipment
(Tekstil) Koruyucu ekipman
Safety gloves
(Tekstil) Koruyucu eldiven
Safety helmet
(Tekstil) Koruyucu kask
Safety instructions
(Tekstil) Güvenlik talimatı
Safety link
(Tekstil) Güvenlik zinciri
Safety stop
(Tekstil) Emniyet duruşu
Safety switch
(Tekstil) Güvenlik şalteri
safety alert
(Havacılık) emniyet ikazı
safety analysis
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik analizi
safety analysis report
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik analizi raporu
safety angle
(Askeri) emniyet açısı
safety angle
(Askeri) EMNİYET AÇISI: Bak. "angle of safety"
safety assembly
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik düzeneği
safety award
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik ödülü
safety band
koruyucu şerit
safety bar
pencere koruma çıtası
safety basin
(Askeri) güvenlik havzası
safety belt
(Askeri) EMNİYET KEMERİ: Uçak, tank veya diğer araçlarda, bir şahsın ani dönüş ve manevralar esnasında, oturduğu yerden düşmesine engel olan dayanıklı kuşak
safety boat
(Askeri) emniyet botu
safety bolt
emniyet sürmesi
safety bolt
emniyet sürgüsü
safety brace
emniyet arşılama kolu
safety cage
(Otomotiv) emniyet kafesi
safety cap
emniyet kapağı
safety card
(Askeri) atış emniyet kartı
safety card
(Askeri) ATIŞ EMNİYET KARTI: Belirli bir batarya mevziine, belirli bir zaman için verilen bir kart. Bu kart; atışların derinlemesine ve yanlamasına emniyetle yapılabileceği sahayı gösterir
safety chain
patinaj zinciri
safety chain
güvenlik zinciri
safety chain
kapı zinciri
safety chain
korkuluk zinciri
safety clips
emniyet kelepçeleri
safety cock
emniyet musluğu
safety criteria
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik kriteri
safety curb
yaya kaldırımı (köprüde)
safety depth
(Askeri) emniyet derinliği
safety device
(Askeri) EMNİYET DÜZENİ: Bak. "safety"
safety diagram
(Askeri) ATIŞ EMNİYET ŞEMASI: Emniyetle atış yapılabilecek sahayı gösteren grafik bir şekil; genellikle, bir tatbik krokisi
safety distance
(Askeri) EMNİYET MESAFESİ: Bir kol düzeninde ilerleyen araçların güvenlik ihtiyaçları ışığında komutanca belirlenen mesafe
safety element
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik elemanı
safety equipment
(Askeri) güvenli donanım
safety equipment
güvenlik gereçleri
safety factor
güvenlik katsayısı
safety factor
(Askeri) EMNİYET FAKTÖRÜ: Üzerlerinden yapılacak atışlarda dost kıtalara zarar vermemek için topa bağlanması gereken yan ve yükseklik artırması
safety film
yanmaz film
safety first
önce güvenlik
safety fork
(Askeri) PARAŞÜT EMNİYET ÇENGELİ: Paraşüt çözme tertibatını madeni bir parçası. Bu parça, paraşüt kollarının kazara açılmasını önler
safety fuse
emniyet tıpası
safety fuse
kurşun sigorta
safety fuze
(Askeri) SANİYELİ TAPA: Ateşi patlatıcıya gönderen elastiki ve hava geçirmeyen zamanında ve devamlı yanan ağızotu ihtiva eden tapa
safety glass
mikalı cam
safety head
emniyetli basınç sınırı
safety height
(Askeri) EMNİYET YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Bak. "altitude"; "minimum safe altitude"
safety hook
emniyet kancası
safety hook
emniyet çengeli
safety hubs
(Otomotiv) güvenlik göbeği
safety island
safety key
(Nükleer Bilimler) emniyet anahtarı
safety lamp
madenci lâmbası
safety lanes
(Askeri) EMNİYET YOLLARI: Dost kuvvetlerin taarruzlarına maruz kalmamaları için denizaltı ve suüstü gemiler için belirlenen deniz intikal yolları
safety lanes
(Askeri) emniyet yolları
safety latch
güvenlik sürgüsü
safety latch
emniyet kilidi
safety level
emniyet seviyesi
safety level of supply
(Askeri) İKMAL MADDELERİ EMNİYETLİ SEVİYESİ: Normal bütünlemede, ufak tefek aksaklıkların veya isteklerin yapılmasında beklenmedik dalgalanmaların meydana gelmesi halinde, harekat ve faaliyetin devamına imkan vermek üzere, işletme ikmal seviyesine ilaveten elde bulundurulması gereken miktar. Ayrıca bakınız: "level of supply"
safety lever
(Askeri) EMNİYET MAŞASI (EL BOMBASI): Kilitli bulunduğu sürece, el bombasının kazara ateş almasını önleyen manivela. Bu maşanın çalışması; mermi, bomba ve mayınlardaki emniyet pimi ve mayın emniyet maşasının aynıdır
safety lighting
(Mukavele) güvenlik aydınlatması
safety limit
(Askeri) EMNİYET SINIRI: Üzerinden top ateşi yapılacak dost kıtaların ilerisindeki bir mıntıka veya sahayı sınırlayan hat. Kıtaların zarar görmemesi için, atımların bu mıntıkayı aşması icap eder
safety limits
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik limitleri,güvenlik sınır değerleri
safety line
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK HATTI: Bir kara mayın harbinde telle harekete geçirilen mayınlar ve tökezli teller için hudut hattı. Bu mayın personelin korunmasına yarar. Mayın sahası döşendikten sonra, bu hat ne yerde işaretlenir ne de mayın sahası kayıtlarına geçer
safety lock
(Askeri) EMNİYET KİLİDİ: Bir silahın kazara ateş almasını önleyen kilit tertibatı
safety margins
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik payı
safety measures
safety member
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik elemanı
safety need
(Ticaret) güvenlik ihtiyacı
safety need
(Ticaret) korunma gereği
safety needs
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) güvenlik ihtiyaçları
safety needs
güvenlik gereksinimleri
safety net
emniyet ağı (sirk vb.)
safety nut
emniyet somunu
safety observer; special operations
(Askeri) emniyet gözetleyicisi; özel harekat
safety of life at sea
(Askeri) denizde yaşam güvenliği
safety officer
(Askeri) İŞ EMNİYET SUBAYI: Birlik iş emniyet programı faaliyetlerini idare eden ve yöneten subay
safety pin
(Askeri) EMNİYET PİMİ: Tapa mekanizmasına geçirilen ve tapanın kazara patlamasını imkansız hale getiren kilit pim. Bak. "arming wire"
safety pipe
nakil borusu
safety pointing observer
(Askeri) BATARYA EMNİYET SUBAYI YARDIMCISI: Atışın emredilen emniyet hudutları içinde yapılıp yapılmadığını kontrol eden ve görevi ile ilgili hususlarda batarya emniyet subayına yardımcı olan subay veya astsubay. Bu şahıs; görevlendirdiği topun yükseklik ve yan bağlamalarını kontrol eder ve bunları emniyet sınırları dışında gördüğü zaman, topu atıştan men eder
safety post
güvenlik babası
safety precaution
safety program
(Askeri) İŞ EMNİYET PROGRAMI: İş kazalarından meydana gelecek insan gücü ve bundan doğacak nakdi kayıpları azaltmak ve asgari hadde tutmak; böylece, kaynaklardan daha verimli faydalanmayı sağlamak ve Kara Ordusunun muharebe gücünü arttırmak maksadıyla hazırlanmış bir program
safety razor
safety related
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlikle ilgili yapı sistem ve bileşenler
safety related components
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlikle ilgili bileşenler
safety related equipments
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlikle ilgili donanım
safety related equipments
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlikle ilgili yapılar
safety related systems
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlikle ilgili sistemler
safety relay
(Elektrik, Elektronik) emniyet rölesi
safety requirement
güvenlik gereksinimi
safety rim
(Otomotiv) güvenlik halkası
safety ring
güvenlik halkası
safety rod
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik çubuğu
safety rope
emniyet ipi
safety rules
(Kanun) güvenlik mevzuatı
safety sheet
atlama bezi, itfaiye atlama bezi
safety shoes
(Askeri) EMNİYET AYAKKABISI: Patlayıcı veya diğer tehlikeli maddelerle çalışırken giyilen, kıvılcım çıkarmayacak şekilde imal edilmiş (tabanı lastikli veya köseleli) özel ayakkabı
safety sign
güvenlik işareti
safety stake
(Askeri) EMNİYET KAZIĞI, EMNİYET ÇUBUĞU: Bir silahın sağ veya sol emniyetli atış hudutlarını göstermek üzere yere çakılan kazık. Emniyet kazığı, silahın genel olarak 100 metre ilerisinde münasip mesafe yana dikilir
safety stand
(Otomotiv) emniyet sehpası
safety stand
(Otomotiv) emniyet standı
safety stock
(Sinema) yanmaz boş film
safety stock
safety stock
(Sinema) yanmaz pelikül
safety systems
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik sistemleri
safety tape
emniyet şeridi
safety valve
emniyet valfı/supabı
safety wire
(Askeri) EMNİYET TELİ: Bir tapanın kazara patlamasını önlemek üzere, tapa gövdesinden geçen ve bütün müteharrik parçaları emniyete alan tel. Bu tel; ateş etmeden hemen önce çıkarılır. Bak. "arming wire"
safety zone
(Askeri) EMNİYET BÖLGESİ: Muharip olmayan dost uçakların, su üstü gemilerinin, denizaltıların ve kara kuvvetlerinin harekatları için ayrılmış (kara, deniz ve hava) saha
safety zone
safety zone
yaya bekleme yeri
safety zone
yaya geçidi
safety zones
(Askeri) Emniyet bölgesi
safety/relief valve
(Nükleer Bilimler) emniyet/rahatlatma vanası
cytotoxic drug safety cabinet
(Mantarbilim) Sitotoksik ilaç güvenlik kabini
aviation safety
(Havacılık) havacılık güvenliği
consumer safety
tüketici güvenliği
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Any of the defensive players who are in position furthest from the line of scrimmage and whose responsibility is to defend against passes as well as to be the tacklers of last resort

The free safety made a game-saving tackle on the runner who had broken past the linebackers.

The condition or feeling of being safe; security; certainty

If you push it to the limit, safety is not guaranteed.

When a player is either tackled in or loses the ball out of his team's own end zone resulting in two points for the opposite team

He sacked the quarterback in the end zone for a safety.

A mechanism on a weapon or dangerous equipment designed to prevent accidental firing

Be sure that the safety is set before proceeding.

{i} security, freedom from danger; quality of not causing injury or loss; lock that prevents accidental firing of a gun; any security device; (Football) tackle of an offensive player in his own end zone (scores 2 points for defense); condom (Slang)
{n} a freedom from danger or hurt, custody
If you say that there is safety in numbers, you mean that you are safer doing something if there are a lot of people doing it rather than doing it alone. Many people still feel there is safety in numbers when belonging to a union. Activities that seek to minimize or to eliminate hazardous conditions that can cause bodily injury. Occupational safety is concerned with risks in areas where people work: offices, manufacturing plants, farms, construction sites, and commercial and retail facilities. Public safety is concerned with hazards in the home, in travel and recreation, and in other situations that do not fall within the scope of occupational safety
a score in American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line a safe place; "He ran to safety" the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; "insure the safety of the children"; "the reciprocal of safety is risk
(baseball) the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safely
a score in American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line
A term used synonymously with the phrase environment, safety, and health (ES&H) It encompasses protection of the public, the workers, and the environment
Net - refers to a collection of programs or activity designed to support vulnerable groups in the face of anticipated negative impacts arising from specific policies
A measure of overall health of the organization that is used to examine specific elements of the employee physical working environment
Safety features or measures are intended to make something less dangerous. The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure
The defensive players who are in position furthest from the line of scrimmage and whose responsibility is to defend against passes as well as to be the tacklers of last resort
Freedom from whatever exposes one to danger or from liability to cause danger or harm; safeness; hence, the quality of making safe or secure, or of giving confidence, justifying trust, insuring against harm or loss, etc
relative freedom from harm; in clinical trials, this refers to an absence of harmful side effects resulting from use of the product and may be assessed by laboratory testing of biological samples, special tests and procedures, psychiatric evaluation, and/or physical examination of subjects
when a ball carrier is tackled in his own end zone after bringing the ball there under his own power; the defense earns 2 points and receives a free kick from the offense’s own 20-yard line
The opposite of risk It is the probability that harm will not occur under specified conditions
When a team knocks a ball over their own end line A free shot goal is awarded to opposing team from 60 yards out
a safe place; "He ran to safety"
Safety is the state of being safe from harm or danger. The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft
(DOD) Freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, or damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment [12]
set of procedures which keep people or objects in good condition
Preservation from escape; close custody
the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; "insure the safety of the children"; "the reciprocal of safety is risk
The degree of immunity from physical danger in the work place
Short for Safety bicycle
No drug is completely safe or without the potential for side effects Before a drug may be approved for marketing, the law requires the submission of results of tests adequate to show the drug is safe under the conditions of use in the proposed labeling Thus, "safety" is determined case by case and reflects the drug's risk-vs -benefit relationship
This is a penalty 6 It occurs when a player hits the ball across his own backline The opposing team is not awarded a goal They are given a free hit, undefended, 60 yards from the backline, with the ball placed at the same distance from the sideline as it was when it crossed the backline
The wide meaning is an absence of danger, achieved (in the case of motor vehicles) not just through good design of the vehicle itself but through driver training, road layout, clear lighting and other environmental factors However the word is usually given the narrower meaning of protection from injury in the event of an accident The use of fully-instrumented crash dummies has greatly increased understanding of the ways in which injuries occur and has brought about refinements in the design of established safety features For example, seat belts were found to cause chest injuries in a crash unless they were held uncomfortably tight to force occupants into their seats (as in a racing harness, for example) The solution was pre-tensioned seatbelts, in which a pyrotechnic device triggered by the crash tightens the seatbelt before significant forward movement of the occupant's body can occur
Freedom from danger; a property of a device or process which limits the risk of accident below some specified acceptable level
If you are concerned for someone's safety, you are concerned that they might be in danger. The two youths today declined to testify because they said they feared for their safety
A judgment of the acceptability of risk (a measure of the probability of an adverse outcome and its severity) associated with using a technology in a given situation, e g , for a patient with a particular health problem, by a clinician with certain training, or in a specified treatment setting
If you reach safety, you reach a place where you are safe from danger. He stumbled through smoke and fumes given off from her burning sofa to pull her to safety Guests ran for safety as the device went off in a ground-floor men's toilet The refugees were groping their way through the dark, trying to reach safety. the safety of one's own home
When a player is either tackled in or loses the ball out of his teams own end zone resulting in two points for the opposite team
Penalty No 6 When a defending player hits the ball across his own backline, the other team is awarded a free hit 60 yards from the backline with the ball placed at the same distance from the side line as when it went out
If you are concerned about the safety of something, you are concerned that it might be harmful or dangerous. consumers are showing growing concern about the safety of the food they buy
A mechanism on a weapon or dangerous equipment designed to prevent accidental use
A safe dietary supplement is one that does no harm when used under defined conditions and as intended An unsafe substance may result from toxicity, drug interactions, contraindications, allergies, or contamination
Two points scored by the defensive team when a member of the offensive team is tackled with the football in their own end zone
A safety touchdown
The ability to cause no harm when used as intended {1} Use your browser's "BACK" button to return to the page you were viewing previously
n a planned change in the blocking scheme used when the team confronts an attack it cannot cover
Safety is the practical certainty that injury will not result from exposure to a hazard under defined conditions: in other words, the high probability that injury will not result See practical certainty
by improving the accuracy of orders, and ensuring compliance with approved catalogues, the system ensures the right equipment is available at theright time, which brings obvious reductions in clinical risk
The condition or state of being safe; freedom from danger or hazard; exemption from hurt, injury, or loss
a score in American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line a safe place; "He ran to safety"
A play in which the ballcarrier is tackled in his own end zone; two points are credited to the defensive team; also, either one of the two defensive players who line up farthest from the line of scrimmage
contraceptive device consisting of a thin rubber or latex sheath worn over the penis during intercourse
is primarily concerned with maintaining control over sources, whereas (radiation) protection is primarily concerned with controlling exposure to radiation and its effects Clearly the two are closely connected: radiation protection is very much simpler if the source in question is under control, so safety necessarily contributes towards protection Sources come in many different types, and hence safety may be termed nuclear safety, radiation safety, radioactive waste safety or transport safety, but protection (in this sense) is primarily concerned with protecting humans against exposure, whatever the source, and so is always radiation protection
Same as Safety touchdown, below
a device designed to prevent injury
Relative protection from adverse consequences
safety belt
A belt or strap that attaches a person to an immovable object for safety
safety belts
plural form of safety belt
safety car
A vehicle employed to lead the competitors in an auto race for the duration of a few laps, with the intention of restricting their speed while a hazard exists on the circuit
safety catch
A latching device that prevents accidental activation of a dangerous event, an interlock. Colloquially shortened to just a safety
safety factor
The ratio of the maximum stress or load which something can withstand to the stress or load which it was designed to withstand under normal operation

The common safety factor used for elevator support cables is 11.

safety glass
glass reinforced with wire netting
safety glass
glass that has been tempered to break into rounded grains rather than sharp shards
safety glass
glazing units constructed of a combination of the above
safety glass
a laminate of two or more sheets of glass with a sheet of plastic between each sheet
safety helmet
Any helmet designed to protect the head from accidental injury, such as a bicycle helmet or construction helmet
safety helmets
plural form of safety helmet
safety in numbers
The purported decrease in likelihood that one is to be the victim of an attack, accident, or some other bad event due to being surrounded by people
safety island
An area of roadway from which traffic is excluded so as to provide safety for pedestrians; a traffic island
safety lamp
A miner's lamp designed to avoid explosion by enclosing the flame in fine wire gauze
safety lamps
plural form of safety lamp
safety match
A match designed so it can only be ignited on a special friction surface
safety matches
plural form of safety match
safety net
Anything, such as a governmental organization, that provides security against trouble or misfortune
safety nets
plural form of safety net
safety pin
the pin of a hand grenade that prevents accidental detonation
safety pin
a pin, in the form of a clasp, that has a guard to cover the sharp point; used to join two pieces of fabric etc together temporarily
safety pins
plural form of safety pin
safety razor
A razor, designed for safety, that protects the skin from all but the very edge of the blade (as opposed to a straight razor)
safety razors
plural form of safety razor
safety school
The least-desired among colleges and universities one applies to for admission, chosen as a contingency in case he is rejected from all others
safety schools
plural form of safety school
safety stock
Additional inventory planned to buffer against the variability in supply and demand plans, that could otherwise result in inventory shortages
safety stocks
plural form of safety stock
safety valve
A relief valve set to open at a pressure below that at which a container (such as a boiler) would burst
safety-deposit box
a safe-deposit box
Attributive form of safety valve, noun
safety belt
A seat belt, sometimes called a safety belt, is a safety harness designed to secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement that may result from a collision or a sudden stop. As part of an overall occupant restraint system, seat belts are intended to reduce injuries by stopping the wearer from hitting hard interior elements of the vehicle or other passengers (the so-called second impact) and by preventing the wearer from being thrown from the vehicle
safety car
In motorsport, a safety car or pace car is a car which limits the speed of competing cars on a racetrack in the case of a caution period such as a major accident or obstruction on the track. During a caution period the safety car enters the track ahead of the leader. With few exceptions, competitors are not allowed to pass the safety car or other competitors during a caution period, and the safety car leads the field at a pre-determined safe speed, which may vary by series and circuit. At the end of the caution period, the safety car leaves the track and the competitors may resume racing
safety culture
Safety culture is a term that was introduced by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG) in a report published on the (post-accident review meeting on the) Chernobyl disaster in 1986. The International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA (1991) defines safety culture as follows: “Safety culture is that assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organisations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention warranted by their significance.”
safety harness
A system of belts or restraints to hold a person to prevent falling or injury
safety angle
angle of a weapon which ensures that the shooter or bystanders will not be injured at the time of shooting
safety arch
an undecorated arch that is included in order to strengthen or support a construction
safety belt
A solid belt that may be attached to a secured lifeline
safety belt
belt that straps one into a seat in order to prevent injury in case of an accident
safety belt
A safety belt is a strap attached to a seat in a car or aeroplane. You fasten it round your body and it stops you being thrown forward if there is an accident. = seat belt. a seat belt
safety belt
a harness or belt worn in conjunction with a safety line to prevent falling a long distance when working at heights
safety belt
belt attaching you to some object as a restraint in order to prevent you from getting hurt
safety bicycle
bicycle that has two wheels of equal size; pedals are connected to the rear wheel by a multiplying gear
safety bicycle
A bicycle with equal or nearly equal wheels, usually 28 inches diameter, driven by pedals connected to the rear (driving) wheel by a multiplying gear
safety blitz
(American football) defensive players try to break through the offensive line
safety bolt
a bolt that cannot be moved from outside the door or gate
safety catch
safety lock, lock to prevent accidental use
safety catch
Prior to 1900 or so, brooches had a simple "C" catch with no locking mechanism, and the pin often extended out beyond the "C" far enough to weave back into clothing for security At the turn of the century several "safety catches" were invented and came into common used for better jewelry, so a piece that exhibits a safety catch was made in the twentieth century (Consider the possibility, however, that an old catch was replaced at some point, and look for evidence of this )
safety catch
The safety catch on a gun is a device that stops you firing the gun accidentally. Eddie slipped the safety catch on his automatic back into place. a lock on a gun that stops anyone from shooting it by accident American Equivalent: safety
safety catch
guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired
safety catch
A safety catch is a secondary closure (usually on a fine bracelet or necklace) that is used in case the primary clasp opens, preventing the loss of the jewelry It is often a hinged, snapping loop that is permanently attached to one side of the clasp (often a box clasp), and, when the bracelet is closed, snaps onto the other side of the clasp
safety chain
A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing
safety chain
An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually out of sight, to prevent stealing of the watch
safety chain
A chain of sheet metal links with an elongated hole through each broad end, made up by doubling the first link on itself, slipping the next link through and doubling, and so on
safety circuit
An electronic circuit that prevents malfunction by either sounding an alert or activating a trip circuit on a protective device
safety control
Device which will stop the refrigerating unit if unsafe pressures, temperatures, or dangerous conditions are reached
safety control
An electrical, mechanical, or electromechanical control to protect the equipment or public from harm
safety curtain
a thick curtain at the front of a theatre stage that prevents fire from spreading
safety curtain
theater fire resistant curtain that can be dropped in the event of fire
safety curtain
a fireproof theater curtain to be dropped in case of fire
safety cushion
In a contingent immunization strategy, the difference between the initially available immunization level and the safety-net return
safety distance
required distance from the car in front in order to protect oneself in the event of sudden braking
safety equipment
collection of equipment used to maintain safety and in rescue missions
safety factor
considering several different elements in a calculation to be sure of making the proper decision
safety factor
the ratio of the breaking stress of a structure to the estimated maximum stress in ordinary use
safety feature
feature of an artifact that is added to insure a user's safety
safety fuse
fuse consisting of a tube or cord filled or saturated with combustible matter
safety glass
A strengthened or reinforced glass that is less subject to breakage or splintering
safety glass
Safety glass is very strong glass that does not break into sharp pieces if it is hit. strong glass that breaks into very small pieces that are not sharp, used for example in car windows
safety glass
reinforced glass for increased safety
safety glass
Glass which must have passed an impact test (BS 6206: 1981) and either must not break or must break safely
safety glass
glass made with plates of plastic or resin or other material between two sheets of glass to prevent shattering
safety glass
(tempered glass) A random sampling of exterior doors and windows and review of individual shower doors revealed some areas that lack safety glass This is not uncommon in older buildings, as safety glass may not have been required at the time of installation Doors and windows not equipped with safety glass are hazardous if broken Present industry standards require safety glass to minimize this hazard
safety glass
Specific type of glass having the ability to withstand breaking into large jagged pieces, usually tempered and laminated
safety goggles
glasses with specially sealed lenses so as to protect the eyes
safety in numbers
it is safer to be in a large group
safety island
An area marked off within a roadway from which traffic is banned, especially to provide pedestrian safety
safety island
safe area on road that provides pedestrian safety
safety lamp
an oil lamp that will not ignite flammable gases (methane)
safety lamp
light used to ensure safety, emergency lamp
safety lamp
A miner's lamp with a protective wire gauze surrounding the flame to prevent ignition of flammable gases. a special lamp used by miners, with a flame which will not make underground gases explode
safety latch
safety lock, lock to prevent accidental use
safety lead time
(Ticaret) A hedge lead time added to the actual or calculated lead time that initiates earlier order release. Items planned on a to-order instead of a to-stock basis may use safety lead time instead of safety stock to handle critical requirements when carrying additional inventory is not desirable
safety limit
condition or given fact which should not be exceeded in order not to risk a person's safety
safety lock
lock which secures and prevents accidental opening or usage
safety margin
extra space for maneuvers
safety match
a paper match that strikes only on a specially prepared surface
safety match
A match that can be lighted only by being struck against a chemically prepared friction surface. a match that you can light only by rubbing it along a special surface on the side of its box
safety match
match used for creating a fire
safety measures
precautionary measures, procedures whose goal it is to guard one's safety
safety net
The set of rules which are used to monitor operation of control software Simplex safety nets are designed operate effectively based on the external behavior replacement units
safety net
A policy that ensures a minimum income, consumption, or wage level for everyone in a society or subgroup It may also provide people (businesses) with protection against risks, such as lost income, limited access to credit, or devastation from natural disasters
safety net
In a circus, a safety net is a large net that is placed below performers on a high wire or trapeze in order to catch them and prevent them being injured if they fall off
safety net
a large strong net to catch circus acrobats who fall or jump from a trapeze a guarantee of professional or financial security
safety net
Income security programs that provide aid when primary and secondary sources of support (earnings and social insurance benefits) are absent or inadequate Sectarian Auspices of and funding from a specific religious group May or may not serve primarily members of that religious group (Usually non-profit )
safety net
security net; that which provides security, back-up plan, supportive person or situation
safety net
a guarantee of professional or financial security
safety net
A product of volatile markets in which investors are wary of putting up money for new issues, particularly at a premium, this guarantees buyback of the shares of the issuing company at the issue price if the share price falls below what the investor has paid The offer is made by the lead merchant banker to the issue and is valid for a certain number of months, for a certain proportion of the issue
safety net
a large strong net to catch circus acrobats who fall or jump from a trapeze
safety net
A safety net is something that you can rely on to help you if you get into a difficult situation. Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers
safety net
A woven meshed fabric that is suspended below a construction activity to protect materials and people that may fall from dangerous heights
safety nut
{i} extra nut screwed down on a main nut to prevent it from becoming loose
safety of the state
national security
safety officer
The safety officer in a company or an organization is the person who is responsible for the safety of the people who work or visit there. someone in an organization who is responsible for the safety of the people who work there
safety pin
pin that bends backward on itself and is fastened by placing the pointed end into a guard
safety pin
A safety pin is a bent metal pin used for fastening things together. The point of the pin has a cover so that when the pin is closed it cannot hurt anyone. trousers which were held together with safety pins
safety pin
a pin in the form of a clasp; has a guard so the point of the pin will not stick the user
safety precautions
means of caution for increasing safety
safety rail
a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety
safety razor
device used for shaving in which the blade is partially covered to protect the user from accidentally cutting himself
safety razor
a razor with a guard to prevent deep cuts in the skin
safety razor
a razor that has a cover over part of the blade to protect your skin
safety regulations
rules for safety, rules that must be kept to maintain security
safety rules
rules of behavior that are intended to protect the lives of the public
safety squeeze play
the runner on third base waits to start home until the batter has bunted successfully
safety stock
The inventory a company holds beyond normal needs as a buffer against delays in receipt of orders or changes in customer buying patterns
safety stock
-quantity of inventory used in inventory management systems to allow for deviations in demand or supply
safety stock
(margin of safety) The amount of additional inventory required to prevent out of stocks in the event of changes in sales or delivery days
safety stock
Inventory planned to protect against variable demand, delayed supply or scrap
safety stock
(Ticaret) An inventory quantity planned to be on-hand at all times to provide a hedge against future uncertainty. Planning systems generate planned orders based on the quantity and timing needed to maintain the specified safety stock
safety stock
That quantity of inventory, above normal usage, which is kept as protection against uncertainty of demand or of supply availability
safety stock
Stock held at all times regardless of stock ordered using EOQ It is a buffer against unexpected increases in demand or lead time and unexpected unavailability of stock from suppliers
safety stock
The inventory a company holds above normal needs as a buffer against delays in receipt of supply or changes in customer demand
safety stock
a level of stock over and above expected requirements held in inventory as a precaution against unusually heavy demand, delays in supply, etc
safety stock
Taking lead time and usage into account, a company can determine the required safety stock for each item in inventory and trigger purchases or other replenishment of stock when safety stock points are reached
safety stock
An inventory quantity planned to be on-hand at all times to provide a hedge against future uncertainty Planning systems generate planned orders based on the quantity and timing needed to maintain the specified safety stock
safety stock
(1) In general, this is a quantity of stock planned to be in inventory to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply (2) In the context of master scheduling, safety stock can refer to additional inventory and/or capacity planned as protection against over planning or as a market hedge [APIC]
safety stock
Extra inventory consumed during periods of above-average usage in a setting with fluctuating demand
safety stock
Quantity of an inventory item carried in stores or stock as a hedge against stockout resulting from above-average or unexpected demand during procurement lead time Also known as minimum or protective inventory, buffer inventory, cushion, or reserve
safety stock
The amount of merchandise that is held to meet customer demand during product lead times
safety strap
safety belt, strap that holds things securely in place
safety valve
A safety valve is something that allows you to release strong feelings without hurting yourself or others. crying is a natural safety valve
safety valve
special plug that is connected to a machine or tool and is used to block an opening
safety valve
a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level
safety valve
A safety valve is a device which allows liquids or gases to escape from a machine when the pressure inside it becomes too great. Residents heard an enormous bang as a safety valve on the boiler failed
safety violation
violation of security regulations
safety zone
A safety zone is a place in the middle of a road crossing where you can wait before you cross the other half of the road
safety zone
safety island, safe area on road that provides pedestrian safety
safety lock, lock to prevent accidental use
a fireproof metal strongbox (usually in a bank) for storing valuables
safe for the storage of valuables; "kept the deed in his safe-deposit box at the bank"
safety-deposit box
safe-deposit box a small box used for storing valuable objects, usually kept in a special room in a bank
{i} security device used in electrical systems, fuse
providing or ensuring safety
certified safety professional
A person accredited by the American Board of Safety Professionals, the certification board for safety professionals in the United States. A Certified Safety Professional is designated by the letters CSP after his or her name
child safety seat
A car safety restraint designed for infants and young children
child safety seats
plural form of child safety seat
elfin safety
Health and Safety Executive; any reference to the modern obsession with health and safety

Heaven knows what Elfin Safety would say.

type safety
the extent to which a programming language discourages or prevents type errors