runder aufsatz

listen to the pronunciation of runder aufsatz
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
Of excellent quality, first-rate
A final enemy in a video game or in a level/major area/dungeon that is particularly challenging and usually must be beaten in order to progress in or to complete the game
A lump-like mass of rock, especially one projecting through a strata of different rock
(Billing and Order Support System) A U S WEST database containing customer records and billing information Used only in the Central and Western regions
a person who exercises control and makes decisions; "he is his own boss now"
knob or projection usually placed to cover the intersection of ribs in a vault
To decorate with bosses; to emboss
Any member of the managerial ranks who is directly in charge of miners (e g , "shift-boss," "face-boss," "fire-boss," etc )
exceptionally good; "a boss hand at carpentry"; "his brag cornfield
a round eminence as found at the base of a horn
Somebody that you have successfully fooled into believing that you are organized
raised rim around a hole; e g , axle hole in a wheel Circular projection on a casting, usually serving as the seat for a bolt head or nut
A wooden vessel for the mortar used in tiling or masonry, hung by a hook from the laths, or from the rounds of a ladder
A projection of circular cross-section on a casting, usually intended for drilling and tapping for attaching parts
In masonry construction, a projecting ornament, often located at the intersection of two components
Basic Operation Support System
A head or reservoir of water
If you say that someone bosses you, you mean that they keep telling you what to do in a way that is irritating. We cannot boss them into doing more `You are not to boss me!' she shouted. = order around Boss around, or in British English boss about, means the same as boss. He started bossing people around and I didn't like what was happening
A person in charge of a business or company
the strengthened area at the centre of a shield to the hand grip, which is attached to the rear of the boss. The boss is frequently made of metal even when the remainder of the shield is of wood or leather