Porsuk bir sürü tavşan ve kayın tavuğu, ela keklik, küçük kemirgenler yakalar. - Wolverine catches a lot of hares and black grouses, hazel grouses, small rodents.
Büyük jerboa kemirgenlerin bir türüdür. - The Great Jerboa is a species of rodent.
Rodents are small mammals which have sharp front teeth. Rats, mice, and squirrels are rodents. any small animal of the type that has long sharp front teeth, such as a rat or a rabbit (present participle of rodere ). Any member of the order Rodentia, which contains 50% of all living mammal species. Rodents are gnawing, mostly herbivorous, placental mammals. They have one pair of upper and one pair of lower, continuously growing, incisors. When the lower jaw is pulled back, the cheek teeth connect for grinding; when it is pulled forward and down, the incisors meet at the tips for gnawing. Rodent families include squirrels (Sciuridae); Old World mice (see mouse) and rats (Muridae); deer mice (see deer mouse), gerbils, hamsters, lemmings, muskrats, wood rats, and voles (Cricetidae); beaver (Castoridae); gophers (Geomyidae); guinea pigs (Caviidae); pocket mice (see pocket mouse) and kangaroo rats and mice (Heteromyidae); New and Old World porcupines (Erethizontidae and Hystricidae); and hutia (Capromyidae)
Any of an order (Rodentia) of relatively small gnawing mammals (as a mouse, a squirrel, or a beaver) that have in both jaws a single pair of teeth with a chisel-shaped edge
Rodents can carry serious diseases and they are instinctively wary of traps and bait Pest-Pro prefers not to use bait or poison because you could end up with a dead rodent inside a wall, and that does not smell very nice over time We set up traps in specific popular areas of rodents including attics, garages, and sub-areas Ask Andy for more details!
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