Kot pantolonumun dikişleri yırtıldı.
- My jeans ripped at the seams.
rest in peace.
Tom mektubu yırtarak açtı.
- Tom ripped up the letter.
Zarfı yırtarak açtım.
- I ripped the envelope open.
Bu kağıt parçasını yırtacağım.
- I'm going to rip up this piece of paper.
You must do different types of exercises to get your muscles ripped.
Australian A strong outflow of surface water, away from the shore, that returns water from incoming waves.
opensource is a double-edged sword. while you have a chance of people using and improving on the code, you will also have the chance of lamers ripping it.
I can't believe how the car dealerships try to rip off their customers.
They ripped off the whole idea from their competitors.
rip up the dancefloor.
It was a rip-roaring, bar wide, fight, until the cops broke it up.
Once we have the tank full we will back away and you can let her rip.
She let rip about Mary's flirting with Lizzie's boyfriend.
That's the premise of the overload principle, and it must be applied, even to ab training, if you're going to develop a cut, ripped midsection.