any shrub of the genus Rhododendron: evergreen shrubs or small shrubby trees having leathery leaves and showy clusters of campanulate (bell-shaped) flowers
A rhododendron is a large bush with large flowers which are usually pink, red, or purple. a bush with bright flowers which keeps its leaves in winter (from rhodon + dendron ). Any of about 800 diverse species of woody plants that make up the genus Rhododendron in the heath family, notable for their attractive flowers and handsome foliage. They are native chiefly in the northern temperate zone, especially in South Asia and Malaysia. Some are evergreens, others deciduous. Some are low-growing ground covers; others are tall trees. Flowers are usually tubular to funnel-shaped and occur in a wide range of colours: white, yellow, pink, scarlet, purple, and blue. See also azalea
[ "rO-d&-'den-dr&n ] (noun.) 1664. New Latin, from Latin, oleander, from Greek, from rhod- + dendron tree; more at DENDR-.