
listen to the pronunciation of resistance
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bu türler, doğal seleksiyonun bir sonucu olarak hastalığa karşı direnç geliştirmiştir. - This species has evolved resistance to the disease as a result of natural selection.

Öneriniz önemli dirençle karşılaşacaktır. - Your proposal will meet with significant resistance.


Adam direnmeden teslim oldu. - The man surrendered without resistance.

Güçlü direnme bekliyoruz. - We expect heavy resistance.

{i} rezistans
{i} mukavemet
(Havacılık) resistans
(Fizik) dayanırlık

Amerika'daki raporlarda, Irak ordusu tarafından yapılan gerilla direnişi terörizm olarak adlandırılır. - In reports in America, guerrilla resistance by the Iraq military is called terrorism.

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki raporlarda, Irak ordusu tarafından yapılan gerilla direnişi terörizm olarak adlandırılır. - In reports in the United States, guerrilla resistance by the Iraq military is called terrorism.

karşı durma
karşı koyma

Bazıları için terörist olanlar diğerleri için karşı koymadır. - Those who are terrorists for some, are resistance for others.

Karşı koymanın faydası yok. - Resistance is futile.

karşı çıkma
dayanma gücü

Columbus Günü, Hint Direniş Günü olarak hatırlanmalıdır. - Columbus Day should be remembered as the Day of Indian Resistance.

Amerika'daki raporlarda, Irak ordusu tarafından yapılan gerilla direnişi terörizm olarak adlandırılır. - In reports in America, guerrilla resistance by the Iraq military is called terrorism.

{i} metanet
{i} tahammül
{i} karşı gelme
{i} fiz. direnç, rezistans
karşı çıkmak

O direnmekten vazgeçti ve kendini kaderine teslim etti. - He stopped resisting, and resigned himself to his fate.

Günaha karşı direnmek gerçekten çok zor. - It's hard to resist temptation.

{f} dayanmak
karşı koymak

Bazen kahkahayla gülme dürtüsüne karşı koymak zordur. - Sometimes it's hard to resist the impulse to burst out laughing.

Tom'un boynunu sıkma dürtüsüne karşı koymak zordu. - It was hard to resist the impulse to wring Tom's neck.

resistance box
rezistans kutusu
resistance meter
resistance value
(Otomotiv) direnç değeri
resistance thermometer
direnç termometresi
resistance unit
direnç birimi
resistance alloy
direnç alaşımı
resistance amplifier
dirençli amplifikatör, dirençli yükselteç
resistance barrier
rezistans sınırı
resistance box
direnç kutusu
resistance bridge
direnç köprüsü
resistance coefficient
direnç katsayısı
resistance coil
direnç bobini
resistance coupling
direnç kuplaji
resistance drop
direnç düşüşü
resistance furnace
direnç fırını
resistance heating
dirençle ısıtma
resistance movement
(Tarih) Milli mücadele döneminde "Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti"
resistance noise
direnç gürültüsü
resistance organization
(Tarih) Milli mücadele döneminde "Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti"
resistance spot welding
Direnç nokta kaynağı
resistance spot welding
(Metal İşleme) Punta kaynak
resistance to creasing
burusmazlik, kirismazlik
resistance to deformation
deformasyon direnci
resistance to oppression
baskıya karşı direnç göstermek
resistance training
direnç eğitimi
resistance welder
direnç kaynağı makinesi
resistance welding
(Mühendislik) direnç kaynağı
resistance wire
direnç teli
resistance acids
asit haslığı
resistance ageing
buharlama haslığı
resistance coil
(Elektrik, Elektronik) direnç sargısı
resistance factor
(Çevre) direnme faktörü
resistance fighter
(Askeri) Mukavemetçi
resistance force
direnç kuvveti
resistance gene
(Tıp) rezistans geni
resistance lamp
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) direnç lambası
resistance meter
resistance movement
(Askeri) MUKAVEMET HAREKETİ: Kanuni olarak kurulmuş hükümete veya bir işgal kuvvetine karşı koymak ve sivil düzen ve dengeyi bozmak üzere bir ülkenin sivil halkının bir kısmı tarafından organize edilen çabalar, faaliyetler
resistance multiplier
direnc cevirici
resistance stage
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) direnme evresi
resistance to acids
(Tekstil) asit haslığı
resistance to ageing
(Tekstil) buharlama haslığı
resistance to alkali
(Tekstil) alkaliye dayanıklılık
resistance to oxidation
(Tekstil) oksidasyon haslığı
resistance to pulling out
çekme mukavemeti (kazık)
resistance to rubbing
(Tekstil) sürtünme haslığı
resistance to steaming
(Tekstil) buharlama haslığı
resistance to swelling
(Tekstil) şişme haslığı
resistance wire
dirençli tel
resistance wire
rezistans teli
reverse resistance
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ters direnç
break the resistance
Direncini kırmak
tamper resistance
Kurcalamaya dayanıklı
nonviolent resistance
pasif direniş
{f} engellemek
abrasion resistance
aşınma dayanıklılığı
abrasion resistance
(Askeri) aşınmaya karşı direnç
controller resistance
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kontrolör direnci
corrosion resistance
yenim direnci
crease resistance
crush resistance
ezilme dayanımı
drug resistance
(Tıp) ilaç rezistansı
drug resistance
(Eczacılık,Tıp) ilaca direnç
electrical resistance
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektrik direnci
hydrolytic resistance
(Tıp) hidrolitik direnç
insulation resistance
(Bilgisayar,İnşaat) yalıtım direnci
insulin resistance
(Tıp) insülin direnci
least resistance
minimum direnç
meet with resistance
direnişle karşılaşmak
mount passive resistance
pasif direniş sergilemek
passive resistance
eylemsiz direniş
passive resistance
pasif mukavemet
penetration resistance
(İnşaat) penetrasyon direnci
penetration resistance
(İnşaat) batma direnci
penetration resistance
(İnşaat) geçirim direnci
(Tarım) diremek
direnç göstermek
kafa tutmak
rolling resistance
(Otomotiv) yuvarlanma direnci
shock resistance
(Mekanik) sarsım direnci
specific resistance
surge resistance
(Askeri) yüksek gerilime direnme
tamper resistance
Kötü kullanıma karşı dayanıklı
vascular resistance
(Tıp) vasküler direnç
acid resistance
aside dayanıklılık
acid resistance test
aside dayanıklılık testi
acoustic resistance
akustik direnç
air resistance
hava direnci
air resistance
tenek direnci
anode resistance
anot direnci
antenna resistance
anten direnci
arc resistance
ark direnci
auxiliary resistance
yardımcı direnç
base spreading resistance
baz iç direnci
battery resistance
akü direnci
bleeder resistance
önyükleme direnci
brake resistance
fren direnci
brake resistance
eğleç direnci
calibration resistance
ayarlama direnci
charging resistance
şarj direnci
coil resistance
bobin direnci
collector resistance
kollektör direnci
common mode resistance
ortak mod direnci
compensating resistance
dengeleme direnci
conductor resistance
iletken direnci
constant resistance network
sabit direnç devresi
contact resistance
kontak direnci
corrosion resistance
korozyon rezistansı
coupling resistance
kavrama direnci
cracking resistance
çatlama direnci
critical resistance
kritik direnç
damping resistance
sönüm direnci
dark resistance
karanlık direnci
dielectric resistance
dielektrik direnç
differential anode resistance
diferansiyel anot direnci
direct current resistance
doğru akım direnci
drag resistance
sürükleme direnci
dynamic cathode resistance
dinamik katot direnci
dynamic emitter resistance
dinamik emitör direnci
dynamic resistance
dinamik direnç
dynamic source resistance
dinamik kaynak direnci
earth resistance
toprak direnci
effective resistance
etkin direnç
effective series resistance
etkin seri direnç
electric resistance
elektrik direnci
electric resistance
çıngı direnci
electric resistance furnace
elektrik dirençli fırın
electrical resistance
electrode resistance
elektrot direnci
equivalent resistance
eşdeğer direnç
friction resistance
sürtünme direnci
frictional resistance
sürtünme direnci
frost resistance
dona karşı direnç
frost resistance
don direnci
high frequency resistance
yüksek frekans direnci
high frequency resistance hardening
yüksek frekanslı dirençle sertleştirme
high resistance voltmeter
yüksek dirençli voltmetre
yüksek dirençli
impact resistance
darbe direnci
impact resistance
çarpma dayanıklılığı
input resistance
giriş direnci
intake resistance
emme direnci
internal input resistance
iç giriş direnci
internal output resistance
iç çıkış direnci
internal resistance
iç direnç
light resistance
ışık haslığı
light resistance
ışık rezistansı
load resistance
yük direnci
logarithmic resistance
logaritmik direnç
magnetic resistance
manyetik direnç
metallic resistance
metalik direnç
moisture resistance
neme karşı dayanıklılık
negative resistance
eksi direnç
negative resistance
negatif direnç
offer resistance
karşı koy
ohmic resistance
ohm direnci
passive resistance
pasif direniş
passive resistance
pasif direnç
path of least resistance
en az direnç yolu
piece de resistance
ana yemek
göğüs germek
-meden edebilmek

İnsanlar zalim hükümdara direndi. - The people resisted their cruel ruler.

Tom anahtar deliğinden bakmaya direnemedi. - Tom couldn't resist peeking through the keyhole.

shock resistance
şok direnci
shock resistance
sarsma dayanıklılığı
The resistance
direnci olan
abrasion resistance
Aşınma direnci, aşınma dayanımı
bonding resistance
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Bağ direnci
break resistance
break direnç
chemical resistance
kimyasal mukavemet
current resistance
akım direnci
decade resistance box
önlük direnç kutusu
dent resistance
(Mühendislik) çökme dayanımı
drug resistance
(Tıp, İlaç) İlaç dayanımı, ilacın direnç geliştirmesi
electrical resistance welding
elektrik direnç kaynağı
emitter resistance
emitör direnci
equivalent series resistance
eşdeğer seri direnç
fatigue resistance
yorulma direnci
feedback resistance
geribesleme direnci
filament resistance
filaman direnci
frost resistance
dona karşı direnç, don direnci
impact resistance
darbe dayanımı
light resistance
ışık rezistansi
line of least resistance
en kolay yol
plate resistance
anot direnci
put up resistance
direnç koydular
radiation resistance
radyasyon direnci, ışınım direnci
resistance to
right of resistance
(Politika Siyaset) Direnme hakkı: Bireylerin, gördükleri baskı ve zulüm karşısında, doğal hak ve özgürlüklerini korumak amacıyla son çare olarak gerekirse zor kullanarak bu baskı ve zulme karşı koyma hakkı
scratch and mar resistance tests
Yüzeyi çizme ve yüzeyi bozmaya dayanıklılık testleri
secondary resistance
sekonder direnç, ikincil direnç
series resistance
seri direnç
shock resistance
şok direnci, sarsma dayanıklılığı
shunt resistance
sönt rezistans
sliding resistance
kayma direnci
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык

Определение resistance в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь

right of resistance
(Kanun) Bireylerin, gördükleri baskı ve zulüm karşısında, doğal hak ve özgürlüklerini korumak amacıyla son çare olarak gerekirse zor kullanarak bu baskı ve zulme karşı koyma hakkı
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Shortened form of electrical resistance
An underground organization engaged in a struggle for liberation from forceful occupation
The act of resisting, or the capacity to resist
A force that tends to oppose motion
the exertion of opposite effort or effect
{n} opposition, the power which resists
A stock that tends to find significant selling pressure at a certain price level is said to have overhead resistance at that price level Technical indicators like moving averages can also provide resistance as downtrending stocks rally up to touch these trendlines and spark new sellers at such resistance points
The opposite of support These are price levels in a market that are expected to provide some barrier to a price rise Resistance levels act as a ceiling to gains and are predominately derived from prior market peaks or levels where the market had been very active
(electrical) The ability of all CONDUCTORs of electricity to resist the flow of current, turning some of it into heat Resistance depends on the cross section of the conductor (the smaller the cross section, the greater the resistance) and its temperature (the hotter the cross section, the greater its resistance)
In a country which is occupied by the army of another country, or which has a very harsh and strict government, the resistance is an organized group of people who are involved in illegal activities against the people in power. They managed to escape after being arrested by the resistance
The resistance to flow of electricity through a material
A point on a chart, represented by a straight line connecting at least two points, at which price may be expected to turn down A resistance may be either horizontal or diagonal Resistance will be strong or weak depending on factors such as the number of points touching the resistance and the period during which the resistance occurs Thus a long term resistance touching many points will be a strong impediment to a medium term rally Horizontal resistance will only be strong if volume accompanied the previous occurrence of the price in question Diagonal resistance does not depend on volume for its efficacy
#1 Symbol R, measured in ohms The ratio of the potential difference across an electrical component to the current passing through it R = Voltage (V) / Current (A) It is therefore a measure of a components opposition to the flow of electric charge
a material's opposition to the flow of electric current; measured in ohms
The opposition of electric current by a material or electrical device Electrical energy is converted into thermal and other forms of energy when work is done by a current to overcome a resistance
group action in opposition to those in power
A certain hindrance or opposition to the passage of an electrical current or discharge offered by conducting bodies
group action in opposition to those in power (psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness the degree of unresponsiveness of a disease-causing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillin-resistant bacteria) any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion
Wind or air resistance is a force which slows down a moving object or vehicle. The design of the bicycle has managed to reduce the effects of wind resistance and drag
the opposition that a material offers to the flow of electricity in a circuit   As every material (including wire and connectors) offers some level of resistance, using components of differing resistance can direct or divert voltage and amperage   When occurring in a direct current circuit, this opposition to current flow is referred to as resistance; in an alternating current circuit, as impedance   Resistance can be compared to an upward angle in a pipe carrying water  
The opposition to electric current flow All conductors offer some resistance and the basic unit of resistance is the ohm Resolution The degree of accuracy to which a controller can be set to or the degree of accuracy of an output function as in a digital readout of a specific output Rheostat A variable resistor having one movable contact (wiper), and one terminal fixed at one end of the resistance A potentiometer can be connected as a rheostat by connecting the wiper to either one of its other terminals
the quality that impedes the flow of electric current All materials have some degree of inherent resistance Substances with low resistance (such as metals) conduct electricity well and are called conductors Substances with very high resistance are called insulators or non-conductors
In dc circuits, the opposition a material offers to current flow, measured in ohms In ac circuits, resistance is the real component of impedance and may be higher than the value measured at dc
an electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current
the opposition which a device or material offers to the flow of current; measured in ohms
the military action of resisting the enemy's advance; "the enemy offered little resistance"
In electrical engineering or physics, resistance is the ability of a substance or an electrical circuit to stop the flow of an electrical current through it. materials that lose all their electrical resistance
A means or method of resisting; that which resists
The resistance in a substance to the flow of electric current Devices with a specific resistance, called resistors, are used in electronic circuits
The property of conductors which - depending on their dimensions, material, and temperature - determines the current produced by a given difference of potential; that property of a substance which impedes current and results in the dissipation of power in the form of heat The practical unit of resistance is the ohm
If you take the line of least resistance in a situation, you do what is easiest, even though you think that it may not be the right thing to do. In American English, you usually talk about the path of least resistance. They would rather take the line of least resistance than become involved in arguments. or Underground Clandestine groups opposed to Nazi rule in German-occupied Europe in World War II. The groups included civilians who worked secretly against the occupation and armed bands of partisans or guerrilla fighters. Resistance activities ranged from assisting the escape of Jews and Allied airmen shot down over enemy territory to committing sabotage, ambushing German patrols, and sending intelligence information to the Allies. Resistance groups were not always unified; in some countries, rival groups divided along communist and noncommunist lines. However, in France the clandestine National Council of the Resistance coordinated all French groups, which gave support to the Normandy Campaign and participated in the August 1944 uprising that helped liberate Paris. Resistance groups in other northern European countries also undertook military actions to help the Allied forces in 1944-45. Opposition that a material or electrical circuit offers to the flow of electric current. It is the property of a circuit that transforms electrical energy into heat energy as it opposes the flow of current. The resistance R, the electromotive force or voltage V, and the current I are related by Ohm's (Hukuk) The resistance of an electrical conductor generally increases with increasing temperature and is utilized in devices such as lamps and heaters. The ohm () is the common unit of electrical resistance; one ohm is equal to one volt (see electromotive force) per ampere. passive resistance drug resistance Harakat al Muqawimah al Islamiyyah Islamic Resistance Movement Underground Railroad
It bears an inverse relation to the conductivity, good conductors having a small resistance, while poor conductors or insulators have a very high resistance
Resistance to an attack consists of fighting back against the people who have attacked you. The troops are encountering stiff resistance
The resistance of your body to germs or diseases is its power to remain unharmed or unaffected by them. This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it
Resistance to something such as a change or a new idea is a refusal to accept it. The US wants big cuts in European agricultural export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance
the ability of a microorganism to mutate or change its structure in such a way that it loses its sensitivity to a drug; a resistant organism can function and replicate despite the drug's presence Contrast with susceptible See also cross-resistance
a secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force
The opposition that a substance offers to the flow of electric current
(psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness
The act of resisting; opposition, passive or active
The property of a conductor that determines the current produced by a given potential difference It impedes the flow of current and results in the dissipation of power as heat Resistance is measured in ohms
1 In electricity, the factor by which the square of the instantaneous conduction current must be multiplied to obtain the power lost by heat dissipation or other permanent radiation of energy away from the electrical current
the degree of unresponsiveness of a disease-causing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillin-resistant bacteria)
any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion
In dc circuits, the opposition a material offers to current, measured in ohms In ac circuits, resistance is the real component of impedance, and may be higher than the value measured at dc
The electrical characteristic of a component, material, circuit, or system which acts to limit current in a circuit It is measured in ohms (W) and designated with the letter R Resistance depends on the molecular structure and dimensions of a component or device and on the configuration of a circuit or system See OHM
The quality of not yielding to force or external pressure; that power of a body which acts in opposition to the impulse or pressure of another, or which prevents the effect of another power; as, the resistance of the air to a body passing through it; the resistance of a target to projectiles
{i} opposition, act of fighting against; act of withstanding the effects of; (Medicine) natural ability of an organism to resist disease (or bacteria or poisonous substances produced in diseases); quality of a conductor which resists an electrical current (Electricity); underground organization in an occupied country which fights against the occupying forces
The unit of resistance is the ohm
refers to the resistance of a material to the flow of electrons, measured in ohms
the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with; "he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens"; "despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead"
(medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
Electrical resistance is a measure of how hard it is for a current to pass through a given material It is similar to the way that it is harder for you to walk through water than air It is usually measured in Ohms
for Jung, merely the ego's narrowness, which excludes what is incompatible with self-image (see Carl Rogers) Jung believed in supporting it because who can say if the ego is sufficient to withstand the assault from the unconscious The client digs up the material when he's ready to
The resistance to electrical current Resistance is measured in ohms
The inherent characteristic of a material to inhibit the transfer of energy In electrical conductors, electrical resistance results in the generation of heat Electrical resistance is measured in Ohms
resistance distance
In classical mechanics, the distance from the resistance (on a lever) to the fulcrum
resistance movement
A resistance movement is a group or collection of individual groups, dedicated to fighting an invader in an occupied country or the government of a sovereign nation through either the use of physical force, or nonviolence. The term resistance has political overtones, as people have used it, along with similar terms, to bring support to opposition groups
resistance training
Resistance training has two different, sometimes confused meanings - a more broad meaning that refers to any training that uses a resistance to the force of muscular contraction (better termed strength training), and elastic or hydraulic resistance, which refers to a specific type of strength training that uses elastic or hydraulic tension to provide this resistance. This article discusses the more limited definition, of elastic/hydraulic resistance training
resistance coil
resistor which transforms electrical energy into heat energy
resistance frame
A rheostat consisting of an open frame on which are stretched spirals of wire
resistance frame
Being freely exposed to the air, they radiate heat rapidly
resistance movement
group of people working against something
resistance pyrometer
pyrometer that measures high temperatures by the resistance in a heated wire
resistance thermometer
thermometer that measures temperature by changes in the resistance of a spiral of platinum wire
resistance unit
the reciprocal of conductance
Kapitza resistance
a resistance to the flow of heat across the interface between liquid helium and a solid that produces a temperature discontinuity
air resistance
The action of friction that slows something moving through air
Attributive form of air resistance

air-resistance equation.

electrical resistance
The opposition offered by an electrical conductor to the flow of a current through itself, resulting in a conversion of electrical energy into heat and radiation. The SI derived unit of resistance is the ohm. Symbol: R
impact resistance
The characteristic of resistance to fracture under the sudden application of an exerted force
ozone resistance
The ability of a material to resist the deteriorating effects of ozone exposure
piece de resistance
A masterpiece; the most memorable accomplishment of one’s career or lifetime
pièces de résistance
plural form of pièce de résistance
To attempt to counter the actions or effects of
A protective coating or covering. Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989
To withstand the actions of
To oppose
rolling resistance
The force that resists the rolling of a wheel or other circular object
tamper resistance
Tamper resistance is resistance to tampering (intentional malfunction or sabotage) by either the normal users of a product, package, or system or others with physical access to it
{v} to oppose, withstand, act against, deny
drug resistance
(Tıp, İlaç) Drug resistance is the reduction in effectiveness of a drug in curing a disease or improving a patient's symptoms. When the drug is not intended to kill or inhibit a pathogen, then the term is equivalent to dosage failure or drug tolerance. More commonly, the term is used in the context of diseases caused by pathogens
Harakat al-Muqawimah al-Islamiyyah Islamic Resistance Movement
acronym of arakat al-Muqwimah al-Islmiyyah ("Islamic Resistance Movement") (Arabic; "Zeal") Militant Palestinian Islamic movement. The group is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the creation of a Palestinian Islamic state. It was founded in 1988 by Sheikh Amad Ysn, and its leadership comes from the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. ams's aims are more militant: it takes the position that Palestine cannot be surrendered to non-Muslims. It opposes the 1993 peace agreement between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel. Beginning in 2000, the group engaged in violent acts, including numerous suicide bombings, against Israelis in Israel and the occupied territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Islamic Resistance Movement
Palestinian political organization which provides some social services and opposes the peace process with Israel
air resistance
air drag
apparent resistance
seeming opposition; manifest resistance
drug resistance
The ability of cancer cells to resist the effects of a specific drug
drug resistance
Property of a disease-causing organism that allows it to withstand drug therapy. In any population of infectious agents, some have a mutation that helps them resist the action of a drug. The drug then kills more of the nonresistant microbes, leaving the mutants without competition to multiply into a resistant strain. This situation is more likely if the drug is not taken properly (e.g., a course of antibiotics not completed, anti-HIV drug doses missed) or not prescribed properly (e.g., an antibiotic given for a viral disease). Resistance factors can also be transferred between species that infect the same body. The overprescription of antibiotics in humans and the addition of antibiotics to animal feed have accelerated the evolution of resistant strains of bacteria, making it increasingly difficult to fight off certain disease-causing organisms
fire resistance
means the property of a material or assembly in a building to withstand fire or give protection from it and is characterized by the ability of the material or assembly to confine a fire or to continue to perform a given structural function or both (Ontario Fire Code 1996)
fire resistance
The property of a material that allows it to withstand or protect it from fire In terms of elements in a building or structure, it is the ability of an element to contain and prevent fire from spreading to other elements or the ability to perform a given structural function, or both
insulin resistance
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas Insulin is necessary to allow for glucose ("sugar") to enter into the body's cells (particularly the muscle and fat cells) from the blood stream In Type 2 diabetes, insulin levels are often quite decent, but the insulin simply does not work well The body is resistant to the action of the insulin And if the sugar cannot get into the tissues then it hangs around the blood and hence, blood glucose levels are elevated Insulin resistance can be improved upon by a variety of measures, most important of which is following appropriate lifestyle measures More information Both of these links also discuss Syndrome X A PowerPoint presentation on insulin resistance I gave in June, 2002 was geared toward family doctors, but may be of interest to non-physicians (though at times will not make much sense without my voice-over to explain the slides)
insulin resistance
reduced sensitivity to the actions of insulin in the whole body or individual tissues such as skeletal muscle, myocardium, fat and liver prevail in many individuals with or without diabetes mellitus
passive resistance
Resistance by nonviolent methods to a government, an occupying power, or specific laws, as refusing to comply, demonstrating in protest, or fasting.passive resister n. a way of protesting against something or opposing a government without using violence
psychological resistance
opposition that is not based on reason but rather on internal personal factors
{i} protective coating, coating that inhibits an effect or reaction (such as paint which prevents the rusting of metal)
To be distasteful to
A technique of applying a vegetable resin to prevent the smudging or slipping of an area of a pottery vessel
A technique of applying a vegetable resin to prevent the smudging or slipping of certain portion of a pottery vessel
A protective coating that will keep another material from attaching or coating something, as in solder resist, plating resist, or photoresist
from reaching the cloth, or chemically in changing the color so as to render it incapable of fixing itself in the fibers
to attempt to counter the actions or effects of someone or something (transitive)
withstand the force of something; "The trees resisted her"; "stand the test of time"; "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow"
A light-hardened stencil used in photomechanics to prevent etching of non-printing areas on a printing plate
Patterning of yarn or textile by covering certain areas, usually with liquid wax, before dyeing
If you resist someone or resist an attack by them, you fight back against them. The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest When she had attempted to cut his nails he resisted
stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something refuse to comply resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ; "His body rejected the liver of the donor
withstand the force of something; "The trees resisted her"; "stand the test of time"; "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow" stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something refuse to comply resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ; "His body rejected the liver of the donor
elude, especially in a baffling way; "This behavior defies explanation"
If someone or something resists damage of some kind, they are not damaged. bodies trained and toughened to resist the cold = withstand
a protective covering
To counteract, as a force, by inertia or reaction
express opposition through action or words; "dissent to the laws of the country"
Used to make lines and distinct shapes in the serti technique and anything used to prevent the dye from flowing beyond it There are many varieties and each has their own properties and instructions
to withstand such actions (transitive)
If you resist doing something, or resist the temptation to do it, you stop yourself from doing it although you would like to do it. Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone
Chemical used to prevent part of a PCB from undergoing some action
{f} oppose, fight against, challenge; withstand, be immune to the effects of; refrain from, desist
To strive against; to endeavor to counteract, defeat, or frustrate; to act in opposition to; to oppose
In art, a substance, such as the wax used in batiks, that resists ink or dye and allows the image to penetrate paper or fabric where the resist materials is not applied
A substance used to prevent a color or mordant from fixing on those parts to which it has been applied, either by acting machanically in preventing the color, etc
refuse to comply
To stand against; to withstand; to obstruct
resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ; "His body rejected the liver of the donor"
The pastes prepared for this purpose are called resist pastes
Something that resists or prevents a certain action; A substance applied to a surface, as of metal, to prevent the action on it of acid or other chemical agent
to oppose (intransitive)
stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something
If you resist something such as a change, you refuse to accept it and try to prevent it. She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books. = oppose
To make opposition
plural of resistance
stout resistance
stubborn opposition