
listen to the pronunciation of research
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Araştırma için mevcut az paramız var. - We have little money available for the research.

Araştırma enstitüsü, 1960'ların sonlarında kurulmuştur. - The research institute was established in the late 1960s.

ince tetkikat yapmak
{f} araştırma yapmak

Biraz araştırma yapmak zorundayım. - I have to do a little research.

Bu keşif araştırma yapmak için bent kapaklarını açtı ve soruşturmanın meşru alanı olarak disiplin kurulmasına neden oldu. - This discovery opened up the floodgates to research and led to the establishment of the discipline as a legitimate field of inquiry.

{i} inceleme
(Kanun) tahkik etmek
tetkik neticesinde çıkarılan eser

Bir Sovyetolojist ne araştırır? - What does a Sovietologist research?

O, sorunu araştırıyor. - He is researching the problem.

arama çalışması
{f} araştır

Başmühendis, asistanı ile el ele araştırma yaptı. - The chief engineer did research hand in hand with his assistant.

Araştırma için mevcut az paramız var. - We have little money available for the research.


Bunu araştırmak için gerçekten daha fazla zaman istiyorum. - I'd really like more time to research this.

research araştır
{i} etüt
inceden inceye tetkik
{i} arama çalışmaları
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA: Doğal olaylar ve çevre şartları hakkında daha fazla bilgi teminine yöneltilmiş bütün çalışmalarla açık şekilde direkt bir uygulaması bulunmayan fiziksel, görgüsel ve sosyal bilimlerdeki problemlerin çözümüne yöneltilmiş çalışmaları içine alır. Böylece; bütün temel araştırmalar ve bunlara ilaveten, çeşitli bilim sahalarına ait bilgilerin genişletilmesi maksadına yöneltilmiş uygulamalı çalışmalar tarif kapsamına girmiş olmaktadır. Acil askeri önemdeki meselelerin çözüm imkanlarını çözüm maksadına yöneltilmiş çalışmalar veya zamana bağlı inceleme ve geliştirmeler bunun dışında kalmaktadır
dikkatle araştırmak
{f} arama çalışmaları yapmak
(Askeri) bilimsel araştırma
inceleme yapmak
araştırma yapma

Dan, Princeton Üniversitesi'nde bir grup biyoloji araştırmacısı ile bir araya geldi. - Dan met a group of biology researchers at Princeton University.

Araştırmacılar evrenin farklı bir bölümüne girmek için kapı kullanırlar. - The researchers use the portal to enter into a different part of the universe.

research and development
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME: Silahlı kuvvetler için gerekli bilimsel araştırma ve geliştirme
research activities
(Eğitim) araştırma etkinlikleri
research agenda
araştırma gündemi
research and training
araştırma ve eğitim
research commission
(Kanun) araştırma komisyonu
research conducted
yapılan araştırma
research design
(Ticaret) tasarım
research design
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) araştırma dizaynı
research expenses
(Ticaret) arama giderleri
research forest
araştırma ormanı
research grants
araştırma yardımları
research hospital
araştırma hastanesi
research institute
araştırma merkezi
research institutes
araştırma kurumları
research institution
araştırma kurumu
research libraries
araştırma kütüphaneleri
research man
research methods
araştırma yöntemleri
research methods
araştırma teknikleri
research paper
araştırma makalesi
research proposal
(Ticaret) araştırma önerisi
research subject
araştırma konusu
research vessel
(Askeri) araştırma gemisi
research work
araştırma çalışması
research and development
araştırma ve geliştirme
research center
araştırma merkezi
research centre
araştırma merkezi
research department
araştırma bölümü
research laboratory
araştırma laboratuvarı
research oriented
araştırmaya dayalı
research population
araştırma kitlesi
research programme
araştırma bağdarlaması
research project
araştırma jobası
research rocket
araştırma roketi
research specialist
research staff
araştırma grubu
research worker
research assistant
Araştırma Görevlisi
research associate
araştırma yardımcısı
research community
araştırma toplum
research for
Araştırma için
research grade
araştırma aşaması
research in motion
Kanadalı bir şirket, en bilinen ürünü Blackberry
research project
araştırma projesi
research scholar
research station
araştırma istasyonu
Research and Special Programs Administration
(Askeri) Araştırma ve Özel Programlar İdaresi
research aircraft
(Havacılık) araştırma uçağı
research and development
(Askeri) arama ve geliştirme
research and development aggregations
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME UNSURLARI GRUBU: Muhabere ile meşgul bütün unsurları içine alan Muhabere Unsurları Grubu (communications aggregation) gibi açıklayıcı bir ad altında toplanmış ileri geliştirme, imalat geliştirme kategorilerinden meydana gelmiş, birbirleriyle münasebetli, Araştırma ve Geliştirme Programı Unsurlarından bir grup
research and development board
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME KURULU: Silahlı Kuvvetler için gerekli bilimsel araştırma ve geliştirmenin yapılmasında Milli Savunma Bakanına müşavirlik ve yardım etmek üzere, bu bakanlıkta tesis edilmiş kurul
research and development electronic security
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME ELEKTRONİK GÜVENLİĞİ: Kara Ordusu Araştırma ve Geliştirme Programına göre geliştirilmekte olan teçhizattan çıkan haberleşme dışı elektromanyetik radyasyonların incelenmesi suretiyle ve duydukları merak saikasıyla elde edilebilecek değerli bilgilerin yetkisiz kimselerin eline geçmesine engel olmak maksadıyle alınmış bütün tedbirler ile, geliştirilmekte olan teçhizata, ilgili elektronik güvenlik proje özelliklerinden azamisinin dahil edilmiş bulunmasını temin yolunda alınmış bütün tedbirlerin mahsalası olan koruma
research and development missile
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME FÜZESİ: Araştırma ve geliştirme denemesi ve incelenmekte olan hususların değerlendirilmesi maksadıyle imal edilen ve bu maksatla kullanılan bir füze. Bu; bir test aracı olarak meydana getirilmiş bir ön proje füzesi ya da bu gibi deneme veya değerlendirme projelerine tahsis edilmiş bir imalat füzesi olabilir. Uzay projelerine tahsis edilmiş imalat tipi füze kısımlarını da içine alır
research and development policy
(Avrupa Birliği) (R&D) Araştırma -Geliştirme Politikası
research and development program element
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME PROGRAM UNSURU: Araştırma ve Geliştirme Programının; her unsuru aynı bütçe faaliyetlerine bağlı araştırma, geliştirme, test ve kıymetlendirme projelerinden ibaret en küçük tali bölümü. Bir unsur; Araştırma ve Bulucu Geliştirme Research and Explotary Developmentj'de olduğu gibi, ilgili bir sahada bir kaç projeden ibaret veya tek bir büyük proje halinde de olabilir. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SUPPORTING DATA SYSTEM: ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME DESTEK BİLGİ SİSTEMİ: Onaylanmış araştırma ve geliştirme faaliyetlerinin direkt desteğinde, esas itibariyle matematik hesaplama, simülasyon, bilgi kısaltma ve test analizlerinde kullanılan bilgi uygulamaları
research and development test
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME TESTİ: Laboratuvar dışı inceleme ve deneyleri geliştirme hedeflerinin gerçekleştirilmesinde kaydedilen ilerlemeyi sistem, tali sistem, ana aksam ve teçhizat kalemlerindeki verim kabiliyetini ve çalışmaya elverişlilik derecesini ölçmek, denemek, tespit etmek ve değerlendirme için bilgi elde etmek maksadıyla yapılan bir deneme veya çalışma
research cost
(Ticaret) araştırma maliyeti
research cost
(Ticaret) araştırma masrafları
research extensively
derinlemesine irdelemek
research film
araştırma filmi
research in literature
edebiyatta araştırma
research into
research into
research level
(Nükleer Bilimler) araştırma düzeyi
research literacy
(Reklam) araştırma okuryazarlığı
research misconduct
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) araştırma hilesi
research on
research parks
araştırma parkları
research programme
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) araştırma programı (lakatos)
research programme
araştırma programı
research reactor
(Çevre) raştırma reaktörü
research reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) araştırma reaktörü
research result
araştırma sonucu
research rocket
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA ROKETİ: Geliştirilmekte olan esasları ve teçhizatın sıhhat ve güven derecesini tespite yarayan bir araç
research testing
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA TESTİ: Tabii olayları, hipotezleri, tecrübe sonuçlarını ölçmek, kıymetlendirmek ve yeni bilgiler elde etmek üzere, laboratuvar dışında yapılan araştırma tecrübeleri ve incelemelerin bir kısmını teşkil eden çalışma
research testing
(Askeri) araştırma testi
research thoroughly
derinlemesine irdelemek
research, development, and acquisition
(Askeri) araştırma, geliştirme ve tedarik
research, development, test and evaluation
(Askeri) araştırma, geliştirme, deneme ve değerlendirme
research, evaluation, and system analysis
(Askeri) araştırma, değerlendirme ve sistem analizi
collaborative research
ortak araştırma
conduct a market research
(Ticaret) piyasa araştırması yapmak
conduct a market research
pazar araştırması yapmak
consumer research
(Ticaret) tüketici araştırma
descriptive research
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tanımlayıcı araştırma
evaluation research
(Tıp) değerlendirme araştırması
investment research
(Ticaret) yatırım araştırması
marketing research
(Ticaret) piyasa araştırması
motivation research
(Askeri) güdüleme araştırması
motivation research
(Turizm) dürtü araştırması
nursing research
(Tıp) hemşirelik araştırması
opinion research
kamuoyu yoklaması
opinion research
kamuoyu araştırması
previous research
önceki araştırma
pure research
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) arı araştırma
sensitive research
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) duyarlı araştırmalar
serve as a research assistant
(Eğitim) asistanlık yapmak
applied research
uygulamalı araştırma
auxiliary research submarine
yardımcı araştırma denizaltısı
building research
yapı araştırması
conduct a research
araştırma yapmak
cost of research
araştırma gideri
empirical research
deneysel araştırma
experimental research
deneysel araştırma
field research
alan araştırması
market research
piyasa araştırması
marketing research
pazarlama araştırması
operation research
yöneylem araştırması
operation research team
yöneylem araştırma takımı
operational research
yöneylem araştırması
operations research
yöneylem araştırması
petrol research
petrol araştırma
product research
ürün araştırması
scientific research
bilimsel araştırma
Market research
Pazar araştırması
Master of Research
Araştırma bazlı yüksek lisans programı
Ministry of Research, Science and Technology
Araştırma, Bilim ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı
araştırma görevlisi
archaeological research
arkeolojik araştırma/inceleme
business research
işletme araştırması
clinical research associate
klinik araştırma ilişkilendirmek
continue the research
araştırmaya devam etmek
desk research
masa araştırma
do research
araştırma yapmak

O, vakıf adına araştırma yapmak için bir burs kazandı. - He was awarded a scholarship to do research for the foundation.

exploratory research
keşif araştırma
extensive research
kapsamlı araştırma
make a research
bir araştırma yapmak
motivation research
motivasyon araştırması
motivational research
motivasyonel araştırma
on going research
araştırma gidiş üstünde
postdoctoral research
doktora sonrası araştırma
primary research
Birincil araştırma
r&d (research and development)
arge (araştırma geliştirme)
stem-cell research
kök hücre araştırma
systems research
sistemleri araştırma
{i} arama çalışması yapan kimse
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A particular instance or piece of research
to make an extensive investigation into
to search again
Diligent inquiry or examination to seek or revise facts, principles, theories, applications, et cetera; laborious or continued search after truth
to search or examine with continued care; to seek diligently
{v} to examin or inquire again
{n} diligent inquiry, or examination
{f} perform a thorough investigation, study a subject closely
Interpreted in RSP 111, “Misconduct in Research,” to include scholarship and creative work, as well as scientific research
systematic investigation to establish facts inquire into attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner; "The student researched the history of that word
means systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge Under this definition some demonstration, service and training projects may be considered to include research activities
inquire into
Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as, researches of human wisdom
attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner; "The student researched the history of that word"
investigation and experimentation aimed at discovery, interpretations, and application of scientific data
Systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge (45 CFR 46 102(d)) FDA regulations define research as clinical investigation, which is any experiment that involves a test article and one or more human subjects and that either is subject to requirements for prior submission to the FDA or which is intended to be submitted later to the FDA as part of an application for a research or marketing permit (21 CFR 50 3(c))
Research is systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied Research is classified as either basic or applied according to the objectives of the sponsoring agency See also Research, development, and R&D plant
a search for knowledge; "their pottery deserves more research than it has received"
A systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge
This category should include all expenditures for activities specifically organized to produce research outcomes, whether commissioned by an agency external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution Subject to these conditions, it includes expenditures for individual and/or project research as well as those of institutes and research centers This category does not include all sponsored programs (training grants are an example) nor is it necessarily limited to sponsored research, since internally supported research programs, if separately budgeted, might be included in this category under the circumstances described above Expenditures for departmental research that are separately budgeted specifically for research are included in this category
systematic investigation to establish facts
A systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or to contribute to generalizable knowledge
Funds to cover the costs of investigations and clinical trials, including demonstration and pilot projects (Research grants for individuals are usually referred to as fellowships )
Research is work that involves studying something and trying to discover facts about it. 65 percent of the 1987 budget went for nuclear weapons research and production
All expenditures for activities specifically organized to produce research outcomes This includes: Institutes and research centers, and individual and project research (NACUBO)
{i} comprehensive inquiry, extensive investigation of a subject
– A systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge Activities that meet this definition constitute research for purposes of this policy, whether or not they are conducted or supported under a program, which is, considered research for other purposes For example, some demonstrations and service programs may include research activities
A systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalized knowledge
Many varieties and categories of research are relevant to dietary supplements See clinical trial, control group, double-blind study, in-vitro research, peer review, placebo, randomized controlled trial, single-blind study, treatment group
To search again; to examine anew
A systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or to contribute to generalized knowledge " Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability
means a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge
The collecting of information about a particular subject
a systematic study directed toward more complete scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied The federal government classifies research as either basic or applied according to the objective of the sponsoring agency
When an activity involving a patient is undertaken with the prime purpose of testing a hypothesis and permitting conclusions to be drawn with the intention of contributing to medical knowledge, it becomes research
A systematic investigation (i e , the gathering and analysis of information) designed to develop or contribute to general knowledge
If you research something, you try to discover facts about it. She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary So far we haven't been able to find anything, but we're still researching. + researcher researchers re·search·er He chose to join the company as a market researcher. market research New School for Social Research operations research research and development
is systematic study directed toward more complete scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied The federal government classifies research as either basic or applied according to the objective of the sponsoring agency
a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to general knowledge Activities, which meet this definition, constitute "research," whether or not they are supported or funded under a program that is considered research for other purposes For example, some "demonstration" and "service" programs may include research activities 45 CFR 46 102(d)
research and development (R&D) which involves more than one technical discipline or program area in order to be fully successful; also multi- or inter-disciplinary R&D
focused, systematic study and investigation undertaken to increase knowledge and understanding of a subject At SIUC, the term is used inclusively to refer to scholarly, empirical, creative, critical, and/or expressive activities in the sciences, humanities, arts, and other scholarly fields, which expand, clarify, reorganize, or develop knowledge or artistic perception Includes Research training Research may be basic or applied
A form of inquiry that involves seeking of evidence to increase knowledge A systematic process for recognizing a need for information, acquiring and validating that information, and deriving conclusions from it
research octane number
An octane number, used by the American Society for Testing and Materials to estimate the antiknock characteristics of a fuel at low engine speeds
research paper
A substantial piece of academic writing, usually done as a requirement for a class, in which the author does independent research into a topic and writes a description of the findings of that research
research papers
plural form of research paper
research and development
overall scientific activity that needs to be done before the production or improvement of a product
research and development
R & D. In industry, two closely related processes by which new products and new forms of old products are created through technological innovation. The work generally focuses on two types of research, basic and applied. Basic research is directed toward a generalized goal (e.g., genetic research in a pharmaceutical laboratory). Applied research directs the results of basic research toward the needs of a specific industry and results in the development of new or modified products or processes. In addition to carrying out basic and applied research and developing models, R&D staff may evaluate the efficiency and cost of the product
research assistant
person who assists the project supervisor in gathering information for a research project
research center
a center where research is done
research colloquium
a colloquium at which the results of (scientific) research are reported
research director
a supervisor in a research center
research effort
an attempt to solve some problem through research
research fellow
A research fellow is a member of an academic institution whose job is to do research
research grant
sum of money given to support a research project
research institute
institution that deals with scientific studies which center around a particular subject
research laboratory
laboratory within which research studies take place
research library
library that provides detailed information on a range of topics
research report
description of a detailed study done on a specific topic
research staff
a group of associated research workers in a university or library or laboratory
research work
scientific work that is done so as to deepen the understanding of a particular topic
research worker
a scientist who devotes himself to doing research
Factory Mutual Research
Former name of FM Approvals
basic research
Research performed without regard to practical applications
empirical research
research that bases its findings on direct or indirect observation as its test of reality
historical research
Research performed using the historical method
market research
The systematic collection and evaluation of data regarding customers' preferences for actual and potential products and services
Attributive form of market research

market-research expert.

marketing research
market research
operational research
Alternative form of operations research
operations research
The application of scientific methods and techniques to problems of decision making, especially in business management and government administration
opposition research
A term for negative information retrieved about a candidate's opponent in an election for use in campaigning
original research
new research, as opposed to review or synthesis of earlier research

Apparently these original research aspects of the author's work entirely escaped the attention of the busy reviewer!.

primary research
The research that involves the collection of data that does not yet exist
qualitative research
A set of research techniques in which data is obtained from a relatively small group of respondents and not analyzed with statistical techniques
quantitative research
The systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships, using statistical methods
plural form of research

they have led to a number of researches both in the Soviet Union and abroad.

scientific research
Research performed using the scientific method
secondary research
The research performed through the summary, collation or synthesis of the results of existing research
space research
Any form of research that takes place in space, or concerns any aspect of space or space travel
structural research
A field of research and analysis in architecture that uses studies and details from nature or other sources to produce or create a new structure. It is used in design and architecture to imitate structures and improve them giving them an certain amount of art feeling. Structural research can be also called structural art or stuctural design
unobtrusive research
A method of studying social behavior without affecting it. Unobtrusive measures may be qualitative and quantitative

Examples: content analysis, analyzing existing statistics, historical/comparative analysis.

Master of Research
In the UK, the Master of Research degree is a postgraduate degree available in a range of academic disciplines. The MRes (Masters in Research) is designed to prepare students for doctoral research MRes can also stand for Masters by Research
exploratory research
Exploratory research is a type of research conducted because a problem has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. Given its fundamental nature, exploratory research often concludes that a perceived problem does not actually exist
exploratory research
(Pazarlama) A marketing research for gathering preliminary information that will help define problems and suggest hypotheses
capable of being studied carefully and thoroughly and in detail
past of research
a scientist who devotes himself to doing research
One who researches
A researcher must provide or confirm information for published materials written by other people They do not receive writing credits for their work
The name of the U of T employee or position (e g , Chair) who is the primary researcher on the application
is a Virginia Tech employee (i e , anyone who receives compensation for their work) conducting research in a laboratory or group of laboratories under the direction of a Principal Investigator who is responsible for the daily operations of a laboratory or group of laboratories
A person who carries out research; investigator
{i} one who investigates, one who studies a subject in great detail
Plural of researcher
rare, plural of research
Third person singular simple present of to research
present participle of research