reporting (f)

listen to the pronunciation of reporting (f)
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение reporting (f) в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

General Unified Ammunition Reporting Data System
(Askeri) Genel Birleştirilmiş Mühimmat Raporlama Veri Sistemi
compulsory reporting points
(Havacılık) zorunlu rapor noktaları
(Ticaret) kaydetme
(Dilbilim) işlemleme
reporting currency
(Ticaret) raporlama para birimi
reporting enterprise
(Ticaret) raporlayan kuruluş
reporting entity
(Ticaret) raporlayan işletme
reporting period
(Ticaret) raporlama dönemi
reporting progress
(Bilgisayar) durum raporu
reporting tool
raporlama aracı
{f} rapor et

Medya bu hikayeleri rapor etmiyor. - The media are not reporting these stories.

Yeni muhasebe prosedürleri giderleri rapor etmek için farklı formları doldurmamızı gerektirir. - The new accounting procedures require us to fill out different forms for reporting expenses.

{i} rapor

Bana rapor edileni bildiriyorum. - I am reporting what was reported to me.

Yeni muhasebe prosedürleri giderleri rapor etmek için farklı formları doldurmamızı gerektirir. - The new accounting procedures require us to fill out different forms for reporting expenses.

dotted-line reporting
Çapraz raporlama: Bir üste rapor verirken diğerini de bilgilendirme

You should also speak to other individuals to get input on setting your priorities, for example, matrix or dotted-line reporting relationships and other key stakeholders.

exception reporting
dışlamalı raporlama
extensible business reporting language
genişletilebilir işletme raporlama dili
factual reporting
gerçeklere dayalı habercilik
international financial reporting standards
(Finans) (İFRS) Uluslararası finansal raporlama standartları
investigative reporting
araştırmacı gazetecilik
margin exception reporting
margin istisna raporlama
rapor ederek
altında raporlama
Air Force Reserve; assign frequency for network reporting
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri İhtiyat Kuvveti; ağ raporlaması için frekans tahsisi
Defense Transportation Reporting and Control System
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Ulaştırma Raporlama Ve Kontrol Sistemi
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Incident Reporting System
(Askeri) Müşterek Harekat Planlama ve İdare Sistemi Olay Raporlama Sistemi
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Reporting System
(Askeri) Müşterek Harekat Planlama ve İdare Sistemi Raporlama Sistemi
Logistics Metrics Analysis Reporting System
(Askeri) Lojistik Metrik Analiz Raporlama Sistemi
Military Entrance Processing and Reporting System
(Askeri) Askere Alma İşlem Ve Raporlama Sistemi
Nuclear Execution and Reporting Plan
(Askeri) Nükleer Uygulama Ve Raporlama Planı
United States merchant ship vessel locator reporting system
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler ticari gemi yer tespit rapor sistemi
air control and reporting center
(Askeri) HAVA KONTROL VE RAPOR MERKEZİ: Taktik Hava Kontrol Merkezi'ne bağlı bir hava kontrol usulü. Sorumluluk bölgesi içindeki kontrol ve ikaz faaliyetleri buradan idare edilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "control and reporting center"
air raid reporting control ship
(Askeri) HAVA AKINLARI RAPOR VE KONTROL GEMİSİ: Hava savunma gemisi tarafından hava ihbar radarının kontrolü ve hava akınlarını bildirme görevi verilmiş gemi
attack and launch early reporting to theater
(Askeri) harekat alanına fırlatma ve taarruz erken uyarısı
automated intelligence information reporting system
(Askeri) otomatize istihbarat bilgi raporlama sistemi
calendar reporting period
(Askeri) takvim bildirme süresi
circuit routing chart; control and reporting center, CONUS replacement center; C
(Askeri) devre yönlendirme haritası; kontrol ve raporlama merkezi, Kıta Amerikası (CONUS) İkame Merkezi
communications instructions for reporting vital intelligence sightings
(Askeri) hayati istihbarat müşahadeleri raporu için muhabere talimatları
concern and deficiency reporting system
(Askeri) ilgi ve aksaklık raporlama sistemi
control and reporting center
(Askeri) KONTROL VE RAPOR MERKEZİ (NATO, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Taktik hava kontrol merkezinin tali bir hava kontrol unsuru. Radar kontrol ve uyarı harekatı bunun sorumluluk bölgesi içinde yürütülmektedir. Ayrıca bakınız: "air control and reporting'center"
control and reporting post
(Askeri) KONTROL VE RAPOR POSTASI: Sorumluluk bölgesi içinde radar kontrolü ve gözetlemesini sağlayan, ABD Hava Kuvvetleri Taktik Hava Kontrol Sisteminin kontrol ve rapor merkezine bağlı bir unsuru
control and reporting post
(Askeri) kontrol ve rapor postası/yeri
control and reporting system
(Askeri) KONTROL VE RAPOR SİSTEMİ: Aşağıdaki hususları temin için kurulmuş bir teşkil: a) Hava araçlarının erken haber verilmesi ve ikazı, izlenmesi ve tanınması, su üstü araçlarının izlenmesi. b) Bütün aktif savunma unsurlarının kontrolü. Bu sistem esas itibariyle gerekli muhabere ağı ile birlikte radar rapor istasyonları ve kontrol merkezleri zinciri ile bir gözetleme birliğinden ibarettir
control reporting element
(Askeri) kontrol raporlama unsuru
designated reporting technical control
(Askeri) tasarlanmış raporlama teknik kontrolü
dual reporting
(Askeri) çifte raporlama
intelligence reporting
(Askeri) istihbaratı rapor etme
intelligence reporting
(Askeri) istihbarat rapor verme sistemi
intelligence reporting
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT RAPOR VERME SİSTEMİ, İSTİHBARATI RAPOR ETME: Bilgilerin hazırlanması ve herhangi bir vasıta ile gönderilmesi. Terim, daha çok haber toplayıcılar tarafından hazırlanıp mensup olduğu karargaha, bir karargahtaki istihbarat unsurundan da, istihbarat yapan bir veya daha çok unsura gönderilen raporlara inhisar eder. Böylece bu dar anlam içinde dahi istihbarat bildirme hem toplama hem yayma anlamlarını içine alır. Terimi hem normal hem ihtisas istihbarat raporlarına uygulanır. 8ak. "normal intelligence reports", "specialist intelligence reports". INTELLIGENCE REPORT OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE (INTREP-CI): İSTİHBARATA KARŞI KOYMA RAPORU
joint reporting structure
(Askeri) müşterek raporlama yapısı
merchant ship reporting and control
(Askeri) ticari gemi raporlama ve kontrolü
military standard transaction reporting and accounting procedure
(Askeri) askeri standart rapor işlemleri ve muhasebe yöntemleri
nuclear detonation detection and reporting system
(Askeri) nükleer infilak tespit ve raporlama sistemi
pararescue unit; primary reporting unit
(Askeri) paraşüt birliği; esas raporlama birliği
place and time of reporting information
(Askeri) Haber rapor edileceği yer ve zaman
position location reporting system
(Askeri) konum mevki raporlama sistemi
regional reporting center
(Askeri) bölgesel rapor merkezi
reporters and reporting
muhabirler ve haber yapma
(Nükleer Bilimler) raporlama
reporting date
(Ticaret) raporlama tarihi
reporting of crime
(Kanun) suçun ihbarı
reporting of disease
hastalığın ihbarı
reporting of disease
hastalık ihbarı
reporting of income
(Ticaret) gelirin bildirimi
reporting of supply discrepancy
(Askeri) ikmal uyuşmazlıklarını rapor etme
reporting organization
(Askeri) rapor veren teşkilat
reporting package
(Ticaret) raporlama paketi
reporting period
(Askeri) MÜHİMMAT RAPORU GÖNDERME DEVRESİ: Birbirini takip eden iki mühimmat raporu arasındaki süre. Bu devre, duruma göre, idari emirlerle tespit edilir
reporting point
(Askeri) RAPOR NOKTASI: Bir uçağın bulunduğu yeri bildirmesine esas olacak coğrafi bir mevki
reporting point
(Askeri,Havacılık) rapor noktası
reporting post
(Askeri) RAPOR POSTASI: Kontrol ve rapor sistemine bağlı olup kontrol ve rapor merkezinin rapor kontrol sahasını genişletmek için yayınlanan unsur. Bu posta uçakların kontrolü ile meşgul olmaz
reporting post
(Askeri) rapor postası
reporting requirement
(Politika, Siyaset) raporlama yükümlülükleri
reporting requirements
(Askeri) rapor isteği
reporting requirements
(Askeri) RAPOR İSTEĞİ: Bir makam veya faaliyet merkezi tarafından diğer bir makam veya faaliyet merkezinden ya da bunun vasıtasıyle astlarından bir defalık veya mükerrer olarak, çizelge ya da metin halinde yapılan resmi bilgi isteği
reporting standards
(Ticaret) raporlama standartları
reporting time interval
(Askeri) RAPOR ETME FASILASI: 1. Gözetlemede, bir olayın tesbit edilmesi ile kullanıcı tarafından raporun alınması arasında geçen zaman. 2. Muhaberede, gönderen terminalden en son alıcıya kadar verilerin veya bir raporun gönderilmesi için geçen süre. Ayrıca bakınız: "near real time"
reporting time interval
(Askeri) rapor etme fasılası
reporting unit
(Askeri) rapor birimi
statutory reporting
(Ticaret) yasal raporlama
subordinate reporting organization
(Askeri) rapor veren ast teşkilat
supply transaction reporting
(Askeri) İKMAL İŞLEM RAPORU: Meydana geldikçe uygun ikmal hesaplama faaliyetlerine dair malzemelerin stok durumunu etkileyen bireysel işlemler hususunda verilen rapor
tactical detection and reporting
(Askeri) taktik aldatma ve raporlama
tactical event reporting system
(Askeri) taktik vaka raporlama sistemi
windows reporting tool
Windows Raporlama Aracı
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение reporting (f) в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

NATO reporting name
code names used by NATO to identify Soviet and Chinese military equipment
mobile reporting
The use of mobile phone as a reporting tool. The user makes use of text, photo and video capability to produce a multimedia based report. The content is uploaded to the internet via mobile network or Internet connection for publishing to the web. Mobile reporting is particularly relevant in areas that lack Internet infrastructure (Sub Sahara Africa, Central Asia, South American, Latin America)
reporting verb
A verb used to repeat something that was previously said

The verb say is a common reporting verb.

reporting verbs
plural form of reporting verb
Extensible Business Reporting Language
(Bilgisayar) XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language) is an emerging XML-based standard to define and exchange business and financial performance information. The standard is governed by a not-for-profit international consortium of approximately 450 organizations, including regulators, government agencies, infomediaries and software vendors
margin exception reporting
(Ticaret) Features in order entry systems that compare line item prices to standard costs and flag instances that violate a predefined margin percentage
the news as presented by reporters for newspapers or radio or television; "they accused the paper of biased coverage of race relations"
{i} act of making a detailed account of an occurrence or situation
The act of specifying and producing formatted information; in PeopleSoft, reporting can be done with preprogrammed reports (called Standard Reports) or done as needed by the user (called ad hoc reporting) See Standard Reports, Ad Hoc Report
The process of summarizing and clearly communicating the data collected through assessment and evaluation to students, parents, and administrators Reporting may take various forms and may be done formally or informally Through the process of reporting, teachers, parents, students, administrators, and other professionals are encouraged to discuss a student's achievement and plan for future success
The ability to develop reports on access, media status, and other management requests
a process for communicating about student learning; preparing and presenting detailed accounts or statements about student learning Grades are often used in reporting, but more recent trends in assessment have expanded reporting to include portfolio conferences, student self-assessment, exhibitions of mastery, narrative descriptions of learning, and developmental continua that show where students current performance is in relation to common expectations
communicating the knowledge gained from observing and assessing student learning
The means by which transactions and measurable data are assembled and presented to higher authority for information
The legal obligation of a taxpayer to make required disclosures to that taxpayer's taxing authority such as the IRS, Revenue Canada or the Inland Revenue Not all offshore activity is required to be reported - only that which is specifically required by law There is nothing unlawful about not reporting that which you are not required to report; it is unlawful not to report that which you are required to report Some of the most onerous reporting requirements with respect to outbound transfers are currently borne by citizens of the United States in the wake of federal legislation enacted in 1996 Effective wealth retention planning incorporates strategies for complying with all relevant reporting requirements although in certain circumstances the timely recharacterization of a transaction may transform an otherwise reportable transaction into one for which no reporting is required For more information, see also Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion
The output of data--in the required format--for analysis and decision-making
Reporting is the presenting of news in newspapers, on radio, and on television. honest and impartial political reporting. the activity of writing about news events for a newspaper or telling people about them on television or on the radio reportage
The regular measuring of environmental performance and assessments of compliance with company requirements, legal requirements and related principles; and the regular provision of that information to the Board of Directors, shareholders, employees, the authorities and the public
present participle of report
the type, number and other characteristics of reports to be produced during the course of developing and implementing a project or carrying out supporting studies They provide the basis for monitoring and steering a project through its various stages
1 Drawing up of reports by companies on their business activities 2 Reporting of on-exchange securities trades A requirement on the Swiss Exchange
supplying information on the progress and achievements of a learner
reporting clause
A reporting clause is a clause which indicates that you are talking about what someone said or thought. For example, in `She said that she was hungry', `She said' is a reporting clause
reporting form
special form intended for making ongoing reports
reporting to
provision of an account to -, being subordinate to -; accounting to -
reporting weight
a person's body weight (as an athlete's) at the beginning of the season (when first reporting for practice)