In the valuation of a life insurance company, the actuary considers a series of future uncertain cashflows (including incoming premiums and outgoing claims, for example) and attempts to put a value on these cashflows. There are many ways of calculating such a value (such as a net premium valuation), but these approaches are often arbitrary in that the interest rate chosen for discounting is itself rather arbitrarily chosen
Replicates are individuals or groups that are exposed to the same conditions in an experiment, including the same level of the independent variable In a typical bioassay, you might test 5 different solution concentrations For each of these concentrations, you might use 3 petri dishes, each containing 5 lettuce seeds At each concentration, the 3 dishes are replicates
In the manufacturing of a CD-ROM, to mold the actual disc by injecting molten polycarbonate into the mold cavity (stamper), then quickly cool the plastic to harden it, a process which takes less than 15 seconds After replication of the disc, art is printed onto the non-data side of the disc via silk-screen or offset printing
If you replicate someone's experiment, work, or research, you do it yourself in exactly the same way. He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could replicate the experiment. = duplicate
Repeated operation occurring within an analytical procedure Two or more analyses for the same constituent in an extract of a single sample constitutes replicate extract analyses
To store an identical copy of a data object on a different physical resource Provides redundancy/backup in case of failure of a physical resource Facilitates faster access if, when accessing a data object, you access the one closest to you The user can choose a particular replica to work with, or the SRB will pick one if one is not specified
an adjective or verb referring to the taking of more than one sample or to the performance of more than one analysis Incorrectly used as a noun in place of replicate analysis Replicate is to be used when referring to more than two items See Duplicate