
listen to the pronunciation of remote
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Uzak bilgisayarlarıma erişmek için sık sık SSH'ı kullanırım. - I often use SSH to access my computers remotely.

Uzak geçmiş hakkında konuşarak oturduk. - We sat talking about the remote past.

{s} mesafeli

My husband suddenly becomes cold, remote and angry - Kocam aniden soğuk, mesafeli ve kızgın hale geliyor.

{s} sapa

Avoid walking alone in remote locations. Sapa yerlerde yalnız yürümekten kaçının.

{s} çok uzak

City is remote to where i live. Şehir benim yaşadığım yere çok uzak.

(TV, Elektronik Cihaz) uzaktan kumanda

I lost my apple tv remote. - apple tv nin uzaktan kumandasını kaybettim.

{s} ücra
(Tıp) uzaktan kontrol
(Bilgisayar) karşı
(Bilgisayar) uzakta

Tom Mary'den uzaktan kumandayı aldı ve kanalları değiştirdi. - Tom grabbed the remote control from Mary and changed channels.

Tom uzaktan kumandayı aldı. - Tom picked up the remote.

{s} soğuk (davranış)
(şans/olasılık/vb.) küçük

Tom uzaktan kumandasının üstünde bir düğmeye bastı ama hiçbir şey olmadı. - Tom clicked a button on his remote, but nothing happened.

Tom Mary'den uzaktan kumandayı aldı ve kanalları değiştirdi. - Tom grabbed the remote control from Mary and changed channels.

naklen yayın
{s} dolaylı
{s} çok eski
{s} küçük

Manzara Batı Virginia'nın uzak bir kesimindeki küçük bir dağ köyüydü. - The scene was a tiny mountain village in a remote section of West Virginia.

{s} endirekt
remote control
uzaktan kumanda aleti
remote sensing
uzaktan algılama
remote control
(Nükleer Bilimler) uzaktan kumandalı

Tom'a uzaktan kumandalı bir itfaiye kamyonu satın aldım ve o onunla çok mutlu görünüyor. - I bought Tom a remote controlled fire truck and he seems very happy with it.

remote control

Tom Mary'den uzaktan kumandayı aldı ve kanalları değiştirdi. - Tom grabbed the remote control from Mary and changed channels.

Tom Mary'ye uzaktan kumandayı uzattı. - Tom handed Mary the remote control.

remote access
uzaktan erişim
remote address
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki adres
remote address
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan erişim adresi
remote air support
(Askeri) uzak hava desteği
remote area
(Dilbilim) uzak alan
remote area
sapa yer
remote clients
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki istemciler
remote control
(Askeri) uzaktan komuta
remote control
(Bilgisayar) uzak denetim
remote control
(Sinema) uzaktan çalıştırma
remote control
(Askeri) uzaktan idare
remote control device
kumanda aygıtı
remote control kit
uzaktan kumanda kiti
remote control rod
(Otomotiv) uzaktan kumanda çubuğu
remote control system
(Askeri) uzaktan komuta sistemi
remote control type
(Otomotiv) spiral kumandalı tip
remote control valve
uzaktan kumandalı valf
remote control valve
uzaktan kumandalı vana
remote data access
(Bilgisayar) uzak veri erişimi
remote desktop
(Bilgisayar) uzak masaüstü
remote desktops
(Bilgisayar) uzak masaüstü
remote devices
(Bilgisayar) uzak aygıtlar
remote disk
(Bilgisayar) uzak disk
remote drive
(Bilgisayar) uzak sürücü
remote enable
(Bilgisayar) uzak etkinleştirme
remote error
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan hata
remote execute
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan çalıştırma
remote file
(Bilgisayar) uzak dosya
remote file sharing
(Bilgisayar) uzak dosya paylaşımı
remote hangup
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan kapat
remote helper
(Bilgisayar) uzak yardımcı
remote host
(Bilgisayar) uzak ana sistem
remote host
(Bilgisayar) uzak anasistem
remote ident
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan erişim kimliği
remote indicator
uzaktan gösterici
remote indicator
uzaktan kumandalı gösterge
remote install
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan yükleme
remote installation
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan kurulum
remote job
evden çalışmak

I have a newborn, I need a remote job. Yeni bir bebeğim oldu, evden çalışacağım bir işe ihtiyacım var.

remote led
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan kumanda ışığı
remote line unit
(Askeri) uzak hat ünitesi
remote location
uzak yer
remote logins
(Bilgisayar) uzak girişler
remote loopback
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uzak döngü sınaması
remote machine
(Bilgisayar) uzak makine
remote mail
(Bilgisayar) uzak posta
remote mail
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan posta
remote measuring
uzaktan ölçme
remote mirroring
uzaktan aynalama
remote name
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan erişim adı
remote name
(Bilgisayar) uzak adı
remote name
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki ad
remote options
(Bilgisayar) uzak seçenekler
remote password
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki aracı parolası
remote paused
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki bekletildi
remote paused
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan duraklatıldı
remote perception
uzaktan algılama
remote pointer
(Bilgisayar) uzak işaretçi
remote port
(Bilgisayar) uzak bağlantı noktası
remote printers
(Bilgisayar) uzak yazıcılar
remote processing
(Bilgisayar) uzakta işleme
remote queue
(Bilgisayar) uzak sıra
remote reboot
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan yeniden başlat
remote received
(Bilgisayar) uzak alındı
remote receivers
(Otomotiv) uzaktan kumanda almaçları
remote registry
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan kayıt defteri
remote release
(Otomotiv) uzaktan kumandalı açma
remote sensing
uuaktan algılama
remote sensing system
uzaktan algılama sistemi
remote sensor
uzaktan kumanda sensörü
remote server
(Bilgisayar) uzakdaki sunucu
remote session
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan oturum
remote sessions
(Bilgisayar) uzak oturumlar
remote setup
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan kurulum
remote shutdown
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan kapat
remote site
uzak yerleşke
remote status
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki durum
remote storage
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki depolama birimi
remote storage
(Bilgisayar) uzak depolama birimi
remote store
(Bilgisayar) uzakta sakla
remote system
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki sistem
remote system error
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki sistem hatası
remote teleworking
uzaktan telefonla çalışma
remote teleworking
uzaktan çalışma
remote terminal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uzak uçbirim
remote tools
(Bilgisayar) uzak araçlar
remote update
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan güncelleştir
remote update
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan güncelleştirme
remote user
(Askeri) uzak kullanıcı
remote user
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan erişimli kullanıcı
remote video
(Bilgisayar) uzak video
remote control
uzaktan kumanda

TV için uzaktan kumanda nerede? - Where's the remote control for the TV?

Tom uzaktan kumandadaki butonlardan birine bastı. - Tom pressed one of the buttons on the remote control.

remote controlled
uzaktan kumandalı
remote probability
uzak bir olasılık
remote processing
uzaktan işlem
remote station
uzak istasyon
remote access computing system
uzaktan erisimli bilişim sistemi
remote batch terminal
uzak toplu işlem terminali
remote calculator
uzaktan hasaplayici, uzak hesaplayici
remote communication
uzaktan iletişim
remote computing system
uzaktan hesaplama sistemi, uzak bilişim dizgesi
remote connection
Uzaktan bağlantı
remote control
(Mühendislik) uzaktan kontrol
remote control unit
uzaktan kumanda birimi
remote controlled aircraft
pilotsuz uçak, uzaktan kumandalı uçak
remote data stations
uzak veri istasyonları
remote data terminal
uzak veri terminali
remote debugging
uzaktan hata giderme
remote inquiry
uzaktan sorgulama
remote processor
uzak işlemci
remote sensing
Yer yüzeyinin uçaktan ya da uydu aracılığıyla taranıp veri toplanması işlemi
remote uploads
bir sisteme uzaktan (yapılan) yüklemeler
remote access data processing
uzaktan bilgi isleme
remote account
Uzak Hesap
remote batch entry
uzaktan toptan giris
remote batch entry
uzaktan toptan giriş
remote batch processing
uzaktan toptan isleme
remote calculator
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uzak hesaplayıcı
remote calculator
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uzaktan hesaplayıcı
remote call service position
(Askeri) uzaktan çağrı hizmeti konumu
remote communication complex
(Askeri) UZAK MUHAREBE SİSTEMİ: Stratejik hava komutanlığı-4651 proje sayılı- kontrol sistemi ile aralarında basılı muharebeye imkan vermek üzere, stratejik hava komutanlığı üsleri, füze filoları ve fırlatma kontrol merkezlerine yerleştirilmiş gerekli terminal teçhizatı
remote computer
Uzak Bilgisayar
remote control
(Askeri) UZAKTAN İDARE, UZAKTAN KOMUTA: Uzak mesafeden kontrol. Çoğunlukla, toplar bir atış esasları intikal sistemi ile, uzaktan komuta ile yöneltilirler
remote control system
(Askeri) UZAKTAN İDARE SİSTEMİ, UZAKTAN KOMUTA SİSTEMİ: Uzakta bulunan bir komuta aletinden atış esaslarını bir topa nakleden mekanik, elektrikli veya hidrolik tertibat. Alınan atış esasları topa elle veya otomatik olarak bağlanır
remote controled
uzaktan kumandalı
remote controller
uzak denetleyici
remote delivery
(Askeri) UZAKTAN MAYIN DÖKME: Mayın harbinde mayınların hedef bölgeye direkt olarak yerleştirme usulünden başka bir usulle yerleştirilmesi. Böyle yerleştirilen mayınların kesin yerleri bilinmeyebilir
remote delivery
(Askeri) uzaktan mayın dökme
remote device
uzak aygıt
remote future
uzak gelecek
remote gun control
(Askeri) UZAKTAN TOP İDARESİ: Bir topun yan ve yükseliş tevcihinin, atış esaslarına göre otomatik olarak tevcih eden bir uzaktan idare sistemi ile yapılması
remote gun control
(Askeri) uzaktan top idaresi
remote home directory
Uzak Başlangıç Dizini
remote host
uzak anasistem uzak ana sistem
remote host
Uzak Sistem
remote imagery transceiver
(Askeri) uzaktan görüntü alıcı-gönderici
remote indicating compass
(Askeri) SERBEST EĞİMLİ PUSULA: Manyetik göstergesi, sapma nedenlerinden mümkün olduğu kadar serbest kalacak şekilde bir uçağa monte edilmiş manyetik pusula. Pusula göstergelerinin uçağa uygun şekilde yerleştirilmiş birkaç kontrol kadranı (repeater dials) üzerinde okunabilmesi için ayrıca bir göndermeç sistemi dahil edilmiştir
remote job entry
Uzak İş Girişi
remote line printer
(Askeri) uzak satır yazıcı
remote log in
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uzaktan oturum açma
remote log in
uzaktan oturum acma
remote loop group multiplexer
(Askeri) uzaktan çevrim grubu çoklayıcısı
remote loop group multiplexer/cable driver
(Askeri) uzaktan çevrim grubu çoklayıcısı/kablo sürücüsü
remote loopback
uzak dongu sinamasi
remote multiplexer combiner; rescue mission commander; Resource Management Commi
(Askeri) uzak çoklayıcı birleştiricisi; kurtarma görev komutanı; Kurtarma Yönetim Komitesi (CSIF); askeri kontrole girmiş
remote network processor
(Askeri) uzak ağ işlemcisi
remote orderwire control unit
(Askeri) uzaktan emir ve komuta devresi kontrol birimi
remote possibility
küçük olasılık
remote possibility
uzak ihtimal
remote procedure call
(RPC) Uzaktan İşlem Çağrısı
remote relation
uzaktan akrabalık
remote site
uzak yerleske
remote station
uzak iş istasyonu
remote storage engine
Uzaktaki Depolama Motoru
remote storage server
Uzaktaki Depolama Sunucusu
remote system
uzak sistem
remote terminal
uzak ucbirim
remote terminal; rough terrain
(Askeri) uzak terminal; engebeli arazi
remote transfer switch
(Askeri) uzaktan aktarma şalteri
remote velocity
(Askeri) SERBEST AKIM SÜRATİ: Bir cismin, çevresindeki sıvı ortamına oranla, bir bütün olarak ele alınan ve parçalarından herhangi birinin mahalli hızından farklı olan hızı
remote velocity
(Askeri) serbest akım sürati
remote video terminal
(Askeri) uzak video terminali
remote workstation
uzak iş istasyonu
hiç (Olumsuz bir fiille birlikte kullanılır.)
ignore remote requests
(Bilgisayar) uzak istekleri gözardı et
küçük bir dereceye kadar
a remote chance/possibility
uzak bir ihtimal, ufak bir olasılık
automatic remote control
uzaktan otomatik kumanda
distant from here, remote from here
Buradan, uzaktan buradan uzak
routing and remote accesss
yönlendirme ve uzaktan erişim
universal remote
Çok işlevli, birden fazla cihazı kontrol edebilen kumanda
Marine remote area approach and landing system
(Askeri) Deniz piyade uzak bölge erişim ve çıkartma sistemi
contact remote
(Askeri) TEMAS UZAK: Bak. "movement to contact"
incompatible remote adapter
(Bilgisayar) uyumsuz uzak bağdaştırıcı
infrared remote sensing
infrared uzaktan algılama
infrared remote sensing
kızıl-ötesi uzaktan algılama
microsoft remote registry
(Bilgisayar) microsoft uzaktan kayıt
mobile Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) remote terminal
(Askeri) seyyar Otomatik Diğital Şebeke (AUTODIN) uzaktan komuta terminali
portable remote telecommunications system
(Askeri) taşınabilir uzaktan kumandalı muhabere sistemi
radio and remote control vehicle
radyo ve uzaktan kumandalı araçlar
rapid support unit; rear support unit; remote switching unit
(Askeri) ani destek birliği; geri destek birliği; uzaktan anahtarlama birimi
rate changes unit; remote control unit
(Askeri) oran değişim birimi; uzaktan kumanda cihazı
remote control
uzaktan güdüm/kumanda
remote control
uzaktan denetim
az bir miktara kadar
scheduled return time; special reaction team; standard remote terminal; strategi
(Askeri) planlanmış dönüş zamanı; özel müdahale timi; standart uzak terminal; stratejik olarak yeniden konumlandıırlabilir hedef
video remote
(Otomotiv) video uzaktan kumandası
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An element of broadcast programming originating away from the station's or show's control room
Distant or otherwise inaccessible

After his fall from the emperor's favor, the general was posted to a remote outpost.


There was only a remote possibility that we would be rescued as we were far outside of the regular shipping lanes.

Emotionally detached

After her mother's death, my friend grew remote for a time while she dealt with her grief.

At a distance; disconnected

A remote operator may control the vehicle with a wireless handset.

Short for remote control

I hate it when my uncle comes over to visit; he always sits in the best chair and hogs the remote.

{a} distant, far off, far, foreign, abstracted
The machine where commands are being sent to In network communications, the remote machine is the machine where you, the user, are connected to using your (local) machine
Not residing locally A remote resource is found on a computer out on the network
Videotaping outside of the studio environment
sensing gathering information about something from a distance Terrestrial refers to the Earth, so Terrestrial Remote Sensing means gathering information about the Earth from a distance Remote sensing is also used to gather information about planets and the stars [ TOP of Page] [ TOP of Glossary ]
very unlikely; "an outside chance"; "a remote possibility"; "a remote contingency"
Anything on the other end of the wire If you are using your computer to access a BBS, the hard disk on your computer is your local hard disk, and the hard disk on the BBS is the remote hard disk
1) The controls that will control a tape machine with the operator at a distance from the machine 2) The recording at the sight of a performance rather than in a recording studio
Not local, for example a remote computer could be on the other side of the world, or maybe just in the next room
If something is remote from a particular subject or area of experience, it is not relevant to it because it is very different. This government depends on the wishes of a few who are remote from the people
Separate; abstracted
far distant in time; "distant events"; "the remote past or future"; "a civilization ten centuries removed from modern times"
far apart in nature; "considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics"
A broadcast coming from outside the studio
Location that is not on Main Campus OR is on Main Campus with more than an 8 - 10 minute walk and not on the CATS route
Not agreeing; alien; foreign
Refers to something that is on a server, not on your local machine
emphasis If you say that there is a remote possibility or chance that something will happen, you are emphasizing that there is only a very small chance that it will happen. I use a sunscreen whenever there is even a remote possibility that I will be in the sun
'Remote' (as opposed to 'local') activities are those which occur digitally and physically away from the computer from which you participate in or control them
a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance; "he lost the remote for his TV"
A production, broadcast outside of the station, either in another building or in a vehicle equipped for remote broadcasts is called a remote For example, a carpet store might purchase a remote to promote it's grand opening The announcer would be at the carpet store, broadcasting live, but in contact with the studio over telephone lines The technician at the studio would give the announcer his record cues and play the commercials from the station's studio Television remotes are often live coverage of sports events, usually with a van or mobile home equipped for remote broadcasting
Remote areas are far away from cities and places where most people live, and are therefore difficult to get to. Landslides have cut off many villages in remote areas
inaccessible and sparsely populated
a (L remotus, to remove) separated from one another; separated by intervals or spaces greater than the ordinary
Connects beyond its device driver limitations, perhaps through a modem or remote connection
Not obvious or sriking; as, a remote resemblance
{s} distant, located far away; secluded, isolated; distant in time or relation; aloof, standoffish; operated by remote control; slight, unlikely
Describes a service or a computer that is available to a client over the network
(adj ) Distant, residing on a network node or computer other than the user's own
a hose that runs from the paintball marker to the air or CO2 tank The tank is in a pouch on the harness instead of on the gun to lighten up the gun, making it more maneuverable
far distant in space; "distant lands"; "remote stars"; "a remote outpost of civilization"; "a hideaway far removed from towns and cities"
In FTP, Remote refers to the computer from which you download files The computer receiving the files (yours) is referred to as "Local"
Separated by intervals greater than usual
Hence, removed; not agreeing, according, or being related; in various figurative uses
The remote past or remote future is a time that is many years distant from the present. Slabs of rock had slipped sideways in the remote past, and formed this hole. = distant
This word is often used in phrases like "remote computer" or "remote host " In essence, it means a computer other than the one your keyboard is physically connected to The distance implied in the word "remote" is misleading, because the other machine may be anywhere Network tools, like Telnet (defined below), can make it seem to you as if your keyboard were directly connected to the other machine
A computer that connects with a host computer and takes control of it in a remote control session
Not proximate or acting directly; primary; distant
R - Remote In computer terms, this means a device which is not specifically part of your local computer hardware or software, but lives somewhere else For example, a remote host is a computer or computer network which has resources which can be accessed by another computer on the Internet These hosts are usually accessed via telnet For instance, when you telnet to a library's online catalog, the remote host is the computer on the other end which supports that catalog
Something connected to, or a service provided by, another computer requiring use of the network in some way to have the use of this facility Physical locations of equipment do not matter; two items could be in the same room, and yet be "remote" from each other
User: A user who’s Agenda is on a different Node or server Their names appear with an (R) They can be invited to Entries the same way as a local user but can’t act as a Designate
Removed to a distance; not near; far away; distant; said in respect to time or to place; as, remote ages; remote lands
If you describe someone as remote, you mean that they behave as if they do not want to be friendly or closely involved with other people. She looked so beautiful, and at the same time so remote. a remote control
(adj ) Characteristic of a system or other device in another location (room or building) that can be accessed through a network
Not in the immediate vicinity or not directly accessible A computer or other device located in another place (room, building, or city) and accessible through some type of communications link For example, Windows Media Administrator can be run on a computer (a remote computer) other than the Windows Media server, so that a remote administrator can administer the server Windows Media Encoder also can be run from a remote computer
Not nearly related; not close; as, a remote connection or consanguinity
far apart in nature; "considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics
Remote Oceania
The part of Oceania comprising Polynesia, Micronesia and island Melanesia southeast of the Solomon Islands, including islands such as Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa
remote access
A PABX service feature that allows a user at a remote location to access by telephone PABX features, such as access to Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) lines
remote access
A communication with a data processing facility from a remote location or facility through a data link
remote control
A device used to operate an appliance (such as a television) or mechanical toy from a short distance away. Sometimes shortened to "remote"
remote controls
plural form of remote control
remote desktop
A real-time network mirroring of one computer's graphical display onto another computer (with or without knowledge of the mirrored computer's user, with or without shared mouse & keyboard interaction.) Also, a specific program that accomplishes that mirroring
remote keyless entry
On an automobile, a remote control device used to lock and unlock a vehicle's doors, open the trunk and sound the alarm system
remote method invocation
remote procedure call
remote procedure call
A technology that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space, commonly on another computer on a shared network, without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction
remote procedure calls
plural form of remote procedure call
remote sensing
Claimed ability of some psychics to be able to see items not in plain view. Eg, reading while blindfolded, or stating the name of a card hidden in a sealed envelope
remote sensing
Gaining information about an object without coming in direct contact with it. Eg, satellite imaging, thermal imaging
remote sensing scientist
a scientist who studies objects or events using data collected without having to be in physical contact with the objects or events. This data is often collected by satellites
remote sensing scientists
plural form of remote sensing scientist
remote viewer
One who has the ability to carry out remote viewing
remote viewers
plural form of remote viewer
remote viewing
A supposed paranormal ability by which a person can gather information about a distant unseen target
Operated by remote control
remote sensing
The scanning of the earth by satellite or high-flying aircraft in order to obtain information about it
Remote Access Services
feature of Windows NT which enables users to log in to a system via modem or network connection, RAS (Computers)
Remote Data Object
RDO, application interface that enables fast access to relational databases (Computers)
Remote viewing
This is the ability to see things happening from far away
Remote-Piloted Vehicle
{i} unmanned vehicle that is operated and controlled by remote control, RPV
remote access
The hookup of a remote computing device via communications lines such as ordinary phone lines or wide area networks to access network applications and information
remote access
Access to a computer system or network from a distant location, usually by dialling in with a modem A typical example of remote access is a dial-up connection to an ISP
remote access
A broad term referring to the accessing of (usually) data from a remote location, usually by a single user
remote access
Access to a network in another location
remote access
 1 Pertaining to communication with a data processing facility from a remote location or facility through a data link   2 A PABX service feature that allows a user at a remote location to access by telephone PABX features, such as access to wide area telephone service (WATS) lines   Note: For remote access, individual authorization codes are usually required
remote access
The ability to access a system via modem and get some or all of the same services as a client on the network
remote access
A phrase used to describe the connection of one computer to another computer located in different places
remote access
The ability to connect to a library's resources when you are not at the library or on campus Information about remote access to Penrose Library can be found at http: //www penlib du edu/dbastrub html Back
remote access
The ability to access a computer from outside a building in which it is housed, or outside the library Remote access requires communications hardware, software, and actual physical links, although this can be as simple as common carrier (telephone) lines or as complex as Telnet login to another computer across the internet
remote access
Communicating with a database or other electronic resource which is not physically present on the computer or local area network
remote access
A service which makes it possible to connect to a network such as the campus network or the Internet from a distant location (such as your residence in Davis, your permanent home, or your favorite vacation spot)
remote access
Communication by a user with a distant computer system or computer network May require the user to enter their USD user name and password Remote access to the University of South Dakota's Library resources is possible from home or office
remote access
The ability to access and use digital information from a location off-site from where the information is physically located
remote access
The hookup of a remote computing device via communications lines such as ordinary phone lines or wide area networks to access distant network applications and information
remote access
The ability to log onto a network from a distant location Generally, this implies a computer, a modem, and some remote access software to connect to the network Whereas remote control refers to taking control of another computer, remote access means that the remote computer actually becomes a full-fledged host on the network The remote access software dials in directly to the network server The only difference between a remote host and workstations connected directly to the network is slower data transfer speeds
remote access
Use of a modem and communications software to connect to a computer network from a distant location via a telephone line or wireless connection
remote access
in essence it refers to workers being able to access their organisation's network using ICT, from any or from a designated location
remote access
Remote access is a system which allows you to gain access to a particular computer or network using a separate computer. The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet's world wide web. a system that allows you to use information on a computer that is far away from your computer
remote access
The ability of a computer in one location to connect to a device that is at another location or site
remote access
Access to a computer or network from a "remote" location
remote access
Sending and receiving data to and from a computer through communications links such as phone lines
remote access
Service allowing users away from the server or network to access these resources from remote locations
remote access
The ability to connect to a computer from a remote location and exchange information or remotely operate the system as if you were present
remote access
The ability to log on to a network from a distant location Generally, this requires a computer, a modem and remote-access software to allow the computer to dial into the network over a telephone line and connect
remote control
means the user connects to another computer and runs all software applications from the remote computer, except the remote control client software Only keystrokes are transmitted from and screen updates are transmitted to the remote machine as all processing takes place in the local computer
remote control
Refers to a program's or device's ability to control a computer system from a remote location Remote control is different from remote access In remote control, only keystrokes and screen updates are transmitted between the two machines as all processing originates in the remote-control device
remote control
A remote control device works just like the remote control on your television It allows you to operate your fan from a remote location without the need to run extra wiring from a wall switch to the fan
remote control
The remote control for a television or video recorder is the device that you use to control the machine from a distance, by pressing the buttons on it
remote control
Remote control is a system of controlling a machine or a vehicle from a distance by using radio or electronic signals. The bomb was detonated by remote control
remote control
A method of controlling a hoist trolley, crane, etc , other than a pendant control station
remote control
a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance; "he lost the remote for his TV"
remote control
Form of remote access where a device dialing in assumes control of another network node - all keystrokes on the remote are translated into keystrokes on the network node Used primarily with IPX protocol
remote control
Female: A device for changing from one TV channel to another Male: A device for scanning through all 75 channels every three minutes
remote control
small device used to control an electrical device from a distance; control from far away, activity which can be performed with a remote control while being far from the device
remote control
A control panel that is either connected via a cable or using infrared A simple one allows the slides to be changed forwards or backwards and the focus to be controlled More advanced ones have built-in light pointers and slide preview window
remote control
a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance; "he lost the remote for his TV
remote control
Is a control function which provides for initiation or change of a control function form a remote point
remote control
Control of an operation from a distance, especially by means of electricity or electronics; a controlling switch, lever, or other device used in this kind of control; as in remote-control armament, remote-control switch , etc
remote control
A method of provide remote access to Local Area Network resources by having the remote computer “control” a computer attached to the LAN Remote Control software simply passes “screen” and “keyboard” information across the telephone lines as opposed to the entire networking data packet
remote control
- Control of a system at a distance
remote control
Water tight control box in impact resistant plastic - can be located for safe convenient operation upto 30 metres away from water heater
remote control
(ri-moht kon-trohl) n Female: A device for changing from one TV channel to another Male: A device for scanning through all 75 channels every three minutes
remote corner
distant place
remote damage
be found guilty of wrongdoing for late damages (Law)
remote host
Any host computer system, other than the local host, on a network
remote host
any host on the network which you are not presently using
remote host
another computer on the network
remote host
A workstation that is not part of the Trusted Solaris software NIS+ domain A remote host can be an unlabeled or labeled workstation
remote host
A third-party system, also called a backend system, that handles data, provides services and communicates with Consumer Banking
remote host
A Host other than the one on which the SD-UX commands are being executed
remote host
A computer on a network to which a network connection may be established Once established, the computer that initiated the connection is referred as a local host, whereas the other is the remote host
remote host
A Web server on a separate server computer A remote host is connected to other servers by way of a network connection
remote host
A host you are trying to login to or send mail to
remote host
A computer system connected to a network such as a LAN or the internet that you have to connect to remotely
remote interrogation
the process of calling your own telephone when you are away from your home or office so that you can listen to messages that people have left on your answering machine
remote place
distant place, somewhere far away
remote procedure call
A message-passing facility that allows a distributed program to call services available on various computers in a network Used during remote administration of computers, RPC provides a procedural view, rather than a transport-centered view, of networked operations
remote procedure call
This is a protocol that one application can use to request a service from another application located on another computer in a network without having to understand the specific network details
remote procedure call
Method used to communicate between computers using the Internet The network layer dealing with RPCs is the session layer It is one layer further removed from hardware dependancies then the transport (TCP/IP, sockets) layer
remote procedure call
Refers to the operations with Agents on a remote computer
remote procedure call
An RPC is part of an application that activates a process on another node on the network and retrieves the results
remote procedure call
This protocol allows the construction of client-server applications using a demand/response protocol with management of transactions The client is blocked until a response is returned from the server, or a user-defined optional timeout occurs RPC guarantees at-most-once semantics for the delivery of the request See also inter-process communication (IPC), and asynchronous communication mode
remote procedure call
A call to a procedure in a different address space In a traditional procedure call, the calling procedure and the called procedure are in the same address space on one machine In a remote procedure call, the calling procedure invokes a procedure in a different address space and usually on a different machine
remote procedure call
A local procedure call that is executed in a non-local program or address space Enables application logic to be split between a client and a server in the way that best uses available resources
remote procedure call
provides the endpoint mapper and other miscellaneous RPC services This is the RPC endpoint mapper and the COM Service Control Manager (SCM) If this service is turned off, the computer will not boot See also Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
remote procedure call
Executing what looks like a normal procedure call (or method invocation) by sending network packets to some remote host
remote procedure call
In programming, a protocol that one program can use to request a service from another program located on a remote system
remote procedure call
The remote procedure call structure developed by Sun for communication between clients and servers
remote procedure call
An interprocess communication method that allows an application to run specific parts of the application on more than one computer in a distributed computing environment Windows NT 4 0's DCOM uses RPCs for network communication between COM objects
remote procedure call
Executing commands on remote host computers
remote procedure call
The remote procedure call structure developed by Sun for communication between clients and servers See RFC 1050, RFC 1057, and RFC 1831 for more
remote procedure call
A remote procedure call is similar to a local procedure call except that the calling and called procedures are not a part of the same program The called and calling procedures may be located in the same computer or in different networked computers
remote procedure call
An process for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing An RPC is a set of conventions that governs how an application activates a process on another node on the network and retrieves the results An easy and popular paradigm for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing A request is sent to a remote system to execute a designated procedure, using arguments supplied, and the result returned to the called There are many variations and subtleties, resulting in a variety of different RPC protocols
remote procedure call
RPC is procedure P that a caller process C gets a server process S to execute as if C had executed P in C's own address space RFC 1831 specifies an "Open Network Computing" version of RPC
remote procedure call
(RPC) A protocol governing the method with which an application activates processes on other nodes & retrieves the results
remote procedure call
An easy and popular paradigm for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing In general, a request is sent to a remote system to execute a designated procedure, using arguments supplied, and the result returned to the caller There are many variations and subtleties in various implementations, resulting in a variety of different (incompatible) RPC protocols
remote procedure call
(RPC) A mechanism for accessing a remote object or service
remote procedure call
A process (API) by which a client instructs a server (or DBMS) to execute a program routine
remote procedure call
(RPC) a co-operative processing model based upon calling subroutines (functions) in another process
remote relative
distant relative, person who is not closely related
remote sensing
The collection of information about an object or event without being in physical contact with the object or event Remote sensing is restricted to methods that record the electromagnetic radiation reflected or radiated from an object, which excludes magnetic and gravity surveys that record force fields
remote sensing
"Remote sensing is the science of deriving information about the earth's land and water areas from images acquired at a distance It usually relies upon measurement of electromagnetic energy reflected or emitted from the features of interest (Campbell 1987) "
remote sensing
Acquiring information about an object without contacting it physically Methods include aerial photography, radar, and satellite imaging
remote sensing
The collection and interpretation of information about an object without physical contact with the object; e g , satellite imaging and aerial photograph
remote sensing
is the process of obtaining information from a distance, especially from aircraft and satellites Modern remote sensing technology has greatly expanded our ability to see and understand the Earth and its systems and to observe changes Remotesensing has become a critical tool in activities ranging from the verification of arms control treaties to the provision of emergency aid to disaster-stricken regions Through remote sensing we learn about problems such as droughts, famines, and floods; we obtain information about agricultural practices, weather conditions, transportation systems, river flows, and terrain changes We use remote sensing to locate Earth's natural resources and can then use that information to exploit or protect them
remote sensing
the process of detecting and monitoring physical characteristics of an area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation and without physically contacting the object
remote sensing
acquiring information about an object without physically coming into contact with it
remote sensing
The measurement or acquisition of information of some property of an object or phenomenon by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate contact with the object or phenomenon under study Also, the utilization at a distance (as from aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, or ships) of any device and its attendant display for gathering information pertinent to the environment, such as measurements of force fields, electromagnetic radiation, infrared sensing, land use, water bodies, etc Such systems typically employ devices such as cameras, lasers, radio frequency receivers, radar systems, infrared detectors, sonar seismographs, gravimeters, magnetometers, and scintillation counters
remote sensing
Any of the technical disciplines for observing and measuring the Earth from a distance, including satellite imaging, Global Positioning Systems, RADAR, SONAR, aerial photography, etc
remote sensing
The process by which satellite images are created by scanning the earth's surface using sensors on satellites
remote sensing
Remote sensing is the gathering of information about something by observing it from space or from the air. the use of satellites to obtain pictures and information about the Earth
remote sensing
The technology of acquiring data and information about an object or phenomena by a device that is not in physical contact with it In other words, remote sensing refers to gathering information about the Earth and its environment from a distance, a critical capability of the Earth Observing System
remote sensing
Techniques for viewing and recording conditions and resources on the earth's surface without having direct contact It emphasizes use of aerial photographs and satellite imagery
remote sensing
The gathering of information concerning the earths surface that do not involve contact with the surface or object under study The techniques include aerial photography, multispectral and infra red imagery and radar Usually carried out by satellite and aircraft, remote sensing can give information as to ground conditions over large areas at a relatively low cost Also sometimes called G I S (Global imaging systems) Remote sensing is often accompanied by a relatively small amount of "ground truthing" where an operative visits several areas to ensure that the information that is being received is being interpreted correctly Used by some government agencies to focus on areas which are most suited to aquacultural development by looking at geology, communications, population and water distribution over large areas
remote sensing
The technique of collecting information from a distance Most common mediums include satellite imaging, Global Positioning Systems, RADAR, SONAR, aerial photography, etc Before the advent of photography, remote sensing was accomplished in such ways as information collection from air balloons
remote sensing
the gathering of information about the Earth from a distance, without actually coming in contact with it See Remote Sensing page
remote sensing
Process of detecting and (or) monitoring chemical or physical properties of an area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation
remote sensing
A process of obtaining information from a distance
remote sensing
is the collection of data on land use, industrial activity, weather, climate, geology and other processes through Earth observations from satellites in outer space
remote sensing
The acquisition of information or measurement of some property of an object by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate contact with the objects under study
remote sensing
The ability to obtain information about something without being present (i e aerial photo, photography, landsat imagery)
remote sensing
surveying of the Earth from aircraft or satellites that contain devices for receiving signals from distant sources
remote sensing
(n ) A method of gathering image data remotely, such as by aerial photography or satellite
remote sensing
The process of collecting data about something from a point far away A satellite making observations of the Earth, therefore, is using its equipment for remote sensing
remote sensing
the determination of a quantity by detecting it from a distance A common application of remote sensing is the use of satellite-borne instruments to determine the location and amount of resources on the surface of the Earth
remote site
(communications usage) A venue "outside" or at a distance from the ordinary origination site In the above example, the athletic center is serving as the Remote Site (See also: Live Origination, Remote Feed, Satellite Origination)
remote site
The site, FTP server is running on that you are connected to May very well be on the same host as a Local Site
remote site
Any information technology/network equipment, facility, or service not part of, but connected with, MSU information technology resources via a communications network
remote synchronization
(Ticaret) The centralized update of distributed devices and systems with separate databases that brings them up to the same status
remote system
system which may be connected to by a local computer by using a modem or network
remote terminal
a terminal connected to a computer by a data link
remote town
town which is located near a border
remote village
secluded village
remote working
when people do their work at home, using a computer that is connected to the computer system in an office = homeworking
remote-control bomb
a bomb that can be detonated by remote control
A remote-controlled machine or device is controlled from a distance by the use of radio or electronic signals. a remote-controlled bomb
At a distance, far away
Not much; scarcely; hardly

I'm not remotely in love with you.

{a} not nearly, at a distance, far
{n} a distance, a space
by remote control
by means of a remote control device, using a device which allows a mechanism to be operated from a distance
mini remote-piloted vehicle
unmanned small vehicle that is operated and controlled by remote control; drone, unmanned small aircraft that is operated and controlled by remote control
If someone or something is remotely placed or situated, they are a long way from other people or places. the remotely situated, five bedroom house
distantly, far away; in a distant place; slightly, slimly; in a remote way, in a slight manner
emphasis You use remotely with a negative statement to emphasize the statement. Nobody was remotely interested
in a remote manner; "when the measured speech of the chorus passes over into song the tones are, remotely but unmistakably, those taught by the orthodox liturgy
to a remote degree; "it is remotely possible"
the property of being remote
{i} distantness, state of being far away; seclusion, isolation; distantness in time or relation; aloofness, standoffishness
the quality of being remote
a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner
Comparative of remote
plural of remote
The most remote