
listen to the pronunciation of recovery
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} kurtulma
{i} kurtarma

Dosya kurtarmaya çalışmadan önce dosya adını hatırlayın. - Recall the filename before you try to perform file recovery.

{i} iyileşme

Şimdi iyileşme yolundasın. - You are now on the way to recovery.

O şimdi iyileşme yolunda. - He is now on the way to recovery.

{i} düzelme
yerine yerleştirme
(Sigorta) istirdat

Tom'a acil şifalar diliyoruz. - We wish Tom a quick recovery.

Sana acil şifalar diliyorum. - I wish you a speedy recovery.

eşya gözü
(Tıp) geri dönme
(Askeri,Gıda,Tıp) geri kazanım
(Biyokimya) kazanç
geri alma
geri alınma
{i} geri dönüştürme
eskrimde hücumdan sonra savunma vaziyetine geçme
{i} telafi
tekrar ele geçirme
{i} geri kazanma
(Askeri) NİRENGİ İSTİKŞAFI: Ölçme nirengi şebekesinin incelenmesi yerinin tespiti, kayda geçilmesi ve bildirilmesi
{i} yeniden bulma
{i} tazmin
(Nükleer Bilimler) (biyolojik) düzelme,kazanım
düzelme/geri alınma
kürek çekerken tabii vaziyete dönme
(Ticaret) ekonomik canlanma
(Bilgisayar) kendine getirme
(Biyokimya) elde
recovery agents
(Bilgisayar) kurtarma aracıları
recovery peg
(Bilgisayar) referans kazığı
recovery peg
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik kazığı
recovery period
iyileşme süreci
recovery period
(Biyokimya) iyileşme dönemi
recovery phase
iyileştirme safhası
recovery phase
(Askeri) üsse dönüş safhası
recovery plan
iyileştirme planı
recovery procedure
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hatadan toparlanma süreci
recovery room
(Tıp) derlenme odası
recovery room
geri kazanma odası
recovery schedule
(İnşaat) telafi programı
recovery time
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) toparlanma süresi
recovery unit
(Askeri) kurtarma birliği
recovery value
(Ticaret) hurda değeri
recovery worker
iyileştirme görevlisi
recovery error
kurtarma hatası
recovery file
kurtarma dosyası, kurtarma kütüğü
recovery from power failure
başarısızlık gücünden kurtarma
recovery room
Hastanede hasta odası
recovery technique
kurtarma tekniği
recovery ward
Ameliyat sonrası hastaların dinlenip kendilerine gelmeleri için alındıkların koğuş veya oda
recovery activation signal
(Askeri) kurtarmayı başlatma işareti
recovery airfield
(Askeri) SERBEST HAVAALANI: Hava araçlarının H-saatinden sonra inebilecekleri herhangi bir askeri veya sivil havaalanı serbest havaalanlarından muharebe vazifelerinin sevk ve idaresi düşünülemez. Ayrıca bakınız: "airfield"
recovery airfield
(Askeri) serbest hava alanı
recovery and reconstitution
(Askeri) TOPARLANMA VE YENİDEN TEŞKİLATLANMA: Düşman bir milletin taarruz gücünü azaltmak, milli ekonomiyi daha iyi seviyeye yükseltmek, halkın refahını sağlamak, gerideki kuvvetler ile destek kaynaklarının muharebe gücünü azami hadde çıkarmak üzere bir milletin taarruza maruz kalmadan taarruz sırasında ve taarruzdan sonra aldığı tedbirler
recovery assistance, securing, and traversing systems
(Askeri) kurtarma yardım, emniyet ve hareket sistemleri
recovery backup
Kurtarma Yedeklemesi
recovery controller
(Askeri) DÖNÜŞ KONTROLÖRÜ: Geri dönen uçakların uygun terminal kontrol kuruluşuna doğru icrasından sorumlu hava kontrolörü
recovery controller
(Askeri) üsse dönüş kontrolörü
recovery cost
(Ticaret) geri alma maliyeti
recovery file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kurtarma dosyası
recovery file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kurtarma kütüğü
recovery gear
(Askeri) kurtarma düzeni
recovery gear
(Askeri) KURTARMA DÜZENİ: Bir roket aracı burun konisi veya diğer kısmının araç yere değdikten sonra işaretlenmesi, tespiti ve kurtarılmasında kullanılan cihaz ve aletler
recovery of damages
(Ticaret) hasarın ödenmesi
recovery operation
(Askeri) Kurtarma harekatı
recovery package
(Askeri) KURTARMA PAKETİ: Bir füze veya roket aracı dönüş kısmı veya diğer bir parçasına kurtarma maksadıyla bağlanan ve cisim yere düştükten sonra yerini gösterecek cihazı ihtiva eden bir paket
recovery package
(Askeri) kurtarma paketi
recovery party
(Askeri) İSTİKŞAF EKİBİ: Harita yapmada nirengi olarak faydalanılmak üzere belli başlı arazi tafsilatını tespit edip bunları bir bölgenin hava fotoğrafı üzerine işaretlenmesi için görıderilen ölçme ekibi
recovery preparation
Kurtarma Hazırlığı
recovery preparation wizard
Kurtarma Hazırlığı Sihirbazı
recovery procedure
hatadan toparlanma sureci
recovery procedures
(Askeri) TOPLAMA, KURTARMA (BİR ARAYA GETİRME) YÖNTEMLERİ/AMELİYELERİ: Henüz patlamamış ordudonatım malzemesinin toplanması amacıyla gösterilen faaliyetler
recovery process
Kurtarma işlemi
recovery rate
(Nükleer Bilimler) iyileşme hızı
recovery routine
kurtarma yordamı
recovery save set
Kurtarma Kaydetme Kümesi
recovery set
Kurtarma Kümesi
recovery technique
(Bilgisayar) kurtarma tebliği
recovery time
(Nükleer Bilimler) düzelme zamanı
recovery unit
(Askeri) KURTARMA BİRLİĞİ: Hava Kuvvetleri Müsekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatı grup, filo veya müfrezesi. Vazifesi, ABD'ne vaki olacak bir taarruz halinde veya acil durumda önceden tespit edilmiş gayri askeri havaalanlarında Hava Kuvvetleri harekatına elverişli imkan sağlamaktır
recovery vehicle, medium
(Askeri) KURTARMA ARACI, ORTA: Muharebe sahası şartlarında tankların ve diğer araçların kurtarılması ve mürettebatın kurtarılması için tasarlarımış tam paletli araç. M.88A1 denir
recovery voltage
toparlanma gerilimi
recovery wizard
Kurtarma Sihirbazı
retarded recovery
(İnşaat) gecikmiş toparlanma
disaster recovery
çöküşün onarımı
disaster recovery plan
(Bilgisayar) çökümden toparlanma planı
item recovery
(Bilgisayar) öğe kurtarma
safe recovery
(Bilgisayar) güvenli kurtarma
wish somebody a quick recovery
acil şifalar dilemek
wish someone a speedy recovery
geçmiş olsun dilemek
backward recovery
geriye doğru kurtarma
capital recovery
anaparanın geri kazanımı
economic recovery
ekonomik iyileşme
economic recovery
ekonomik canlanma
error recovery
hatadan kurtulma
failure recovery
arızadan kurtarma
high level recovery
yüksek düzeyli onarma
high speed recovery
yüksek hızlı kurtarma
lye recovery
sudkostik geri kazanımı
So long as someone or something ailing is alive, there is hope for recovery
çıkmadık candan ümit kesilmez
auto recovery
oto kurtarma
data recovery
(Bilgisayar) veri kurtarma
disaster recovery
felaket onarımı
enhanced oil recovery
Geliştirilmiş yağ geri kazanım
error recovery routine
hata kurtarma yordamı
file recovery
dosya kurtarma, kütük onarma
forward recovery
ileri geri
full recovery
tam iyileşme
hardware recovery
donanımı kurtarma, donanım onarımı
have a quick recovery
Hızlı bir iyileşme var
heat recovery
bir bina yada araçtan atılan işinin bazı mekanik düzenlerle bir başka ortama yüklenerek tekrar kullanıma sokulması
heat recovery
işi geri kazanım
heat recovery
işi geri-kazanımı
immediate crease recovery
angle sıçrayış acısı
make a recovery from
İyileşme göstermek
make recovery
yapmak kurtarma
miraculous recovery
mucizevi iyileşme
overheads recovery
genel giderler kurtarma
spontaneous recovery
spontan iyileşme
wishing fast recovery
acil şifalar
Emergency Response and Recovery Office
(Askeri) Acil Durum Cevap ve Kurtarma Dairesi
Sealift Readiness Program; sealift reserve program; seaward recovery point; Sing
(Askeri) Deniz Nakliye Hazırlık Programı; deniz nakliye ihtiyat programı; deniz kurtarma noktası; Tek Entegreli Harekat Planı keşif planı
alternate recovery base; assign receive bypass lists
(Askeri) yedek kurtarma üssü; baypas listesi alım tahsisi
backup recovery
(Bilgisayar) yedek kurtarma
base recovery course
(Askeri) üs kurtarma kursu
battlefield recovery
(Askeri) MUHAREBE MEYDANI MALZEME KURTARMASI: Hasara uğramış veya terkedilmiş dost ve düşman malzemesinin muharebe meydanından toplanması ve bir kurtarılmış malzeme toplama noktasına (recovery collecting point) veya bakım ya da ikmal tesisine nakli
carrier recovery
tasiyici eszamanlamasi
code recovery
(Askeri) KOD ÇÖZME: Bak. "code reconstruction"
core recovery
karot verimi
crease recovery angle
(Teknik,Tekstil) buruşmazlık açısı
crease recovery angle
(Teknik,Tekstil) katlanma açısı
deteriorate beyond recovery
düzenini kaybetmek
disaster recovery center
(Bilgisayar) felaket durum merkezi fdm
disaster recovery plan
cokumden toparlanma plani
dispersal, aircraft recovery and reconstruction
(Askeri) DAĞILMA, UÇAK KURTARMA VE YENİDEN TEŞKİLATLANMA (HV.): Halen Hava Kuvvetleri-ihtiyatı kurtarma grup ve filolarına verilmiş üç görev sahası. (Evvelce buna "Air Reserve Recovery Program" denirdi. )
drogue recovery
(Havacılık) kurtarma paraşütü
emergency recovery
Acil Durum Kurtarması
error recovery
Hata Düzeltme
error recovery
Hata Giderme
evasion and recovery
(Askeri) kaçma ve kurtarma
evasion and recovery selected area for evasion (SAFE) area activation request
(Askeri) kaçmak için seçilmiş kaçma ve kurtulma bölgesi (SAFE) bölge harekete geçme talebi
evasion and recovery supplemental data report
(Askeri) kaçma ve kurtarma ilave veri raporu
failure recovery
aksakligi giderme arizayi onarma
falling and recovery
(Askeri) düşme ve kurtarma
fast system recovery
Hızlı Sistem Kurtarma
forward recovery mission profile
(Askeri) İLERİ KURTARMA UÇUŞ GÖREVİ PROFİLİ: İleri tarafsız/dost havaalanı veya iniş yerindeki bir uçağın kurtarılması ile ilgili uçuş görevi profili
hardware recovery
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) donanımı kurtarma
hardware recovery
(Bilgisayar) donanını onarımı
hardware recovery
donanım onarımı
home recovery mission profile
(Askeri) GERİ DÖNME GÖREV PROFİLİ: Bir uçağın tahsis edilmiş geçici veya asli harekat üssüne dönmesi ile ilgili görev profili
immediate crease recovery angle
(Tekstil) sıçrayış açısı
injury recovery
sakatlıktan kurtulma
key recovery
(Askeri) ANAHTAR ÇÖZME: Bir anahtarın, kriptografi bakımından, yeniden çözülmesi
launch and recovery site
(Askeri) fırlatma ve kurtarma bölgesi
lightweight airborne recovery system
(Askeri) hafif hava indirme kurtarma sistemi
maintenance recovery team
(Askeri) bakım geri kazanım timi
manner of receipt of recovery
(Ticaret) tahsilat şekli
personnel recovery; Phoenix Raven; primary zone; production requirement; program
(Askeri) personel tahliyesi; Phoenix Raven; esas bölge; üretim ihtiyacı; program incelemesi
plutonium recovery
(Nükleer Bilimler) plutonyumun geri kazanılması
prepare for disaster recovery
Kurtarma İçin Hazırla
pressure recovery
basinc geri kazanimi
search and recovery task force
(Askeri) arama ve kurtarma görev kuvveti
slow growth recovery
(Ticaret) yavaş büyüme canlanması
smart recovery
(Bilgisayar) akıllı kurtarma
solid core recovery
sağlam karot verimi
spontaneous recovery
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kendiliğinden canlanma
survival, evasion, resistance, escape, recovery
(Askeri) hayatı idame, kaçma, direnme, kurtulma ve kurtarma
swift recovery
çabuk iyileşme
swift recovery
çabuk toparlanma
tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel (Marine Corps); tactical related app
(Askeri) hava aracı ve personelin taktik kurtarılması (Deniz Piyadeleri); taktikle ilgili uygulamalar; tank, bomba taşıyıcı, adaptör ve pilonlar; terörizm arama ve analiz programı
tank recovery vehicle
(Askeri) TANK KURTARMA ARACI: Arızalı veya terkedilmiş ağır muharebe araçlarını, muharebe meydanından bir toplama noktasına (collectıon point) veya bakım tesisine nakletmek için imal edilmiş, tam tırtıllı, genel olarak zırhlı motorlu araç
timing recovery
zaman dayanagi kazanimi
timing recovery
zaman dayanağı kazanımı
total core recovery
toplam karot verimi
transportation and recovery
(Otomotiv) nakliye ve yenileme
unconventional assisted recovery
(Askeri) konvansiyonel olmayan destekli kurtarma
unconventional assisted recovery coordination center
(Askeri) konvansiyonel olmayan destekli kurtarma koordinasyon merkezi
unconventional assisted recovery mechanism
(Askeri) konvansiyonel olmayan destekli kurtarma mekanizması
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A return to normal health
Renewed growth after a slump (economy)
A return to former status
The act or process of regaining or repossession of something lost
{n} a restoration from sickness, a deed
the act of regaining or saving something lost (or in danger of becoming lost)
The change of attitudes and behaviors that brings about a life free of chemicals Recovery is in terms of a process not a single event It is ongoing, and one refers to being "in recovery " Recovery embraces the idea that one lives life positively one day at a time
1 The long-term activities beyond the initial crisis period and emergency response phase of disaster operations that focus on returning all systems in the community to a normal status or to reconstitute these systems to a new condition that is less vulnerable (FEMA definition) 2 Actions of responders, government, and the victims that help return an affected community to normal by stimulating community cohesiveness and government involvement, One type of recovery involves repairing infrastructure, damaged buildings, and critical facilities The recovery period falls between the onset of the emergency and the reconstruction period (Landesman definition)
The act of recovering, regaining, or retaking possession
The portion of the stroke, between the release and the catch, during which the oar is brought into position for the next stroke
In rowing, the act of regaining the proper position for making a new stroke
return to an original state; "the recovery of the forest after the fire was surprisingly rapid"
The obtaining in a suit at law of a right to something by a verdict and judgment of court
In transaction systems, after a failure, the ability to restore the system to the most recently committed, and therefore consistent, state In distributed systems, recovery may involve resynchronizing several distributed components Once a system has been recovered, processing can resume, and transactions aborted as a result of the failure can be resubmitted
1 The procedure or action that obtains when the whole of a satellite, or a section, instrumentation package, or other part of a rocket vehicle is retrieved after a launch, as in recovery was counted upon to give added data
Act of regaining the natural position after curtseying
If someone is in recovery, they are being given a course of treatment to help them recover from something such as a drug habit or mental illness. Carole, a compulsive pot smoker and alcoholic in recovery
The amount of mineral separated and recovered in a mill, and expressed as a percentage of that calculated to be the original ore
the act of regaining or saving something lost (or in danger of becoming lost) return to an original state; "the recovery of the forest after the fire was surprisingly rapid
When there is a recovery in a country's economy, it improves. Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery
The process by which the decline of an endangered or threatened species is arrested or reversed, or threats to its survival neutralized so that its long-term survival in nature can be ensured
If a sick person makes a recovery, he or she becomes well again. He made a remarkable recovery from a shin injury
  In a database management system, the procedures and capabilities available for reconstruction of the contents of a database to a state that prevailed before the detection of processing errors and before the occurrence of a hardware or software failure that resulted in the destruction of some or all of the stored data
1 The process of identifying or reconstructing cryptographic data or plain text through cryptanalysis 2 An item of cryptographic information or plain text obtained through cryptanalysis
The amount of a deduction or creditable expense paid in a previous year that is later refunded to the taxpayer The recovered amount must usually be included in income in the year it is received, to the extent of the previous tax benefit
The lifelong process of controlling alcoholism For an alcoholic, abstaining from alcohol (cutting it out entirely) is nearly always necessary for successful recovery Total abstinence may or may not be absolutely necessary for other alcohol-related conditions
The process of obtaining materials or energy resources from solid waste (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, 245 101)
A term used in process metallurgy to indicate the proportion of valuable material obtained in the processing of an ore It is generally stated as a percentage of valuable metal in the ore that is recovered compared to the total valuable metal present in the ore
gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury
A phase of the business cycle that lasts from a trough until overall economic activity returns to the level it reached at the previous peak (NBER) See business cycle [Back to top]
An upward price movement after a decline Same as Rally
You talk about the recovery of something when you get it back after it has been lost or stolen. A substantial reward is being offered for the recovery of a painting by Turner
this term refers to the natural or internal capacity of a system for self-repair A good example is the recovery of vegetation Sometimes, conditions have recovered to the point where human actions cannot effectively improve conditions further Some folks mistakenly label recovery as "natural reclamation " Restoration, rehabilitation, or reclamation implies human intervention of some sort *
The getting, or gaining, of something not previously had
You talk about the recovery of someone's physical or mental state when they return to this state. the abrupt loss and recovery of consciousness
Restoration of lost data or the reconciliation of conflicting or erroneous data after a system failure Recovery is often achieved using a disk or tape backup and transaction logs
{i} recuperation; getting well; return
Act of regaining the position of guard after making an attack
The use of depreciation of assets to offset costs; or a new period of rising securities prices after a period of declining security values
The process by which the decline of an endangered or threatened species is arrested or reversed, and threats neutralized so that its survival in the wild can be ensured The goal of the ESA is for the recovery of listed species to levels where protection under the ESA is no longer necessary
Restoration from sickness, weakness, faintness, or the like; restoration from a condition of mistortune, of fright, etc
The amount of return to original dimension and properties of an FPF sample after a deforming force is removed
The recovery of an analyte is an analytical procedure which is used to measure the inaccuracy of the test method Recovery is measured by assaying a sample after adding a known amount of the analyte and the same sample without added analyte
Also recovering from error What a program ought to do after something has gone wrong; patch things up as well as possible and move on If things are disastrous enough (e g , after a catastrophic failure), this can be a significant task It is facilitated by design that anticipates the need for eventual recovery
(also "recovery shot, trouble shot") a shot that is played to extricate oneself from trouble after an errant shot Example: Tim hit a spectacular recovery/recovery shot/trouble shot from the trees to within 6 feet of the cup
To remove refrigerant in any condition from an appliance and store it in an external container without necessarily testing or processing it in any way
In a business cycle, the period after a downturn or recession when economic activity picks up and the gross domestic product (GDP) increases BACK TO TOP
re coverance
recovery CD
A CD-ROM included with many PCs, containing a complete copy of the default hard drive contents, which allows the end user to quickly and easily restore their system to its factory state
recovery CDs
plural form of recovery CD
recovery position
A person's position lying on the floor, which minimises an unconscious person from further risk
recovery positions
plural form of recovery position
recovery time objective
In disaster recovery or business continuity, the time goal for the re-establishment and recovery of business function or resource
recovery house
A halfway house, also called a recovery house or sober house, is a place to allow people to begin the process of reintegration with society, while still providing monitoring and support; this is generally believed to reduce the risk of recidivism or relapse when compared to a release directly into society
recovery ward
In a hospital etc., where a patient can recover after an operation or treatment
recovery from dive
rescue from a dive
recovery from power failure
operations performed by a computer in order to return to proper operation after a power failure
recovery of expenses
getting back money that was expended
recovery plan
recovery scheme; convalescence plan
recovery program
a course of treatment for people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol
recovery program
program by which something will be recovered; convalescence program
recovery room
A hospital room equipped for the care and observation of patients immediately following surgery. a room in a hospital where people first wake up after an operation
recovery room
special room for the recuperation of ill people or those who have undergone an operation
recovery room
a hospital room for the care of patients immediately after surgery
materials recovery facility
A waste recycling plant. Often shortened to MRF
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Removal of some of the heavy oil left in an oil well after primary and secondary recovery
National Recovery Administration
(1933-35) U.S. government agency established to stimulate business recovery during the Great Depression. As part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (1933), the NRA established codes to eliminate unfair trade practices, reduce unemployment, and set minimum wages and maximum hours. The U.S. Supreme Court invalidated the act in 1935 because it gave quasi-legislative powers to the executive branch. Many of its provisions appeared in subsequent legislation
bad debt recovery
successful recovery which was written off as lost
capital recovery
recovery of a loan through periodic equal payments of a fund and interest on the remainder of the fund which has not yet been paid
coolant recovery system
(Otomotiv) A bottle or tank that acts as a reservoir for liquid expelled from the cooling system through the overflow pipe and then returns the liquid to the system when it cools down. A special radiator pressure cap is also part of the system. Also called a closed cooling system when it's part of the original equipment
cost recovery
Now used to describe depreciation
cost recovery
The recovery of only actual costs incurred In terms of federal projects the university normally enters into agreements with the government to charge only actual costs to the projects when the money is accepted
cost recovery
A legal process by which potentially responsible parties who contributed to contamination at a Superfund site can be required to reimburse the Superfund for money spent during any cleanup actions by the federal government
cost recovery
Money to be paid by the defendant for costs incurred by the arresting police agency
cost recovery
income received from the direct sale of services or in any other way directly associated with the operation of a service
cost recovery
An Internal Revenue Service term for depreciation
cost recovery
In accordance with the Financial Administration Act and Veterinary Drug Evaluation Fees Regulations, client fees are prescribed to recover certain costs associated with the services provided by the VDD for the evaluation of information submitted by drug manufacturers, qualified investigators and veterinary practitioners
cost recovery
Reimbursement to CMRS providers of both recurring and nonrecurring costs associated with any services, operation, administration or maintenance of wireless E911 service Costs include, but are not limited to, the costs of design, development, upgrades, equipment, software and other expenses associated with the implementation of wireless E911 service (Back to top )
cost recovery
The extent to which user charges for goods and services recover the full costs of providing such services, including a return on capital employed Can be defined in terms of financial cost recovery using financial costs or economic cost recovery using economic costs See also Subsidy
cost recovery
The writing off of the capital cost of qualified assets over a specified time period See also Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS) and Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
disaster recovery
The ability to respond to an interruption in services by implementing a disaster recovery plan to restore an organization's critical business functions
disaster recovery
http: //www drj com/gloss html
disaster recovery
Recovery from catastrophic interruptions of computer systems, such as loss of the system location because of natural events Backup data is kept offsite to protect against such catastrophes
disaster recovery
The process of restoring an IS to full operation after an interruption in service, including equipment repair/replacement, file recovery/restoration, and resumption of service to users
disaster recovery
The process whereby an enterprise would restore any loss of data in the event of fire, vandalism, natural disaster, or system failure (CPRI, 1996c, as cited in HISB, DRAFT GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATED TO INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS draft Glossary of Terms Related to Information Security in Health Care Information Systems) Part of physical access controls (limited access) on the matrix
disaster recovery
Methods for ensuring that an organization recovers from natural and human-caused disasters that affect its computer-based operations
disaster recovery
The plans, procedures, and contingencies that enable your company or support organization to set up, reconfigure, and continue to work after a disaster or during a work disruption such as a power outage
disaster recovery
Describes how an organization is to deal with potential disasters Just as a disaster is an event that makes the continuation of normal functions impossible, a disaster recovery plan consists of the precautions taken so that the effects of a disaster will be minimized, and the organization will be able to either maintain or quickly resume mission-critical functions Typically, disaster recovery planning involves an analysis of business processes and continuity needs; it may also include a significant focus on disaster prevention
disaster recovery
The ability of an application or application environment to be restored to a point of integrity in the event of an unforeseen system hardware or software failure The system failure may be caused by an external event such as a storm, earthquake, power failure, etc , or an internal mechanical breakdown Disaster recovery techniques require that periodic checkpoints (backups) be established from which the application or environment could be restored with full system and data integrity
disaster recovery
process of rebuilding an area following a natural or man-made calamity, such as flood, hurricane or civil war
disaster recovery
A disaster recovery is a response to a declared disaster or a regional disaster It is the restoration or recovery of an entire Agent computer As part of a disaster recovery, the Agent computer is rebuilt, operating system installed, and then the Agent software installed The computer's data is then restored from a Network Attached Storage device The media is delivered to the client at their normal site of operations or a designated alternate site See also Network Attached Storage device, restore
disaster recovery
Floods, earthquakes, and fires have a tendency to destroy buildings and computer rooms The system administrator needs to have a backup AWAY from the building to make sure the data is safe and that the company can recover from the disaster
disaster recovery
A plan for duplicating computer operations after a catastrophe such as fire or earthquake It includes routing off site back-up
disaster recovery
The use of alternative network circuits to re-establish communications channels in the event that the primary channels are disconnected or malfunctioning
economic recovery
returning of an economy to a stable and healthy condition
full recovery
complete medical recuperation
heat recovery
Recovering and utilizing the heat content of the compressed air (010)
heat recovery
is mainly practised in ventilation and air conditioning Heat is extracted from exhaust air by heat exchangers and recovered by transmission to the fresh air
heat recovery
The process of capturing heat that normally would be wasted and delivering it to a device or process where it can be used
job-loss recovery
(Business-Economics) economic growth wherein the total number of employment in the economy declines
make a quick recovery
quickly return to health; make a quick retort
miraculous recovery
surprising recuperation, surprising recovery from illness
quick recovery
rapid return to good health
plural of recovery
speedy recovery
wishes for a quick recuperation (to an ill or injured person)
wishes for a speedy recovery
hope you get well soon, wishes for the health of someone who is ill or injured

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    ... when he can serve his country again my recovery ...
    ... to today, Ronald Reagan's recovery created twice as many jobs as this president's recovery. ...