
listen to the pronunciation of reaction
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Onun bu habere tepkisi ne oldu? - What was his reaction to this news?

Kaoru, şimdiye kadar en iyi tepki sizinki - büyük ödülü kazanırsınız. - Kaoru, yours is the best reaction so far - you win the grand prize.


Reaksiyonumu dikkatle izlerken, onu tanımam gerekiyor mu? diye sordum. Sanmıyorum diye yavaşça cevap verdi. - Should I know her? I asked. I don't think so, he replied slowly, while watching carefully for my reaction.

Tom Mary'nin reaksiyonuna şaşırdı. - Tom was surprised by Mary's reaction.


Biz bir fiyattan bahsettiğimizde onun yüz tepkimesini gözlemle. - Observe his facial reaction when we mention a price.

(İnşaat) tepkileşim
(Kimya) teamül
{i} geri tepme
{i} alerji

Tom alerjik bir reaksiyon geçiriyor. - Tom is having an allergic reaction.

Tom yediği bir şeye alerjik bir reaksiyon yaşıyor. - Tom is having an allergic reaction to something he ate.

reactionary gerici
ilâcın hasta üzerinde aksi tesiri
{i} pol. gericilik
{i} karşı kuvvet
{i} kim. reaksiyon, tepkime
{i} tepme
(Tıp) Bir ilacın hasta üzerinde aksi tesiri, reaksiyon (Bakınız: A Glossary of Chemistry)
mürteci reactionist geric
reaction force
reaksiyon kuvveti
reaction forces
(Askeri) reaksiyon kuvvetleri
reaction kinetic
reaksiyon kinetiği
reaction rate
(Kimya,Teknik) reaksiyon hızı
reaction velocity
(Kimya) reaksiyon hızı
reaction engine
reaksiyon motoru
reaction order
tepkime derecesi
reaction order
reaksiyon derecesi
reaction rate
tepkime hızı
reaction time
reaksiyon zamanı
reaction turbine
reaksiyon türbini
reaction capacitor
reaksiyon kondansatörü
reaction circuit
reaksiyon devresi
reaction coil
reaksiyon bobini
reaction formation
reaksiyon oluşumu
reaction medium
tepkime ortamı
reaction to
reaction to pressure
reaksiyon basınç
reaction accelerator
(Tekstil) tepkime hızlandırıcı, reaksiyon hızlandırıcı
reaction affinity
(Kimya) tepkime ilgisi
reaction arm
reaksiyon çubuğu
reaction blades
reaksiyon kanatları
reaction chamber
(Kimya,Teknik) reaksiyon odası
reaction chamber
(Kimya,Teknik) tepkime odası
reaction cross section
(Nükleer Bilimler) tepkileşim kesiti
reaction engine
(Askeri) TEPKİLİ MOTOR; ROKET MOTORU (HV.): Hareket halindeki partikül akımının geriye doğru defedilmesi suretiyle çekiş elde eden motor. Bu motor, üçüncü hareket kanununa (her etki eşit ve ters yönde bir tepki meydana getirir.) uygun olarak çalışır
reaction product
(Kimya) reaksiyon ürünü
reaction product
(Kimya) tepkime ürünü
reaction propulsion
(Askeri) TEPKİ İLE TAHRİK; REAKSİYONLA TAHRİK: Sevkedici gazların, memelerden veya vanturilerden, genel olarak, tasarlanmış seyir hattının tam tersi istikamette itilmesi suretiyle, bir ileri hareket veya itilmenin meydana geldiği tahrik sistemi. Ayrıca bakınız: "jet propulsion", "propulsion" ve "rocket propulsion"
reaction range
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tepki aralığı
reaction rate
(Nükleer Bilimler) etkileşme hızı,reaksiyon hızı ,tepkileşim hızı
reaction rod
reaksiyon çubuğu
reaction room
(Endüstri) tepkime odası
reaction set
tepki kumesi
reaction time
(Tekstil) tepkime süresi, reaksiyon süresi
reaction time
(Askeri) TEPKİ (REAKSİYON) SÜRESİ: 1. Bir hareketin başlatılması ile gerekli tepki arasındaki geçen süre. 2. Bir hareket emrinin alınmasıyla, ilgili kuvvetin ilk unsurunun tayin edilen bölgeye varması arasındaki gerekli süre
reaction to
(Fiili Deyim ) tepkimede bulunmak
reaction turbine
(Kimya) karşı etki türbini
reaction valve
reaksiyon valfi
reaction wheel
(Telekom) tepki tekeri
reverse reaction
ters reaksiyon
reversible reaction
tersinir tepkime
reversible reaction
tersinir reaksiyon
reversible reaction
(Gıda) geri dönüşümlü tepkime
addition reaction
katılma tepkimesi
addition reaction
adisyon reaksiyonu
adverse reaction
(Tıp) ters reaksiyon
endothermic reaction
(Fizik,Teknik) ısıalan tepkime
following reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) izleme tepkisi
immune reaction
(Tıp) immün reaksiyonu
psychotic reaction
(Tıp) psikotik reaksiyon
rapid reaction force
(Askeri) süratli reaksiyon kuvveti
strong reaction
sert tepki
trigger reaction
(Biyokimya) başlatıcı tepkime
abstraction reaction
sökücü tepkime
action and reaction
etki ve tepki
additive reaction
additif reaksiyon
antigen antibody reaction
antijen antikor reaksiyonu
armature reaction
endüvi reaksiyonu
balanced reaction
denge reaksiyonu
bimolecular reaction
bimoleküler reaksiyon
binary reaction
iki moleküllü reaksiyon
catalytic reaction
katalitik reaksiyon
chain reaction
zincirleme tepkime
chain reaction
zincirleme reaksiyon
chemical reaction
kimyasal reaksiyon
chemical reaction
kimyasal tepkime
claisen reaction
claisen reaksiyonu
colour reaction
renk reaksiyonu
condensation reaction
yoğunlaşma reaksiyonu
consecutive reaction
ardıl reaksiyon
darzen's reaction
darzen reaksiyonu
delayed reaction
gecikmiş reaksiyon
elaidin reaction
elaidin reaksiyonu
electrocyclic reaction
elektrosiklik reaksiyon
electromagnetic reaction
elektromanyetik reaksiyon
endothermic reaction
endotermik reaksiyon
exothermic reaction
ısı veren reaksiyon
false positive reaction
yalancı pozitif reaksiyon
flame reaction
alev reaksiyonu
heat of reaction
reaksiyon ısısı
heat of reaction
tepkime ısısı
heterogeneous reaction
heterojen reaksiyon
heterogeneous reaction
çoktürel tepkime
heterolytic reaction
heterolitik reaksiyon
homogeneous reaction
homojen reaksiyon
induced reaction
endüklenen reaksiyon
insulin reaction
insülin reaksiyonu
iodoform reaction
iyodoform reaksiyonu
irreversible reaction
tekyönlü tepkime
irreversible reaction
tersinmez reaksiyon
magnetostrictive reaction
manyetostriktif reaksiyon
myotonic pupillary reaction
miyotonik pupiller reaksiyon
nuclear reaction
nükleer reaksiyon
nuclear reaction
çekirdeksel tepkime
order of reaction
reaksiyon sırası
photochemical reaction
fotokimyasal reaksiyon
side reaction
yan etki
thermonuclear reaction
termonükleer reaksiyon
a nuclear reaction
çekirdek tepkime
adverse drug reaction
(Tıp, İlaç) Normal dozda verilen bir ilacın aleyhte bıraktığı kötü etki
alkaline reaction
alkalı reaksiyon
electrochemical reaction
elektrokimyasal reaksiyon
exchange reaction
değişme reaksiyonu
fast reaction
hızlı reaksiyon
half reaction
yarı reaksiyon, yaritepkime
heat of reaction
reaksiyon ısısı, tepkime ısısı
knee jerk reaction
diz refleksi tepki
negative reaction
negatif reaksiyon
order of reaction
reaksiyon sırası, tepkime sırası
over reaction
reaksiyon üzerinde
photonuclear reaction
fotonükleer reaksiyon, isilçekirdeksel tepkime
political reaction
polymerase chain reaction
(Biyoloji) Polimeraz zincir tepkimesi
stress reaction
stres reaksiyonu
thermidorian reaction
thermidorian tepki
thermonuclear reaction
nükleer reaksiyon
water gas reaction
su gazi tepkimesi
Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps (NATO)
(Askeri) Avrupa Ani Müdahele Kolordusu Müttefik Komutanlığı (NATO)
Immediate Reaction Forces (NATO)
(Askeri) acil mukabele kuvveti (NATO)
acute combat stress reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) akut çatışma stresi tepkisi
acute stress reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) akut stres tepkisi
adjustment reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyum tepkisi
adverse drug reaction
(Tıp) advers ilaç reaksiyonu
alarm reaction
(Tıp) alarm reaksiyonu
alarm reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) alarm tepkisi
anniversary reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yıldönümü tepkisi
anxiety reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kaygı tepkisi
anxiety reaction
endişe tepkisi
anxiety reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bunaltı tepkisi
anxiety reaction
(Tıp) kaygı reaksiyonu
associated reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bağlantılı tepki
bonding reaction
(İnşaat) tepkimeli pişirme
bonding reaction
(İnşaat) tepkimeli bağlama
bowen's reaction series
bowen reaksiyon serisi
catastrophic reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) felaket tepkisi
catastrophic reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ağır yeti yıkımı korkusu
chain reaction
(Nükleer Bilimler) zincir reaksiyonu,birbirine bağlı tepkime
chemical reaction
(Kimya) kimyasal reaksiyon hızı
chemical reaction
kimyasal tepki
circular reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) döngüsel tepki
combustion reaction
yanma tepkimesi
continuous reaction series
devamlı reaksiyon serisi
coupling reaction
(Tekstil) kenetlenme reaksiyonu
depressive reaction
depressif reaksiyon
deuteric reaction
döterik reaksiyon
discontinuous reaction series
kesikli (süreksiz) reaksiyon serisi
discontinuous reaction series
(Jeoloji) süreksiz reaksiyon serisi
discontinuous reaction series
(Jeoloji) kesikli reaksiyon serisi
divergent reaction
(Nükleer Bilimler) ıraksak tepkime
dystonic reaction
(Tıp) Mental ilaçların etkisini nitelemek için kullanılan bir deyim
eutectic reaction
(Kimya) ötektik tepkime
exothermic reaction
(Tekstil) ısıveren tepkime, ekzotermik reaksiyon
fusion reaction
(Çevre) füzyon reaksiyonu
fusion reaction
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynaşma tepkileşimi
ground reaction
arazi tepkimesi
ground reaction
arazi tepkisi
ground reaction
arazi reaksiyonu
homogeneous reaction
(Kimya) tektürel tepkime
i have a reaction to novocaine
novocaine'e alerjim var
i have a reaction to novocaine
(isim)vocaine'e alerjim var
idiosyncratic reaction
(Tıp) idiyosinkrazik reaksiyon
in reaction to
(bir şeyin) bir sonucu olarak
in reaction to
(bir şeye) tepki olarak
indole reaction
(Tıp) indol tepkimesi
induced reaction
irkilmiş tepkime
irreversible reaction
(Gıda,Kimya) tersinmez tepkime
live load pier reaction
(Askeri) HAREKETLİ YÜK AYAK REAKSİYON: Hareketli yüke karşı köprü ayaklarında görülen reaksiyon
magnet reaction
(Tıp) manyet reaksiyonu
mantoux reaction
(Tıp) Bir hastanın eski tüberküline karı hassasiyet derecesinin ölçülmesinde kullanılan intradermal bir test
modulus of subgrade reaction
(zemin) yatak katsayısı
modulus of subgrade reaction
yatak modülü
neutron chain reaction
(Çevre) nötron zincirleme reaksiyonu
nuclear chain reaction
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer ( çekirdek) zincir reaksiyonu
nuclear reaction
(Nükleer Bilimler) çekirdek tepkileşimi,nükleer tepkime(reaksiyon )
nuclear reaction
(isim)kleer reaksiyon
overall reaction
toplam tepkime
overall reaction
toplam reaksiyon
panic reaction
panik tepkisi
personnel reaction time
(Askeri) (NUCLEAR) PERSONEL TEPKİ ZAMANI (NÜKLEER): Bir nükleer taarruz uyarısından sonra, önceden tespit edilmiş koruyucu tedbirlerin personel tarafından alınması için geçen zaman
personnel reaction time
(Askeri) personel tepki zamanı
personnel reaction time
(Çevre) personel reaksiyon zamanı
phobic reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) fobik tepki
photonuclear reaction
(Nükleer Bilimler) fotonükleer reaksiyon
precipitation reaction
(Biyokimya) çökeltme tepkimesi
quantitative reaction
(Kimya) nicel tepkime
quantitative reaction
(Kimya) kantitatif reaksiyon
quick reaction antenna
(Askeri) çabuk reaksiyon anteni
quick reaction capability
(Askeri) ÇABUK TEPKİ KABİLİYETİ: Elektronik harp ve istihbarat ile ilgili olup bir düşmanın teknik veya taktik baskınını, yeni istihbarat veya kendi silah sistemi yada taktiğimizdeki değişikliğin imalat, istihsal, montaj, tadilat problemleriyle lojistik problemleri zamanında çözümleme kabiliyetini ifade eder
quick reaction communications terminal
(Askeri) çabuk reaksiyon muhabere terminali
quick reaction element
(Askeri) çabuk reaksiyon unsuru
quick reaction strike
(Askeri) çabuk reaksiyon taarruzu
quick reaction team
(Askeri) ani müdahale timi
rapid reaction force
(Askeri) ÇEVİK KUVVET: Barış zamanında Avrupa Müttefik Komutanlığının dışında yerleşik ve gösterilen varış noktalarına karar gününden belirli zaman içerisinde ulaşmak üzere tahsis edilmiş bölgesel ihtiyat kuvvetlerinin bir hava birimi. ABD yetkilileri "Çevik Kuvvet" terimini, karar gününden itibaren üç gün içerisinde intikal etmek üzere, ABD taahhüdü altındaki Bölgesel İhtiyat Kuvvet birimleri için kullanmaktadırlar
rapid reaction force; Ready Reserve Fleet; Ready Reserve Force
(Askeri) çevik mukabele kuvveti; Hazır İhtiyat Filosu; Hazır İhtiyat Kuvveti
scheduled return time; special reaction team; standard remote terminal; strategi
(Askeri) planlanmış dönüş zamanı; özel müdahale timi; standart uzak terminal; stratejik olarak yeniden konumlandıırlabilir hedef
semantic reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) anlamsal tepki
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An action or statement in response to a stimulus or other event

When I last tried to eat strawberries I had a terrible allergic reaction.

A transformation in which one or more substances is converted into another by combination or decomposition

In this reaction, the acid and base will neutralize each other, producing a salt.

tendency towards a former, or opposite state of things, as after reform, revolution, or inflation
{n} the reciprocation of an impulse
doing something in opposition to another way of doing it that you don't like; "his style of painting was a reaction against cubism" a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent; "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age" an idea evoked by some experience; "his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do" extreme conservatism in political or social matters; "the forces of reaction carried the election" a response that reveals a person's feelings or attitude; "he was pleased by the audience's reaction to his performance"; "John feared his mother's reaction when she saw the broken lamp" (mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a body; "every action has an equal and opposite reaction
A chemical transformation or change
A technical word, reaction means "to display energy in response to a stimulus " It is not a synonym for response, opinion, attitude, impression, or reply
A temporary price weakness in a security following a price upswing
visible response to foreign substance or infection
A movement in the opposite direction from the imposition of an action
A chemical transformation or change The interaction of two or more substances to form new substances
Backward tendency or movement after revolution, reform, or great progress in any direction
A process that transforms one or more chemical °species into others Typical reactions make or break °bonds; others change the state of ionization or other properties taken to distinguish chemical species
A decline in prices following an advance The opposite of rally
A decline in prices following an advance Opposite of rally
doing something in opposition to another way of doing it that you don't like; "his style of painting was a reaction against cubism"
The mutual or reciprocal action of chemical agents upon each other, or the action upon such chemical agents of some form of energy, as heat, light, or electricity, resulting in a chemical change in one or more of these agents, with the production of new compounds or the manifestation of distinctive characters
The force or moment developed at the points of a support
an idea evoked by some experience; "his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do"
Your reactions are your ability to move quickly in response to something, for example when you are in danger. The sport requires very fast reactions
disapproval Reaction is the belief that the political or social system of your country should not change. Thus, he aided reaction and thwarted progress
See Blowpipe reaction, Flame reaction, under Blowpipe, and Flame
This term has been around as long as the stock market itself and is used to describe a short-term drop in prices
Your reaction to something that has happened or something that you have experienced is what you feel, say, or do because of it. Reaction to the visit is mixed He was surprised that his answer should have caused such a strong reaction
If there is a reaction against something, it becomes unpopular. Premature moves in this respect might well provoke a reaction against the reform
A decline in prices following an advance
A test for typhoid fever based on the fact that blood serum of one affected, in a bouillon culture of typhoid bacilli, causes the bacilli to agglutinate and lose their motility
{i} action made in response to a stimulus; return to a previous state, restoration of a past condition
The downward tendency of a commodity after an advance
a response that reveals a person's feelings or attitude; "he was pleased by the audience's reaction to his performance"; "John feared his mother's reaction when she saw the broken lamp"
An action induced by vital resistance to some other action; depression or exhaustion of vital force consequent on overexertion or overstimulation; heightened activity and overaction succeeding depression or shock
Chemical transformation or change; interaction of two or more substances to form new substance
A chemical reaction is a dissociation, recombination, or rearrangement of atoms
The downward price movement tendency of a commodity after a price advance
A decline in the market following an advance The opposite of rally
The downward price movement tendency of a commodity or futures contract after a price advance
(mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a body; "every action has an equal and opposite reaction
A decline in prices following an advance The opposite of a rally
Response to a stimulus A reflex or controlled reflex action
extreme conservatism in political or social matters; "the forces of reaction carried the election"
The force which a body subjected to the action of a force from another body exerts upon the latter body in the opposite direction
A reaction against something is a way of behaving or doing something that is deliberately different from what has been done before. All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention
(mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a body; "every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
the resistance of a support against the pressure of a loaded member
an action or happening in return for or in response to some other action or happening
If you have a reaction to a substance such as a drug, or to something you have touched, you are affected unpleasantly or made ill by it. Every year, 5000 people have life-threatening reactions to anaesthetics. chain reaction chemical reaction photochemical reaction polymerase chain reaction reaction rate reaction heat of Thermidorian Reaction
A chemical reaction is a process in which two substances combine together chemically to form another substance. Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultra-violet light
(chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others; "there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water"
Forces acting on a truss through its supports that are equal but opposite to the sum of the dead and live load
1 a: the act or process or an instance of reacting b: resistance or opposition to a force, influence, or movement; esp: tendency toward a former and usu outmoded political or social order or policy 2: a response to some treatment, situation, or stimulus <her stunned ~ to the news>; also: such a response expressed verbally <critical ~ to the play> 3: bodily response to or activity aroused by a stimulus: a: an action induced by vital resistance to another action; esp: the response of tissues to a foreign substance (as an antigen or infective agent) b: depression or exhaustion due to excessive exertion or stimulation c: heightened activity and overaction succeeding depression or shock d: a mental or emotional disorder forming an individual's response to his or her life situation 4: the force that a body subjected to the action of a force from another body exerts in the opposite direction 5: chemical transformation or change: the interaction of chemical entities
a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent; "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age"
Automatic response triggered by a stimulus A feeling or action responding to an outside influence Particularly when the response is based on information from other times, rather than on what is actually going on
A regular or characteristic response to a stimulation of the nerves
Any action in resisting other action or force; counter tendency; movement in a contrary direction; reverse action
reaction engine
Any engine that generates thrust by expelling matter, especially hot gases produced by igniting a fuel; either a rocket engine or several types of jet engine
reaction mechanism
the ordered set of individual reactions whose overall effect is given by a chemical equation
reaction mixture
A product formed by the combination of two or more elements, compounds or substances together causing reactions and transformation of original items or substances
reaction mixture
A product of the act or process or an instance of mixing and reacting ( COMBINING) two or more substances together causing reaction(s); mixture causing chemical transformation or change; the interaction of entities :

a process involving change in atomic nuclei.

reaction mixtures
plural form of reaction mixture
reaction time
The interval between the reception of a stimulus and the initiation of a response
reaction turbine
a power-generation prime mover having nozzles mounted on the moving element; turned by the reaction of the issuing fluid jet
reaction turbines
plural form of reaction turbine
reaction vessel
Any vessel used to contain the reactants taking part in a reaction
reaction vessels
plural form of reaction vessel
reaction stoichiometry
(Kimya) Stoichiometry (sometimes called reaction stoichiometry to distinguish it from composition stoichiometry) is the calculation of quantitative (measurable) relationships of the reactants and products in chemical reactions (chemical equations)
reaction engine
An engine that develops thrust by the focused expulsion of matter, especially ignited fuel gases
reaction formation
A psychological defense mechanism by which an objectionable impulse is expressed in an opposite or contrasting behavior
reaction formation
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which a person unconsciously develops attitudes and behavior that are the opposite of unacceptable repressed desires and impulses and serve to conceal them; "his strict morality is just a reaction formation to hide his sexual drive
reaction propulsion
propulsion that results from the ejection at high velocity of a mass of gas to which the vehicle reacts with an equal and opposite momentum
reaction rate
Speed at which a chemical reaction proceeds, in terms of amount of product formed or amount of reactant consumed per unit of time. The reaction rate depends on the nature of the reacting substances and the type of chemical change, as well as temperature and pressure, especially if gases are involved. In general, the reactions of ions occur very rapidly, but those in which covalent bonds are formed or broken are slower. Catalysts usually accelerate reaction rates. The prediction, measurement, and interpretation of reaction rates are subjects of the branch of chemistry known as chemical kinetics. See also mass action, law of
reaction time
The interval of time between application of a stimulus and detection of a response
reaction time
the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it
reaction time
space of time between a stimulus and a response to it
reaction turbine
a turbine with blades arranged to develop torque from gradual decrease of steam pressure from inlet to exhaust
reaction-propulsion engine
a jet or rocket engine based on a form of aerodynamic propulsion in which the vehicle emits a high-speed stream
rearrangement reaction
any of many classes of reaction in which an atom or bond moves or migrates from a site in a reactant molecule to a different site in a product molecule
redox reaction
A chemical reaction in which some of the atoms have their oxidation number changed. A common shorthand term for reduction/oxidation reaction
Diels-Alder reaction
The cycloaddition reaction between a conjugated diene and an alkene to form a cyclohexene ring
Friedel-Crafts reaction
a substitution reaction in which an alkyl or acyl functional group replaces a hydrogen atom of an aromatic nucleus; it is catalyzed by aluminium chloride
Grignard reaction
The reaction of a Grignard reagent (an organo-magnesium halide) with aldehydes or ketones to form secondary or tertiary alcohols
Maillard reaction
The condensation reaction of an amino acid and a reducing sugar, followed by polymerization to form brown pigments - melanoidins; one of the causes of browning during cooking
Prevost reaction
The trans oxidation of an alkene, to form a dihydric alcohol, catalyzed by iodine and silver benzoate
SN1 reaction
a unimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction
SN2 reaction
a bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction
Suzuki reaction
The organic reaction of an aryl- or vinyl-boronic acid with an aryl- or vinyl-halide or pseudohalide, such as triflates, catalyzed by a palladium(0) complex, widely used to synthesize polyolefins, styrenes, and substituted biphenyls
addition reaction
a reaction in which radicals are added to both sides of a double or triple bond
chain reaction
A series of events, each one causing the next

The bombs all exploded in a chain reaction.

chain reaction
A nuclear reaction in which particles produced by the fission of one atom trigger fissions of other atoms

The Manhattan Project produced the first recorded controlled chain reaction.

chemical reaction
A process, involving the breaking or making of interatomic bonds, in which one or more substances are changed into others
condensation reaction
any reaction in which two molecules react with the resulting loss of a molecule of water (or other small molecule); the formal reverse of hydrolysis
dissociation reaction
Any reaction in which a compound is dissociated into its elements, or in which a molecule is dissociated into atoms
double replacement reaction
A chemical reaction involving a change of chemical bonds, so that two compounds become two different compounds, in the form AB+CD\to AC+BD
double-replacement reaction
A chemical reaction involving a change of chemical bonds, so that two compounds become two different compounds, in the form AB+CD\to AC+BD
electron transfer reaction
a reaction in which a single electron is transferred from one molecule to another; one being oxidized and the other reduced (also known as a redox reaction); long-range electron transfer reactions are important in biological reactions involving metalloproteins such as haemoglobin
gut reaction
An instantaneous reaction made without thought

When he saw that lion leaping towards him, his gut reaction was to run.

Either the oxidation or the reduction component of a redox reaction
haloform reaction
the reaction of a halogen with a methyl-ketone to form a haloform
idiosyncratic reaction
A reaction to a medication that is unusual and unpredictable, specific to a particular person. Unlike allergy, it can occur on first exposure to the medication, unlike a side effect, it affects only very few individuals
immune reaction
All the changes in a tissue that result from the action of a foreign substance introduced into an organism
mixed reaction
The state of diverse reception, when there are many who praise something while there are also many who dislike it

My favorite computer game was met with mixed reactions.

name reaction
A chemical reaction named after its discoverers. Well known examples include Wittig reaction, Claisen condensation, Friedel-Crafts acylation, and Diels-Alder reaction
nuclear reaction
a process such as the fission of an atomic nucleus, or the fusion of one or more atomic nuclei and / or subatomic particles in which the number of protons and / or neutrons in a nucleus changes; the reaction products may contain a different element or a different isotope of the same element
oscillatory reaction
any chemical reaction in which the concentration of some component varies over time or space in a regular periodic manner
paradoxical rage reaction
An aggressive behaviour sometimes manifested by patients taking certain drugs, such as benzodiazepines
pericyclic reaction
any reaction, typically involving organic compounds, in which a cyclic transition state is involved
photochemical reaction
Any chemical reaction initiated by the absorption of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation to form an excited state
photonuclear reaction
Any nuclear reaction involving a photon and another subatomic particle
polymerase chain reaction
a technique in molecular biology for creating multiple copies of DNA from a sample; used in genetic fingerprinting etc
substitution reaction
a reaction in which one functional group is replaced with another
adverse drug reaction
An adverse drug reaction (abbreviated ADR) is an expression that describes harm associated with the use of given medications at a normal dose. The meaning of this expression differs from the meaning of "side effect", as this last expression might also imply that the effects can be beneficial. The study of ADRs is the concern of the field known as pharmacovigilance
fight-or-flight reaction
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) A set of physiological changes, such as increases in heart rate, arterial blood pressure, and blood glucose, initiated by the sympathetic nervous system to mobilize body systems in response to stress
stripping reaction
A stripping reaction is a term used to describe two separate physical processes. In nuclear physics a stripping reaction is a nuclear reaction in which part of the incident nucleus combines with the target nucleus, and the remainder proceeds with most of its original momentum in almost its original direction. This reaction was first described by Stuart Thomas Butler in 1951. Deuteron stripping reactions have been extensively used to study nuclear reactions and structure, this occurs where the incident nucleus is a deuteron and only a proton emerges from the target nucleus
A reaction
Arthus reaction
{i} inflammatory response to the introduction of a foreign substance into the blood vessels or tissues of a body (that already has antibodies against those antigens)
Herxheimer reaction
{i} Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, inflammatory reaction caused by bacteria gradually disappearing and releasing toxins into the body faster than the body can handle with ease (first observed in patients with syphilis who received mercury treatment or antibiotics (named after the German dermatologist "Karl Herxheimer")
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
{i} Herxheimer reaction, inflammatory reaction caused by bacteria gradually disappearing and releasing toxins into the body faster than the body can handle with ease (first observed in patients with syphilis who received mercury treatment or antibiotics (named after the German dermatologist "Karl Herxheimer")
Thermidorian Reaction
(1794) Revolt in the French Revolution against the Reign of Terror that was initiated on 9 Thermidor (July 27). Weary of the mounting executions (1,300 in June alone), deputies in the National Convention decreed the arrest of Maximilien Robespierre, Louis de Saint-Just, and other members of the Committee of Public Safety. They and others were guillotined, inaugurating a brief "White Terror" against the radical Jacobin Club. The Directory period followed soon afterward
action and reaction
for every action there is a corresponding reaction
addition reaction
A reaction in which a molecule adds across a C=C or C=O double bond
addition reaction
a chemical reaction in which one molecule is added to another
addition reaction
a reaction in which atoms add to a carbon-carbon multiple bond (22 2)
addition reaction
reaction of two or more substances to give another substance
adverse reaction
An unintended side effect of a vaccine (The intended effect of a vaccine is to produce immunity ) Adverse reactions may be local, systemic, or allergic
adverse reaction
an unintended and unwanted side effect of some sort of treatment, usually drug therapy (Source : AMA)
adverse reaction
reaction to alcohol or drugs not administered by medical authority
adverse reaction
in a clinical trial, an unwanted effect detected in participants and attributed to the study vaccine
adverse reaction
negative side effect resulting from the use of a drug (for example, hepatitis, nausea, headache)
adverse reaction
An undesirable or unwanted consequence of a preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, e g , adverse reaction to smallpox vaccination See also side effect
adverse reaction
the body's negative response to treatment (such as lowered blood counts)
adverse reaction
side-effect; an undesirable or allergic response to a drug Many of the drugs used to fight HIV Disease cause adverse reactions in a small number of people Some side effects are minor, and others go away after a few days A few are truly nasty and require quick medical attention If you think you are having an adverse reaction to a drug, contact your doctor immediately
adverse reaction
Reaction of an organism to a drug that is different from the desired reaction and is determined to be detrimental to the organism
adverse reaction
An unexpected effect of drug treatment that may be serious or life threatening, such as an allergic reaction
adverse reaction
WHO Technical Report No 498 (1972); 'A response to a drug which is noxious and unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used in man for the prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of disease, or for the modification of physiological function
adverse reaction
An adverse event reported in the approved product information of a drug; or an adverse event for which some assessment has been made of whether it was caused by a given therapy (eg involving the proposed drug)
alarm reaction
The initial stage in the body's response to stressful stimuli, characterized by adaptive physiological changes, such as increased hormonal activity and increased heart rate
aldol reaction
a reaction of aldehydes resulting in an aldol
allergic reaction
{i} hypersensitivity reaction, excessive sensitivity to a specific allergen, excessive sensitivity to certain substances (i.e. animal hair or pollen) which often causes the development of respiratory problems or other symptoms
automatic reaction
response which occurs naturally and unintentionally (such as a reflex, etc.)
chain reaction
a self-sustaining nuclear reaction; a series of nuclear fissions in which neutrons released by splitting one atom leads to the splitting of others
chain reaction
A chain reaction is a series of chemical changes, each of which causes the next
chain reaction
series of reactions in which each is directly caused by the one before it
chain reaction
The process by which the fission of a nucleus releases neutrons, causing other nuclei to undergo fission in turn Both the atomic bomb and the nuclear reactor use a chain reaction to generate energy
chain reaction
A reaction in which one of the agents necessary to the reaction is itself produced by the reaction, thus causing like reactions
chain reaction
From a 1/4 Tag formation only (at A1) Very Centers and the directly-facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 [walk forward in an arc, changing facing direction by 90°, 1/4 of a Circle around the outside of the set]; Centers of each side Hinge; Center 4 Star 1/4 as Outsides Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) A 1/4 Tag formation ends in Parallel Waves
chain reaction
A reaction that initiates its own repetition In a fission reaction, free neutrons are produced which fly off and strike other nuclei, causing them to split and send off yet more free neutrons The fission will continue as long as there are enough free neutrons carrying the right amount of energy
chain reaction
a self-sustaining fission process caused by the production of neutrons that proceed to split other nuclei
chain reaction
repeated fission caused when the neutrons released in fission bombard other atoms
chain reaction
A reaction that stimulates its own repetition, in particular one, where the neutrons originating from nuclear fission cause series of fission reactions
chain reaction
Lengthening of the main chain (backbone) of polymer molecules by end-to-end attachment
chain reaction
A large number of nuclear fissions, taking place within a certain mass of a fissionable isotope, that release a great quantity of energy in a short time
chain reaction
When a fissionable nucleus is split by a neutron it releases energy and one or more neutrons These neutrons split other fissionable nuclei, releasing more energy and more neutrons, making the reaction self-sustaining
chain reaction
A reaction that stimulates its own repetition, in particular where the neutrons originating from nuclear fission cause an ongoing series of fission reactions
chain reaction
A process in which one nuclear transformation sets up conditions for similar nuclear transformation in another atom Thus, when fission occurs in uranium atoms, neutrons are released, which in turn produce fission in other uranium atoms
chain reaction
a series of chemical reactions in which the product of one is a reactant in the next a self-sustaining nuclear reaction; a series of nuclear fissions in which neutrons released by splitting one atom leads to the splitting of others
chain reaction
a reaction which, once started, continues through its own action; the splitting of uranium atoms releases neutrons that, in turn, continue the process causing other uranium atoms to split
chain reaction
The continuing process of nuclear fissioning in which the neutrons released from a fission trigger at least one other nuclear fission In a nuclear weapon, an extremely rapid, multiplying chain reaction causes the explosive release of energy In a reactor, the pace of the chain reaction is controlled to produce heat (in a power reactor) or large quantities of neutrons (in a research or production reactor)
chain reaction
A reaction in which one of the starting materials is regenerated in the last step of the reaction
chain reaction
A process in which some of the neutrons released in one fission event cause other fission events that in turn release neutrons
chain reaction
A chain of events described by W Edwards Deming: improve quality, decrease costs, improve productivity, increase market with better quality and lower price, stay in business, provide jobs and provide more jobs
chain reaction
a self-sustaining reaction in which the products of one reaction event stimulate further reaction events
chain reaction
(nuclear) a self-sustaining fission process caused by the production of neutrons that proceed to split other nuclei (21 6)
chain reaction
A self-sustaining reaction in which one reaction event stimulates one or more addi­tional reaction events to keep the process going
chain reaction
A reaction in which the material or energy that starts the reaction is also one of the products and can cause similar reactions
chain reaction
(also Nuclear chain reaction) 1 A reaction that stimulates its own repetition 2 For example, nuclear reaction occurs when neutrons released from a split atom such as a uranium-235 (U235) nucleus go on to fission other nuclei This reaction produces additional neutrons that cause more fissions, which release still more neutrons to cause even more fissions, which release even more neutrons, and so on See Fission
chain reaction
A reaction which, once started, will produce a material or substance necessary to continue the reaction An example is nuclear fission Once a fission reaction is started, neutrons are released, which cause more nuclei to undergo fission, which release more neutrons, and so on
chain reaction
a series of chemical reactions in which the product of one is a reactant in the next
chain reaction
A chain reaction is a series of events, each of which causes the next. The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions. Process yielding products that initiate further processes of the same kind. Nuclear chain reactions are a series of nuclear fissions initiated by neutrons produced in a preceding fission. A critical mass, large enough to allow more than one fission-produced neutron to be captured, is necessary for the chain reaction to be self-sustaining. Uncontrolled chain reactions, as in an atomic bomb, occur when large numbers of neutrons are present and the reactions multiply very quickly. Nuclear reactors control their reactions through the careful distribution of the fissionable material and insertion of neutron-absorbing materials
chain reaction
A self-sustaining reaction in which one reaction event stimulates one or more additional reaction events to keep the process going
chemical reaction
response caused by mixing chemicals, interaction between chemicals
chemical reaction
a natural process in which the atoms of chemicals mix and arrange themselves differently to form new substances. Any chemical process in which substances are changed into different ones, with different properties, as distinct from changing position or form (phase). Chemical reactions involve the rupture or rearrangement of the bonds holding atoms together (see bonding), never atomic nuclei. The total mass and number of atoms of all reactants equals those of all products, and energy is almost always consumed or liberated (see heat of reaction). The speed of reactions varies (see reaction rate). Understanding their mechanisms lets chemists alter reaction conditions to optimize the rate or the amount of a given product; the reversibility of the reaction and the presence of competing reactions and intermediate products complicate these studies. Reactions can be syntheses, decompositions, or rearrangements, or they can be additions, eliminations, or substitutions. Examples include oxidation-reduction, polymerization, ionization (see ion), combustion (burning), hydrolysis, and acid-base reactions
chemical reaction
(chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others; "there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water
conversion reaction
A psychopathological condition characterized by the presence of bodily symptoms having no discernible physical cause but for which there is evidence of a psychological conflict. Also called conversion disorder
dark reaction
The second stage of photosynthesis, not requiring light to occur, and during which energy released from ATP drives the production of organic molecules from carbon dioxide
double replacement reaction
a chemical reaction between two compounds where the positive ion of one compound is exchanged with the positive ion of another compound
elimination reaction
a chemical reaction in which a molecule decomposes to two different molecules
emotional reaction
reaction that is influenced by feelings and emotions (i.e. anger, hysteria, etc.)
endoergic reaction
a nuclear reaction occurring with absorption of energy
endothermic reaction
a chemical reaction accompanied by the absorption of heat
exoergic reaction
a nuclear reaction accompanied by the evolution of energy
exothermic reaction
a chemical reaction accompanied by the evolution of heat
heat of reaction
Amount of heat that must be added or removed during a chemical reaction to keep all substances involved at the same temperature. If it is positive (heat must be added), the reaction is endothermic; if it is negative (heat is given off), the reaction is exothermic. Accurate heat of reaction values are needed for proper design of equipment used in chemical processes; they are usually estimated from compiled tables of thermodynamics data (heats of formation and heats of combustion of many known materials). The activation energy is unrelated to the heat of reaction
hypersensitivity reaction
an inappropriate and excessive reaction to an allergen (as pollen or dust or animal hair or certain foods); severity ranges from mild allergy to severe systemic reactions leading to anaphylactic shock
immediate reaction
prompt response, instantaneous response
immune reaction
The reaction resulting from the recognition and binding of an antigen by its specific antibody or by a previously sensitized lymphocyte. Also called immunoreaction
knee jerk reaction
automatic reaction or response to something; reaction occurring without thought
learned reaction
a reaction that has been acquired by learning
light reaction
The first stage of photosynthesis, occurring only in the presence of light, during which energy captured from light drives the production of ATP
light reaction
the first stage of photosynthesis during which energy from light is used for the production of ATP
nuclear reaction
A reaction, as in fission, fusion, or radioactive decay, that alters the energy, composition, or structure of an atomic nucleus
nuclear reaction
(physics) a process that alters the energy or structure or composition of atomic nuclei
nuclear reaction
processes which cause changes in atomic nuclei
photochemical reaction
Chemical reaction initiated by absorption of energy in the form of visible (light), ultraviolet, or infrared radiation. Primary photochemical processes occur as an immediate result, and secondary processes may follow. The most important example is photosynthesis. Vision depends on photochemical reactions that occur in the eye (see retina; rhodopsin). In photographic film and paper, light activates their silver salts to a state that is easy to reduce to metallic silver grains during development. Bleaching of laundry, tanning of human skin, formation of Earth's ozone layer, and many industrial reactions are also photochemical. Certain air pollutants (see smog) become more reactive and form noxious compounds in photochemical reactions
photochemical reaction
a chemical reaction produced by the action of light
polymerase chain reaction
laboratory technique used to replicate segments of DNA by repeatedly splitting the DNA strands and duplicating them with a DNA polymerase enzyme, PCR (Molecular Biology)
polymerase chain reaction
A technique for amplifying DNA sequences in vitro by separating the DNA into two strands and incubating it with oligonucleotide primers and DNA polymerase. It can amplify a specific sequence of DNA by as many as one billion times and is important in biotechnology, forensics, medicine, and genetic research. Laboratory technique used to make numerous copies of specific DNA segments quickly and accurately. These are needed for various experiments and procedures in molecular biology, forensic analysis (DNA fingerprinting), evolutionary biology (to amplify DNA fragments found in ancient specimens), and medicine (to diagnose genetic disease or detect low viral counts). Invented by Kary Mullis, PCR requires a DNA template (as little as one molecule) to copy, nucleotides to build the copies, and the enzyme DNA polymerase to catalyze the formation of bonds between the nucleotide monomers. Each three-step cycle (separating the two strands of the DNA double helix, marking the ends of the segment to be copied, and catalyzing the formation of bonds), which takes only minutes to complete, doubles the number of DNA strands present in the reaction medium. Repetition of this cycle many times results in an exponential increase in the amount of DNA
provoke a reaction
cause a response
The resisting forces at the column bases of a frame, holding the frame in equilibrium under a given loading condition
A series of steps in which new substances are formed
Processes involving either combustion (A+Z -> AZ), decomposition (AZ -> A+Z), double replacement (AX+BZ -> AZ+BX), neutralization (HX+MOH -> MX + HOH), or single replacement (A+BZ -> AZ+B, where a metal replaces a metal ion in its salt or hydrogen ion in an acid, or X+BZ -> BX+Z, where a non-metal replaces a non-metal ion in its acid or salt ) Given that A, B, X and Z are elements or compounds, HX is an acid, and MOH is a base
plural of reaction
Underreaction, overreaction: momentum, trends, cascades, bubbles, crashes, rotation
thermonuclear reaction
a nuclear fusion reaction taking place at very high temperatures (as in the sun)
transfusion reaction
reaction of the body to a transfusion of blood that is not compatible with its own blood; an adverse reaction can range from fever and hives to renal failure and shock and death