Archiving software, file expansion and compression (visit to buy or download free evaluation version) Real A company that produces media player software that is used to present sound and visual content from major companies like the BBC (visit) Rollover A web function, usually written in Javascript, which allows one image to be replaced by another when a specified event occurs The effect is mostly applied to navigation buttons but it has many other applications Router Unlike the woodworking machine this is pronounced rooter and is a computer that sits at junctions of the Internet or internet sending information it receives in the right direction, route...see! ru Russian domain name extension
Abbreviation for Read After Read Many helical scan decks recording digital data perform a read after write operation to ensure that the data written to tape reads back correctly This is part of the error protection In some high end models (such as the ubiquitous Sony 1630) a read after read is performed which gives double assurance of data integrity on the tape
{i} most efficient method for compressing computer files; computer files that was compressed using the program RAR