(Askeri) TELEMETRE: Bir hedefin silaha olan mesafesini bulmak için yararlanılan optik cihaz, Stereoskopik telemetre ile intibaklı telemetre (coincidence range finder) bu maksatla herzaman kullanılan iki tiptir
(Askeri) İNTİBAKLI TELEMETRE: Mesafeleri tayinde kullanılan optik alet. İki göz camından görülen ayrı hayaller, ayarlama suretiyle, birbiri üzerine oturtulabilir. Ayarlama değeri mesafeyi verir
(Askeri) STEREOSKOPİK TELEMETRE: Gözetlenen cisim, mercek üzerindeki taksimatla aynı mesafe veya derinlikte görüldüğü zaman doğru mesafeyi veren, dürbün nevinden bir alet. Buna (stereo range finder) ve (stereoscopic height finder) da denir
Instrument used to measure the distance from the instrument to a selected point or object. The optical range finder, used chiefly in cameras, consists of an arrangement of lenses and prisms set at each end of a tube. The object's range is determined by measuring the angles formed by a line of sight at each end of the tube; the smaller the angles, the greater the distance, and vice versa. Since the mid-1940s, radar has replaced optical range finders for most military targeting, and the laser range finder, developed in 1965, has largely replaced optical range finders for surveying and radar in certain military applications
A rangefinder is an instrument, usually part of a camera or a piece of military equipment, that measures the distance between things that are far away from each other