
listen to the pronunciation of random
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bu tamamen rastlantısaldı. - It was totally random.


Hislerim gelişigüzel olabilir, ama düşüncelerim asla! - My feelings may seem random but my thoughts are never!


O, rastgele kitaplar okur. - He reads books at random.

Bu Tatoebadan rastgele bir cümledir. - This is a random sentence from Tatoeba.

(İnşaat) rassal
(Biyokimya) düzensiz
random shot rasgele ateş
(Askeri) (AT RANDOM) Rastgele
randomize istatistik rasgele dağıtmak
random sample istatistik bir bütünü temsil edecek şekilde seçilmiş örnek grup
{s} tesadüfi
rasgele oluş
at random rasgele
(Tıp) random
random access memory
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) rasgele erişimli bellek
random error
(Gıda,İstatistik,Teknik) rasgele hata
random error
(Matematik) seçkisiz hata
random mutation
rastlantısal mutasyon
random number
rassal sayı
random sample
(Ticaret) tesadüfi örnekleme
random sample
rasgele örneklem
random sampling
rassal örnekleme
random sampling
(Gıda) rasgele örnekleme
random sampling
rasgele örnek alma
random uniform number
rasgele birbiçimli sayı
random uniform number
rasgele birbiçimli sayılar
random variable
rassal değişken
random variables
rasgele değişkenler
random access
rasgele erişim
random access
rastgele erişim
random access memory
rastgele erişimli bellek
random failure
rasgele arıza
random file
rastgele dosya
random logic design
rastgele mantık tasarımı
random number
rastgele sayı
random number generator
rastgele sayı üreteci
random number sequence
rasgele sayı dizisi
random processing
rasgele işlem
random selection
rasgele seçim
random access storage
rasgele erişim depolama
random act of kindness
iyilik rastgele hareket
random act of kindness
içinden gelen manalı iyilik
random data organization
rasgele veri organizasyonu
random experiments
rastlantı deneyleri
random labeling
(İstatistik) Rasgele etiketleme, rassal etiketleme
random loading
rastgele yükleme
random noise
rasgele parazit, rasgele gürültü
random number organization
rasgele sayı organizasyonu
random ordered sample
rasgele sıralı numune, rasgele sıralı örneklem
random positioning
rasgele konumlama
random probe
rasgele prob
random variable
Rastlantısal değişken
random walk
rassal yürüyüş
random access storage unit
(Askeri) rasgele erişimli bellek birimi
random activity
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) rastgele etkinlik
random assignment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) rastgele tahsis
random bars horizontal
(Bilgisayar) rastgele yatay çubuklar
random bars vertical
(Bilgisayar) rastgele dikey çubuklar
random block design
random block design
(Askeri) rastgele kütleler tasarımı
random bullet
kör kurşun
random calling
(Ticaret) rastgele ziyaret
random coil
(Denizbilim) düzensizsargı
random coil
(Biyokimya) düzensiz sargı
random dissolve
(Bilgisayar) rastgele çözülerek
random experiment
rasgele deney
random experiment
(Bilgisayar) rastgele deney
random failure
(Bilgisayar) rastgele bozulma
random failure
rastgele arıza
random field
rasgele alan
random fill
rasgele dolgu
random fill
randım dolgu
random forecast
(Meteoroloji) rastgele tahmin
random line
rasgele çizgi
random mine laying
(Askeri) GELİŞİGÜZEL MAYINLAMA: Kara mayın harbinde mayınların bir şekle bağlı kalınmaksızın dökülmesi
random mine laying
(Askeri) gelişigüzel mayınlama
random mixed alphabet
(Askeri) gelişigüzel karma alfabe
random mixed alphabet
(Askeri) GELİŞİGÜZEL KARMA ALFABE: Şifreli unsur, harfler gelişigüzel karıştırılmak suretiyle kurulan alfabe
random noise
(Nükleer Bilimler) beyaz gürültü
random noise theory
rastgele gürültü teorisi
random numbers
(Matematik) seçkisiz sayılar
random numbers
(Nükleer Bilimler) rastgele sayılar
random numbers
(Ticaret) tesadüfi sayılar
random order
(Bilgisayar) rastgele düzen
random ordered sample
(İstatistik) rasgele sıralı numune
random ordered sample
(İstatistik) rasgele sıralı örneklem
random out
ilk giren
random out
rasgele çıkar
random play
(Bilgisayar) rastgele çal
random positioning
rastgele konumlama
random probe
rastgele prof
random processes
rastgele işlemler
random processing
rastgele işlem
random riprap
karışık pere
random rubble wall
(İnşaat) adi moloz taş duvar
random sample
random sampling
random selection
(Ticaret) tesadüfi seçim
random shot
rasgele ateş
random shot
(Avcılık) rastgele ateş etmek
random shot
(deyim) a random shot ( cogu kez take...) sorunun cevabini bilmeden atmak
random stone
rasgele taş
random test
(Tekstil) sondaj kontrolu
random track order
(Bilgisayar) rastgele iz sırası
random transition
(Bilgisayar) rastgele geçiş
random uniform number
rasgele birbicimli sayilar
random variation
(Ticaret) tesadüfi değişim
random walk
(Ticaret) rasgele değişme
random walk theory
(Ticaret) tesadüfi hareket teorisi
random walks
rasgele yürüyüşler
random wave force
(Askeri) gelişigüzel dalga gücü
random waves
(Askeri) gelişigüzel dalgalar
raised angle marker; random access memory
(Askeri) artırılmış açı işareti; rasgele erişimli bellek

Öyleyse onu dün rastgele görmedin. - So you did not randomly see her yesterday?

İsimleri rastgele seçmekten başka seçeneği yoktu. - He had no other choice but to choose the names randomly.

rasgele şekilde
discrete random variable
(Matematik) süreksiz rassal değişken
discrete random variables
(Matematik) süreksiz rassal değişkenler
discrete random variables
(Matematik) kesikli rassal değişkenler
pseudo random number
(Bilgisayar) sözde rastgele sayı
pseudo random number
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sözde rasgele sayı
pseudo random sequence
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sözde rasgele dizi
havadan sudan
rastgele olma
stationary random noise
durağan rasgele gürültü
uniform random number
rasgele birbiçimli sayı
at random
at random
at random
continuous random variable
sürekli rastgele değişken
make random
gelişigüzel yap
rastgele hale getirme
accidental error, random error
Yanlışlıkla hata, rasgele hata
accidental, random, unexpected
Rastgele, beklenmedik kaza
discrete random variables
ayrık gelişigüzel değişkenler
talk at random
dem vurmak
uniform random variable
Birörnek rastgele değişken
Markov random field
Markov rasgele alani
access random
(Bilgisayar) rastgele erişim
at random
(deyim) rastgele,tesadufen
at random
oradan buradan
at random
at random
oraya buraya
control random access memory
(Askeri) rastgele erişim hafızası kontrolü
pseudo random number
sozde rasgele sayi
pseudo random sequence
sozde rasgele dizi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) rastgele seçim
(Bilgisayar) rastgele sıralama
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) başıboşluk
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) rastlantısallık
stationary random noise
dura¤an rasgele gurultu
talk at random about
dem vurmak
uniform random number
rasgele birbicimli sayi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Apropos of nothing; lacking context; unexpected; having apparent lack of plan, cause, or reason

The narrative takes a random course.

The full range of a bullet or other projectile; hence, the angle at which a weapon is tilted to allow the greatest range

Fortie yards will they shoot levell, or very neare the marke, and 120 is their best at Random.

Characterized by or often saying random things; habitually using non sequiturs

You're so random!.

Of or relating to probability distribution

A toss of loaded dice is still random, though biased.

Speed, full speed; impetuosity, force

And therwith two of them dressid their sperys, and Ulfyus and Brastias dressid theire speres, and ranne to gyder with grete raundon.

Pseudorandom in contrast to truly random; mimicking the result of random selection

The rand function generates a random number from a seed.

Having unpredictable outcomes and, in the ideal case, all outcomes equally probable; resulting from such selection; lacking statistical correlation

The results of the field survey look random by several different measures.

Representative and undistinguished; typical and average; selected for no particular reason

A random American off the street couldn't tell the difference.

An undefined, unknown or unimportant person; a person of no consequence

The party was boring. It was full of randoms.

The direction of a rake- vein
Prince, later King of Amber, son of Oberon R was chosen to the throne by the Unicorn on the field of the battle of the Courts of Chaos
A random sample is one whose value does not appear to depend on the previous sample's value, or on anything else A series of random samples sounds like white noise
taken haphazardly; "a random choice
Distance to which a missile is cast; range; reach; as, the random of a rifle ball
2. If you describe events as random, you mean that they do not seem to follow a definite plan or pattern. random violence against innocent victims + randomly ran·dom·ly drinks and magazines left scattered randomly around
Eluding precise prediction, completely irregular Compare stochastic
By chance
If something happens at random, it happens without a definite plan or pattern. Three black people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus. adj. random access memory Random House random variable
Apropos of nothing; lacking context; unexpected; having apparent lack of plan, cause or reason
Term applied to ranges beyond point-blank, or to firing at such ranges Accuracy -- a relative term at best -- of smoothbore artillery began to drop off sharply as a gun was elevated and could not be predicted with anything like certainty except in such leisurely circumstances as siege or garrison work, hence the very literal use of the word random in references to shooting at longer ranges Because of this loss of accuracy, most gun carriages of this time did not permit more than a few degrees of elevation; howitzer carriages permitted somewhat more
A roving motion; course without definite direction; want of direction, rule, or method; hazard; chance; commonly used in the phrase at random, that is, without a settled point of direction; at hazard
without order or apparent reason Sometimes the police patrol van comes past every hour so you can predict when they will be around, but in other places they seem to patrol at random, and so you never know if the cops will show up while you are busy If you chose a number at random between 0 and 1, the chance is 1 in 4 that it will be less than 0 25
Eluding precise prediction, completely irregular
lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance; "a random choice"; "bombs fell at random"; "random movements" taken haphazardly; "a random choice
Returns a random number in the range of the two numbers The returned value will be greater than or equal to the first number, and less than or equal to the second number
A random sample or method is one in which all the people or things involved have an equal chance of being chosen. The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales The competitors will be subject to random drug testing. + randomly ran·dom·ly interviews with a randomly selected sample of thirty girls aged between 13 and
n –ness adj When events or players’ actions in a game are very unpredictable Often players will have little, if any, control over the elements that control their performance in the game (See also luck)
A remarkably tricky term, far too much so for me to attempt a definition here Quite a few cryptosystems have been broken via attacks on weak random number generators, even when the rest of the system was sound See RFC 1750 for the theory It will be available locally if you have downloaded our RFC bundle (which is described here) Or read it on the net See the manual pages for ipsec_ranbits(8) and random(4) for details of what we use There has recently been discussion on several mailing lists of the limitations of Linux /dev/random and of whether we are using it correctly Those discussions are archived on the /dev/random support page
taken haphazardly; "a random choice"
Pertaining to a process or variable whose outcome or value depends on chance or on a process that simulates chance, often with the implication that all possible outcomes or values have an equal probability of occurrence; for example, the outcome of flipping a coin or executing a computer-programmed random number generator
If you choose people or things at random, you do not use any particular method, so they all have an equal chance of being chosen. We received several answers, and we picked one at random
chance; having no discernible pattern
A way to choose a sample that represents all the people we want to reach (in political polling, that's usually likely voters) A sample is random if each member of the population has an equal chance of being represented
Going at random or by chance; done or made at hazard, or without settled direction, aim, or purpose; hazarded without previous calculation; left to chance; haphazard; as, a random guess
Force; violence
{s} chance, fortuitous, accidental, unplanned
accidentally, by chance, fortuitously, without prior planning
A random refers to a random event, which takes the form of a spell, except for the newer "barbarians " I've compiled a list of randoms and their accompanying message in news, though the actual effects of the specific spell are slight, e g a random fire will destroy several buildings, but nowhere near the scale of an actual Fire spell These messages vary from those of obscured spells for the most part, so the message will generally tell you if a spell is hostile or a random if you're unsure The primary affect of most randoms is dropping morale to 1%, which can be devastating to a kingdom that has trouble supporting itself under normal conditions All randoms are instant and cannot be dispelled
A function that is affected by no input or state and whose output cannot be anticipated Currently, only quantum effects (e g , electron tunneling across a (thermally compensated) diode junction) qualify For a binary random variable, the odds of the next output value being zero or one are always 50/50 -- notably independent of previous output values or the current environment (temperature, voltage, etc )
(x) numeric used to create a random number (in the range 0 x-1) Usually used in assignment statements like: dice : = random(6)+1
(at random: by chance, without thinking about or planning the events)
lacking a definite plan, purpose or pattern; due to chance
based strictly on a chance mechanism, with negligible deterministic effects
All outcomes being unpredictable and, in the ideal, equally probable; resulting from such selection; lacking statistical correlation
Representative and undistinguished; typical and average
the assignment of treatments to experimental units, or the selection of samples, such that all units or samples have an equal chance of receiving the treatment being estimated It serves to assure unbiased estimates of treatment means and experimental error
by chance, like the flip of a coin
lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance; "a random choice"; "bombs fell at random"; "random movements"
Not in an order Refers to the data i e , files stored on a disk
Process or event that occurs by chance
random access memory
The main memory of a computer available for program execution or data storage
random access memory
Computer memory that dynamically stores program and data values during operation and in which each byte of memory may be directly accessed
random function
A function whose value is chosen at random from its domain
random function
A function chosen at random from a set of functions
random number
Number allotted randomly using suitable generator (electronic machine or as simple "generator" as die)
random number generator
A device or algorithm that generates numbers selected at random or apparently at random. In many cases they actually select successive numbers deterministically and are more technically termed pseudorandom number generator
random number generators
plural form of random number generator
random numbers
plural form of random number
random sample
A sample randomly taken from an investigated population
random samples
plural form of random sample
random seed
A number or vector used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator
random sequence
A sequence of identically distributed random variables
random variable
A measurable function from a sample space to the measurable space of possible values of the variable
random variable
A quantity whose value is random and to which a probability distribution is assigned, such as the possible outcome of a roll of a dice
random variables
plural form of random variable
random walk
A stochastic path consisting of a series of sequential movements, the direction (and sometime length) of which is chosen at random
random walker
An object taking a random walk
Capable of being accessed in any order, not required to be sequential
random access machine
(Bilgisayar) In computer science, random access machine (RAM) is an abstract machine in the general class of register machines. The RAM is very similar to the counter machine but with the added capability of 'indirect addressing' of its registers. Like the counter machine the RAM has its instructions in the finite-state portion of the machine (the so-called Harvard architecture)
random act of kindness
random act of kindness is a purportedly selfless act performed by a person or persons wishing to either assist or cheer up a stranger
random walk
(İstatistik) A series of sequential movements in which the direction and size of each move is randomly determined
random walk
A series of movements of an object or changes in a variable that follow no discernible pattern or trend
random walk hypothesis
(Finans) The random walk hypothesis is a financial theory stating that stock market prices evolve according to a random walk and thus the prices of the stock market cannot be predicted. It has been described as 'jibing' with the efficient market hypothesis. Investors, economists, and other financial behaviorists have historically accepted the random walk hypothesis. They have run several tests and continue to believe that stock prices are completely random because of the efficiency of the market
Random Access Memory
computer memory where data is temporarily stored for quick retrieval (once the computer is turned off all data in RAM is lost)
Random House
U.S. publishing company. It was founded by Bennett Cerf and Donald S. Klopfer in 1925. As it grew it published many successful and prestigious writers and gathered under its corporate roof many other firms, including Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (acquired 1960), Pantheon Books (1961), Ballantine Books (1973), Fawcett Books (1982), and the Crown Publishing Group (1988). It was itself bought several times before becoming in 1998 a part of one of the world's largest media companies, Bertelsmann AG
random access
method by which sources of information within a computer can be located randomly
random access
an entity can be directly referenced independently of any other entity A file that is directly accessed can have records written in the middle without records on either side written Records (entities) are accessed by an address
random access
An access method in which records can be read from, written to, or removed from a file in any order
random access
The ability to access data instantly The MD4 quick locate functions allow you to locate any point instantly Tape-based recorders do not have random access capabilities because they have to wind a tape, which takes time
random access
Access mode in which records are obtained from or placed into a mass storage file in a nonsequential manner so that any record can be rapidly accessed
random access
An access mode where records are placed in non-sequential order in mass storage so they can be accessed rapidly This is the same as "DirectAccess"
random access
A database retrieval method in which the system can go directly to the record without having to read the preceding records; also called direct access 9 6
random access
Describes the ability of a storage device to go directly to the required memory address without having to read from the beginning every time data is requested There is nothing random or haphazard about random access; a more precise term is direct access In a random-access device, the information can be read directly by accessing the appropriate memory address Some storage devices, such as tapes, must start at the beginning to find a specific storage location, and if the information is towards the end of the tape, access can take a long time This access method is known as "sequential access "
random access
Unscheduled access to communications medium in which stations transmit when ready (possibly after sensing medium), and later resolve any conflicts that arise
random access
Retrieving data based on knowledge of the address of the data The term random access means that all storage locations in the memory are equally accessible and they do not require any sequential access It is a synonym and alternative for direct address
random access
A system can access data within particular time, regardless of the location of the data This is one of the characteristics of disk type of recording media As far as MO disk is concerned, the access time is around second
random access
Storage method that allows information retrieval without regard to the order in which it was recorded
random access
A technique of accessing (reading) a word of data from a memory structure by the CPU Since a word in the memory can be accessed directly, the time required is independent of its location (address) in the memory structure It is sometimes called a "direct access" method
random access
Reading locations directly without having to read in a particular sequence
random access
An access mode in which the program-specified value of a key data item identifies the logical record that is obtained from, deleted from or placed into a relative or indexed file
random access
With reference to data storage device, random access refers to being able to access specific data quickly by going directly to its location on the medium Diskettes, harddisks, and CD-ROM drive all allow random access
random access
Memory The primary memory in a computer Memory that can be overwritten with new information The "random access" part of its name comes from the fact that all information in RAM can be located - no matter where it is -in an equal amount of time This means that access to and from RAM memory is extraordinarily fast By contrast, other storage media-like magnetic tape-require searching for the information, and therefore take longer
random access
As opposed to linear access, where data or items must be accessed sequentially (like on a cassette tape), random access allows you to randomly jump to any item on a piece of media, and retrieve or operate on it immediately (like a CD, or hard drive) The biggest difference is in the speed with which items can be accessed By allowing you to "skip" to the item you want, random access greatly increases speed and productivity
random access
This means that an algorithm can access any element xi of a sequence immediately (by just specifying i) It doesn't have to go through x1, ,xi-1 first Note that this has nothing directly to do with randomness
random access
The ability to locate a record in a file through relative seeks (see also sequential access and keyed access) Once the desired record is located, you can use sequential access to read subsequent records
random access
each location within memory can be directly accessed without the need to sequence through prior locations Direct access is probably more appropriate, as this access method is not really random
random access
The ability to get to data stored anywhere on and in non-serial or random fashion
random access memory
random location
(Ticaret) A stocking location chosen on an as-needed basis and not preassigned to a specific product. Random locations may be used in addition to the primary location when required by seasonal fluctuations
random noise
Random noise represents a nondeterministic fluctuation in the output of an ADC, described by its frequency spectrum and its amplitude statistical properties
random noise
  Noise consisting of a large number of transient disturbances with a statistically random time distribution   (188) Note:  Thermal noise is an example of random noise
random noise
(See noise, random )
random noise
An oscillation whose instantaneous amplitude occur, as a function of time, according to a normal (Gaussian) curve Also called Gaussian noise, random Gaussian noise
random number
A number whose value cannot be predicted
random number
A nine-digit decimal number from 0 000000001 to 0 999999999 generated by the RaNDom (RND) function
random number
number randomly chosen from a collection of numbers without logic or index
random number
A number choosed without definite aim, reason, or pattern
random number
"In Excel, a value between 0 and 1 that results by chance, but with equal probability of any other value between 0 and 1 "
random number
As opposed to a pseudorandom number, a truly random number is a number produced independently of its generating criteria For cryptographic purposes, numbers based on physical measurements, such as a Geiger counter, are considered random
random number
A number whose value can not be predicted Truly random numbers are often generated by physical events that are believed to occur randomly
random number
As opposed to a pseudo-random number, a truly random number is a number produced independently of its generating criteria For cryptographic purposes, numbers based on physical measurements, such as a Geiger counter, are considered random
random number
As opposed to a pseudorandom number, a truly random number is a number produced independently of its generating criteria For cryptographic purposed, numbers based on physical measurements, such as a Geiger counter, are considered random
random number
A number that is determined entirely by chance
random number
An important aspect of many cryptosystems and a necessary element in generating a unique key or keys that are unpredictable by hacker
random number
An expression formed by a set of digits selected from a sequence of digits in which each successive digit is equally likely to be any of the digits
random number
A time variant parameter whose value is unpredictable
random number generator
a routine designed to yield a random number
random numbers generator
program that produces a random series of numbers in a computer
random sample
A sample that allows every item in a population to have equal chance of being selected
random sample
A sample in which each member of the population has an equal chance of inclusion
random sample
a sample in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
random sample
A sample derived by selecting individuals such that each individual has the same probability of selection
random sample
a sample in which each member of a group has an equal chance of inclusion
random sample
A group of persons are selected from a population in such a way that each individual has an equal chance of being chosen In addition, the selection of one person does not influence the chances of other people being selected
random sample
a sample chosen so that each unit of the larger group has a known and equal chance of being selected
random sample
A sample in which all members of the target population have an equal and independent chance of being selected for the study; also known as a probability sample
random sample
The selection of items or data for verification or measurement that is not predetermined on a value, location or any other basis
random sample
a sample grabbed at random
random sample
a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
random sample
narrow selection of items that to each individual in the population there is an identical chance of belonging to
random sample
a subgroup or subset of a population selected in such a way that each unit in a population has an equal chance of being selected
random sample
A sample taken at random from a population
random sample
In statistical terms a random sample is a set of items that have been drawn from a population in such a way that each time an item was selected, every item in the population had an equal opportunity to appear in the sample
random sample
a sample in which each individual in a population has the same chance of being selected as any other
random sample
A group selected randomly, solely by chance
random sample
A sample of a population that has the property that each item has an equal chance of being selected, and in which the chance of one item being selected does not affect the selection of any other item Random samples are often used to ensure that the sample is representative of the population Sometimes a sample that is not totally random but distributed uniformly with respect to nuisance parameters has desirable properties
random sample
A random sample is a group selected for study, which is drawn at random from the universe of cases by a statistically valid method
random sample
(Statistics) A sample selected in such a manner that all possible samples of the same size have an equal and independent chance of being included
random sample
a sample grabbed at random a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
random sample
group chosen in a way that gives everybody an equal chance of being selected; meant to represent the population from which it was drawn
random sample
members of a population selected by a method designed to ensure that each person in the target group has an equal chance of selection
random sample
A group of subjects randomly chosen from a defined population
random sample
A subset of the universe selected in such a way that each member of the universe has an equal opportunity to be selected
random sample
A sample of persons selected using an independent random sampling technique to participate in a research study
random sample
A group of subjects representing the population who are selected through chance
random sample
A sample taken from any given population in which each person maintains equal chances of being selected
random sample
a sample of a population where each member of the population has an equal chance of being in the sample
random sampling
a commonly used sampling technique in which sample units are selected in such a manner that all combinations of n units under consideration have an equal chance of being selected as the sample
random sampling
A process by which the people in a sample are chosen at random from a given population For example in a population of 100 people, everyone can be assigned a unique number, then the numbers are put in a hat, and 40 numbers are drawn to choose 40 people to be in that sample These are the people from whom you would collect information In a random sample, all of the people in the population have an equal chance of being chosen
random sampling
A commonly used sampling technique in which sample units are selected so that all combinations of n units under consideration have an equal chance of being selected as the sample
random sampling
Random sampling occurs when each unit in the sample frame has a known positive probability of being included in the sample Then units are selected randomly using a computer or random number table and the assigned probabilities This type of sample is also called probability sampling
random sampling
Obtaining juvenile urine specimens for testing without the juvenile's prior knowledge of when a specimen will be requested This means unscheduled testing and should not be confused with the classic research design definition
random sampling
Sampling procedure in which every unit in the universe has an equal chance of being selected
random sampling
As commonly used in acceptance sampling, the process of selecting sample units in such a manner that all combinations of units under consideration have an equal chance of being selected as the sample
random sampling
sampling in which each population member theoretically has an equal chance of being drawn
random sampling
                        A representative selection picked at random to sample public opinion
random sampling
A random sample is one selected in a way that ensures that every element in the population has an equal, non-zero probability of being sampled
random sampling
(Statistical sampling meaning) A sampling method in which every possible sample has the same chance of being selected
random sampling
A regular pattern of points is laid over the area of concern The points are numbered and random numbers are generated to determine at which points samples will be collected This method is used to remove bias from the selection of sampling locations
random sampling
the selection of a random sample; each element of the population has an equal chance of been selected
random sampling
For multiple identical components such as windows, doors, electrical outlets or heating registers One per room is chosen at random
random sampling
A procedure for selecting a set of representative observations from a population, in which each observation has an equal chance of being selected from the sample
random sampling
Drawing a number of items of any sort from a larger group or population so that every individual item has a specified probability of being chosen
random sampling
A sampling method in which all the units in a population have an equal chance of appearing in the sample p 183
random sampling
A sampling method in which all elements in the population have an equal chance of being selected, and in which the value of one observation does not affect the outcome of other observations Random samples have important properties which are necessary in many statistical tests
random sampling
Polls in which respondents are chosen mathematically, at random, with every effort made to avoid bias in the construction of the sample
random sampling
A procedure in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample
random sampling
A random selection of possible observations
random transaction
one-time commercial transaction that does involve supplies
random variable
A random variable is a numerical value which is determined by the outcomes or events of an experiment A random independent variable is one whose levels vary from one replication to another, and are not determined by the experimenter
random variable
A variable whose value depends on the probability distribution of outcomes
random variable
A function that assigns a real number to each and every possible outcome of a random experiment
random variable
A variable whose values are random but whose statistical distribution is known. In statistics, a function that can take on either a finite number of values, each with an associated probability, or an infinite number of values, whose probabilities are summarized by a density function. Used in studying chance events, it is defined so as to account for all possible outcomes of the event. When these are finite (e.g., the number of heads in a three-coin toss), the random variable is called discrete and the probabilities of the outcomes sum to
random variable
a quantity which may take any of the values of a specified set with a specified relative frequency or probability It is defined by a set of possible values, and by an associated probability function giving the relative frequency of occurrence of each possible value
random variable
A function which assigns a numerical value to all possible outcomes of an experiment The values of random variables differ from one observation to the next in a manner described by their probability distribution
random variable
A variable that takes on any value of a specified set with a particular probability
random variable
a function from the set of all possible outcomes of an event to some subset of the real numbers; e g for the event of rolling a standard die, a random variable could assign the face shown to the set {1, 2, , 6}
random variable
(Statistics) A variable characterized by random behavior in assuming its different possible values Mathematically, it is described by its probability distribution, which specifies the possible values of a random variable together with the probability associated with each value
random variable
A variable characterized by random behavior in assuming its different possible values Mathematically, it is described by its probability distribution, which specifies the possible values of a random variables together with the probability associated (in an appropriate sense) with each value A random variable is said to be continuous if its possible values extend over a continuum and discrete if its possible values are separated by finite intervals Also called variate See probability theory
random variable
a variable whose value is determined by the outcome of an experiment in which the outcome is subject to chance
random variable
Probabilities for specific outcomes are determined by summing probabilities (in the discrete case) or by integrating the density function over an interval corresponding to that outcome (in the continuous case)
random variable
A numerical description of the outcome of an experiment
random variable
a variable quantity that is random
random variable
A random variable is an assignment of numbers to possible outcomes of a random experiment For e
random variable
"A function that assigns a numerical value to each outcome of an experiment" (Dolciani, 1988) "The outcomes form the sample space of the Random Variable" (Dolciani, Beckenbach, Donnelly, Jurgensen, & Wooton, 1980)
random variable
If the possible outcomes are infinite (e.g., the life expectancy of a light bulb), the random variable is called continuous and corresponds to a density function whose integral over the entire range of outcomes equals
random variable
A variable that assumes numerical values that are determined by the outcome of an experiment That is, a variable that represents an uncertain numerical outcome (page 153)
random venture
one-time commercial transaction that does involve supplies
random walk
A time series in which the change from one period to the next in the value of the variable in question (e g an asset price) is purely random
random walk
Theory that stock price changes from day to day are at random; the changes are independent of each other and have the same probability distribution Many believers of the random walk theory believe that it is impossible to outperform the market consistently without taking additional risk
random walk
a stochastic process consisting of a sequence of changes each of whose characteristics (as magnitude or direction) is determined by chance
random walk
An economic theory that price movements in the commodity futures markets and in the securities markets are completely random in character (i e , past prices are not a reliable indicator of future prices)
random walk
The movements of a variable whose future changes cannot be predicted because, given today's value, the variable is just as likely to fall as to rise 280
random walk
A term that describes the idea that changes in share prices are random and unpredictable
random walk
A stock market theory that hypothesizes that past prices are of no use in forecasting future price movements The theory maintains that prices move in a random pattern and that they are no more predictable than the walking pattern of a wandering person This directly contradicts technical analysts' use of charts to forecast stock prices
random walk
a term used to describe the way the prices of stocks move; the next movement cannot be predicted on the basis of previous movements
random walk
A price that is equally likely to rise or fall by the same amount, so, on average, people do not expect it to change (p 174)
random walk
The theory that stock prices are unpredictable
random walk
An economic theory that price movements in the futures markets and in the securities markets are completely random in character (i e , past prices are not a reliable indicator of future prices)
random walk
Theory that stock price changes from day to day are accidental or haphazard; changes are independent of each other and have the same probability distribution Many believers in the random walk theory believe that it is impossible to outperform the market consistently without taking additional risk
random walk
a process whereby events happen due to chance
random-access memory
the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible
at random
in a random manner
at random
dynamic random access memory
Dynamic RAM is typically the RAM used as the main memory in a computer system. DRAM requires fewer transistors per bit than SRAM, but each bit needs to be refreshed regularly or it will lose information. DRAM is typically slower but much less expensive than SRAM
non-volatile random access memory
a type of computer memory that can be written to repeatedly, but does not lose its value when the system is powered off, because it is battery backed
A measure of the lack of purpose, logic, or objectivity of an event

There was no randomness in the teacher's selection of the class representative.

static random access memory
Static RAM is used for the cache memory and registers in computer systems. SRAM typically requires four or six transistors per bit, making it substantially more expensive than DRAM, which usually requires one transistor per bit. SRAM is able to operate at higher speeds than DRAM, and does not require refreshing
Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
Random Access Memory that can be adjusted and synchronized with the speed of the computer clock, SDRAM
at random
by chance, in a haphazard manner
at random
in a random manner; "the houses were randomly scattered"; "bullets were fired into the crowd at random"
Participants are assigned by chance, often by a computer, either to receive the study agent (intervention group) or not (control group)
The process of assigning trial subjects to treatment or control groups using an element of chance to determine the assignments in order to reduce bias return to contents
Randomization (in scientific experiments) provides data observations that are independently distributed, as required for the valid application of statistical methods By random allocation of experimental units and the sequence in which trials are conducted: (1) effects of extraneous factors are averaged out; (2) experimenter bias is removed The use of controls can help varify randomization
The process of selection done in a way so that there is no predictable or specific pattern In a research study, the assignment of volunteers to one test group or another is randomized to eliminate the possibility that the results will be influenced to factors not measured in the study In the MOMS the chances of being in either the prenatal or postnatal surgery groups is 50%, the same odds as getting a heads or tails when flipping a coin
A technique of assigning patients to treatment and control groups that is based only on chance distribution It is used to diminish patient selection bias in clinical trials Proper randomization of patients is an indifferent yet objective technique that tends to neutralize patient prognostic factors by spreading them evenly among treatment and control groups Randomized assignment is often based on computer-generated tables of random numbers
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Tıp) random
random değişken
(Matematik) random variable

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    /ˈrandəm/ /ˈrændəm/


    [ ran-d&m ] (noun.) 1561. From Middle English raundon, from Old French randon, from randir (“to gallop”) ( > French randonnée (“long walk, hike”)), of Germanic origin, from Frankish *rant, *rand (“a running”) from Proto-Germanic *randiō (“a running”) from Proto-Germanic base *rinnanan (“to run”) from Proto-Indo-European *ren- (“to rise; to sink”). See run.

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