
listen to the pronunciation of railway
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} demiryolu [brit.]
i., bak. railroad

Sibirya Demiryolu, dünyadaki bir defada en uzun ve en iyi bilinen demiryoludur. - The Siberian Railway is at once the longest and best known railway in the world.

Demiryolu işçilerinin kendi özel terminolojileri var. - Railway workers have their own particular terminology.

{i} tren yolu

Onun babası bir demiryolu işçisi. - His father was a railway worker.

Sibirya Demiryolu, dünyadaki bir defada en uzun ve en iyi bilinen demiryoludur. - The Siberian Railway is at once the longest and best known railway in the world.

{i} banliyö hattı

Tren istasyonunda oturuyorum. - I'm sitting in the railway station.

Bir tren kazasında yaralandı. - He was injured in a railway accident.

railway car
railway bridge
railway sleeper
railway terminus
railway accident
demiryolu kazası
railway bridge
demiryolu köprüsü
railway carriage
demiryolu vagonu
railway clerk
tren memuru
railway construction
demiryolu inşaatı
railway gauge
ray genişliği
railway guide
demiryolu kılavuzu
railway junction
demiryolu kavşağı
railway line
demiryolu hattı
railway man
railway network
demiryolu ağı
railway operation
demiryolu işletmesi
railway parcels
tren kolileri
railway signal
demiryolu sinyali
railway station
demiryolu istasyonu
railway system
demiryolu sistemi
railway system
demiryolu ağı
railway track
railway track
railway traffic
demiryolu trafiği
railway children
demiryolu çocuklar
railway consignment note
demiryolu konşimento
railway crossing
tren geçidi
railway crossing without gates
demiryolu kapıları olmadan geçiş
railway installation
tren yolu inşaası
railway market
demiryolları borsası
railway repair workshop
demiryolu onarım atölyesi
railway sleeper
Demiryolu traversi
railway station
Tren istasyonu, tren garı
railway terminus
demiryolu son istasyonu, gar
railway tie
Demiryolu traversi
railway time bill
demiryolu zaman faturası
railway tracks
demiryolu parça
railway works
demiryolu işleri
railway access
demiryolu ulaşımı
railway actual capability
(Askeri) günlük demir yolu kapasitesi
railway actual capability
(Askeri) GÜNLÜK DEMİRYOLU KAPASİTESİ: Bir demiryolu hattının niteliğine mevcut teçhizat ve işletme personeline tabi olarak demiryolu kesiminde bir günde nakledilebilen azami net tonaj
railway advice
(Ticaret) demiryolu bildirisi
railway advice
(Ticaret) demiryolu ihbarnamesi
railway applications
demiryolu uygulamaları
railway artillery
(Askeri) demir yolu topçusu
railway artillery
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU TOPÇUSU: Vagon üzerine bindirilmiş ve raylar üzerinden ateş eden topçu. Buna (railroad artillery) de denir
railway bill of lading
(Ticaret) demiryolu konşimentosu
railway board
(Ticaret) demiryolu idaresi
railway carriage
demiryolu kavşağı
railway classification yard
(Askeri) demir yolu manevra sahası
railway classification yard
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU MANEVRA SAHASI: Yüklü vagonları yüklerine ve gidecekleri yerlere göre tasnif etmek üzere faydalanılan demiryolu sahası
railway crossing
eşdüzey demiryolu geçidi
railway division
(Askeri) demir yolu işletme kısmı
railway division
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU İŞLETME KISMI: Bir harekat alanındaki demiryolunun coğrafi bir bölümü. Bu kısmın işletilmesi ve bakımı, demiryolu işletme taburu komutanı olan demiryolu işletme amiri tarafından sağlanır
railway engineer
demiryolu mühendisi
railway equipment
demiryolu malzemesi
railway equipment
(Askeri) demir yolu teçhizatı
railway equipment
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU TEÇHİZATI: Bu teçhizat şu şekilde sınıflandırılır. Hareket gücü olarak bütün lokomotifler, demiryolu arabaları olarak genel yük ve yolcu vagonları, özel teçhizat
railway equipment
demiryolu gereci
railway fill
demiryolu dolgusu
railway grand division
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU İŞLETME ŞUBESİ: Böyle bir birlik tarafından idare edilen iki veya daha çok işletme kısmı
railway grand division
(Askeri) demir yolu işletme şubesi
railway industry
(Ticaret) demiryolu endüstrisi
railway journey
(Ticaret) demiryolu yolculuğu
railway line capacity
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU HAT KAPASİTESİ: Demiryolunun belirli bir kesitinden 24 saatlik süre içinde her yönde hareket edebilecek azami tren sayısı. Ayrıca bakınız: "route capacity"
railway line capacity
(Askeri) demir yolu hat kapasitesi
railway loading
demiryolu yüklemesi
railway loading ramp
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU YÜKLEME RAMPASI: Bir yolun sonunda veya yanındaki vagon taban seviyesinde hazırlanmış eğik platform
railway loading ramp
(Askeri) demir yolu yükleme rampası
railway military supervised
(Askeri) ASKERİ KONTROLA TABİ DEMİRYOLU: ABD' de; Hükümet tarafından idare edilen ve işletilen Devletin veya özel şirketlerin malı olan ve Cumhurbaşkanının direktiflerine göre askeri makamlar tarafından nezaret altında bulundurulan genel demiryolu
railway military utility
(Askeri) ASKERİ MAKSATLA KULLANILAN DEMİRYOLU: Standart ve diğer tip hatları bulunan ve askeri veya sivil personel tarafından garnizon, askeri mevki, kamp gibi bir tesis için inşa edilen, işletilen ve bakım yapılan demiryolu ve demiryolu tesisleri
railway network
demiryolu şebekesi
railway official
(Ticaret) demiryolu memuru
railway operating battalion
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU İŞLETME TABURU: Demiryollarının işletilmesi için lüzumlu olan makinistlik, ateşçilik, kondüktörlük vesaire görevlerde yetiştirilmiş askeri personelden oluşan ve ulaştırma sınıfına mensup bir teşkil
railway operating battalion
(Askeri) demir yolu işletme taburu
railway points
demiryolu makası
railway potential capability
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU HAT KABİLİYETİ, DEMİRYOLU İŞLETME VE İNŞA KABİLİYETİ: Fiziki özelliklere bağlı demiryolu kapasitesi. Bu kapasite demiryolu trafiğini sağlamak maksadıyla kullanılır. Ayrıca bakınız: "railway actual capability"
railway potential capability
(Askeri) demir yolu hat kabiliyeti
railway prison car
(Askeri) MAHPUS VAGONU: Amerikan Kara Kuvvetleri tarafından satın alınan ve mahpusları gruplar halinde demiryolu ile taşımak maksadıyla değişiklik yapılmış olan yataklı vagon tipi bir yolcu vagonu
railway prison car
(Askeri) tutuklu vagonu
railway rates
demiryolu ücret tarifesi
railway repair shop
cer atelyesi
railway repair shop depot
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU ONARIM DEPOSU: ABD Kara Kuvvetlerinin malı olan veya bu komutanlığın kontrolu altında bulundurulan demiryolu malzemesinin depo bakımını yapan tesis
railway repair shop depot
(Askeri) demir yolu onarım deposu
railway roundhouse
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU ATELYESİ: Birlik ve sahra bakımlarını yapan demiryolu tesisi
railway roundhouse
(Askeri) demir yolu atölyesi
railway route
tren güzergahı
railway securities
(Ticaret) demiryolu menkul değerleri
railway securities
(Ticaret) demiryolu menkul kıymetleri
railway service
(Askeri) demir yolu hizmeti
railway service
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU HİZMETİ: Askeri Ulaştırma Hizmeti (Military Transportation Service) nin harekat alanında kurulmuş ve Ulaştırma sınıfı demiryolu murakabe işletme ve bakım birliklerinden ibaret askeri işletme makamı. Menzil sahası bölgelerarası bir hizmettir
railway service
(Ticaret) demiryolu işletmesi
railway shop battalion
(Askeri) demir yolu tamirhane taburu
railway shop battalion
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU TAMİRHANE TABURU: Demiryolu tamirhanelerini işletmekle görevli personeli bulunan bir ulaştırma teşkili. Bu teşkilat; Demiryolu malzemesinin herçeşit tamirlerini yapar. Bir demiryolu tamirhane taburu normal olarak iki demiryolu işletme taburuna hizmette bulunur
railway spike
ray mıhı
railway spike
travers mıhı
railway station
tren istasyonu
railway system
(Ticaret) demiryolu şebekesi
railway ticket
tren bileti
railway traffic
tren trafiği
railway traffic officer
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU ULAŞTIRMA SUBAYI: Askeri olmayan bir demiryolu üzerinde kıta ve askeri ikmal maddelerinin nakline memur edilen subay
railway traffic officer
(Askeri) demir yolu ulaştırma subayı
railway transport
demir yolu taşımacılığı
railway transport
(Ticaret) demiryolu nakliyatı
railway transportation office
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU HAREKET KONTROL MAKAMI: Buna "railroad transportation office" de denir
railway transportation officer
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU HAREKET KONTROL SUBAYI: Buna "railroad tranportation officer" de denir
railway un de rb ridge
demiryolu alt geçidi
railway undertaking
demiryolu işletmesi
rack railway
dişli demiryolu
rack railway
dişli tren
rack railway
kremayerli demiryolu
demiryolu taşımacılığı
street railway
tramvay hattı
underground railway
yeraltı demiryolu
underground railway
yeraltı treni
underground railway
yer altı demiryolu
aerial railway
cable railway
kablolu demiryolu
cog railway
dişli raylı demiryolu
electric railway
elektrikli demiryolu
funicular railway
kablo ile işleyen demiryolu
light railway
hafif demiryolu
light railway
overhead railway
asma demiryolu
portable railway
dekovil rayı
private railway
özel demiryolu
broad gauge railway
geniş hatlı demiryolu
conveyance by railway
demiryolu ile gönderme
elevated railway
Bir yol üzerindeki köprüden geçen (yükseltilmiş) demiryolu
founder of railway
demir yollarının kurucusu
funicular railway
kablolu tren
narrow gauge railway
dar hatlı demiryolu
overhead railway
Bir yol üzerindeki köprüden geçen (yükseltilmiş) demiryolu
overhead railway
havai demiryolu
portable railway
dekovil rayi
standard gauge railway
normal hatlı demiryolu
suspended railway
asma ray
the railway children
demiryolu çocuklar
trans-siberian railway
Trans-Sibirya demiryolu
Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet
(Askeri) Savunma Nakliye Demiryolu Aktarma Filosu
aerial railway
(Biyoloji) hava metrosu
cable railway
cogged railway
dişli tren
cogwheel railway
dişli çarklı demiryolu
electrified railway
elektrikli demiryolu
elevated railway
(İnşaat,Teknik) yükseltilmiş demiryolu
harbour railway
liman yolu
marine railway
(Askeri) raylı kızak
marine railway
(Askeri) ÇEKEK YERİ, KIZAK MAHALLİ: Deniz araçlarını derin sudan sığ suya veya karaya çekmeye ve tekrar suya indirmeye yarayan, mekanik sistem. Bu sistem; kıyıdan suya doğru uzanan raylar ve bu raylar üzerinde hareket eden bir beşik (kızak) ile bir sabit vinç ve beşiği raylar üzerinde çekmeye yarayan diğer bir tertibattan ibarettir. Sistem çalışırken, beşik raylar üzerinden derin suya doğru hareket ettirilir, kıyıya çekilecek deniz aracı beşiğin içine sokulur ve beşik ile araç, vinç vasıtasıyla çekilerek kıyıya getirilir
marine railway
(Askeri) raylı çekek yeri
military railway
(Askeri) askeri demir yolu
military railway
(Askeri) ASKERİ DEMİRYOLU: Askeri makamlar tarafından, askeri veya sivil personel vasıtasıyla idare edilen demiryolu; özellikle, kara ordusunca kullanılmak üzere ordu tarafından inşa edilmiş demiryolu. Buna "military railroad" da denir
military utility railway
(Askeri) ASKERİ MAKSATLI DEMİRYOLU: Askeri veya sivil personel tarafından, askeri bir yetki altında belirli bir askeri tesis hesabına işletilen, bakım ve muhafazası sağlanan veya inşa edilen standart, dar veya geniş demiryolu tesisleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "utility railway"
rope railway
asma hat
rope railway
rope railway
tel yol
suspended railway
asma demiryolu
suspension railway
asma demiryolu
suspension railway
havai hat
utility railway
(Askeri) SİVİL DEMİRYOLU: Asker demiryolu olarak sınırlandırılmayan ve genel kamu maksatları için kullanılan demiryolu. Ayrıca bak "military utility railway"
wooden railway sleeper
ahşap demiryolu traversi
wooden railway sleeper
(Marangozluk) demiryolu ahşap traversi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A track, consisting of parallel rails, over which wheeled vehicles may travel
A transport system using these rails used to move passengers or goods
a line of track providing a runway for wheels; "he walked along the railroad track"
The road, track, etc
line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a railway system
with all the lands, buildings, rolling stock, franchises, etc
A railway is a company or organization that operates railway routes. the state-owned French railway. the privatisation of the railways
A road or way consisting of one or more parallel series of iron or steel rails, patterned and adjusted to be tracks for the wheels of vehicles, and suitably supported on a bed or substructure
A railway is a route between two places along which trains travel on steel rails. The road ran beside a railway. a disused railway line
{i} railroad, train track, path for a train made of parallel metal tracks
pertaining to them and constituting one property; as, a certain railroad has been put into the hands of a receiver
A railway is the system and network of tracks that trains travel on. a system of tracks along which trains run, or a system of trains American Equivalent: railroad. Canadian National Railway Co. Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. Grand Trunk Railway Great Northern Railway Co. Northern Pacific Railway Co. Pacific Railway Acts Railway Express Agency
railway gun
a large mobile artillery gun mounted on a railroad rail car
railway guns
plural form of railway gun
railway line
Either of the pair of rails on which a railway train runs
railway line
A pair of such rails; a railway track
railway station
A place where trains stop for passengers to embark and disembark
railway stations
plural form of railway station
railway time
A standardized time arrangement formerly used by railways to overcome the confusion caused by varying local times at different stations
railway track
A pair of parallel tracks along which a railway train runs
railway train
A locomotive plus the carriages that it pulls along a railway track
railway car
A vehicle used for the carrying of cargo or passengers on a rail transport system
railway sleeper
One of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track; (synonym) tie, crosstie, sleeper
railway sleeper
A railroad tie/railway tie/crosstie (North America), or railway sleeper (Europe & Australia) is a rectangular support for the rails in railroad tracks. Generally laid perpendicular to the rails, ties transfer loads to the track ballast and subgrade, hold the rails upright, and keep them spaced to the correct gauge
railway tie
A railroad tie/railway tie/crosstie (North America), or railway sleeper (Europe & Australia) is a rectangular support for the rails in railroad tracks. Generally laid perpendicular to the rails, ties transfer loads to the track ballast and subgrade, hold the rails upright, and keep them spaced to the correct gauge
Railway Children
a British film, based on the book by E. Nesbit, about three children at the beginning of the 20th century and the adventures they have around the railway near their home (1970)
Railway Express Agency
U.S. company that once operated the nation's largest ground and air express services. It was founded by the U.S. government as the American Railway Express Co. in 1918, when the nation's major express carriers Adams & Co., American Express Co., Wells, Fargo & Co., and Southern Express Co. were merged into a public corporation. An association of railroads bought out the business in 1929 and began to operate it as the Railway Express Agency. Its name was changed to REA Express in 1970. Poor management, strikes, and competition led to heavy losses, and REA filed for bankruptcy in 1975
railway crossing
place where a railroad track crosses a road
railway junction
place where train tracks branch out into different directions, intersection of train tracks
railway junction
a junction where two or more railway lines meet or cross
railway man
(British) one who works on a railroad
railway sleeper
railroad tie, beam used as the base for a railroad track
railway station
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
railway station
locomotive station
railway station
a place where trains stop for passengers to get on and off = train station American Equivalent: railroad station
railway track
train tracks, railroad tracks, tracks upon which a train runs
Underground Railway
Alternative form of Underground Railroad
aerial railway
An enclosed carriage suspended on a series of wires, usually attached to a steep mountain slope, used for personal transportation over normally untraversable territory
funicular railway
a railway on the side of a mountain pulled by a moving cable
street railway
A tram line; public transportation operating on rails laid in public streets

In the prosecution of no new work is activity, dispatch, and system in the distribution of material more necessary than in that of a street railway, where the obstruction to travel, the temporary inconvenience to residents on the line of the torn-up street, and consequent danger of infringing.

underground railway
A subway system for the movement of trollies or trains
overhead railway
A railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a track that is raised above the street level, elevated railway, elevated, el, elevated railroad
Canadian National Railway Co
Corporation created by the Canadian government in 1918 to operate a number of nationalized railroads (including the old Grand Trunk lines, Intercolonial Railway, National Transcontinental Railway, and Canadian Northern Railway) as one of Canada's two transcontinental railroad systems. Its passenger services were taken over by VIA Rail Canada in 1978, and the company was privatized in 1995. The Canadian National Railway stretches across Canada from Nova Scotia to Vancouver. It bought the Illinois Central Corp. in 1999, thus acquiring a railroad network that links Canada to the Gulf of Mexico
Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd
Privately owned company that operates one of Canada's two transcontinental railroad systems. The company was created in 1881 to complete a railroad from Montreal to Port Moody in British Columbia. Its passenger services were taken over by VIA Rail Canada in 1978. After its former parent company, Canadian Pacific Ltd., reorganized in 2001, CPR became a publicly owned operator of freight rail lines across Canada and in parts of the U.S
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co
U.S. railroad company established in 1868 with the consolidation of two smaller lines, the Virginia Central and the Covington and Ohio. The railroad later acquired several other lines, mainly in the upper South and the Midwest, which together became known as the Chessie System. In 1972 its passenger services were taken over by Amtrak, and in 1980 it merged with Seaboard Coast Line Industries, Inc., to form the CSX Corp
Grand Trunk Railway
Early Canadian railway line, incorporated in 1852-53 to connect the key cities of eastern Canada with Portland, Me. By completing its final link in July 1853 between Montreal and Portland, it became North America's first international railroad. The main Canadian line between Montreal and Toronto opened in 1856, and the Grand Trunk eventually became the main rail system of Quebec and Ontario. It merged with the Great Western Railway (1882) and became part of the Canadian National Railways (1919-23)
Great Northern Railway Co
U.S. railroad founded by James J. Hill in 1890. Hill bought a Minnesota railroad, the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, in 1878, and extended it north to the Canadian border and west to the Pacific coast, encouraging thousands of homesteaders to settle along its tracks. Together with J. P. Morgan of the Northern Pacific Railway Co., Hill bought control of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad in 1901 and set up a holding company to control the three railroads. In 1904 the U.S. Supreme Court declared the company in violation of antitrust laws and ordered it dissolved, but the Burlington continued under control of the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific. In 1970 the three were merged under the name Burlington Northern, Inc
Northern Pacific Railway Co
Major U.S. railroad that operated between St. Paul and Seattle. It was chartered by Congress in 1864 to build a line from Lake Superior to the Pacific coast. Financed by Jay Cooke until 1873, it was later completed with Henry Villard's backing. Financially troubled in the 1890s, it was reorganized by J. P. Morgan. He shared control of it with James J. Hill, whose Great Northern Railway Co. was a competitor and who sought to combine the two railroads with the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy through the Northern Securities Co. This arrangement was declared a violation of antitrust laws by the Supreme Court in 1904, but the three railroads remained financially linked and in 1970 were permitted to merge as the Burlington Northern, Inc. Burlington Northern acquired the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. in 1980 and the Santa Fe Pacific Corp. in 1995
Pacific Railway Act
law enacted in 1862 which created the Union Pacific Railroad Company and authorized the building of a railroad to connect the western and eastern United States (U.S. History)
Pacific Railway Acts
(1862, 1864) Measures providing federal aid for construction of a U.S. transcontinental railroad. The first act granted rights-of-way to the Union Pacific Railroad to build westward from Omaha, Neb., and to the Central Pacific Railroad to build eastward from Sacramento, Calif. The second act doubled the size of the land grants adjacent to the rights-of-way and allowed the railroads to sell bonds to raise more money. Congressional investigations later showed that some railroad owners had illegally profited from the railway acts (see Crédit Mobilier scandal)
Trans-Siberian Railway
a railway that connects the Russian cities of St Petersburg and Vladivostok, the longest railway line in the world
Transcontinental Railway
railway connecting the eastern and western portions of the United States (completed May 10, 1869)
aerial railway
elevated cableway; wire which forms the way along which a trolly can travel
cable railway
railway that runs on cables and that is suspended upon the cables
cable railway
A railroad on which the cars are moved by an endless cable driven by a stationary engine. a railway on which vehicles are pulled up steep slopes by a moving cable
cable railway
a railway up the side of a mountain pulled by a moving cable and having counterbalancing ascending and descending cars
cash railway
A form of cash carrier in which a small carrier or car travels upon a kind of track
central railway station
main train station, large train station which serves all other station
cog railway
railway for steep mountains; a cogwheel on the locomotive engages cogs on a center rail to provide traction
cog railway
A railway designed to operate on steep slopes and having a locomotive with a center cogwheel that engages with a cogged center rail to provide traction. Also called rack railway
conduit railway
A system of electric traction, esp
conduit railway
for light railways, in which the actuating current passes along a wire or rail laid in an underground conduit, from which the current is "picked up"
conduit railway
for light railways, in which the actuating current passes along a wire or rail laid in an underground conduit, from which the current is "picked up" by a plow or other device fixed to the car or electric locomotive
conduit railway
by a plow or other device fixed to the car or electric locomotive
conduit railway
Hence Conduit railway
elevated railway
A railway that operates on a raised structure in order to permit passage of vehicles or pedestrians beneath it. .elevated 'railroad a railway that is above the streets in a town
elevated railway
an electric elevated railway
elevated railway
railroad which runs above ground level to allow vehicles and pedestrians to pass beneath
funicular railway
steep railway operated by means of a cable which raises and lowers the cars (often with the ascending car counterbalancing the descending one)
funicular railway
cable railway: a railway up the side of a mountain pulled by a moving cable and having counterbalancing ascending and descending cars
light railway
{i} modern form of the tram, railway used for light traffic
light railway
light 'rail an electric railway system that uses light trains and usually carries only passengers, not goods
This entry includes the total route length of the railway network and of its component parts by gauge: broad, dual, narrow, standard, and other
The predominant legal issues which currently affect the railways, relate to rail safety and the performance of the privatised rail companies
Plural of railway
scenic railway
special train used for sightseeing trips
scenic railway
small railway in an amusement park
ship railway
An inclined railway running into the water with a cradelike car on which a vessel may be drawn out on land, as for repairs
ship railway
A railway on which to transport vessels overland between bodies of water
underground railway
subway, train that travels beneath the land
underground railway
Underground Railroad: abolitionists secret aid to escaping slaves; pre-Civil War in US
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение railway в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

soğuk hava vagonu railway refrigerator car, Brit
refrigerator van