
listen to the pronunciation of radio
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Geminin kaptanı telsiz operatörüne imdat sinyali göndermesini emretti. - The ship's captain ordered the radio operator to send a distress signal.

Biz telsiz bağlantısını kaybettik. - We lost radio contact.


Lütfen radyoyu açar mısın? - Could you please turn the radio on?

Lütfen radyoyu açar mısın? - Please turn on the radio.

telsizle (haber) göndermek
telsiz alısün ya da telgraf
{i} telsiz telgraf/telefon
telsiz telgraf veya telefonla gelen haber
{f} radyografi yapmak
radyo alıcı veya vericisi
(Tıp) Radyo veya radyum (röntgen) kuvvetiyle yayılan
radyo telsiz telgraf veya telefon
{i} telsizle gelen haber
{f} radyodan yayınlamak
{f} telsizden yayınlamak
{i} telgraf (telsiz)
{f} -i radyo ile yayımlamak
radyo ile yayımlamak
radyoda kullanılan
{f} radyoterapi uygulamak
telsiz telefon
(Tıp) Bileğin dış kemiğine ait
radyo düğmesi
{f} röntgen çekmek
{i} radyo istasyonu

Fırtınadan kısa bir süre sonra radyo istasyonu yayına geri döndü. - The radio station came back on the air shortly after the storm.

Tom genelde klasik rock çalan bir radyo istasyonunu dinler. - Tom usually listens to a radio station that plays classic rock.

{f} -i telsizle haber vermek: We radioed for help. Telsizle yardım
telsiz telgrafla haberleşmek
{f} ışın tedavisi uygulamak
{i} radyo yayını
telsiz telefon ya da telgraf
radio announcer
radyo spikeri
radio antenna
ünalgı sırgavılı
radio broadcasting
ünalgı yayını
radio channel
ünalgı arnası
radio channel
telsiz arnası
radio circuit
ünalgı devresi
radio command
radio communication
radio control
radyo kontrolü
radio frequency
ünalgı tezliği
radio jamming
telsiz karıştırması
radio jamming
telsiz yayını bozma
radio link
radyo link
radio news
radyo haberleri
radio noise
radyo gürültüsü
radio opaque
radyo opak
radio operator
telsiz operatörü

Geminin kaptanı telsiz operatörüne imdat sinyali göndermesini emretti. - The ship's captain ordered the radio operator to send a distress signal.

radio receiver
ünalgı alıcısı
radio receiver transmitter
radyo alıcı vericisi
radio reflector
radyo yansıtıcısı
radio relay
ünalgı röle
radio relay
radio set
radyo seti
radio set control
radyo seti kontrolü
radio signal
radyo dalgası
radio station
ünalgı istasyonu
radio telephone
telsiz alısün
radio transmitter
radyo vericisi
radio wave
radyo dalgası
radio wave
ünalgı tolkunu
radio wave
telsiz tolkunu
(önek) radyo
ışınım geçirmeyen
radyo taksi
radio button
radyo düğmesini
radio car
radyo araba
radio cassette recorder
radyo kaset kaydedici
radio cobalt
radio command
radio echo
radyo eko
radio mechanic
radyo tamircisi
radio phone
radyo telefon
radio program
radyo programı
radio shack
radyo kulübe
radio source
radio star
radio altimeter
(Askeri) Bak. "altimeter"
radio altitude
(Askeri) TELSİZ YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Bak. "absolute altitude"
radio and panel section
(Askeri) TELSİZ VE İŞARET BEZİ KISMI: Bir alay muharebe grubu veya küçük bir birliğin kuruluşunda bulunan kıta muhabere takımının bir kısmı. Bu kısmın görevi telsiz cihazlarını işletmek ve işaret bezlerini kullanmaktır
radio and remote control vehicle
radyo ve uzaktan kumandalı araçlar
radio and wire integration
(Askeri) telli ve telsiz tamamlama
radio and wire integration
(Askeri) TELSİZ VE TELLİ BÜTÜNLEŞME: Tel devrelerinin telsiz tesisleri ile birleştirilmesi
radio approach aids
(Askeri) TELSİZLE YAKLAŞMA YARDIMCI CİHAZLARI: Bir uçağın bir havaalanı veya uçak gemisi civarına geldiği andan inişin yapılabileceği bir mevkie varana kadar mevkiini sıhhatli bir şekilde tespit için telsizden faydalanan cihaz
radio battalion
(Askeri) telsiz taburu
radio beacon
(Askeri) RADYO BİYKIN, RADYOFAR: Yön, rota veya mevkii tayini için kullanılan bir telsiz göndermeci. Cihaz bu maksatla gayet açık ve özel mahiyette bir işaret yayınlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "beacon"
radio broadcasting
radyo yayini
radio call sign
(Askeri) TELSİZ ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ: Bir telsiz istasyonunu tanıtan harflerden, rakamlardan veya hem harf hem rakamlardan oluşan bir grup
radio compass
(Askeri) RADYO KOMPAS: Telsiz istasyonlarından gelen yön işaretlerini alan sabit, daireyi çubuklu uçak anteni. İşaretler yan ıskalası üzerindeki bir gösterge tarafından kaydedilir. Bu alet, döndürülebilen ve bir dairevi anteni bulunan istikamet bulucudan (radio direction finder) farklıdır
radio control
(Askeri) TELSİZLE KONTROL: Bütün bir sistemin veya bir başka cihazın, telsiz dalgaları ile kontrolu
radio control
uzaktan kumanda etmek
radio controlled
radyo kontrollü
radio controlled
uzaktan kumandalı
radio countermeasures
(Askeri) TELSİZ KARŞI TEDBİRLERİ: Bak. "electronic warfare", "electronic countermeasures"
radio countermeasures deception
(Askeri) DÜŞMAN KARŞI TEDBİRLERİNİ ŞAŞIRTMA: Telsiz dalgalarının düşmanı şaşırtmak maksadıyla yayını veya mükerrer yayını (radition or reradiation)
radio countermeasures search or reconnaissance
(Askeri) TELSİZ KARŞI TEDBİRLERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI VEYA KEŞFİ: Düşman telsiz dalgalarının mevcudiyetini kaynağını ve diğer özelliklerini tespit için araştırılmaları veya keşfi. Ayrıca bakınız: "countermeasures"
radio day
(Askeri) telsiz günü
radio day
(Askeri) TELSİZ GÜNÜ: Gece yarısından gece yarısına uzanan ve bir telsiz istasyonunun tuttuğu tam kayıtlarla tespit edilen 24 saatlik süre
radio deception
(Askeri) TELSİZ ALDATMASI: Düşmanı aldatmak amacıyla telsiz kullanılması. Telsiz aldatması; yanlış haberler göndermek şaşırtıcı başlıklar ve düşman çağrı işaretlerini kullanmak v. s gibi hususları içine alır. Ayrıca bak. "electronic warfare"
radio detection
(Askeri) TELSİZ İNTİŞARLARININ YAKALANMASI: Telsizle mevki tayin usulünden faydalanarak bir hedefin mevcudiyetini yeri tam olarak tayin edilmeden tayin usulü
radio detection and ranging
(Askeri) RADAR: Bak. "radar"
radio detector
(Askeri) RADAR: Bak. "radio"
radio direction finder loop
radio direction finder station
(Askeri) TELSİZ İSTİKAMET KESTİRME İSTASYONU: Hava araçları ve gemilerin bir telsiz kestirme cihazı ile kerteriz alarak tayin etmelerine yarayan sabit telsiz istasyonu. Buna "direction finder station" da denir
radio direction finder; rapid deployment force
(Askeri) telsiz yön bulucusu; çevik kuvvet
radio direction finding
(Askeri) TELSİZ İSTİKAMET KESTİRMESİ: Bir istasyonun kendi yayınları vasıtasıyla sadece yönünün bulunduğu telsiz mevkii
radio direction finding data base
(Askeri) TELSİZ İSTİKAMET BULUCU VERİ BAZI: Hedef alıcı/vericilerde nirengi elde etmek amacıyla telsiz istikamet bulma faaliyetlerini desteklemek, için sağlanması gerekli hava ve kara vasıtaları ile toplanan bilgi yekünü
radio discipline
(Askeri) TELSİZ DİSİPLİNİ: Özellikle gönderme emniyetini gerektiren haberleşme şartları altında telsiz kullanılmasıyla ilgili kurallara tam riayet
radio duct
radyo olugu
radio facility charts
(Askeri) TELSİZ TESİSLERİ HARİTASI: Haritaya geçirilmiş uçuş yolları üzerindeki telsiz seyrüsefer tesislerini gösterir harita. Bu haritalardan her biri memleketin belirlibir bölgesini kapsar. Telsiz istasyonları hakiki coğrafi mevkileri ile gösterilir ve bu haritaların ölçeğide huzme mihverleri (legs of range) derecesini gösterecek kadar büyük olur
radio fix
(Askeri) TELSİZ FİKSİ: Bir dost veya düşman verici telsizinin yerinin iki veya daha fazla yön kestirme istasyonlarından kerterizlerin alınması ile tespiti. Bu durumda verici telsizin yeri kesişme noktasındadır
radio frequency
radyo frekansı
radio frequency
(Askeri) TELSİZ FREKANSI: Boşluğa yayılan herhangi bir elektriki enerji frekansı. Telsiz frekansları normal olarak ses dalgası frekanslarından daha yüksektir
radio frequency amplifier
radyo frekansinda yukseltec
radio frequency authorization; restrictive fire area
(Askeri) telsiz frekans tahsis yetkisi; sınırlı ateş bölgesi
radio frequency identification
(Askeri) telsiz frekansını tanıma
radio frequency interference
(RFİ) radyo frekansinda karisma
radio frequency spectrum
radyo frekans izgesi (spektrumu)
radio frequency/electromagnetic pulse intelligence
(Askeri) telsiz frekansı/elektromanyetik pals istihbaratı
radio frequency; reserve force; response force
(Askeri) telsiz frekansı; ihtiyat kuvveti; cevap kuvveti
radio guard
(Askeri) TELSİZ KONTROL İSTASYONU: Gönderilen telsiz haberlerini dinleyip kaydetmek ve tespit edilmiş bir frekans üzerinden belirli birlik veya birliklere ait telsiz trafiğini idare etmekle görevlendirilmiş bir gemi uçak veya yer telsiz istasyonu
radio guidance
radyolu (telsiz) gudum
radio guide
(Bilgisayar) radyo kılavuzu
radio homing
radyolu (telsiz) ozgudum
radio humeral
(Tıp) Radyus ve humerus'a ait
radio intelligence
(Askeri) TELSİZ İSTİHBARATI: Düşman telsiz yayınlarının dinlenmesi, yorumlanması ve düşman verici cihazlarının mevkilerinin tayini. Telsiz istihbaratı, aynı zamanda, telsiz disiplinini ve kripto emniyetini kontrol etmek için dost telsiz yayınlarının dinlenmesini de içine alır
radio intercept
(Askeri) YABANCI TELSİZ DİNLEMESİ: Muhabere istihbaratı temini maksadıyla, düşman ve tarafsız telsiz göndermeçlerinin teknik dinlenmesi. Bu dinleme, dost telsiz yayınlarının dinlenmesini içine almaz (monitoring)
radio intercept station
(Askeri) YABANCI TELSİZ DİNLEME İSTASYONU: Bak. "intercept station"
radio jamming
(Askeri) TELSİZ KARIŞTIRMASI: Bak. "electronic jamming"
radio landing beam
(Askeri) TELSİZLE İNDİRME İŞARETİ: Bir pilota süzülerek inişinde doğru yol üzerindeki mevkiini ve gereken yüksekliği bildirmek için, iniş meydanından verilen özel bir telsiz işareti
radio link
(Askeri) TELSİZ RÖLE SİSTEMİ: Telsiz irtibat dizisi
radio link
radio magnetic indicator
(Askeri) TELSİZ MANYETİK GÖSTERGESİ: Uçak istikamet ve kerterizini belirli telsiz seyrüsefer yardımcı istasyonlarına göre gösteren cihaz
radio marker beacon
(Askeri) TELSİZ İŞARET FARI, RADYOLAR: Alçak güçlü bir göndermeç. Bu cihaz üzerinde göndermeç bulunan radyo renç ile aynı frekans üzerinden bariz bir sinyal verir. Telsiz işaret farı, pilota belirli bir rota üzerinde ne kadar mesafe kat etmiş olduğunu gösterir. Buna kısaca (marker beacon) denir
radio mast
(Askeri) ANTEN DİPLİĞİ: Bir uçak üzerindeki telsiz antenini tutan tablo
radio meteorograph
(Askeri) METEOROLOJİ KAYITÇILARI: Atmosferin üst tabakalarındaki hava şartlarını otomatik olarak kaydedip bunları telsizle yer yüzüne bildiren alet. Bu alet; küçük bir balon ile uçurulur ve balon patlayınca alet paraşütle yere iner. Buna "radiosonde" da denir
radio modem
radyo modemi, telsiz modem
radio navigation
(Askeri) TELSİZLE SEYRÜSEFER: Seyrüseferde yön ve mevki belirlenmesi veya engel ikazı amacıyla yapılan telsiz mevkii
radio navigation guidance
(Askeri) TELSİZ SEYRÜSEFER GÜDÜMÜ: Bir füze uçuş yolu kontrol tekniği. Bu usulde; füze uçuş yolu kontrol tekniği. Bu usulde; füze uçuş yolu füze içinde mevcut ve füzeyi bir veya daha çok dış göndermeçten verilen telsiz sinyalleri ile arzu edilen yol üzerinde seyrettiren bir cihazla yan ve yüksekliğine ayarlanabilmektedir
radio net
(Askeri) TELSİZ ÇEVRİMİ: Birbirleriyle irtibatlı olarak faaliyetle bulunan askeri telsiz istasyonlaarı şebekesi. Bir telsiz çevrimi; genellikle bir üst birliğin telsiz istasyonunu ve bütün ast ve yardııncı birliklerin telsiz istasyonlarını içine alır. Bu çevrim komuta irtibat, gözetleme vesair maksatlar için kara istasyonları, kara ve hava birlikleri yada sadece hava birlikleri arasında bağlantı kurar
radio officer
(Askeri) TELSİZ SUBAYI: Bir birliğin telsiz malzemesinden telsiz malzemesinin bakımına ve işletilmesine memur personelin idaresinden sorumlu subay. Eskiden huna (radio officer) denirdi
radio opague
(Diş Hekimliği) X ışınları geçirmeye dirençli olup, radyografide de filmi karartmadığı için aydınlık bölgelerin oluşmasına yol açan
radio operator
(Askeri) TELSİZ OPERATÖRÜ: Telsiz göndermeç ve almaçlarını çalıştırarak telsiz sinyallerini gönderen ve alan şahıs
radio operator
radio or wireless set
(Askeri) Telsiz
radio paging service
radyo cagri hizmeti
radio position finding
(Askeri) TELSİZ KESTİRMESİ: Bir veya daha çok telsiz istikamet kestirme cihazı tarafından tespit edilen istikamet açılarının kesişme noktalarını işaretlemek suretiyle bir telsiz göndermecinin yerini bulma işlemi
radio procedure
(Askeri) TELSİZ İŞLETME USULÜ: Zaman kazanmak ve karışıklığa engel olmak için telsiz operatörleri tarafından kullanılan kalıplaşmış gönderme usulleri. Telsiz işletme usulü, yeknesaklığı temin suretiyle güveni artırır
radio range
(Askeri) RADYO RENÇ: Hava seyrüseferine yardımcı vasıta olarak kullanılan radyo renç istasyonu ile bu istasyona bağlı radyofarlar ve telsizle istikamet verme cihazları dizisi. Ayrıca bakınız: "directional radio range"
radio range beacon
(Askeri) RADYO RENÇ FARI: Uçaklara yol göstermek için telsiz dalgaları demeti yayınlayan göndermeç. Buna "beacon" da denir
radio range finding
(Askeri) TELSİZLE MESAFE BULMA: Bir nesnenin uzaklığının aynı veya başka dalga boyunda tekrar gönderilen ya da bağımsız yansıtılan kendi telsiz yayınları vasıtasıyla belirlendiği telsiz mevkii
radio range station
(Askeri) TELSİZ MESAFE İSTASYONU: Telsiz eşit-sinyal bölgeleri temin eden hava telsizle seyrüsefer hizmetindeki bir telsiz seyrüsefer kara istasyonu. Bazı durumlarda telsiz mesafe istasyonu bir gemiye yerleştirilebilir
radio receiver transmitter
radyo alıcı-vericisi
radio recognition
(Askeri) TELSİZLE TANIMA: Bir başka telsizin dost veya düşman maiyetini ya da kimliğini telsiz vasıtasıyla tayin işlemi
radio recognization and identification
(Askeri) TELSİZLE TANIMA VE TANITMA: Bak. "identification Friend and Foe"
radio relay system
(Askeri) TELSİZ ROLE SİSTEMİ, RADYOLİNK SİSTEMİ: Ana hat devreleri yerine çok yüksek Frekans ve görüş hattı üzerinde faaliyet gösterir telsiz almaç ve göndermeçleri kullanan haberleşme sistemi. Bu sistem: karanportör teçhizatı ile birlikte kullanıldığı zaman, hem ses hem telemprimör çalışmaları için kanallar temin eder
radio silence
(Askeri) TELSİZ SUSMASI: Yayın yapma kabiliyetinde olan bütün veya bazı telsiz cihazlarının faaliyet dışı tutuldukları bir süre. Birleşik müşterek veya kuvvetlerarası haberleşmelerde bu kurala uyacak frekans bantları ve cihaz tipleri belirtilmiş olmalıdır. Ayrıca bak. "listening silence"
radio sonobuoy
(Askeri) SONAR ŞAMANDIRASI: Bak. "sonobuoy"
radio spectra
ışın tayfları
radio telephone
(Askeri) TELSİZ TELEFON: Konuşmanın modüle edilmiş ses dalgalarıyla gönderilmesi
radio telephone
(Askeri) Telsiz-Telefon
radio teletype
(Askeri) telsiz telemprimör
radio transmitter
(Askeri) TELSİZ GÖNDERMECİ: Bak. "transmitter"
radio wave
(Askeri) TELSİZ DALGASI: Radyo frekans elektrik dalgası
radio waves
radio waves
radio wire integration
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK TELLİ TELSİZ HABERLEŞME: Telli devreleri telsiz tesisleriyle birleştirme tekniği
telsiz bağlantısı kurarak
the radio
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To use two-way radio to transmit (a message) (to another radio or other radio operator)

I think the boat is sinking; we'd better radio for help. / I radioed him already. / Radio the coordinates this time. / OK. I radioed them the coordinates.

A device that can capture (receive) the signal sent over radio waves and render the modulated signal as sound
The continuous broadcasting of sound recordings via the Internet in the style of traditional radio
The technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves
A device that can transmit radio signals
To order or assist to a location, using telecommunications

Could you call them here? I'd like to talk to them. Or if they're out in the field, radio them in.”.

A form INPUT TYPE Creates a radio button Radio buttons are mutually exclusive, only one may be selected If you want the user to be able to make multiple selections use checkboxes Example: The Gators will win the SEC this year! True False Only time will tell! <form><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME=Q1 VALUE="true">True <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME=Q1 VALUE="false">False <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME=Q1 VALUE="time">Only time will tell! </form>
Radio is a system for the distribution of advertisement, chiefly brand advertisement for package-goods, and advertisement for recorded music sold by BigCos To describe radio as a system for the diffusion of news, or of music, or as a technology, would be not only inaccurate but actually misleading Radio is a creature of the advertising business, as its child, TV
Radio is the broadcasting of programmes for the public to listen to, by sending out signals from a transmitter. The announcement was broadcast on radio and television
The wireless transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of electromagnetic waves
A communications device allowing the wireless transmission through space of audible signals encoded in electromagnetic waves in the approximate frequency range from 10 kilohertz to 300,000 megahertz
Region of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to radiation of the longest wavelengths
indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry
You can refer to the programmes broadcast by radio stations as the radio. A lot of people tend to listen to the radio in the mornings
Radio is a system of sending sound over a distance by transmitting electrical signals. They are in twice daily radio contact with the rebel leader
medium for communication
Sites with ties to a radio network, station, or program, either on the air or on the Web This category includes sites that relate to a specific musical or talk-radio show, segment, or station
A frequency that is higher than the audio frequencies but below the infrared frequencies, usually above 20 KHz
A radio is the piece of equipment that you use in order to listen to radio programmes. He sat down in the armchair and turned on the radio
Mask sounds of parts falling from vehicle Qualifier for disability
a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves
A radio is a piece of equipment that is used for sending and receiving messages. the young constable who managed to raise the alarm on his radio
A combining form indicating connection with, or relation to, a radius or ray; specifically Anat
a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves medium for communication transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help" indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry
a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves medium for communication transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help"
the lowest-frequency domain that we've needed to name It extends from wavelengths of a kilometer or so, the longest that will propagate through the interstellar medium, down to about a millimeter (where we generally start speaking of the millimeter, microwave, or even far-infrared) Detection of radio radiation is often done using wave techniques rather than photon-counting, because of the low photon energies, and this offers distinct advantages for such applications as interferometery which astronomers working in the infrared and optical regimes view with some envy From active nuclei, we often detect synchrotron radiation in this range - radiation produced as energetic charged particles (mostly electrons) produce when they are deflected by magnetic fields
The receiving unit for broadcast AM or FM signals
with the radius of the forearm; as, radio-ulnar, radio- muscular, radio-carpal
Of or pertaining to, or employing, or operated by, radiant energy, specifically that of electric waves; hence, pertaining to, or employed in, radiotelegraphy
A form of wireless communications in which the output of the transmitter takes the form of dissipating electromagnetic radiation which spreads outward from the antenna through free space The signal strength drops off as the square of the distance from the source of radiation Distant radio receivers have to be very sensitive to detect signals that can measure only a few microvolts per meter in strength
An instrument that uses electromagnetic waves to communicate with other vessels VHF (very high frequency) radios are common for marine use, but are limited in range SSB (single sideband) radios have longer ranges
{f} broadcast by radio, transmit by radio
Las Palmas Radio -EAL- for SSB frequency and Fuerteventura Radio for VHF
advertising through AM/FM and public radio channels
{s} pertaining to radio; broadcast via radio; pertaining to or based on radio waves
If you radio someone, you send a message to them by radio. The officer radioed for advice A few minutes after take-off, the pilot radioed that a fire had broken out. to send a message using a radio radio for. Electromagnetic radiation of lower frequency (hence longer wavelength) than visible light or infrared radiation, and consisting of the range of frequencies used for navigation signals, AM and FM broadcasting, television transmissions, cell-phone communications, and various forms of radar. For radio transmission, information is imparted to a carrier wave by varying (modulating) its amplitude, frequency, or duration. The technology of radio arose from the work of Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz, Guglielmo Marconi, and others, and improvement followed the development of the vacuum tube, the electronic-tube oscillator, the tuned circuit, and other components. Later innovations have included the replacement of tubes by transistors and of wires by printed circuits. See also radio and radar astronomy. pulsating radio star quasi stellar radio source National Public Radio radio and radar astronomy radio telescope radio wave RKO Radio Pictures Inc
An instrument that uses radio waves to communicate with other vessels VHF (very high frequency) radios are common for marine use, but are limited in range Single side band (SSB) radios have longer ranges
{i} method of transmitting sound via electromagnetic waves; device used to receive and play radio broadcasts
The use of electromagnetic waves, lying in the radio frequency range, for communications purposes
A device that can transmit radio signal
1 Communication by electromagnetic waves, without a connecting wire
transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help"
indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry"
>1 mm -3 eV
an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals
radio alarm
A combination radio and alarm clock; a radio alarm clock
radio alarm
A burglar alarm or fire alarm that transmits a warning radio signal when activated
radio alarm clock
A combination radio and alarm clock
radio astronomer
A person who studies radio astronomy
radio astronomers
plural form of radio astronomer
radio astronomy
The branch of astronomy which utilizes radio waves through the use of radio telescopes to study celestial bodies and occurrences
radio beacon
A beacon that emits radio wave signal to guide ships and/or aircraft
radio beacons
plural form of radio beacon
radio burst
A brief emission of intense radio waves from a star etc
radio button
Any of a line of preset buttons on a car radio used to select the station to be listened to; pressing one releases the others

thumb|Radio buttons on a Windows computer.

radio button
Any of a group of widgets in a graphical user interface that is used to select one of a group of options; the selection of any one deselects the others
radio cassette
A radio cassette player or radio cassette recorder
radio cassette player
A combination radio and cassette player
radio cassette recorder
A combination radio and cassette recorder
radio clock
A clock that is synchronized to a remote time standard by means of radio signals
radio collar
A radio transmitter, fastened to a wild animal, (usually around the neck) so that the animal's movements may be tracked
radio control
use of radio signals to remotely control a device
radio drama
dramatized, purely acoustic performance, broadcast on radio or published on audio media, such as tape or CD

Radio dramas in America are online.

radio dramas
plural form of radio drama
radio energy
The energy transmitted by radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation
radio fix
The location of a vessel or aircraft by taking bearings to two transmitters of known position
radio fix
The location of a radio transmitter by taking bearings from two receivers
radio frequencies
plural form of radio frequency
radio frequency
A frequency in this range
radio frequency
That part of the electromagnetic spectrum, between about 3 kHz and 300 MHz, within which radio waves are transmitted
radio frequency integrated circuit
An integrated circuit containing analog circuitry operating at frequencies in and above the ultrahigh frequency band
radio galaxies
plural form of radio galaxy
radio galaxy
Type of galaxy that is very luminous at radio wavelengths
radio halo
A diffuse region of material, surrounding a galaxy or a pulsar, that emits radio waves
radio interferometer
A radio telescope that has two or more separated receiving antennas in order to measure angular distances as small as one second of arc
radio interferometry
Interferometry using a radio interferometer
radio jet
Either of a pair of intense beams of radio waves emitted by a microquasar or similar object
radio jock
A radio jockey
radio jockey
A disk jockey who hosts a radio talk show
radio knife
a surgical instrument that uses a high-frequency electric arc to cut through or cut away tissue and at the same time sterilize the edges of the wound and seal cut blood vessels
radio modem
A wireless modem
radio monitoring
The systematic listening to, and reporting of, foreign radio transmissions in order to gather intelligence
radio nebula
Any nebula that emits radio waves
radio officer
The person, on board ship, who sends and receives radio messages
radio reception
The receiving of radio signals
radio reception
The quality of the sound produced by a radio as a result of the strength of the signal, and the presence of interference
radio silence
the period of time during which this status exists
radio silence
a status maintained where all fixed or mobile radio stations in an area stop transmitting (sometimes limited to certain frequency bands)
radio sounding
Investigation of the upper atmosphere by use of a radiosonde
radio source
Any astronomical object that emits radio waves

Some quasars are bright radio sources.

radio station
broadcast station emitting an audio signal
radio stations
plural form of radio station
radio tag
A small radio transmitter attached to an object (especially to an animal) in order to track its location
radio tagging
The use of radio tags to track the location of objects (especially of animals)
radio telegraphy
The transmission of Morse code (etc) using radio
radio telemetry
Telemetry by use of radio waves

The robot aircraft was controlled and monitored by radio-telemetry.

radio telephony
The transmission of speech using modulated radio waves
radio telescope
A device for observing astronomical sources of radio waves, normally having one or more large parabolic dishes
radio telescopes
plural form of radio telescope
radio tower
A tower or mast containing one or more antennas to transmit radio signals
radio tracking
The continuous monitoring of the position and range of a remote object using radio
radio wave
electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength between about .5 centimeters and 30,000 meters; used for the broadcasting of radio and television signals
radio waves
plural form of radio wave
radius (bone)
radio (broadcasting)
That emits significant amounts of radio waves; radio-luminous
Fitted with a radio collar
controlled remotely using radio signals
radio-controlled car
a model car controlled by remote
Of or pertaining to electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency band of the spectrum
radio-frequency identification
The storage and retrieval of data using tags attached to individual packages, animals or people; the tags contain an integrated circuit to store and process the data, and an antenna to transmit and receive such data
That emits significant amounts of radio waves; radio-bright
Attributive form of radio station

radio-station employee.

To attach a radio tag to an object
Alternative spelling of radio tag
Fitted with a radio tag
Simple past tense and past participle of radio-tag
Radio 1
a BBC radio station which broadcasts mostly pop music and is listened to mostly by young people
Radio 2
a BBC radio station which broadcasts popular music and entertainment programmes. Unlike Radio 1, Radio 2 does not play the most recent music, and it is listened to especially by older people
Radio 3
a BBC radio station which broadcasts mostly classical music
Radio 4
a BBC radio station which broadcasts programmes on news and politics, as well as plays and arts programmes
Radio 5 Live
a BBC radio station which broadcasts news and sports programmes 24 hours a day
Radio City Music Hall
a large theatre in New York City, where concerts, film festivals, the Tony Awards ceremony, and shows with lots of singing and dancing take place
Radio Free Europe
U.S.-sponsored radio station located in Prague (established in order to broadcast to citizens of Communist Eastern Europe during the 1950s)
Radio Frequency Identification
{i} RFID, automatic electronic tracking and identification system for storing information sent by radio waves and remote retrieval of data using tags or small labels used to track movement of merchandise or parcels and baggage (the system was originally developed to track cattle)
Radio Head
famous British rock and roll band
Radio Liberty
U.S.-sponsored radio station located in Prague (established in order to broadcast to citizens of Communist Eastern Europe during the 1950s)
Radio Shack
large chain of stores in the United States that sells electronic appliances
Radio Times
a British weekly magazine that gives the times and details of television and radio programmes, as well as articles about programmes, actors, etc
radio and radar astronomy
Study of celestial bodies by measuring the energy they emit or reflect at radio wavelengths. It began in 1931 with Karl Jansky's discovery of radio waves from an extraterrestrial source. After 1945, huge dish antennas, improved receivers and data-processing methods, and radio interferometers let astronomers study fainter sources and obtain greater detail. Radio waves penetrate much of the gas and dust in space, giving a much clearer picture of the centre and structure of the Milky Way Galaxy than optical observation can. This has allowed detailed studies of the interstellar medium in the Galaxy and the discovery of previously unknown cosmic objects (e.g., pulsars, quasars). In radar astronomy, radio signals are sent to near-Earth bodies or phenomena (e.g., meteor trails, the Moon, asteroids, nearby planets) and the reflections detected, providing precise measurement of the objects' distances and surface structure. Because radar waves can penetrate even dense clouds, they have provided astronomers' only maps of the surface of Venus. Radio and radar studies of the Moon revealed its sandlike surface before landings were made. Radio observations have also contributed greatly to knowledge about the Sun. See also radio telescope
radio announcer
an announcer whose voice is broadcast on radio
radio antenna
omnidirectional antenna comprising the part of a radio receiver by means of which radio signals are received
radio astronomy
Radio astronomy is a branch of science in which radio telescopes are used to receive and analyse radio waves from space. The branch of astronomy that deals with the origin and nature of emissions from extraterrestrial sources in the radio wave range of electromagnetic radiation rather than in the visible astronomer n
radio beacon
a radio station that broadcasts a directional signal for navigational purposes a characteristic signal emitted by a transmitter used for navigation
radio beacon
fixed ground-based radio transmitter that serves as a navigation aid in determining the direction or position for ships and aircrafts
radio beacon
A fixed radio transmitter that broadcasts distinctive signals as a navigational aid. a tower that sends out radio signals to help aircraft stay on the correct course
radio beam
A focused beam of radio signals transmitted by a radio beacon to guide aircraft or ships
radio beam
a signal transmitted along a narrow path; guides pilots in darkness or bad weather
radio brightness
the strength of a radio wave picked up by a radio telescope
radio broadcast
transmission of radio signal; dispatch of a message through radio waves
radio broadcast
a broadcast via radio
radio broadcaster
radio announcer, radio host, radio disc-jockey
radio bulb
name for each of the thermo-ionic receivers in a radio
radio button
A button that a user clicks to set an option Unlike checkboxes, radio buttons are mutually exclusive--selecting one radio button deselects all other radio buttons in the group Radio buttons are created using the JRadioButton component See also checkbox
radio button
Similar to a checkbox in functionality, as a way to indicate a preference on an electronic form
radio button
A form field that presents the user with a selection that can be chosen by clicking on a button Radio buttons are presented in a list, one of which is selected by default Selecting a new member of the list deselects the currently selected item
radio button
A form field that presents a site visitor with a selection that can be chosen by clicking on a button Radio buttons are presented in a list, one of which is selected by default Selecting a new member of the list deselects the currently selected item See also check box
radio button
A button within a group of buttons Only one button in the group can be clicked at any one time
radio button
A circle with text beside it Radio buttons are combined to show a user a fixed set of choices from which the user can select one The circle becomes partially filled when a choice is selected
radio button
a little open circle beside something you can select; You have to click in the circle to place a small black dot showing you have selected that item
radio button
Used in forms to indicate a list of items Only one button can be selected at one time Here is an example: A B Reference File: Radio Button
radio button
A form field that presents a user with a selection that can be chosen by clicking on a button Radio buttons are presented in a list, one of which is selected by default Selecting a new member of the list deselects the currently selected item
radio button
Form input tag used to select one option from among several choices
radio button
A selection widget that, when grouped with other radio buttons, allows the user to select a single option from a set of choices A radio button is known as an option button in MS Windows Contrast with check box
radio button
These are similar to checkboxes but differ in the sense that they are used to make a single selection out of two or more options In any group of radio buttons only one can be selected, whereas in a group of checkboxes each one can be checked or uncheked independently of the others To select a radio button click in the circle : -
radio button
In Windows dialog boxes, several choices may be marked by circles, only one of which can be chosen by placing a dot in the appropriate circle
radio button
A control for one of a set of mutually exclusive, but related, choices
radio button
( font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=197 ) Indicates a fixed set of choices Only one of the buttons in the set can be selected at a time A circle with text beside it The circle is partially filled when a choice is selected
radio button
One in a group of buttons of which only one can be on at a time (such as the presets on a car radio) When you select one radio button, the others are automatically deselected Compare checkbox
radio button
Radio buttons appear a lot in Windows' applications They are used when you have to make a choice, i e an online Multiple Choice test would contain radio buttons so the student could choose "a" "b" "c" or "d"
radio button
Used in forms to indicate a list of items Only one can be selected at a time
radio button
button in a dialog box in Windows which allows a user to choose from a number of options
radio button
Radio buttons often appear in Windows applications They are used when you have to make a choice Each option may have a circle by it, and if you click inside the circle it becomes selected (e g , goes from white to black) If you select a second option the first one becomes deselected because you can select only one from the list
radio button
In a dialog box, an input which is either selected or not Only one radio button in a group can be chosen
radio button
Radio buttons are a common component of electronic forms that prompt the user to make an exclusive choice from a group of related options
radio button
A control that appears onscreen as a small circle A radio button displays one of two settings: on (indicated by a black dot inside the circle) or off A radio button is always a part of a group of related radio buttons in which only one button can be on at a time When the user clicks an unmarked radio button, the application turns that button on and turns the other buttons in its group off
radio buttons
A group of selectable components in which only one component may be selected Selection of one of the group causes the previously selected component to be deselected
radio buttons
A user interface gadget that behave like the buttons on an old car radio, one--and only one--button in a group of radio buttons is selected at any time
radio buttons
On a search form, circles or boxes which, when clicked on with a mouse, "turn on" or select a particular option Usually only one option can be selected at a time
radio buttons
Commands that can be turned on from a list of choices in a dialog box or window (p 37)
radio buttons
Found in forms and Windows programs, these allow the toggling of choices or preferences A filled button indicates that a selection has been made while an unfilled button indicates no selection (Please use the back button of your web browser to return to the previous document)
radio buttons
A set of circles beside a list You select one item in the list by clicking on the corresponding circle
radio buttons
A set of circle buttons indicating possible selections When an item is selected the circle goes dark Only one selection can be made for a set of circles
radio cassette
A radio cassette is a radio and a cassette player together in a single machine. a radio cassette player
radio cassette recorder
small tape player with a radio
radio chassis
a chassis for a radio receiver
radio collar
A collar fitted with a small radio transmitter that when attached to a wild animal can be used in tracking the animal's movements by radio telemetry
radio communication
cordless communication accomplished by means of radio waves
radio communication unit
communications device, cordless device used for communication by transmitting radio signals
radio compass
radio receiver that identifies the direction of movement according to radio signals
radio compass
a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals
radio compass
A navigational aid consisting of an automatic radio receiver and a directional antenna that determine the transmission direction of incoming radio waves
radio contact
exchange of information via radio waves
radio controlled model
small toy aircraft that is flown and controlled by radio signals
radio drama
play performed over the radio, dramatic performance broadcast over the radio
radio fix
locating of radio transmitter (which is at the point of intersection) by bearings taken from 2 or more direction finding stations; location of a ship or plane by determining the direction of radio signals that arrive to the ship or plane from 2 or more sending stations the locations of which are known
radio frequency
Radio frequency refers to a signal generated by a radio transmitter and sent out through an antenna The frequency of the transmission is described in terms of the number of cycles per second or Hertz (Hz) A radio would be tuned to this frequency in order to receive the transmission A radio signal is sometimes referred to by its initials, "RF"
radio frequency
A generic term for radio-based technology
radio frequency
Frequency in the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between audible frequencies and infrared frequencies Present practical limits are roughly 10 kilohertz to 100,000 megahertz
radio frequency
RF (as oposed to IF) refers to the incoming frequency or band of frequencies being studied In an heterodyne receiver the RF is mixed down to an IF band In bolometers the RF band is measured directly
radio frequency
A frequency at which coherent electromagnetic radiation of energy is useful for communications Radio frequencies are designated as very low: <30 kHz, low: 30 to 300 kHz, medium: 300 to 3,000 kHz, high: 3 to 30 MHz, very high: 30 to 300 MHz, ultrahigh: 300 to 3,000 MHz, superhigh: 3 to 30 GHz, and extremely high: 30 to 300 GHz
radio frequency
  Waves transmitted in the range within which radio waves may be transmitted
radio frequency
Any frequency that corresponds to radio signals, including those used by cellular telephones and wireless networks
radio frequency
The area (or band) of the electromagnetic spectrum where most radio communication takes place, typically from 100 KHz to 100 GHz
radio frequency
A frequency band in the electromagnetic spectrum with frequencies in the millons of cycles per second [Chapter 3]
radio frequency
Electromagnetic carrier waves upon which audio, video, or data signals can be superimposed for transmission
radio frequency
The frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum that are used for radio communications
radio frequency
On-line communication of data using radio-equipped computers
radio frequency
RF for short That part of the spectrum from approx 50kHz to gigahertz
radio frequency
GHz, MHz, Hz The international unit for measuring frequency is Hertz (Hz), which is equivalent to the older unit of cycles per second One Mega-Hertz (MHz) is one million Hertz One Giga-Hertz (GHz) is one billion Hertz For reference: the standard US electrical power frequency is 60 Hz, the AM broadcast radio frequency band is 0 55 -1 6 MHz, the FM broadcast radio frequency band is 88-108 MHz, and microwave ovens typically operate at 2 45 GHz
radio frequency
(RF) The frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum that are used for radio communications
radio frequency
The group of electromagnetic wavelengths between 500 KHz and 300 GHz   These wavelengths are used to transmit data or voice signals through the air, to avoid dependence on terrestrial wire transmissions
radio frequency
That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum extending from 500,000 cycles per second (500 kHz) to 500 million cycles per second (500 MHz)
radio frequency
  Any frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum normally associated with radio wave propagation (188)  For designation of subdivisions, see electromagnetic spectrum and associated diagram
radio frequency
an electromagnetic wave frequency between audio and infrared
radio frequency
The frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum normally associated with radio wave propagation Sometimes defined as any frequency at which transmission of coherent electromagnetic energy radiation is possible Any frequency at which electromagnetic radiation is useful for telecommunication
radio frequency
Typically a frequency from 20 kHz to 3 GHZ RF is usually referred to whenever a signal is radiated through the air Literally, any and all frequencies that can be radiated as an electromagnetic wave
radio frequency
frequency of wavelength of a radio wave
radio frequency
That group of electromagnetic energy whose wavelengths are between the audio and the light range Electromagnetic waves transmitted usually are between 500 KHz and 300 GHz
radio frequency
That part of the spectrum from approximately 50kHz to gigahertz
radio frequency
Any ac frequency at which coherent electromagnetic radiation of energy is possible Usually considered to denote frequencies above 150 kilohertz and extending up to the infrared range
radio frequency
one suitable for radio transmission, about 10^4 Hz and below 3 X 10^12 Hz
radio frequency automatic identification
(Ticaret) (RFID) A location and identification system using radio frequency signals that employs a transceiver, antenna and tag associated with a product and location to transmit data. The systems do not require a direct line of sight or contact and can transmit at high speed, but are more costly than other data collection technologies such as bar coding. RFID systems are often used for inventory tracking in large warehouse and distribution center facilities
radio frequency identification
A method of reading a card using radio frequency energy to transmit information from the card to a reader See Proximity
radio frequency identification
The process of using an electrical transponder which stores information that can be used to identify the item to which the transponder is attached, similar to the way in which a bar code on a label stores information that can be used to identify the item to which the label is attached
radio frequency identification
The use of small radio transponders which are activated by a reading transmitter The transponder can carry a unique ID code or other information in its memory, and can be read at a distance without line of sight