
listen to the pronunciation of punishment
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Raskolnikov, Dostoyevski tarafından yazılan Suç ve Ceza isimli kitabının baş kahramanıdır. - Raskolnikov is the protagonist of the book of Crime and Punishment written by Dostoevsky.

Tom aldığı cezayı hakketti. - Tom deserved the punishment he got.

(Osmanlıca) tecziye
zarar verme

Bireysel suçların sonucunun ortak cezalandırma olması gerekir. - The consequence of individual crimes should be collective punishment.

kötü davranma
{i} sert davranma
{i} hırpalama
{i} yüklenme
{i} eziyet
{i} ağır çalıştırma
{i} zahmet

Tom beni cezalandırmak istedi. - Tom wanted to punish me.

Lincoln güneyi cezalandırmak istemedi. - Lincoln did not want to punish the south.

cezaya çarptırmak
punishment homework
Ceza olarak verilen ev ödevi
punishment contingency
ceza ihtimali
punishment purpose
(Kanun) Cezalandırma amacı
punishment book
(Askeri) ceza defteri
punishment book
(Askeri) CEZA DEFTERİ: Bir bölük veya benzeri birlik komutanı tarafından tutulan ve içinde, erler tarafından işlenmiş bütün basit suçlarla bu suçlardan herhangi birine, Askeri Ceza ve Askeri Ceza Mahkemeleri Usulü Kanunu'nun 15 nci maddesine göre verilmiş cezalar bulunan kayıt defteri
punishment execution
ceza infaz
punishment norm
ceza normu
punishment restricting freedom
hürriyeti bağlayıcı ceza
purpose of punishment
(Kanun) Cezalandırma amacı
{f} ceza vermek
corporal punishment

Ben işkenceye kesin olarak karşıyım. - I'm firmly opposed to corporal punishment.

dayak atmak
impose punishment
ceza uygulamak
inflict punishment on
just punishment
adil ceza
need for punishment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) cezalandırılma ihtiyacı
hakkından gelmek
hesabını görmek
ceza uygulamak
reduce the punishment
cezayı indirmek
serious capital punishment
(Ticaret) büyük maddi ceza
capital punishment
idam cezası
capital punishment
ölüm cezası
corporal punishment
bedensel ceza
corporal punishment
death punishment
ölüm cezası
disciplinary punishment
disiplin cezası

Öğrenci sigara içtiği için cezalandırıldı. - The pupil was punished for smoking.

O, yalan söylediği için cezalandırıldı. - Because he lied, he was punished.

kötü biçimde dövmek
self punishment
kendini cezalandırma
collective punishment
toplu ceza
escape without punishment for
ceza almadan kurtulmak
extrajudicial punishment
Yargısız infaz
glutton for punishment
ceza için öbür
mild punishment
hafif ceza
pecuniary punishment
para cezası

Ona korkunç cezalar söz verildi. - Terrible punishments were promised her.

revenge; punishment, vengeance
intikam, ceza, intikam
to annul the punishment
cezayı iptal etmek
wheel of punishment
ceza tekerleği
accessory punishment
(Kanun) fer'i ceza
additional punishment
(Kanun) mütemmim ceza
company punishment
(Askeri) BÖLÜK DİSİPLİN CEZASI: Bir bölük komutanı tarafından, askeri mahkemeye intikal ettirilmeden verilen disiplin cezaları. Buna "company discipline" de denir
deducting from punishment
(Kanun) cezadan mahsup etme
dropped punishment
(Kanun) düşmüş ceza
duration of punishment
(Kanun) ceza müddeti
executed punishment
(Kanun) infaz edilmiş ceza
glutton for punishment
(deyim) açgözlü
glutton for punishment
(deyim) eziyetli işler delisi
imposing punishment
(Kanun) ceza verme
increasing of punishment
(Kanun) cezanın arttırılması
inflict punishment on
-e ceza vermek/verdirmek
liberty binding punishment
hürriyeti bağlayıcı ceza
nonjudicial punishment
(Askeri) DİSİPLİN CEZASI: Bir komutanın, askeri mahkemede yargılamayı icap ettirmeyen bir suçtan dolayı, bir askeri şahsa verdiği hafif ceza veya uyguladığı ıslah tedbirleri
physical punishment
beden cezası
principal punishment
(Kanun) asıl ceza
şiddetle dövmek
hırpalamak punishablecezalandırılır
ıstırap çektirmek
cezaya layık
{f} silip süpürmek
tekdir etmek
{f} yalayıp yutmak
yola getirmek
{f} dövmek
dili zorluk
reciprocal punishment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) karşılıklı ceza
revoke the punishment
(Kanun) cezayı kaldırmak
severest punishment
(Kanun) en ağır ceza
suspension of punishment
(Kanun) cezanın tecili
suspension of punishment
(Kanun) cezanın ertelenmesi
the supreme punishment
idam cezası
the supreme punishment
ölüm cezası
type of punishment
(Kanun) ceza türü
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A suffering by pain or loss imposed as retribution
Any treatment or experience so harsh it feels like being punished
The act or process of punishing, imposing and/or applying a sanction
A penalty to punish wrongdoing, especially for crime
{n} any thing inflicted for a crime
The New Testament lays down the general principles of good government, but contains no code of laws for the punishment of offenders Punishment proceeds on the principle that there is an eternal distinction between right and wrong, and that this distinction must be maintained for its own sake It is not primarily intended for the reformation of criminals, nor for the purpose of deterring others from sin These results may be gained, but crime in itself demands punishment (See MURDER; THEFT )
Punishment is the act of punishing someone or of being punished. a group which campaigns against the physical punishment of children I have no doubt that the man is guilty and that he deserves punishment
Deliberate infliction of harm as a moral sanction against offenders Punishment may be understood, designed, and applied according to any of the three major varieties of normative theory: retribution and reparation focus on satisfaction of duties, deterrence and prevention on securing desirable outcomes, and reform and rehabilitation on improving moral character Recommended Reading: Nigel Walker, Why Punish? (Oxford, 1991) {at Amazon com}; David A Hoekema, Rights and Wrongs: Coercion, Punishment and the State (Susquehanna, 1987) {at Amazon com}; Punishment, ed by John Simmons, Marshall En, Joshua Cohen, and Thomas Scanlon (Princeton, 1994) {at Amazon com}; Louis P Pojman and Jeffrey Reiman, The Death Penalty (Rowman & Littlefield, 1998) {at Amazon com}; and David Garland, Punishment and Modern Society: A Study in Social Theory (Chicago, 1993) {at Amazon com} Also see SEP, OCP, Hugo Adam Bedau, IEP, noesis, and BGHT
A consequent stimulus that reduces the probability a behavior will occur
Presentation of an aversive event or removal of a positive event following a response which decreases the frequency of that response
an event that immediately follows a behavior and results in that behavior being reduced or eliminated
Remember positive and negative reinforcement increasethe responses they follow Punishment is likely to decrease those responses
An instrumental conditioning procedure in which an aversive stimulus is made contingent on a response (Anderson)
A process for weakening behavior which can take one of two forms First, an aversive or noxious stimulus can be made contingent on the response to be weakened Second, a positively reinforcing stimulus can be withheld or removed contingent on the response to be weakened
the act of punishing
A punishment is a particular way of punishing someone. The government is proposing tougher punishments for officials convicted of corruption
A stimulus that decreases the probability that a previous behavior will occur again
Punishment is a term from Psychological Learning Theory that has a precise meaning; it refers to something that causes a behavior to lessen in intensity There is nothing that is intrinsically punishing A thing is called punishing if, when it is applied, it results in the reduction of behavior that you want to reduce
The punishment for failure to comply with a sentence or pay a fine on time is one degree higher than the original sentence or fine For disrupting court proceeedings, the minimum sentence is a minor fine, and the maximum is a major fine For violating a court order or injunction, the minimum sentence is a minor fine, and there is no maximum sentence
The application of an aversive stimulus following some behavior designed to decrease the probability of that behavior
You can use punishment to refer to severe physical treatment of any kind. Don't expect these types of boot to take the punishment that gardening will give them. see also capital punishment, corporal punishment. capital punishment corporal punishment strong and hard punishment
any event whose presence decreases the likelihood that ongoing behaviour will recur
A negative consequence of a behavior, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of the behavior that produces it (p 211)
Penalty for wrongdoing, especially for crime
A consequence that decreases the future probability of a response One type of punishment involves thepresentation of a nonprefered event following the misbehavior A second type of punishment involves the withdrawal of a positive reinforcer following the misbehavior
The least effective way of changing someone's behaviour or improving their performance
A penalty inflicted by a court of justice on a convicted offender as a just retribution, and incidentally for the purposes of reformation and prevention
The adding of a negative stimulus in order to decrease a response (e g , spanking a child to decrease negative behavior)
Any pain, suffering, or loss inflicted on a person because of a crime or offense
Severe, rough, or disastrous treatment
The application of an aversive stimulus following some behavior designed to decrease the probability of that behavior [2]
{i} discipline, penalty; fine, financial penalty
Anything that decreases the likelihood of a response being offered
capital punishment
punishment by death
false punishment
The act of penalizing someone for something that he or she did not commit. Unauthorized disciplinary action
glutton for punishment
One persistent in an effort in spite of harmful or unpleasant results

I should have quit this job long ago, but I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.

To cause great harm to. (a punishing blow)
To cause to suffer for crime or misconduct, to administer disciplinary action
To injure, as by beating; to pommel
{v} to chastise, beat, inflict penalties
glutton for punishment
(deyim) A greedy person; someone who wants too much of something, such as food or drink, which will make him sick. "Fred eats so much red meat that he is a regular glutton for punishment."
Crime and Punishment
{i} famous Russian novel written by Dostoyevsky in 1866 about fear and regret of a student (Raskolnikoff) after he murdered an old woman for her money
a punishment
argumentation of punishment
period in a legal trial when the lawyers debate on what punishment a criminal should receive
capital punishment
death sentence
capital punishment
Capital punishment is punishment which involves the legal killing of a person who has committed a serious crime such as murder. Most democracies have abolished capital punishment. The penalty of death for the commission of a crime. punishment which involves killing someone who has committed a crime death penalty. or death penalty Execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. Capital punishment for murder, treason, arson, and rape was widely employed in ancient Greece, and the Romans also used it for a wide range of offenses. It also has been sanctioned at one time or another by most of the world's major religions. In 1794 the U.S. state of Pennsylvania became the first jurisdiction to restrict the death penalty to first-degree murder, and in 1846 Michigan abolished capital punishment for all murders and other common crimes. In 1863 Venezuela became the first country to abolish capital punishment for all crimes. Portugal was the first European country to abolish the death penalty (1867). By the mid-1960s some 25 countries had abolished the death penalty for murder. During the last third of the 20th century, the number of abolitionist countries increased more than threefold. Despite the movement toward abolition, many countries have retained capital punishment, and some have extended its scope. In the U.S., three-fourths of the states and the federal government retain the death penalty, and death sentences are regularly carried out in China, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Iran. Supporters of the death penalty claim that life imprisonment is not an effective deterrent to criminal behaviour. Opponents maintain that the death penalty has never been an effective deterrent, that errors sometimes lead to the execution of innocent persons, and that capital punishment is imposed inequitably, mostly on the poor and on racial minorities
collective punishment
group punishment, penalization of an entire group
corporal punishment
A punishment for some violation of conduct which involves the infliction of pain on, or harm to the body A fine or imprisonment is not considered to be corporal punishment (in the latter case, although the body is confined, no punishment is inflicted upon the body) The death penalty is the most drastic form of corporal punishment and is also called capital punishment Some schools still use a strap to punish students Some countries still punish habitual thieves by cutting off a hand These are forms of corporal punishment, as is any form of spanking, whipping or bodily mutilation inflicted as punishment
corporal punishment
Corporal punishment may be administered according to the district policy pertaining to this violation
corporal punishment
Disciplining students through physical punishment by a school employee
corporal punishment
Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them. punishment that involves hitting someone, especially in schools and prisons capital punishment. Infliction of physical pain upon a person's body as punishment for a crime or infraction. Such penalties include beating, branding, mutilation, blinding, and the use of the stock and pillory. The term also denotes the physical disciplining of children in the schools and at home. From ancient times through the 18th century, corporal punishment was commonly used in instances that did not call for capital punishment, ostracism, or exile. But the growth of humanitarian ideals during the Enlightenment and afterward led to its gradual abandonment, and today it has been almost entirely replaced in the West by imprisonment or other nonviolent penalties. Several international conventions on human rights prohibit it. Beatings and other corporeal punishments continue to be administered in the prison systems of many countries. Whipping and even amputation remain prescribed punishments in some Middle Eastern and Asian societies. Corporal punishment of schoolchildren is still sanctioned in many states
corporal punishment
physical punishment, beatings
corporal punishment
the infliction of physical injury on someone convicted of committing a crime
corporeal punishment
physical punishment, beatings
cruel and unusual punishment
punishment prohibited by the 8th amendment to the U
cruel and unusual punishment
constitution; includes torture or degradation or punishment too severe for the crime committed
cumulative punishment
punishment to be put into effect after another previous one
deterrent punishment
disciplinary measure intended to discourage or prevent future offenses
escape punishment
evade retribution or penalty, avoid corrective discipline
escaped punishment
evaded retribution or penalty, avoided corrective discipline
escaping from punishment
avoid punishment
expected punishment
penalty determined by law, punishment that is generally accepted
freedom from cruel and unusual punishment
a right guaranteed by the 8th amendment to the US constitution
harsh punishment
cruel punishment, severe punishment
ignorance of law does not exempt from punishment
just because you don't know it's illegal does not mean that you do not get punished
inflicted punishment
carried out a punishment, punished (someone)
infliction of punishment
punishing, imposing of a punishment on (someone)
instrument of punishment
an instrument designed and used to punish a condemned person
light punishment
punishment that is not serious
maximal punishment
most severe punishment permissible by law
meted out his punishment
assigned his penalty, declared his punishment
mild punishment
punishment that is not harsh
mitigated his punishment
lessened the severity of his punishment, reduced his punishment
mitigation of punishment
lessening of the severity of a punishment
pecuniary punishment
fine paid as punishment
To dumb down severely or to the point of uselessness or near-uselessness
with pain or loss; as, to punish murder or treason with death
To punish someone means to make them suffer in some way because they have done something wrong. According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines Don't punish your child for being honest
To impose a penalty upon; to afflict with pain, loss, or suffering for a crime or fault, either with or without a view to the offender's amendment; to cause to suffer in retribution; to chasten; as, to punish traitors with death; a father punishes his child for willful disobedience
To punish a crime means to punish anyone who commits that crime. The government voted to punish corruption in sport with up to four years in jail
{f} discipline, penalize
To inflict a penalty for (an offense) upon the offender; to repay, as a fault, crime, etc
To deal with roughly or harshly; chiefly used with regard to a contest; as, our troops punished the enemy
impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on; "The students were penalized for showing up late for class"; "we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again"
{f} amerce
plural of punishment
reduce punishment
lessen the severity of a punishment
reduced punishment
punishment that has been made less severe
remit a punishment
exempt from penalty
reward and punishment
method of rewarding good deeds and punishing transgressions, stick and carrot method
punishment inflicted on yourself
severe punishment
serious punishment, grave penalty, severe sentence
the punishment was reduced
the penalty was made less severe, the punishment was lessened