
listen to the pronunciation of pulse
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Hastanın nabız ve tansiyonu normal. - The patient's pulse and blood pressure are normal.

Vücut ısısı yükseliyor, nabız yükseliyor... Onun oksijen eksikliği durumu var. - Body temperature rising, pulse rising ... he's in a state of oxygen deficiency.

{i} sinyal
{i} genel eğilim
darbe,v.nabız gibi at: n.sinyal
radyo sinyali
(Askeri) pals
{f} atmak
(Denizbilim) atış

Hastanın artık bir nabız atışı yok. - The patient doesn't have a pulse anymore.

bir an
(Bilgisayar) sıfırla
(Bilgisayar) darbeli arama
(Askeri) sadme
(İnşaat) akım darbesi

2016 uluslararası bakliyat yılıdır. - 2016 is the International Year of Pulses.

2016 birleşmiş milletler genel kurulu tarafından uluslararası bakliyat yılı ilan edildi. - 2016 was declared the International Year of Pulses by the United Nations General Assembly.

nabız gibi atmak
{f} nabız gibi at
nabız atışı

Hastanın artık bir nabız atışı yok. - The patient doesn't have a pulse anymore.

{f} titremek
(Tıp) Nabız, pulsus
{i} baklagiller
vuruş baklagiller
umumi eğilim
nabız atması
{i} eğilim
vuruş darbe
{i} vuruş [müz.]
{f} titreşmek
nabız atmak
{f} (su) gürül gürül akmak
(Askeri) PALS SÜRESİ; MÜDDETİ: Radarlarda pals süresinin mikro saniye olarak ifadesidir. Bu radar transmisyonlarını ihtiva eden palsların herbirinin yayın süresidir. Aynı zamanda pals uzunluğu ve pals genişliği olarak adlandırılmaktadır
{i} niyet
{f} (kan) kalp atışlarıyla ahenkli bir şekilde (damarlarda) dolaşmak
{i} titreşim
(Gıda) vurgu
pulse rate
nabız sayısı
pulse carrier
darbeli taşıyıcı
pulse delay
(Bilgisayar) vurum gecikmesi
pulse dial
(Bilgisayar) darbeli arama
pulse dialing
(Bilgisayar) darbeli arama
pulse duration
(Askeri) pals müddeti
pulse duration
(Askeri) pals süresi
pulse modulation
vurum kiplenimi
pulse rise time
(Bilgisayar) vurum yükselme süresi
pulse rise time
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) darbe yükselme süresi
pulse signalling
darbelerle işaretleşme
pulse triggering
(Bilgisayar) vurum tetikleme
pulse width
(Otomotiv) sinyal genişliği
pulse amplifier
darbe amplifikatörü
pulse amplifier
puls amplifikatörü
pulse bandwidth
darbe bant genişliği
pulse carrier
darbe taşıyıcı
pulse code
darbe kodu
pulse counter
darbe sayacı
pulse frequency
darbe frekansı
pulse generator
darbe jeneratörü
pulse height analyzer
pulse operation
darbeli çalışma
pulse punch
pulse radar
darbeli radar
pulse rate
bir dakikadaki nabız sayısı
pulse repetition frequency
atış tekrar frekansı
pulse switch
atış anahtarı
pulse train
dalgalar dizisi
pulse width
dalga boyu
pulse width
darbe genişliği
pulse amplitude
darbe genliği, atım genliği
pulse current
puls sinyali akımı
pulse damper
Darbe damper
pulse deficit
(Tıp, İlaç) Kalbin düzensiz atımına bağlı olan nabız eksikliği, atışlar birbirine çok yakın aralıklarla olur ve kalp kan pompalayamaz
pulse discriminator
darbe diskriminatörü
pulse fall time
puls düşme süresi, darbe düşme zamanı
pulse forming line
darbe oluşturan hat
pulse height analyzer
pulse ionization chamber
darbe iyonizasyon odası
pulse jet engine
(Teknoloji) PALSJET: Tepki ile harekete geçen, kompresörsüz ve türbinsiz bir motor. Önde, açılıp kapanan kanatçıklarla teçhiz edilmiş olup, devamlı olmaktan ziyade periyodik seri itişler meydana getirecek şekilde havayı içeri çeker
pulse modulated
darbe modülasyonlu
pulse repetition
darbe tekrarlama
pulse air
(Otomotiv) titreşimli hava
pulse air
(Otomotiv) sinyal havası
pulse air pipe
(Otomotiv) sinyal hava borusu
pulse air pipe
(Otomotiv) titreşimli hava borusu
pulse air rail
(Otomotiv) titreşimli hava hattı
pulse air rail
(Otomotiv) sinyal havası manifoldu
pulse air system
(Otomotiv) sinyal havası sistemi
pulse air system
(Otomotiv) titreşimli hava sistemi
pulse air unit
(Otomotiv) titreşimli hava ünitesi
pulse air unit
(Otomotiv) sinyal havası ünitesi
pulse air valve
(Otomotiv) titreşimli hava valfi
pulse air valve
(Otomotiv) sinyal havası valfi
pulse amlifier
(Nükleer Bilimler) darbe yükselticisi
pulse amplifier
darbe kuvvetlendirici
pulse amplifier
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) darbe yükselteci
pulse amplifier
darbe yukselteci
pulse amplitude
(Nükleer Bilimler) darbe genliği
pulse amplitude modulation
(Askeri) pals genlik modülasyonu
pulse analyzer
darbe analizörü
pulse bandwidth
darbe bant genisligi
pulse capability
(Mekanik) darbe yeteneği
pulse carrier
darbeli tasiyici
pulse charging
darbeli doldurma
pulse code modulation
(PCM) Atım Modu Modülasyonu
pulse code modulation
(Askeri) pals kod modülasyonu
pulse counting
vuruş sayma
pulse decay
darbe sönümlenmesi
pulse decay
darbe (vurum) sonumlenmesi
pulse decay
(Bilgisayar) vurum sönümlenmesi
pulse delay
darbe (vurum) gecikmesi
pulse duation
(Denizbilim) atış süresi
pulse duration
darbe süresi
pulse duration modulation
(PDM) darbe (vurum) sure kiplenimi
pulse echo method
(Nükleer Bilimler) darbe-yankı yöntemi
pulse energy
(Nükleer Bilimler) darbe enerjisi
pulse fall time
puls düşme süresi
pulse fall time
darbe düşme zamanı
pulse frequency
(Tıp) nabız frekansı
pulse generator
puls üreteci
pulse generator
ikaz üretici
pulse height discriminator
(Nükleer Bilimler) ayırıcı, puls-yüksekliği
pulse height selector
(Nükleer Bilimler) seçici, puls yüksekliği
pulse interleaving
darbe (vurum) serpistirme
pulse jet
(Askeri) pals jet
pulse length
(Nükleer Bilimler) darbe uzunluğu
pulse modulation
(PM) darbe (vurum) kiplenimi
pulse modulator
darbe modülatörü
pulse modulator
puls modülatörü
pulse oximetre
(Tıp) puls oksimetre
pulse period
(Otomotiv) titreşim periyodu
pulse period
(Otomotiv) sinyal periyodu
pulse plate
(Otomotiv) titreşim plakası
pulse position modulation
darbe (vurum) konum kiplenimi
pulse rate
(isim)bız sayısı
pulse regeneration
darbenin yeniden uretimi
pulse relay
titreşim rölesi
pulse repeater
darbe tekrarlayıcısı
pulse repeater
darbe tekrarlayicisi
pulse repetition
(Denizbilim) atış tekrarı
pulse repetition frequency
(Askeri) PALS TEKRARLAMA FREKANSI: Radarlarda bir saniyedeki pals sayısı. Radar transmisyon frekansı ile karıştırılmamalıdır
pulse repetition rate
(Nükleer Bilimler) darbe tekrarlama hızı
pulse reshaping
darbe onarimi
pulse restoration
darbe yenileme
pulse rise time
darbe (vurum) yukselme suresi
pulse sensor
(Otomotiv) titreşim algılama sensörü
pulse sensor
(Otomotiv) sinyal algılama sensörü
pulse sensor
titreşim sensörü
pulse shaping circuit
darbe bicimlendirici devre
pulse signalling
darbelerle isaretlesme
pulse spectrum
darbe spektrumu
pulse spectrum
(Bilgisayar) vurum spektrumu
pulse transformer
darbe trafosu
pulse transformer
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) darbe transformatörü
pulse triggering
darbe (vurum) tetikleme
pulse tuning
(Nükleer Bilimler) darbe uyumu
pulse welding
(Bilgisayar) darbeli kaynak
pulse width modulation
darbe (vurum) genislik kiplenimi
pulse with
ile dolup taşmak
pulse with
ile dopdolu olmak
chest pulse
(Dilbilim) göğüs atışı
chest pulse
(Dilbilim) vurgulu soluk
counter pulse
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sayaç darbesi
inhibit pulse
(Bilgisayar) ketleme vurumu
intensive pulse light
(Tıp) yoğun darbeli ışık
keep one's finger on the pulse
vakıf olmak
leading edge of a pulse
darbenin ön kenarı
(Tarım) baklagiller
quicken the pulse
shift pulse
kaydırma darbesi
synch pulse
eşzamanlama darbesi
blanking pulse
boşluk sinyali
clock pulse
saat darbesi
electromagnetic pulse
elektromanyetik puls
feel one's pulse
nabzını yoklamak
feel one's pulse
nabzına bakmak
feel sb's pulse
birinin nabzını yoklamak
horizontal blanking pulse
yatay silme sinyali
horizontal synchronizing pulse
yatay senkronizasyon sinyali
line synchronizing pulse
satır senkronizasyon sinyali
marker pulse
marker darbesi
{i} nabız gibi atış
{f} nabız gibi at
reply video pulse
cevap video atışı
spurious pulse
yanlış darbe
thready pulse
filiform nabız
(Mühendislik) darbeli
equalizing pulse
dengeleyici darbe
faint pulse
zayıf nabız
feel sb's pulse
nabzını yoklamak
feel the pulse
Darbe hissediyorum
feverish pulse
hızlı nabız, şiddetli nabız atması
field synchronizing pulse
alan senkronizasyon sinyali, alan eşleme imi
have one's finger on the pulse
(deyim) En son gelişmeleri, gündemi yakından takip etmek
keep one's finger on the pulse
(deyim) En son gelişmeleri, gündemi yakından takip etmek
keep the pulse
(deyim) En son gelişmeleri, gündemi yakından takip etmek
pedal pulse
ayaktan alınan nabız
rectangular pulse
dikdörtgen darbe
sprocket pulse
çekici delik darbesi, tırnak vuruşu
A.C. pulse
almasik akim darbesi
adaptive differential pulse code modulation
uyarlanir darbe darbe kod kiplenimi
capillary pulse
(Tıp) kapilar nabız
clock pulse
saat atışı
clock pulse, clock signal
Saat Vurumu
coherent pulse radar
(Havacılık) yapışık pals radarı
counter pulse
sayac darbesi
dial pulse
numara cevirme darbesi
differential pulse code modulation
(DPCM) Ayrimsal Darbe Kod Kiplenimi
digital clock pulse generator
(Askeri) dijital saat pals üretici
electromagnetic pulse
(Askeri) elektromanyetik pals
electromagnetic pulse
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK PALS: Nükleer aygıtların malzemelerinden veya çevreleyen ortamdan yayılan fotonların "Comptonrecoil" elektronları ve fotoelektronlarının neden olduğu bir nükleer patlamadan meydana gelen elektromanyetik radyasyon. Sonuçta oluşan elektriksel ve manyetik alanlar elektriksel/ elektronik sistemlerle birleşerek hasar verici akım ve voltaj iniş çıkışları oluşturabilir. Nükleer olmayan vasıtalarla da oluşabilir. Ayrıca EMP de denir
enabling pulse
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) yeterli darbe
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
to flow, particularly of blood

Hot blood pulses through my veins.

A beat or throb
The beat or tactus of a piece of music
to emit in discrete quantities
A normally regular beat felt when arteries are depressed, caused by the pumping action of the heart
to beat, to throb, to flash

In the dead of night, all was still but the pulsing light.

Any annual legume yielding from 1 to 12 grains or seeds of variable size, shape and colour within a pod, and used as food for humans or animals
Any measured or regular beat; any short, quick motion, regularly repeated, as of a medium in the transmission of light, sound, etc
The beating or throbbing of the heart or blood vessels, especially of the arteries
{v} to beat as the pulse, to drive forward
{n} a beating of the blood, pease
the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
The beat; the rhythmic pattern underlying a groove
Some seeds which can be cooked and eaten are called pulses, for example peas, beans, and lentils
In music, a pulse is a regular beat, which is often produced by a drum. the repetitive pulse of the music
detection mode on which a short signal from the traffic detector is ent when a vehicle is detected Typically used to provide volume counts
rhythmical beating, vibrating, or sounding
If something pulses, it moves, appears, or makes a sound with a strong regular rhythm. His temples pulsed a little, threatening a headache It was a slow, pulsing rhythm that seemed to sway languidly in the air. = throb
edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants peas or beans or lentils etc
produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses; "pulse waves"; "a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube"
A pulse of electrical current, light, or sound is a temporary increase in its level. The switch works by passing a pulse of current between the tip and the surface
Energy which changes abruptly from one intensity to another Maybe light energy or electrical energy
The listener's perception of beats per measure
When someone takes your pulse or feels your pulse, they find out how quickly your heart is beating by feeling the pulse in your wrist. Pressure wave in the arteries from contraction of the heart. It can be felt where arteries are near the skin's surface; it is usually read at the carotid artery in the neck or at the wrist. Its rate, strength, and rhythm and the contour of the wave provide valuable information but must be viewed in context (e.g., rapid pulse occurs with serious heart disease, simple fever, or vigorous exercise). The average adult pulse rate is 70-80 beats per minute; the rate decreases with age and is generally faster in women
A beat, throb
The rhythmic beating in the arteries, caused by the contractions of the heart
A transient field applied to a quantum system In the case of NMR QIP, pulses are rotating magnetic fields (RF pulses) whose effects are designed to cause specific rotations of the qubit states carried by the nuclear spins
the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart; "he could feel the beat of her heart"
The electronic signal generated by a particle (cell or nucleus) in the flow cytometer
oscillation; vibration; pulsation; impulse; beat; movement
The smallest regular unit of time implied in a piece of music
French: impulsion A variation in electrical energy above or below a normal level and a given duration, such as a brief surge of voltage or current
The regular beating in the arteries from the pumping of the heart
If you refer to the pulse of a group in society, you mean the ideas, opinions, or feelings they have at a particular time. The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community
expand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically; "The baby's heart was pulsating again after the surgeon massaged it"
If you have your finger on the pulse of something, you know all the latest opinions or developments concerning it. He claims to have his finger on the pulse of the industry It's important to keep your finger on the pulse by reading all the right magazines
) the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses; "pulse waves"; "a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube"
Your pulse is the regular beating of blood through your body, which you can feel when you touch particular parts of your body, especially your wrist. Mahoney's pulse was racing, and he felt confused
A form of dialing on a telephone line (Rotary)
{f} beat, throb; expand and contract rhythmically; vibrate, quiver; flow; cause to pulse; produce or control in the form of short pulses; cause an apparatus to produce pulses (as "to pulse the food processor"); (Medicine) administer medication in interrupted and in concentrated dosages to avoid undesirable side effects
A current or voltage which changes abruptly from one value to another and back to the original value in a finite length of time Used to describe one particular variation in a series of wave motions
The electrical energy applied to the EDM gap, having a preset voltage, amperage and duration, that is intended to cause a discharge that results in metal removal
A pulse is generally a unipolar voltage or current with defined characteristics, which occurs infrequently
A current or voltage which changes abruptly from one value to another & back to the original value in a finite length of time Used to describe one particular variation in a series of wave motions
Indirect measurement of heart rate by feeling and counting pressure waves in an artery (usually the radial artery)
To beat, as the arteries; to move in pulses or beats; to pulsate; to throb
This is the older "rotary service" This service does not permit interfacing with network services
edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants (peas or beans or lentils etc )
(electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients); "the pulsations seemed to be coming from a star"
{i} heartbeat, rhythmic expansion and contraction of the heart; throbbing, beating; edible seeds of various plants; plants producing these types of seeds
To drive by a pulsation; to cause to pulsate
Leguminous plants, or their seeds, as beans, pease, etc
drive by or as if by pulsation; "A soft breeze pulsed the air
The tick of a computer clock is sometimes referred to as a "pulse " Example: One clock pulse might be defined as 1/240th of a quarter-note
A single disturbance made in a medium This is not a full wave because it consists of a half-vibration: either a single crest or compression but no trough or rarefaction Click for a graphic Back to Top Back to Wave Index
A single nonrepeated disturbance quality The property of sound waves that depends on the number of harmonics and their prominence
drive by or as if by pulsation; "A soft breeze pulsed the air"
A current or voltage which changes abruptly from one value to another and back to the original value in a finite length of time
A very short duration of time In regard to a radar, it is a brief burst of a electromagnetic radiation emitted by the radar
the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart; "he could feel the beat of her heart" edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants peas or beans or lentils etc
A small message that doesn't require a reply; used for asynchronous communication with a Photon application
pulse demodulator
a device that recovers the modulating signal from a pulse modulated wave
pulse demodulators
plural form of pulse demodulator
pulse detonation engine
A jet engine driven by repeated detonations within the engine
pulse detonation engines
plural form of pulse detonation engine
pulse dialing
A system of telephone dialing in which each digit is transmitted as the equivalent number of pulses
pulse dialling
Alternative spelling of pulse dialing
pulse jets
plural form of pulse jet
pulse modulation
any of a number of techniques whereby a series of information-carrying quantities occurring at discrete instances of time is encoded into a corresponding series of electromagnetic carrier pulses
pulse modulations
plural form of pulse modulation
pulse modulator
A device for the pulse modulation of a radio-frequency carrier signal
pulse modulators
plural form of pulse modulator
pulse oximeter
A device used to monitor the oxygen level of a patient's blood
pulse oximetry
A non-invasive method allowing the monitoring of the oxygenation of a patient's hemoglobin, using a sensor placed on a thin part of the patient's anatomy, usually a fingertip or earlobe
pulse jet engine
(Teknoloji) A pulse jet engine (or pulsejet) is a very simple form of internal combustion engine wherein the combustion occurs in pulses and the propulsive effort is a jet; a reaction to the rearward flow of hot gases
pulse code modulation
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) is a modulation scheme involving conversion of a signal from analog to digital form by means of coding See also modulation
pulse code modulation
A method for transmitting data in digital format
pulse code modulation
Method of sampling information signals at regular intervals and transmitting the samples as a series of pulses in coded form which represent the amplitude of the information signal at that time
pulse code modulation
French: modulation par impulsions et codage (MIC) A modulation technique in which the signal being transmitted is sampled at regular intervals to determine its magnitude The magnitude is converted to a digital pulse for transmission (See pulse modulation )
pulse code modulation
The most common method of representing an analog signal, such as speech, by sampling at a regular rate and converting each sample to an equivalent digital code
pulse code modulation
A method of encoding and de-encoding a digital signal There are actually several varieties in use today, including linear, non-linear, floating point, and differential These vary mainly in how they deal with quantization, and how they handle values that fall "between" the digital signals bits
pulse code modulation
Method of modulation in which signals are sampled and converted to digital words that are then transmitted serially Most PCM systems use either 7- or 8-bit binary codes There are, however, several standards for PCM coding: most common are µ-Law in North America and A-Law in Europe (both based on logarithmic conversion of the signal)
pulse code modulation
A method of quantizing audio-range analog signals into a digital form for transmission in digital communications systems, or for processing in DSP Effectively the same as analog-to-digital conversion
pulse code modulation
A means for representing a sequence of binary numbers by a series of electrical pulses
pulse code modulation
A method used to convert an analog signal into noise-free digital data that can be stored and manipulated by computer PCM takes an 8-bit sample of a 4kHz bandwidth 8000 times a second, which gives 16K of data per second PCM is often used in multimedia applications
pulse code modulation
A process in which a signal is sampled, and the magnitude of each sample with respect to a fixed reference is quantized and converted by coding to a digital signal
pulse code modulation
PCM is the most common method a telephone company in North America can use to sample a voice signal and convert that sample in an equivalent digital code consisting of zeros and ones
pulse code modulation
Process in which the modulating signal is sampled, and the magnitude of each sample (with respect to a fixed reference) is quantized and converted by coding to a digital signal Provides undistorted transmission, even in the presence of noise The sample frequency must be at least twice the highest modulating frequency for full recovery of the original modulating information
pulse code modulation
The process that samples, quantizes, and codes the modulating analog signal into digital bit stream
pulse counter
an electronic counter that counts the number of electric pulses
pulse generator
a generator of single or multiple voltage pulses; usually adjustable for pulse rate
pulse modulation
modulation that imposes a signal on a train of pulses
pulse modulation
A system of modulation in which pulses are altered and controlled in order to represent the message to be communicated
pulse rate
numbers of pulses (X-ray quanta) per time-unit, measured in cps (counts per second) See net-pulse-rate
pulse rate
the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
pulse rate
The number of beats-per-minute of the human heart
pulse rate
is the number of heartbeats per minute The resting pulse rate of an average adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute
pulse rate
The number of times a heart beats per minute in a person's body
pulse rate
Pulse rate is the number of heart beats per minute
pulse rate
The number of pulses per second (pps) applied to the windings of the motor The pulse rate is equivalent to the motor step rate
pulse rate
frequency of pulses applied to the drive
pulse speed
number of times the heart beats each minute
pulse timing circuit
a circuit that times pulses
pulse wave
A family of geometrical waveforms typically generated by an oscillator Waveform Harmonic Structure Hear Me (8k) They are all rectangular in shape, i e the only angle which occurs is 90° between immediate, vertical transitions and horizontal "high" or "low" levels, but they have any possible mark/space ratio Square wave is a special case of pulse wave where the mark/space ratio is 1: 2 The harmonic partials present are determined by the mark/space ratio such that the harmonics which are multiples of the rightmost number in the ratio will be absent Thus a pulse wave with a mark/space ratio of 1: 3 will not have the 3rd , 6th or 9th etc harmonics Other harmonics will be present at varying amplitudes depending on their proximity to the "dead" or absent harmonics When the ratio becomes very large i e the pulse becomes very narrow, the timbre becomes correspondingly thin and nasal, rather like an oboe or harpsichord See also Ramp Wave, Sine Wave, Square Wave, Triangle Wave
pulse wave
Kind of like a square wave, except not so even in the time periods __|"|___|"|___ Q
pulse width
An indication of how long an injector is energized and kept open
pulse width
Same as ARC DURATION The reference is made to the width of the pulse in a display of the wave form
pulse width
  Deprecated synonym for pulse duration
pulse-time modulation
modulation of the time between successive pulses
finger on the pulse
An active interest in the latest developments (of some topic)

Despite retiring, he still tries to keep a finger on the pulse of the industry.

nuclear-pulse rocket
a rocket that uses the impulse imparted by the detonation of nuclear bombs as the propulsive force to propel the spacecraft
nuclear-pulse rockets
plural form of nuclear-pulse rocket
oxygen pulse
Physiological term for oxygen uptake per heartbeat at rest
Present participle of pulse
That pulses
have one's finger on the pulse
(deyim) Be/stay familiar with the most recent changes or improvements
keep the pulse
(deyim) Be/stay familiar with the most recent changes or improvements
keep your finger on the pulse
(deyim) Be/stay familiar with the most recent changes or improvements
Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
method of compression for sound data
electromagnetic pulse
The pulse of intense electromagnetic radiation generated by certain physical events, especially by a nuclear explosion high above the earth
feel one's pulse
check one's heart rate by pressing the fingers against veins in the wrist or neck
feel the pulse
check the heart rate by pressing the fingers against veins in the wrist or neck
feeling the pulse
groping for the pulse, sensing the regular beating of the heart
felt the pulse
checked the heart rate by pressing the fingers against veins in the wrist or neck
femoral pulse
pulse of the femoral artery (felt in the groin)
past of pulse
Producing, or consisting of pulses (short bursts)
produced or transmitted or modulated in short bursts or pulses; "pulsed electromagnetic waves"; "pulsed light"; "pulsed ultrasonic energy
plural of pulse
A flighting technique that has continuous advertising with intermittent bursts of heavy advertising
The use of advertising in regular intervals, as opposed to seasonal patterns
Pulsing is a method of moving that is used by the jellyfish
Repeating the movement except it is in a smaller range of motion and at a faster pace
expanding and contracting rhythmically as to the beating of the heart; "felt the pulsating artery"; "oh my beating heart"
Sequencing and controlling the amount of current, the polarity, and the duration of the welding arc
The emission of pulses
In telephony, the transmission of address information to a switching office by means of  pulses, i e , signals, that originate from the subscriber, i e , user, equipment   Note: Examples of pulsing methods  are dual-tone  multifrequency (DTMF) signaling, in which a unique pair of audio frequencies represents each of the respective numerals or other characters on a keypad, and rotary dialing, in which dc pulses are generated by a rotary dial   Synonyms key pulsing (when using a keypad), dial pulsing (when using a rotary dial)
(electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients); "the pulsations seemed to be coming from a star"
radial pulse
pulse of the radial artery (felt in the wrist)
the pulse
took his pulse
measured the speed of his heart beats
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение pulse в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь


    Турецкое произношение



    /ˈpəls/ /ˈpʌls/


    [ p&ls ] (noun.) 13th century. Latin pulsus (“beat”), from pellere (“to drive”). For spelling, the -e (on -lse) is so the end is pronounced /ls/, rather than /lz/ as in pulls, and does not change the vowel (‘u’). Compare else, false, convulse.


    pulses, pulsing, pulsed


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