This word comes from two other words Psyche (meaning mind/soul) and iatreia (meaning cure) Psychiatry is a branch of medicine and psychiatrists treat people, using drugs and other physical methods, to change the way people act and feel
Psychiatry is the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of mental illness. the study and treatment of mental illnesses psychology (psychiatrie, from psych- ( PSYCH-) + iatreia ). Branch of medicine concerned with mental disorders. Until the 18th century, mental health problems were considered forms of demonic possession; gradually they came to be seen as illnesses requiring treatment. In the 19th century, research into and classification and treatment of mental illnesses advanced. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory dominated the field for many years before it was challenged by behavioral and cognitive therapy and humanistic psychology in the mid-20th century. Psychiatrists hold medical degrees and can prescribe drugs and other medical treatments in addition to conducting psychotherapy. The psychiatrist often works as a member of a mental health team that includes clinical psychologists and social workers
The medical specialty concerned with mental disorders, maladjustment, and abnormal behaviour Some psychiatrists adhere strictly to the medical model, while others engage in psychotherapy and many use an eclectic approach
Branch of medicine concerned with the study, treatment and prevention of mental illness Some psychiatrists specialize further in the treatment of certain age groups or illnesses