
listen to the pronunciation of profile
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Profil resmini beğeniyorum. - I like your profile picture.

Portre, güzel bir kadın profilini gösteriyor. - The portrait shows the profile of a beautiful woman.

{i} yüzün yandan görünüşü
{f} kesitini çıkarmak
(Dilbilim) görünüm
kısa özgeçmiş
yandan görünüş
{i} özgeçmiş
{i} grafik, çizge
yüzün yandan çekilen resmi
{i} kısa biyografi, karakter portresi
{i} profil çizmek
{i} biyografi
bir binanın dikey görünüşünün mimari ay- rıntılarını gösteren şekil
tanıtım belgi
(Askeri) KESİT: Bir siper, tahkimat vesairenin kesiti
profilini çiz
profil, kısa biyografi
{f} -in kısa biyografisini yazmak
{i} kesit
{f} profilini çizmek
{f} -in profilini yapmak
profile paper
profil kâğıdı
profile construction
Profil inşaat
profile drag
profil sürükleme kuvveti
profile milling machine
profil freze makinesi, forma frezesi
profile not available for view
profil, görüntülenmek için elverişli değil
profile steel
Profil çelik
profile analysis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) profil analizi
profile axle
(Havacılık) profil ekseni
profile bucket
profilli kepçe
profile catalog
(Bilgisayar) profil kataloğu
profile chord
(Havacılık) profil kirişi
profile coefficient
(Havacılık) profil katsayısı
profile cover
profil kapağı
profile error
(Bilgisayar) profil hatası
profile girder
profil kiriş
profile invoice
(Bilgisayar) profil faturası
profile loading plan
(Askeri) kesit yükleme planı
profile loading plan
(Askeri) YÜKLEME PLANI KESİTİ; KESİT YÜKLEME PLANI: Yüklenmiş bir geminin; ambarlara istiflenmiş malzeme yükledikleri ambarlarda gösterilmiş teferruatlı listesiyle birlikte şematik kesiti. Bak. "stowage plan"
profile loading plan
(Askeri) yükleme planı kesiti
profile manager
(Bilgisayar) profil yöneticisi
profile name
Profil Adı
profile of equilibrium
denge profili
profile paper
profil kağıdı
profile plane
(Matematik) yanal düzlem
profile plane
profil düzlemi
profile quote
(Bilgisayar) profil fiyat teklifi
profile refund
(Bilgisayar) profil iadesi
profile spotlight
(Aydınlatma) profil projektörü
profile strip
profilli çıta
profile une
(Matematik) yanal doğru
profile version
(Bilgisayar) profil sürümü
profile wizard
(Bilgisayar) profil sihirbazı
pressure-depth profile
basınç-derinlik profili
printer profile
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı profili
flight profile
(Askeri) UÇUŞ PROFİLİ: İrtifa, hız, menzil ve manevra cinsinden bir uçağın uçuş yolunun belirlenmesi
baseline profile
(Coğrafya) temel profil
choose profile
(Bilgisayar) profil seç
community profile
çevre profili
confirm profile delete
(Bilgisayar) profil silinmesini onayla
construct a profile
profilini çıkarmak
construct a profile
profil çıkarmak
construct a profile
profilini çıkartmak
develop a profile
profilini çıkarmak
develop a profile
profil çıkarmak
develop a profile
profilini çıkartmak
edit profile
(Bilgisayar) profili düzenle
edit profile
(Bilgisayar) profil düzenle
exposure profile
(Tıp) maruziyet profili
flight profile
(Askeri,Havacılık) uçuş profili
(Bilgisayar) profiller
(Bilgisayar) ayrımlama
(Dilbilim) görünüş
(Ticaret) belirleme
soil profile
(Çevre) zemin profili
soil profile
(Tarım) toprak kesiti
temperature profile
(Denizbilim) sıcaklık profili
velocity profile
(Gıda,Teknik) hız profili
airscrew profile
pervane profili
barometric profile
barometrik profil
boring profile
sondaj kesiti
cam profile
kam profili
keep a low profile
dikkat çekmekten sakınmak
longitudinal profile
boyuna profil
low profile
dikkat çekme siyaseti
company profile
şirket profili
graded profile
denge profili, denge yanayi
high profile
İnsanların iyi tanıdığı
high profile
Ünlü, herkesçe bilinen, meşhur
yüksek profilli
Çok gündeme gelen, tanınmış, meşhur
intelligence profile
Zekâ profili
keep a low profile
k. dili dikkati çekmemeye çalışmak, sivri olmamaya çalışmak, göze batmamaya çalışmak
low profile
Dikkat çekmeme davranışı
maintain low profile
(deyim) Dikkat çekmemeye çalışmak

"We urge them to monitor local news reports and maintain a low profile and vary their route and times and just be very, very security and safety conscious," she said.

participant profile
katılımcı profili
Profil uzmanı
request profile
talep profili
service profile identifier
hizmet profili tanımlayıcısı
system security profile
sistem güvenlik profili
transverse profile
enine profil
wing profile
kanat profili
abnormal profile
(Tarım) anormal profil
acidity profile
asitlilik profili
activity profile
(Ticaret) faaliyet profili
beach profile
(Askeri) sahil kesiti
beach profile
(Çevre) sahil profili
beach profile
(Askeri) sahil  profili
beach profile
(Askeri) kıyı profili
color profile description
(Bilgisayar) renkli profil tanımı
computer profile
Bilgisayar Profili
copy profile
(Bilgisayar) profil kopyala
copy profile
(Bilgisayar) profili kopyala
demographic profile data
(Ticaret) demografik profil bilgileri
dissolution profile
(Tıp) çözünme profili
document profile
(Askeri) belge profili
elution profile
(Biyokimya) yıkama çizgisi
equilibrium beach profile
(Askeri) kumsal denge profili
equilibrium profile
denge yanayı
equilibrium profile
denge profili
extruded profile
ekstrüzyon profil
extrusion profile
ekstrüzyon profil
flavor profile analysis
(Gıda) lezzet profil analizi
flavor profile analysis
(Gıda) aroma profil analizi
flavour profile analysis
(Gıda) aroma profil analizi
flavour profile analysis
(Gıda) lezzet profil analizi
folded profile
(İnşaat) bükme profil
folded profile
(İnşaat) katlama sac profil
forward recovery mission profile
(Askeri) İLERİ KURTARMA UÇUŞ GÖREVİ PROFİLİ: İleri tarafsız/dost havaalanı veya iniş yerindeki bir uçağın kurtarılması ile ilgili uçuş görevi profili
hasty profile
(Askeri) basit arazi kesiti krokisi
hasty profile
(Askeri) BASİT ARAZİ KESİTİ KROKİSİ: Münhanili bir haritadan çıkarılan ve arazi üzerindeki belirli noktaların birbirine nazaran yüksekliğini gösteren kaba bir kesit krokisi
home recovery mission profile
(Askeri) GERİ DÖNME GÖREV PROFİLİ: Bir uçağın tahsis edilmiş geçici veya asli harekat üssüne dönmesi ile ilgili görev profili
install profile
(Bilgisayar) profil yükle
isotopic profile
(Tıp) izotopik profil
keep a low profile
{k} göze çarpmamaya çalışmak
low profile
(deyim) a low profile ( genellikle keep...) dikkati cekmeme
low profile
dikkat çekmeme politikası
mandatory profile
Zorunlu Profil
mission profile
penetration resistance profile
penetrasyon mukavemet grafiği
personal profile
Kişisel Profil
physical profile serial
(Askeri) BEDENİ VE AKLİ KABİLİYET DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Bir şahsın bedeni ve akli durumuna nazaran askeri görevleri yapabilmedeki genel kabiliyetinin tespiti. PULCES diye adlandırılan altı faktörle ifade edilir: P-Physical capacity or stamine (bedeni kabiliyet veya tahammül); U-Upper extremities (üst taraflar; kollar ve eller); L-Lower extremities (alt taraflar, bacaklar ve ayaklar); H-Hearing (işitme-kulak arızaları dahil); E-Eyes (gözler) ve S-Neuropsychiatric (nöropsikiyatrik; asabi ve ruhi durum)
(Meteoroloji) rüzgar doppler radarı
(Nükleer Bilimler) profil çıkarma
radiation profile
(Nükleer Bilimler) radyasyon profili
refractive index profile
kirilma indis profili (yanayi)
rim profile
(Otomotiv) jant şekli
roaming profile
(Bilgisayar) gezici profil
snow profile
(Askeri) kar profilleri
snow profile
(Askeri) kar kesitleri
snow profile
(Askeri) kar görüntüleri
stream profile
akarsu profili
system profile
Sistem profili
terrain profile matching
(Askeri) arazi profili uyumu
texture profile analysis
(Gıda) yapısal dağılım analizi
texture profile analysis
(Gıda) yapısal dağılım incelemesi
thread profile
diş profili
toothed profile
(Mekanik) diş profile
tourist profile
(Turizm) turist profili
trait profile
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) özellik profili
typical profile
tipik profil
typical profile
standart profil
universal bar profile
uluslararası normda profil
user profile
kullanıcı tanıtımı
user profile
Kullanıcı Profili
user profile data
kullanıcı profil verisi
user profile editor
Kullanıcı Profil Düzenleyicisi
user profile item
kullanıcı profil öğesi
user's profile
Kullanıcı Profili
vertical sismic profile
dikey sismik profil
vertical sismic profile
düşey sismik profil
video profile
(Bilgisayar) video profili
weathering profile
ayrışma profili
weir profile
savak profili
weld profile
kaynak profili
weld profile
kaynak yanayı
wind profile
rüzgâr profili
wooden profile
(Marangozluk) ahşap profil
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык

Определение profile в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь

(Hukuk) Yandan görünüş
İnsanın yüzünün yandan görünüşü
bakınız: profil boru
Yandan görünüş. İnsanın yüzünün yandan görünüşü: "Yalnız, sakallı sert profilinin bir parçasını görebiliyoruz."- F. R. Atay
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
to create a summary or collection of information, especially about a person
to act based on such a summary; especially, to act on a stereotype. See profiling
The shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side; a side view

The brooch showed the profile of a Victorian woman.

A smoothed (e.g., troweled or brushed) vertical surface of an excavation showing evidence of at least one feature or diagnostic specimen; the graphic recording of such as by sketching, photographing, etc
a specific space or field in which users can provide various types of personal information in software or Internet systems

I just updated my Facebook profile to show I got engaged.

character; totality of related characteristics; signature; status (especially in scientific, technical, or military uses)

What's the thermal profile on that thing?.

the outermost shape, view, or edge of an object

His fingers traced the profile of the handle.

the amount by which something protrudes

Choose a handle with a low profile so it does not catch on things.

A summary or collection of information, especially about a person

Law enforcement assembled a profile of the suspect.

prominence; noticeability

Acting is, by nature, profession in which one must keep a high profile.

an outline or contour
{n} the sideface, a half face
{v} to draw or represent in profile
If someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do. If you keep a low profile, you avoid doing things that will make people notice you. a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks see also high-profile. to write or give a short description of someone or something
Describes the make-up of readers of a publication It tells you what proportion of its readers are in a particular target Basic profiles are calculated by dividing specific target reach into the total readership of the publication
an analysis (often in graphical form) representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics; "a biochemical profile of blood"; "a psychological profile of serial killers"
The shape of a bell Has a very significant effect on the timbre or sound quality of a bell Intensity profile is something different; this is the term I use to describe the differing intensities of the various partials
A page containing information on a given editor Includes a list of the categories that they edit, access to editor-specific logs, the ability to send the editor feedback, and an optional area for the editor to display personal information
{f} present an outline, present a brief description; draw a portrait of a side view of a head and face
{i} portrait showing a side view of a head and face; silhouette, view showing the outer contours of an object; outline made from a side view
write about; "The author of this article profiles a famous painter"
biographical sketch
To profile someone means to give an account of that person's life and character. Tamar Golan, a Paris-based journalist, profiles the rebel leader
A drawing exhibiting a vertical section of the ground along a surveyed line, or graded work, as of a railway, showing elevations, depressions, grades, etc
The CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE is a customized financial aid application form required at certain colleges, which collects additional financial information to determine eligibility for institutional aid
To shape the outline of an object by passing a cutter around it
a biographical sketch of a legal entity or an individual associated with the legal profession that is published in West Legal Directory Profiles provide an inexpensive and effective way to increase exposure to potential clients See also listing; enhanced profile
The secondary application for financial aid processed through the College Scholarship Service (CSS) This must be completed by all students who wish to receive aid other than Federal Stafford Loans
a vertical section of the Earth's crust showing the different horizons or layers a side view representation of an object (especially a human face) represent in profile, by drawing or painting write about; "The author of this article profiles a famous painter
If you see someone in profile, you see them from the side. This picture shows the girl in profile
(n) A form control for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing A profile is the outline of a feature projected onto a plane They usually consist of combinations of contiguous lines, arcs, and other curves The profile tolerance zone may be made of a combination of straightness, roundness, parallelism, etc
biographical sketch an analysis (often in graphical form) representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics; "a biochemical profile of blood"; "a psychological profile of serial killers"
An outline, or contour; as, the profile of an apple
One method of making Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) is commonly referred to as profiling In this technique a stereo pair of photographs is set up in a photogrammetric instrument and referenced to the ground using ground control points After this process is completed the instrument automatically moves a computer cursor across the stereo model As the cursor is being driven across the model, the operator controls the motion of the cursor while a recording device captures the elevation figures Each swath across the stereo model is called a profile
Your profile is the outline of your face as it is seen when someone is looking at you from the side. His handsome profile was turned away from us
degree of exposure to public notice; "that candidate does not have sufficient visibility to win an election"; "he prefers a low profile"
(CSS/Financial Aid PROFILETM) A customized financial aid application form required at certain colleges, which collects additional financial information to determine eligibility for institutional aid
A position-specific scoring table for sequence information within complete alignments Profiles define which residues are allowed at given positions; which positions are conserved and which degenerate
A human head represented sidewise, or in a side view; the side face or half face
All the aspects of an operative's or a target's overt physical or behavioral persona
A term describing the information a player may enter about himself/herself that may be available, at the player's option, to other players in the poker room Your profile may include your favorite hobby, favorite web site, favorite quote, and more
represent in profile, by drawing or painting
to draw the outline of; to draw in profile, as an architectural member
A table that lists the frequencies of each amino acid in each position of protein sequence Frequencies are calculated from multiple alignments of sequences containing a domain of interest [NCBI Bioinformatics] How does this relate to the other profiling terms?
Stored information about a NET Passport user In NET Passport, profile data takes the form of attribute–value pairs See also core profile
Provides a means of defining the color characteristics of a given device in a particular state A separate control panel, the ColorSync™ System Profile control panel, allows you to specify the ColorSync system profile
The CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE application is used by many colleges to gather information to help them award private, non-federal student aid funds
A section of any member, made at right angles with its main lines, showing the exact shape of moldings and the like
a vertical section of the Earth's crust showing the different horizons or layers
the shape, view, or shadow of a persons head from the side
Every time you are executing EDA you are creating a profile, i e a file where EDA keeps information on your environment The information in your current profile may be copied from a number of other profiles; normally there is a EDA system profile, i e a profile for all users Often there is a group profile, i e a group of persons sharing a number of informations ( e g WA archives and the like) Furthermore you may have your own permanent profile [Note that profiles need not exist at any level; then of course the profile of your session will be rather simple] The profile contains informations like the location of your WA directories, the default settings of the main options (you may tailor them to your needs), the location of your map directory etc etc For a standard use of EDA profiles are not important to a user, but are quite useful to group or system managers Refer to the documentation for details
An application administered by The College Scholarship Service Many colleges require the Profile to consider students for institutional aid
Personal information about you that's stored with a merchant and usually consists of your address and shopping preferences, which makes it easier for merchants to tailor their services to your individual needs
a set of aligned sequences, possibly with associated information such as a tree The alignment itself is a set of lines of characters, one line for each aligned sequence The residues in the sequence are represnted by standard 1-letter codes and gaps are represented by '-'
a side view representation of an object (especially a human face)
The deviation of the magnetic stripe surface from flatness; a positive profile is convex, and a negative profile is concave
A specification that defines the use of a standard, and defines all possible data streams that conform to that profile A profile insures interoperability of different/multiple implementations of a standard In this context, it completely and unambiguously represents the information requirements for a particular application of digital graphics data An application profile also defines requirements for implementations
A profile of someone is a short article or programme in which their life and character are described. A newspaper published profiles of the candidates' wives
A set of information about a client or a user The profile provides information the server might require to recognize the client or the user
Configuration information that describes a certain capability or setup; a prototype for configuration information or properties that are common to a group of machines or that apply to an application
the statement of a function(s) and the environment within which it is used, in terms of a set of one or more standards, and where applicable, identification of chosen classes, subsets, options, and parameters of those standards; a set of implementor agreements providing guidance in applying a standard interoperably in a specific limited context
high profile
Common misspelling of high-profile
high profile
a conspicuous position, intentionally attracting attention
important or well publicized
long profile
A curve showing the vertical profile of a river from its head to mouth
the forensic science of constructing an outline of a person's individual characteristics
social profile
A profile web page that displays user's Social Graph (Following / Following) and Activity Stream (micro-blog). May optionally display user's interests and expertise for expertise search
high profile
1. (noun) a position attracting much attention or publicity. 2. (adjective) attracting much attention or publicity
involute gear profile
The involute gear profile is the most commonly used system for gearing today. In an involute gear, the profiles of the teeth are involutes of a circle. (The involute of a circle is the spiraling curve traced by the end of an imaginary taut string unwinding itself from that stationary circle called the base circle.)
Grecian profile
classical style profile embodied on Greek statues
business profile
description of the basic make-up methodology and goals of a business
corneoscleral profile
characterization of the cornea and sclera of the eye as one organ (Medicine)
high profile
a position attracting much attention and publicity
high profile
Metal globe body that holds 15 inch or 16 5 inch lenses The metal above the lens is raised and has a "high profile" when viewed from the front
high profile
{s} highly publicized, well-known to the public; pertaining to famous people or personages
high profile
a conetop with a prominent "high" spout (photo)
high profile
A cap style with a high slope structured with buckram - a stiff fabric lining Less fitted to the head
A high-profile person or a high-profile event attracts a lot of attention or publicity. the high-profile reception being given to Mr Arafat. attracting a lot of public attention, usually deliberately   low profile
kept a high profile
was always in the public eye
kept a low profile
remained inconspicuous, did not attract the attention of others
load profile
Electric power consumption (kWh) as measured in one-hour intervals
load profile
Information on a customer's usage over a period of time, sometimes shown as a graph like the one on the bill
load profile
A Customer's actual Electricity Supply Service usage as recorded on interval meter designed for such purpose
load profile
A numerical or bar graph report of planned and actual capacity requirements for a given resource, that may include pegging to show the individual order sources of the demand
load profile
A graph or tabulation that represents the electric load or demand of a customer or group of customers over some period of time
load profile
Auditors typically estimate the compressed air load profile in terms of how the demand in cubic feet per minute (cfm) changes over time A facility with a varying load profile will likely benefit from advanced control strategies A facility with short periods of heavy demand may benefit from implementing storage options
low medical profile
medical status of having limited physical ability
low profile
A SlideMaster unit designed to provide moderate load carrying capacity slide unit size and weight
low profile
* - A fixed vinyl frame that has less exposed vinyl than Hy-Lite's standard vinyl frame
low profile
Any crown of a cap that is LESS than 4” in height Not to be confused with UNSTRUCTURED
low profile
discreteness, barely noticeable presence or concealed activity
low profile
A design feature popular in fairway woods in which the face height of the club is generally 1 2" or less This provides a lower center of gravity for the club
low profile
Metal gas pump globe body for 15 inch or 16 5 inch lenses When viewed from the front, the body has a "low profile," allowing the lenses to be the more dominant visual feature
low profile
Describes drives built to the 3 5-inch form factor, which are only 1-inch high The standard form factor drives are 1 625-inches high
low profile
- Describes drives built to the 3 1/2- inch form factor, which are only 1 inch high The standard form factor drives are 1 625 inches high
low profile
A cap style with a low slope that is more closely fitted to the head Can either be structured or unstructured
low profile
keep a low profile to not go to places or be careful not to do anything that will attract attention to yourself or your actions   high profile
low profile
A conetop produced (with a couple of exceptions) from 1935 until 1942 by the Continental Can Company Its spout is shorter than that of the high profile or j-spout conetops (photo)
medical profile
physical and mental capability of a soldier as recorded using numbers between 21 and 97
population profile
a chart showing the number of people as a function of their ages
past of profile
A remote ground-based sensing instrument that measures wind speed and direction at different levels of the atmosphere The new National Weather Service WSR-88D radar has this capability, and its vertical wind profile is called a VAD Wind Profile (or VWP) VAD stands for Velocity Azimuth Display
An instrument designed to measure horizontal winds directly above its location, and thus measure the vertical wind profile Profilers operate on the same principles as Doppler radar
A person who creates a profile for something or someone, especially a psychological profile for an unknown criminal
Machine tool for cutting complex, irregular shapes, invented by Frederick W. Howe. A rapidly rotating cutter is guided by a finger that traces around the outline of a pattern. The profiler was an important component of the American System of manufacture that made mass production possible
A type of Doppler radar that measures both wind speed and direction from 1,500 feet up through 55,000 feet in the atmosphere
{i} person or thing that creates a profile; airborne radar system used to detect structures located 1-10 meters below the surface of the ground
A type of Doppler radar that typically measures both wind speed and direction from the surface to 55,000 feet in the atmosphere
An automated configuration tool that scans a network for live systems and guides you through the process of defining systems that you want to monitor, as well as attack signatures that you want associated with each system
An instrument designed to measure horizontal winds directly above its location and thus measure the vertical wind profile Profilers operate on the same principle as Doppler radar
A mechanical device that cuts complex, irregular shapes by tracing a pattern
The actual siding panels are called profiles Some commonly sized profiles are D4, D5 and Dutchlap
back plan
plural of profile
A Communicator user profile is a collection of information that's particular to a given user's connection to a given network or service provider Especially with the Personal Edition, more than one person may use a "household" copy of Communicator, or one person (or more) may need to be a user on or through multiple networks or providers (typically, one each for personal and business use) Apart from user identity information, each profile includes all the persistent data related to that connection, such as the browser cache, mail folders, newsgroup records, address book, bookmarks, and cookies file Communicator stores profile information in a subdirectory bearing the user's name, under the users directory or folder
One of the four products contained in P E I Job Futures This product contains the following elements: Nature of Work, Main Duties, Example Titles, Employment Requirements, Occupations Classified Elsewhere, Terms and Conditions, Employment to 2003, Skills and Aptitudes, Average Wages, Additional Information, and Employment Statistics (Employment by Industry, Employment by Gender, Employment by Area)
ICC or ICM 3D lookup tables that describe the color of a output device (such as a printer), input device (such as a scanner), display device (such as a monitor) or workingspace
the district criterion-referenced tests for a particular subject
Profiles are the various milled shapes of the logs when looking at a cross-section of the log For example a flat/round log is flat on three sides and rounded on the fourth side See our profile sheet for other styles
A profile is complete definition of how a product manufacturer can implement Bluetooth wireless technology for a particular usage case Profiles are the "services" offered by a device In general, it is the responsibility of the product manufacturer to implement the profiles necessary for their target customers For two devices to interoperate to complete a user task, both devices must implement a common profile Today there are nearly twenty profiles including a wide diversity of usage cases
A Profile is a collection of Java APIs that complements one or more Java 2 Platform Editions by adding domain-specific capabilities Profiles may also include other defined Profiles A profile implementation requires a Java 2 Platform Edition to create a complete development and deployment environment in a targeted vertical market Each profile is subject to an associated set of compatibility requirements Profiles may be usable on one or more editions Some examples of profiles within the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition are: * PersonalJava(TM) - for non-PC products that need to display web-compatible Java-based content * Java Card(TM) - for secure smart cards and other severely memory-constrained devices
The actual siding clapboard panels are called profiles Some commonly sized profiles are D4, D5 and Dutchlap
the forensic science of constructing an outline of a persons individual characteristics
The use of behavioral indicators such as a record of the websites accessed to create a profile (set of characteristics) of an individual (See 189)
systematic method of collecting, collating, and analyzing patient data to develop provider-specific information about medical practice
The process of scanning a network for live systems to monitor and of associating attack signatures with those particular systems Also see profiler
present participle of profile
Profiling is the action of applying selection criteria to a database For example in a Lifestyle database selecting prospects with an income of over £30,000 living in a house worth over £250,000 in London and the Home Counties
The process of generating a statistical analysis of a program that shows processor time and the percentage of program execution time used by each procedure in the program
The building of a profile on consumers' interests by monitoring and analyzing the Web pages, types of content, and paths users take while visiting one or more Web sites
system of recording pupils' personal achievements in all areas of activity Used to supplement formal examination results
An analytic tool that uses epidemiologic methods to compare practice patterns of providers on the dimensions of cost, service use, or quality of care The provider's pattern of practice is expressed as a rate aggregated over time for defined population of patients
Selecting standards for a particular application
Profiling is an analytic tool that uses epidemiological methods to compare practice patterns of providers on the dimensions of cost, service use, or quality of care The provider’s pattern of practice is expressed as a rate, aggregated over time for defined population of patients
Placing a cookie on a Web surfer's hard drive to track that person's actions on the Internet, and then using the collected data to create a profile of that individual's interests
Real-time tailoring of displays, particularly Web pages, to an identified set of customer characteristics, such as probable preferences based on demographics See personalization, CRM, and Active Data Warehousing
recording a person's behavior and analyzing psychological characteristics in order to predict or assess their ability in a certain sphere or to identify a particular group of people
The task of building up a fuller picture of the target segments p 228
A process that produces detailed information about program execution, such as details about areas of code where most of the execution time is spent The prof(1) command produces profiling information
A technique whereby a set of characteristics of a particular class of person is inferred from past experience, and data-holdings are then searched for individuals with a close fit to that set of characteristics
In the construction of fieldworks, the erection at proper intervals of wooden profiles, to show to the workmen the sectional form of the parapets at those points
A method of collecting data by periodically examining and recording the program's program counter (PC), call stack, and hardware counters that measure resource consumption
The practice of tracking information about consumers' interests by monitoring their movements online This can be done without using any personal information, but simply by analyzing the content, URL Source: Internet Advertising Bureau
psychic profile
mental profile, diagram showing a person's mental state and abilities
soil profile
the description of the various layers, known as soil horizons, present in soil at a particular geographic location
soil profile
A vertical cross-section of a given soil, showing the different layers or horizons, if present
soil profile
Vertical arrangement of layers or horizons in a soil
soil profile
A vertical section of a soil through all its horizons and extending into the parent material
soil profile
the succession of distinctive layers in a soil from the surface down to the bedrock
soil profile
A vertical strip of soil stretching from the surface down to the bedrock and including all of the successive soil horizons
soil profile
a vertical cross section of a soil from the surface through all its horizons
soil profile
a vertical section of soil from the ground surface to the parent rock
soil profile
The vertical arrangement of layers of soil down to the bedrock
soil profile
The vertical arrangement of soil horizons down to the parent material or to bedrock Commonly subdivided into A, B, and C horizons Source (1) The geologic structure that generates a particular earthquake (2) The explosion used to generate acoustic or seismic waves Source function The ground motion generated at the fault during rupture, usually as predicted by a theoretical model and represented by a time history or spectrum The terms Brune spectrum, Aki spectrum, and Haskel model refer to varying representations of the source function, each based on different assumptions, as devised by the scientist for which the model is named
soil profile
A vertical cross-section of soil layers constitutes the soil profile, which is composed of three major layers designated, A, B, and C horizons The A and B horizons are layers that have been modified by weathering, while the C horizon is unaltered by soil-forming processes
soil profile
A vertical section of the earth's highly weathered upper surface often showing several distinct layers, or horizons
soil profile
The set of observable horizontal layers in a vertical cross section of soil
soil profile
A vertical section of soil Starting at the surface, it shows the sequence of individual layers (or horizons)
soil profile
The "face" of a soil when it has been cut vertically that shows the individual horizons and soil properties with depth
soil profile
A two-dimensional view of the soil from the earth's surface down to and including the parent material
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение profile в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь


The portrait shows the profile of a beautiful woman. - Portre, güzel bir kadın profilini gösteriyor.

Gusty winds are making travel hazardous for high profile vehicles. - Şiddetli rüzgarlar yüksek profilli araçlar için seyahati tehlikeli yapıyorlar.

cross section
side face
half face
side view