
listen to the pronunciation of procedure¨
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение procedure¨ в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь


Tom uygun prosedürü izlemedi. - Tom didn't follow the proper procedure.

Vize almak için prosedür nedir? - What is the procedure for getting a visa?

{i} yöntem

Yöntemi Tom'a açıkladım. - I explained the procedure to Tom.

Bu yeni yöntemi benimserseniz zaman kazanırsınız. - You will save time if you adopt this new procedure.

{i} işlem

Bu yasal olmayan bir işlemdir. - This is an illegal procedure.

Bu işlemle ilgili önemli ölçüde bürokrasi vardır. - There's a lot of red tape involved in this procedure.

izlenecek yol
(Tıp) Herhangi bir deney veya araştırmada izlenen yol, uygulanan işlem, öyntem, prosedür
previous procedure
(Bilgisayar) önceki yordam
(Ticaret) kurallar dizini
uygulanan işlem
(Bilgisayar) altyordam
(Nükleer Bilimler) işlem (bürokratik),prosedür,yazılı usul
(Kimya) muamelat
(Bilgisayar) işlem grubu
procedure base
yordam tabanı
procedure definition
(Bilgisayar) yordam tanımla
procedure definition
(Bilgisayar) yordam tanımı
procedure division
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işlem bölümü
procedure name
(Bilgisayar) yordam adı
procedure of voting
(Politika, Siyaset) rey verme usulü
procedure of voting
(Politika, Siyaset) oylama usulü
procedure separator
(Bilgisayar) yordam ayırıcısı
procedure turn
(Havacılık) kaide dönüşü

Ona yordamları açıkladım. - I explained him the procedures.

{i} işlem: There are a number of steps to be followed in this procedure. Bu işlemde izlenecek birkaç
procedure division
yordam bölümü
procedure oriented language
yordama yönelik dil
yordam yordam / yöntem
procedure library
prosedür kütüphane
procedure manual
işlem manuel
procedure qualification record
Süreç vasıflandırma kaydı
(Mukavele) işlem, muamele ; prosedür; iş görme usulü
{i} yol, yöntem, metot, prosedür
{i} yargılama yöntemi
(Avrupa Birliği) usul,süreç
(İnşaat) işlem sırası
{i} muamele
{i} usul
davaya bakma usulu
procedural s
dava usulune
procedure analysis
(Askeri) İŞLETME UNSURLARI ANALİZİ: Emniyet ve usulün ihlaline yol açacak halleri tayin eden, bu gibi olaylar üzerinde devamlı bir kontrolün yürütülmesini sağlayan ve lüzumlu zaman ve yerde düzeltici tedbir ve çareler bulan gönderme emniyeti unsuru
procedure analysis
(Askeri) işletme unsurları analizi
procedure message
(Askeri) işletme haberi
procedure message
(Askeri) İŞLETME HABERİ: Metinde, sadece haberleşme kısaltmaları, işletme işaretleri, gönderilenin adresi, haber tanıtma işareti, haber kısımları ve, icasında, açıklama bilgileri bulunan bir haber
procedure phrase
(Askeri) işletme kodu
procedure phrase
(Askeri) İŞLETME KODU: Stereotip telsiz ve telli işletme esaslarını kısaltılmış şekilde göndermek için kullanılan cümle
procedure sign
(Askeri) (PROSIGN) HABERLEŞME KISALTMASI: Muhabere ile ilgili olarak sık sık kullanılan bazı emir, talimat, istek ve bilgileri kısaltılmış standart formlar halinde göndermek suretiyle haberleşmeyi kolaylaştırmada faydalanılan bir veya daha çok harf veya rakam ya da harf ve rakam karışımı
procedure sign
(Askeri) haberleşme kısaltması
procedure turn
(Askeri) DÖNÜŞ USULÜ, MANEVRASI: Aksi yöndeki bir dönüşü takiben belirlenmiş bir izden uzak olarak bir dönüşün yer aldığı; her iki dönüşünde, uçağa belirtilmiş izin karşılığı boyunca önlemede bulunmak ve buna devam etmekte imkan tanıyacak şekilde sabit bir oranda ifade edilen bir uçak manevrası
procedure word
(Askeri) İŞLETME KELİMESİ: Bilgiyi kısaltılmış standart bir formda iletmek suretiyle haberleşmeyi kolaylaştırmak amacıyla kullanılan, telsiz telefon kullanımıyla sınırlı bir kelime veya ibare. Ekseriya "proword" olarak adlandırılmaktadır
procedure word
(Askeri) işletme kelimesi
criminal procedure
ceza yargılaması
decision procedure
(Dilbilim) karar işlemi
deferred procedure call
(Bilgisayar) ertelenmiş yordam çağrısı
diagnostic procedure
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tanılama yordamı
diagnostic procedure
(Bilgisayar) tanılayıcı yordam
follow a procedure
prosedür izlemek
grievance procedure
(Ticaret) şikayet sistemi
identification procedure
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tanılama yordamı
identification procedure
inward processing procedure
(Ticaret) dahilde işleme usulü
measurement procedure
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ölçüm yordamı
recovery procedure
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hatadan toparlanma süreci
render safe procedure
(Askeri) emniyete alma usulü
render safe procedure
güvenli hale getirme işlemi
salvage procedure
(Askeri) kurtarma işlemi
bureaucratic procedure
bürokratik işlem
checkpoint procedure
denetim noktası yöntemi
communication line control procedure
iletişim hattı denetim yöntemi
instrument approach procedure
aletle yaklaşma işlemi
machine procedure
makine prosedürü
recursive procedure
özyineli yordam
Simultaneous Prompting Procedure
(Eğitim) Eş zamanlı ipucuyla öğretim tekniği
checkpoint/restart procedure
denetim noktası/yeniden başlatma yordamı
code of criminal procedure
(Kanun) Ceza Muhakemeleri Usulü Kanunu, CMUK
code of procedure
işlem kodu
collection procedure
tahsil usulü
experimental procedure
deneysel işlemin
frozen section procedure
frozen prosedür
function procedure
işlev yordamı
grievance procedure
Şikayet prosedürü, şikayet yöntemi
layout procedure
düzeni prosedür
manufacturing procedure
üretim prosedürü
parliamentary procedure
parlamento usulleri
security procedure
güvenlik işlemleri
shared procedure
paylaşımlı prosedür, ortak işlem-dizin
take criminal procedure
cezai işlem uygulamak
to execute the asylum procedure
iltica prosedürü çalıştırmak için
vigilance procedure
ihtiyat prosedürü
Military Assistance Program; missed approach point; missed approach procedure
(Askeri) Askeri Yardım Programı; tamamlanmamış iniş noktası; tamamlanmamış iniş usülleri
Spinning procedure
(Tekstil) Eğirme işlemi
abuse of procedure
(Kanun) yolsuz dava
accelerated procedure of trial
(Kanun) seri usulü muhakeme
acceptance procedure
(Havacılık) kabul yöntemleri
accreditation procedure
(Ticaret) akreditasyon kurallar dizini
acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 252 of the treaty
(Avrupa Birliği) Antlaşmanın 252. Maddesinde öngörülen usule uygun şekilde hareket ederek
adopt a procedure
prosedür uygulamak
alarm procedure
alarm prosedürü
apply a procedure
prosedür uygulamak
arbitration procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) tahkim süreci
assent procedure
onama prosedürü
assent procedure
(Avrupa Birliği) uygun görme usulü
assent procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) uygun bulma süreci
asynchronous procedure call
(APC) Eşzamanlı Olmayan Yordam Çağrısı (APC)
backup procedure
yedekleme yordami
bastardy procedure
babalık davası
batch production procedure
(Tıp) seri üretim işlemi
cessation of procedure
(Kanun) usul muamelelerinin durması
charging procedure
yükleme yöntemi
charging procedure
şarj yöntemi
checkpoint/restart procedure
denetim noktası/yeniden başlatma yorda
cloze procedure
(Dilbilim) çıkartmalı işlem
communication procedure
(Askeri) HABERLEŞME USULÜ: Haberleşmeyi kolaylaştırmak ve haberleri, muhabere vasıtaları ile, seri ve emin bir şekilde ulaştırmak için kısaltılmış esas, sinyal ve standart çalışma usulleri
concreting procedure
(İnşaat) betonlama yöntemi
consultation procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) danışma süreci
consultation procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) basit görüş yöntemi
database module procedure
(Bilgisayar) veritabanı modül yordam
deferred procedure call
(DPC) Ertelenmiş Yordam Çağrısı
diagnostic procedure
tanilayici yordam, tanilama yordami
direct command procedure
(Askeri) DİREKT KOMUTA USULÜ: Görmeyerek atış idare usulü olup, gözetleyici, yapılacak düzeltmeleri, direkt olarak silaha gönderir
discovery procedure
(Dilbilim) bulgulama işlemi
disposal procedure
(Askeri) imha prosedürü
emergency procedure
acil durum süreci
encryption procedure
(Askeri) şifreleme usulü
erection procedure
(İnşaat) montaj yöntemi
erection procedure
(İnşaat) kurma yöntemi
evaluation procedure
(Dilbilim) değerlendirme işlemi
exec procedure
EXEC yordamı
fallback procedure
son care yordami
federal test procedure
federal test yöntemi
goto procedure
(Bilgisayar) yönteme git
holding procedure
(Havacılık) bekletme yöntemi
identification procedure
tanitma, tanilama yordami
injection procedure
içitim yöntemi
injection procedure
enjeksiyon yöntemi
instance of the procedure
(Bilgisayar) yordam örneği
instrument approach procedure
(Askeri) ALETLE YAKLAŞMA USULÜ: İlk iniş yaklaşmasının başlangıcından inişe, veya görerek iniş yapılabilecek bir noktaya veya pas geçilmiş yaklaşma usulünün başlatıldığı noktaya bir uçağın düzgün gelmesi için önceden belirlenmiş bir düz prosedür
interface operating procedure
(Askeri) enterfaz işletim usulleri
invitation procedure
(Ticaret) çağrı usulü
isolation procedure
(Tıp) izolasyon prosedürü
jigging procedure
çalkalama işlemi
local procedure call
(LPC) Yerel İşlem Çağrısı
logon procedure
(Bilgisayar) oturum açma yöntemi
logon procedure
(Bilgisayar) oturum açma yordamı
measurement procedure
olcum yordami
military standard requisitioning and issue procedure
(Askeri) standart askeri istek ve dağıtım usulleri
military standard transaction reporting and accounting procedure
(Askeri) askeri standart rapor işlemleri ve muhasebe yöntemleri
missed approach procedure
(Havacılık) pas geçme prosedürü
missed approach procedure
(Askeri) TAMAMLANMAMIŞ İNİŞ USULLERİ: Bir aletin inişinden sonra, karaya iniş normal olarak sağlanmamışsa: a. Uçak karar verilen yükseklik/irtifaya indikten ve görülen şekilde Teması sağlayamadığı zaman, veya, b. İnmeden yeniden kalkması veya yeniden etrafta dolaşması için hava trafik kontrolünden emir geldiği zaman takip edilmesi gereken usuller
missed approach procedure
(Askeri) pas geçme usulü
mutual recognition procedure
(Tıp) karşılıklı tanıma işlemi
noise abatement procedure
gürültü azaltımı yöntemi
notification procedure
(Ticaret) bildirim kurallar dizini
observed fire procedure
(Askeri) GÖZETLEMELİ ATIŞ USULÜ: Bir hedefe görmeyerek yapılan atışları tanzim etmek için kullanılan standartlaştırılmış işlem
observed fire procedure
(Askeri) gözetlemeli atış usulü
operational procedure
(Ticaret) çalışma prosedürü
operational safety procedure
işletim güvenlik prosedürü
operator procedure regulations
(Askeri) OPERATÖR İŞLETME USULÜ YÖNETMELİĞİ: Muharebe trafik emniyetinin, operatör işletme usulü hususundaki talimatı ifade ve tatbik eden kısmı
planned procedure
(Nükleer Bilimler) planlanmış işlem
questioning procedure
(Kanun) sorgu usulü
quick search procedure
(Askeri) ÇABUK ARAMA YÖNTEMİ: Normal sayıdan iki misli uçak kullanarak gemi seyir yolları üzerindeki tüm alanı mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk arama yöntemi
radio procedure
(Askeri) TELSİZ İŞLETME USULÜ: Zaman kazanmak ve karışıklığa engel olmak için telsiz operatörleri tarafından kullanılan kalıplaşmış gönderme usulleri. Telsiz işletme usulü, yeknesaklığı temin suretiyle güveni artırır
recovery procedure
hatadan toparlanma sureci
remote procedure call
(RPC) Uzaktan İşlem Çağrısı
rules of procedure
(Avrupa Birliği) usul kuralları
salvage procedure
(Askeri) TAHLİSİYE (KURTARMA) İŞLEMİ: 1. Hasar görmüş, terkedilmiş, çürüğe ayrılmış müttefik veya düşman malzemesi, gemi, deniz aracı ve yüzen araçların yeniden kullanılmak, onarılmak veya işe yarar kısımlarını ayırmak maksadıyla kurtarılması, tahliyesi ve yenileştirilmesi. 2. Liman ve kanal temizlenmesi, dalgıç çalışmaları, tehlikeli bölgelerde yedekte çekme ve kurtarma römork hizmetleri ile dış kıyılarda batmış veya diğer kısımlarda karaya oturmuş malzeme, gemi, deniz aracı ve ordu deniz araçlarının kurtarılması
sample procedure
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune alma yöntemi
sampling procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) örnekleme prosedürü
scheduled procedure step
planlanmış işlem adımı
screening procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) izleme prosedürü
security technical procedure
(Askeri) güvenlik teknik prosedürü
shared procedure
paylaşımlı prosedür
shared procedure
ortak işlem-dizin
silence procedure
(Askeri) sessizlik yöntemi
standard inspection procedure
(Askeri) STANDART MUAYENE TALİMATI, STANDART DENETLEME USULÜ: İkmal maddelerinin kabul edilebilir durumda olup olmadıklarını tayin hususunda bir kılavuz olmak üzere tedarik müfettişine verilen talimat
standard operating procedure
(Askeri) Devamlı talimat
standing operating procedure
(Askeri) DEVAMLI HAREKAT USULÜ: Tesirlerinden birey kaybetmeksizin, belirli veya standartlaşmış bir metoda göre yürütülebilir faaliyet şekillerini kapsayan talimatlar grubu. Talimat, özel bir durum için aksi ifade edilmedikçe, geçerlidir. Böylece, özel durumlar için zaruri olan elastikiyet muhafaza edilmiş olmaktadır
stereoscopic procedure
(Sinema) üç boyutlu işlemi
summary procedure
(Kanun) acele muhakeme usulü
tendering procedure
(Ticaret) teklif verme usulü
tendering procedure
(Avrupa Birliği) ihale usulü
testing procedure
deney yöntemi
to result a procedure in a decision
(Avrupa Birliği) sürecin bir kararla sonuçlandırılması
trial procedure
(Kanun) duruşma usulü
uniform electoral procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) tek tip seçim yöntemi
violation of procedure
(Kanun) usule aykırılık
written procedure
yazılı usul
written procedure
yazılı prosedür
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The definitions have been collected from various documents and from the various communities inside Trigger DAQ A number of these expressions and acronyms have been adjusted to their current use and very often the old definition is given with the comment that it is obsolete or only valid for a certain context Please participate by sending comments or new definitions to Marc Dobson and Fred Wickens
A surgical operation performed on a person during a patient visit, as classified according to the ICD-9-CM or CPT-4 coding schemes A person may undergo more than one procedure during a single surgical operation For example, a patient who had arthroscopy with tendon repair on one leg undergoes two separate procedures
Something done to fix a health problem or to learn more about it For example, surgery, tests, and putting in an IV (intravenous line) are procedures
The manner in which an operation is performed; a set of directions for performing an examination or analysis - the actual parameters of the methods employed
The IDS is developed in cooperation and complementation with other research projects Throughout the world there are linguistic activities?from establishing of databases in universities and think-tanks to publishing grammar series and literacy materials, to individual projects such as the Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus project (http: //stedt berkeley edu/) Many projects seek to make linguistic data accessible in a format that will allow generalizations to be made The computer now gives us the potential for tying together linguistic databases The IDS editors will continue to monitor linguistic activity around the world, both for choosing the languages for forthcoming compilations and for collaboration with other research teams
a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
a mode of conducting legal and parliamentary proceedings
(n ) a computation that may be invoked during program execution It may be a function or a subroutine It may be an internal procedure, an external procedure, a module procedure, a dummy procedure, or a statement function A subprogram may define more than one procedure if it contains ENTRY statements
A documented description of a sequence of actions to be taken to perform a given task
A set of SQL and PL/SQL statements grouped together as an executable unit to perform a very specific task Procedures and functions are nearly identical; the only difference between the two is that functions always return a single value to the caller, while procedures do not return a value to the caller
A named sequence of statements executed as a unit For example, Function and Sub are types of procedures
A set of specific steps that describe how an activity should be carried out, and by whom For example, the procedure dealing with carrying out a post-implementation review of a Change would be likely to describe the scope of the procedure (to what Changes does this procedure apply), its purpose and how the success of the Change will be measured, the individual procedural steps and the responsibilities for carrying out or being involved in each of those steps Procedures may be supported by more detailed Work Instructions
provide a method by which a policy is accomplished; the instructions necessary to carry out a policy statement Focuses on action or steps and there is usually a starting point and an ending point to that action
a particular way of accomplishing an objective; generally refers to the method rather than the result Procedures are usually developed to describe the methods for implementing policy
The rules for the conduct of a lawsuit; there are rules of civil, criminal, evidence, bankruptcy, and appellate procedure
A computation that can be invoked during program execution It can be a subroutine or function, an internal, external, dummy or module procedure, or a statement function A subprogram can define more than one procedure if it contains an ENTRY statement See also subprogram
(1) A named sequence of control statements and/or data that is saved in a library for processing at a later time, when a calling statement activates it; it provides the capability to replace values within the procedure (2) In Fortran 90, procedure is defined by a sequence of statements that expresses a computation that may be invoked as a subroutine or function during program execution It may be an intrinsic procedure, an external procedure, an internal procedure, a module procedure, a dummy procedure, or a statement function If a subprogram contains an ENTRY statement, it defines more than one procedure
a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work; "the operations in building a house"; "certain machine tool operations"
An administrative plan, either written or formalized by practice, which establishes the acceptable sequence of steps, actions, and methods for accomplishing a narrowly defined task in an efficient and effective manner *
a particular course of action intended to achieve a result; "the procedure of obtaining a driver's license"; "it was a process of trial and error"
A group of one or more precompiled SQL statements that are stored as a named object in a database
A procedure is a means of defining a particular operation in MEL A procedure is used to perform some operation and often return a result This is conceptually the same as the C language's function
The steps in a process and how these steps are to be performed for the process to fulfill customer's requirements
a reserved word, an Ada subprogram that is invoked by a procedure call statement 1 1, 1 2, 2 2 2 4, A 1
A specific measurement process That is, a procedure is a single assessment device or technique of data collection such as interviewing or the use of questionnaires Each of these is a single, coherent, and integrated procedure for collecting information, and is to be distinguished from a methodology (See universalist approach; convergence of methodologies)
(see parliamentary procedure)
In the context of PD diagrams, a procedure is part of a process; e g , preparing an invoice may be defined as a procedure within the larger process of filling a customer order
A group of commands used to select and schedule work Work (job streams) and scheduling parameters are defined in a procedure, including pre/post requisites, resource requirements, date/time restrictions, error handling and symbolic variables
NCL: An identifier with a list of parameters, these parameters being separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses Procedures do not return values when called
A particular method for performing a task
A series of small tasks or steps taken to accomplish an end
A subroutine or function coded to perform a specific task
The set of established forms or methods of an organized body for accomplishing a certain task or tasks

Ensure that you follow procedure when accessing customers' personal information.

The steps taken in an action or other legal proceeding

Gracious procedures. —I. Taylor.

procedure division
The part of a COBOL program containing all the instructions that the computer is to execute

In the following alternative formulation of the procedure division, the PERFORM statement is used to execute a sequence of paragraphs.

a manner or method of acting
{n} a manner of proceeding, progress
That which results; issue; product
The rules for the conduct of a lawsuit; there are rules of civil, criminal, evidence, bankruptcy, and appellate procedure
The definitions have been collected from various documents and from the various communities inside Trigger DAQ A number of these expressions and acronyms have been adjusted to their current use and very often the old definition is given with the comment that it is obsolete or only valid for a certain context Please participate by sending comments or new definitions to Marc Dobson and Fred Wickens
a reserved word, an Ada subprogram that is invoked by a procedure call statement 1 1, 1 2, 2 2 2 4, A 1
A set of specific steps that describe how an activity should be carried out, and by whom For example, the procedure dealing with carrying out a post-implementation review of a Change would be likely to describe the scope of the procedure (to what Changes does this procedure apply), its purpose and how the success of the Change will be measured, the individual procedural steps and the responsibilities for carrying out or being involved in each of those steps Procedures may be supported by more detailed Work Instructions
provide a method by which a policy is accomplished; the instructions necessary to carry out a policy statement Focuses on action or steps and there is usually a starting point and an ending point to that action
a mode of conducting legal and parliamentary proceedings a particular course of action intended to achieve a result; "the procedure of obtaining a driver's license"; "it was a process of trial and error
(1) A named sequence of control statements and/or data that is saved in a library for processing at a later time, when a calling statement activates it; it provides the capability to replace values within the procedure (2) In Fortran 90, procedure is defined by a sequence of statements that expresses a computation that may be invoked as a subroutine or function during program execution It may be an intrinsic procedure, an external procedure, an internal procedure, a module procedure, a dummy procedure, or a statement function If a subprogram contains an ENTRY statement, it defines more than one procedure
A group of commands used to select and schedule work Work (job streams) and scheduling parameters are defined in a procedure, including pre/post requisites, resource requirements, date/time restrictions, error handling and symbolic variables
A surgical operation performed on a person during a patient visit, as classified according to the ICD-9-CM or CPT-4 coding schemes A person may undergo more than one procedure during a single surgical operation For example, a patient who had arthroscopy with tendon repair on one leg undergoes two separate procedures
A computation that can be invoked during program execution It can be a subroutine or function, an internal, external, dummy or module procedure, or a statement function A subprogram can define more than one procedure if it contains an ENTRY statement See also subprogram
a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
{i} routine, protocol; course of action; subroutine, sequence of instructions (Computers)
The manner in which an operation is performed; a set of directions for performing an examination or analysis - the actual parameters of the methods employed
a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work; "the operations in building a house"; "certain machine tool operations"
a mode of conducting legal and parliamentary proceedings
NCL: An identifier with a list of parameters, these parameters being separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses Procedures do not return values when called
A named sequence of statements executed as a unit For example, Function and Sub are types of procedures
The IDS is developed in cooperation and complementation with other research projects Throughout the world there are linguistic activities?from establishing of databases in universities and think-tanks to publishing grammar series and literacy materials, to individual projects such as the Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus project (http: //stedt berkeley edu/) Many projects seek to make linguistic data accessible in a format that will allow generalizations to be made The computer now gives us the potential for tying together linguistic databases The IDS editors will continue to monitor linguistic activity around the world, both for choosing the languages for forthcoming compilations and for collaboration with other research teams
a particular course of action intended to achieve a result; "the procedure of obtaining a driver's license"; "it was a process of trial and error"
Something done to fix a health problem or to learn more about it For example, surgery, tests, and putting in an IV (intravenous line) are procedures
A group of one or more precompiled SQL statements that are stored as a named object in a database
A specific measurement process That is, a procedure is a single assessment device or technique of data collection such as interviewing or the use of questionnaires Each of these is a single, coherent, and integrated procedure for collecting information, and is to be distinguished from a methodology (See universalist approach; convergence of methodologies)
A step taken; an act performed; a proceeding; the steps taken in an action or other legal proceeding
(see parliamentary procedure)
A procedure is a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct way. A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa
The steps in a process and how these steps are to be performed for the process to fulfill customer's requirements
The act or manner of proceeding or moving forward; progress; process; operation; conduct
A documented description of a sequence of actions to be taken to perform a given task
a particular way of accomplishing an objective; generally refers to the method rather than the result Procedures are usually developed to describe the methods for implementing policy
A procedure is a means of defining a particular operation in MEL A procedure is used to perform some operation and often return a result This is conceptually the same as the C language's function
A set of SQL and PL/SQL statements grouped together as an executable unit to perform a very specific task Procedures and functions are nearly identical; the only difference between the two is that functions always return a single value to the caller, while procedures do not return a value to the caller
(n ) a computation that may be invoked during program execution It may be a function or a subroutine It may be an internal procedure, an external procedure, a module procedure, a dummy procedure, or a statement function A subprogram may define more than one procedure if it contains ENTRY statements
An administrative plan, either written or formalized by practice, which establishes the acceptable sequence of steps, actions, and methods for accomplishing a narrowly defined task in an efficient and effective manner *
In the context of PD diagrams, a procedure is part of a process; e g , preparing an invoice may be defined as a procedure within the larger process of filling a customer order
A series of small tasks or step taken to accomplish an end
Java stored procedure
a set of SQL statements, developed in Java, grouped together as an executable unit
Whipple procedure
The common term for pancreaticoduodenectomy. In medical circles, often simply called a Whipple
civil procedure
a body of rules that regulate the administration of civil trials and appeals
criminal procedure
The legal process for adjudicating claims that someone has violated criminal law
parliamentary procedure
The formal procedures used by a deliberative assembly in its decision making to keep order
remote procedure call
A technology that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space, commonly on another computer on a shared network, without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction
remote procedure calls
plural form of remote procedure call
security procedure
A procedure or set of procedures followed to ensure that state secrets, trade secrets, data, etc. are not compromised
stored procedure
A named program or routine stored in a database

I think the overflow bug is in your stored procedure.

surgical procedure
A procedure in which one or more incisions are made into the body in order to repair damage or remove diseased tissue; an operation
civil procedure
Civil procedure is the body of law that sets out the process that courts will follow when hearing cases of a civil nature (a "civil action", as opposed to a criminal action). These rules govern how a lawsuit or case may be commenced, what kind of service of process is required, the types of pleadings or statements of case, motions or applications, and orders allowed in civil cases, the timing and manner of depositions and discovery or disclosure, the conduct of trials, the process for judgment, various available remedies, and how the courts and clerks must function
civil procedure
The steps taken and methods used in bringing and conducting a civil action; also : a course of study in the rules of procedure in civil actions
frozen section procedure
The frozen section procedure is a pathological laboratory procedure to perform rapid microscopic analysis of a specimen. It is used most often in oncological surgery. The technical name for this procedure is cryosection
stored procedure
A precompiled collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name and processed as a unit. They are stored in an SQL database and can be run with one call from an application
Corporate Policy and Procedure Manual
document which outlines policies and procedures followed in a company
adversary procedure
In Anglo-American law, the principal method of offering evidence in court. It requires the opposing sides to present pertinent information and to introduce and cross-examine witnesses before a jury and/or a judge. Each side must conduct its own investigation. In criminal proceedings, the prosecution represents the government and has at its disposal the police department with its investigators and laboratories; the defense must arrange and pay for its own investigation. (Legal aid is available for the poor.) In civil (noncriminal) proceedings the adversary system works similarly, except that both sides engage private attorneys to prepare their cases. Skillful questioning often produces testimony that can be interpreted in various ways; in cross-examination, lawyers seek to alter the jury's initial perception of the testimony
backup procedure
process of copying documents onto another storage medium to protect files against a system malfunction (Computers)
battle procedure
way of conducting a battle
bureaucratic procedure
needlessly time-consuming procedure
cataloged procedure
a set of control statements that have been placed in a library and can be retrieved by name
civil procedure
regulations governing legal proceedings dealing with civil matters
civil procedure
The rules and process by which a civil case is tried and appealed, including the preparations for trial, the rules of evidence and trial conduct, and the procedure for pursuing appeals
civil procedure
the rules and process that govern how a civil case is presented in court; includes presentation of evidence, trial conduct, and the process of appealing a decision
civil procedure
The rules and processes by which a civil case is tried and appealed, including the preparations for trial, the rules of evidence and trial conduct and the procedure for pursuing appeals In the Northern District, parties must follow both the federal and local rules of civil procedure
cloze procedure
An exercise where every fifth word (or sixth or seventh etc) is deleted rom a text The interval between the deleted words should remain the samethroughout the text The student then supplies the missing words, often relying on contextualization for help
cloze procedure
A cloze passage is piece of writing from which certain words have been removed and replaced with gaps The task of the the person being tested is to supply words for these gaps
cloze procedure
A procedure for the assessment of reading comprehension that requires the student to complete a sentence by filling in the blank or providing a meaningful word for the blank
cloze procedure
Technique used in testing, teaching reading comprehension, and determination of readability Involves deletion of words from the text and leaving blank spaces Measurement is made by rating the number of blanks which can be correctly filled
cloze procedure
A procedure used to measure comprehension or text difficulty, in which a person is called upon to supply elements that have been systematically deleted from a text
cloze procedure
a test for diagnosing reading ability; words are deleted from a prose passage and the reader is required to fill in the blanks
cloze procedure
a reading activity, often used as a diagnostic, in which every nth word is deleted from a selected reading Students are then asked to read the passage, inserting a word into each blank to create a meaningful reading
contingency procedure
an alternative to the normal procedure; triggered if an unusual but anticipated situation arises
criminal procedure
court trial, proceedings of a criminal court trial
dental procedure
a procedure employed by a dentist
diagnostic procedure
a procedure followed in making a medical diagnosis
double-blind procedure
an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects of the experiment nor the persons administering the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment; a double-blind procedure is used to guard against both experimenter bias and placebo effects
electoral procedure
process by which a candidate is elected to office
emergency procedure
(medicine) a procedure adopted to meet an emergency (especially a medical emergency)
emergency procedure
emergency plan, course of action to be taken in the case of an emergency
experimental procedure
the specific techniques used in conducting a particular experiment
landing procedure
rules and regulations followed in order to ensure a safe landing (of an aircraft or other vehicle)
legal procedure
procedure that is conducted according to the law
medical procedure
a procedure employed by medical or dental practitioners
normal procedure
normal way of doing things
operating procedure
a procedure for operating something or for dealing with a given situation
operational procedure
process of operation, activation procedure
parliamentary procedure
{i} collection of guidelines for procedure and conduct at legislative or committee proceedings (covers topics such as debate, voting, adjournment, amendments, etc.)
parliamentary procedure
or rules of order Generally accepted rules, precedents, and practices used in the governance of deliberative assemblies. They are intended to maintain decorum, ascertain the will of the majority, preserve the rights of the minority, and facilitate the orderly transaction of business. Rules of parliamentary procedure originated in Britain in the 16th and 17th centuries and were subsequently adopted by legislatures around the world. Robert's Rules of Order, codified in 1876 by U.S. Gen. Henry M. Robert (1837-1923) and regularly refined and enlarged, is the standard set of rules used by legislatures in the U.S
radio telephone procedure
procedure of wireless communication
regular procedure
normal way of doing things, standard method
remote procedure call
A message-passing facility that allows a distributed program to call services available on various computers in a network Used during remote administration of computers, RPC provides a procedural view, rather than a transport-centered view, of networked operations
remote procedure call
This is a protocol that one application can use to request a service from another application located on another computer in a network without having to understand the specific network details
remote procedure call
Method used to communicate between computers using the Internet The network layer dealing with RPCs is the session layer It is one layer further removed from hardware dependancies then the transport (TCP/IP, sockets) layer
remote procedure call
Refers to the operations with Agents on a remote computer
remote procedure call
An RPC is part of an application that activates a process on another node on the network and retrieves the results
remote procedure call
This protocol allows the construction of client-server applications using a demand/response protocol with management of transactions The client is blocked until a response is returned from the server, or a user-defined optional timeout occurs RPC guarantees at-most-once semantics for the delivery of the request See also inter-process communication (IPC), and asynchronous communication mode
remote procedure call
A call to a procedure in a different address space In a traditional procedure call, the calling procedure and the called procedure are in the same address space on one machine In a remote procedure call, the calling procedure invokes a procedure in a different address space and usually on a different machine
remote procedure call
A local procedure call that is executed in a non-local program or address space Enables application logic to be split between a client and a server in the way that best uses available resources
remote procedure call
provides the endpoint mapper and other miscellaneous RPC services This is the RPC endpoint mapper and the COM Service Control Manager (SCM) If this service is turned off, the computer will not boot See also Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
remote procedure call
Executing what looks like a normal procedure call (or method invocation) by sending network packets to some remote host
remote procedure call
In programming, a protocol that one program can use to request a service from another program located on a remote system
remote procedure call
The remote procedure call structure developed by Sun for communication between clients and servers
remote procedure call
An interprocess communication method that allows an application to run specific parts of the application on more than one computer in a distributed computing environment Windows NT 4 0's DCOM uses RPCs for network communication between COM objects
remote procedure call
Executing commands on remote host computers
remote procedure call
The remote procedure call structure developed by Sun for communication between clients and servers See RFC 1050, RFC 1057, and RFC 1831 for more
remote procedure call
A remote procedure call is similar to a local procedure call except that the calling and called procedures are not a part of the same program The called and calling procedures may be located in the same computer or in different networked computers
remote procedure call
An process for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing An RPC is a set of conventions that governs how an application activates a process on another node on the network and retrieves the results An easy and popular paradigm for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing A request is sent to a remote system to execute a designated procedure, using arguments supplied, and the result returned to the called There are many variations and subtleties, resulting in a variety of different RPC protocols
remote procedure call
RPC is procedure P that a caller process C gets a server process S to execute as if C had executed P in C's own address space RFC 1831 specifies an "Open Network Computing" version of RPC
remote procedure call
(RPC) A protocol governing the method with which an application activates processes on other nodes & retrieves the results
remote procedure call
An easy and popular paradigm for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing In general, a request is sent to a remote system to execute a designated procedure, using arguments supplied, and the result returned to the caller There are many variations and subtleties in various implementations, resulting in a variety of different (incompatible) RPC protocols
remote procedure call
(RPC) A mechanism for accessing a remote object or service
remote procedure call
A process (API) by which a client instructs a server (or DBMS) to execute a program routine
remote procedure call
(RPC) a co-operative processing model based upon calling subroutines (functions) in another process
standard procedure
normal management, proper and accepted order of work
standing operating procedure
predetermined order of activities and preparations before going out on a mission
standing operating procedure
a prescribed procedure to be followed routinely; "rote memorization has been the educator's standard operating procedure for centuries
standing operation procedure
permanent combat command, command that is always in effect in fighting
straightforward procedure
simple procedure
summary procedure
very quick civil trail that is held without the usual hearings by the plaintiff unless he was given permission to defend himself
take off procedure
set of regulations that must be followed in order to ensure a safe take-off
two-step procedure
{i} (Medicine) performance of surgical biopsy and breast surgery in two separate surgeries