
listen to the pronunciation of pressure
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

O bir politikacı baskısına asla boyun eğmeyecektir. - He will never yield to the pressure of a politician.

Vergi reformu için baskı artıyor. - The pressure for tax reform is growing.


Çıkıştaki akış hızı, çıkış kapakçığının etrafındaki basınç farkıyla orantılıdır. - The exit flowrate is proportional to the pressure difference around the exit valve.

Ebe doğum sırasında hiçbir ağrı olmadığını, sadece basınç olduğunu söylüyor. Bu gerçek mi? Evet! Sadece bir kasırga gibi hava hareketidir. - The midwife says that there's no pain during childbirth, only pressure. Is that true? Yes! Just like a tornado is a movement of air.

{i} basınç, tazyik: atmospheric pressure hava basıncı. high pressure yüksek basınç. low pressure alçak basınç
{f} baskı yapmak

Sana baskı yapmak istemiyoruz. - We don't want to pressure you.

Burada sana baskı yapmak için bulunmuyorum. - I'm not here to put pressure on you.


Basınçlı kabın içinde ne pişiriyorsun? - What are you cooking inside the pressure pot?

sıkıştırmak (bir kimseyi)
baskı yapmak (birine)
{i} sıkıntı

Büyük bir aileyi geçindirmenin sıkıntıları onunla arayı kapatmak için başlıyor. - The pressures of supporting a big family are beginning to catch up with him.

{i} zorlama

Seni zorlamak istemiyorum. - I don't want to pressure you.

{i} sıkışma
{i} (manevi) baskı: work under
{i} darlık
{f} zorlamak

Seni zorlamak istemiyorum. - I don't want to pressure you.

{i} pres
pressure group hükümete tesir etmeye çalışan nüfuzlu grup
kendi çıkan için meclise veya
(Tıp) Tazzyik, basınç
{f} basınç uygulamak
pressure gauge basıölçer
{f} baskılamak
pressure cooker düdüklü tencere
high pressure yüksek basınç
baskı (manevi)
pressure cooker
düdüklü tencere
blood pressure

Tansiyonunu ölçmeme izin ver. - Let me take your blood pressure.

Hastanın nabız ve tansiyonu normal. - The patient's pulse and blood pressure are normal.

pressure undercooling
(Borsa) Basınç yetersiz soğuması
Pressure gauge
(Tekstil) Manometre
pressure air
basınçlı hava
pressure arch
(Jeoloji) basınç kemeri
pressure area
basınç alanı
pressure bell
basınç çanı
pressure bolt
kenet cıvatası
pressure bolt
baskı civatası
pressure box
basınç kutusu
pressure bulb
basınç soğanı
pressure cap
(Otomotiv) basınç kepi
pressure cap
(Otomotiv) basınç kapağı
pressure cap
basınç başlığı
pressure cell
basınç hücresi
pressure cooker
basınçlı pişirici
pressure cooker
pressure disc
basınç diski
pressure drag
(Tarım) tazyiğe karşı direnç
pressure drop
basınç düşümü
pressure face
basınç yüzü
pressure fall
basınç düşmesi
pressure gage
(Gıda) basınçölçer
pressure gauge
pressure gun
basınç tabancası
pressure gun
basınçlı tabanca
pressure head
basınç yükü
pressure hose
basınç hortumu
pressure jump
(Meteoroloji) ani basınç atlaması
pressure jump
(Meteoroloji) ani basınç yükselmesi
pressure law
basınç kanunu
pressure line
basınç hattı
pressure log
basınç takozu
pressure nut
basınç somunu
pressure pile
basınç kazığı
pressure pin
(Otomotiv) basınç pimi
pressure pot
basınçlı kap
pressure pot
basınç kabı
pressure ring
(Otomotiv) basınç halkası
pressure sore
(Tıp) bası yarası
pressure test
basınç testi
pressure unit
basınç tertibatı
pressure wave
(Askeri,Teknik) basınç dalgası
pressure wind
(Askeri) basınç rüzgarı
pressure altitude
basınç yüksekliği
pressure angle
basınç açısı
pressure cabin
basınçlı kabin
pressure chamber
basınç hücresi
pressure control
basınç denetimi
pressure controller
basınç ayarlayıcı
pressure front
basınç cephesi
pressure governor
basınç regülatörü
pressure group
baskı türkümü
pressure head
basınç yüksekliği
pressure line
basınç çizgisi
pressure load
basınç yükü
pressure of the air
tenek basıncı
pressure pipe
basınç borusu
pressure pump
basınç pompası
pressure ratio
basınç oranı
pressure reducer
basınç düşürücü
pressure reservoir
basınç deposu
pressure sensation
baskı duygusu
pressure sensitive
basınca duyarlı
pressure shift
basınç kayması
pressure sore
dekübitus ülseri
pressure test
basınç deneyi
pressure tunnel
basınçlı tünel
pressure water
basınçlı su
pressure water
tazyikli su
pressure welding
basınç kaynağı
pressure above atmospheric
manometrik basınç
pressure angle
basınç acısı
pressure balance
basınç kantarı
pressure control valve
basınç kontrol supabı
pressure controller
basınç ayarlayici
pressure drops
basınç düşüyor
pressure feed
basınçla besleme
pressure feed lubrication
tazyikli yağlama, basınçlı yağlama
pressure gradient
basınç eğimi, basınç gradyani
pressure gradient microphone
basınç gradyani mikrofonu
pressure height
basıncı yüksekliği
pressure indicator
basınç göstergesi
pressure of the air
hava basıncı
pressure oil
basınçlı yağ
pressure points
basınç noktaları
pressure regulating valve
basınç ayar valfı
pressure regulator
basınç regülatörü
pressure relief line
basınç tahliye hattı
pressure relief tank
basınç tahliye tank
pressure roller
baskı silindiri
pressure spring
baskı yayı, basınç yayı
pressure stencil
basınç kalıp
pressure strength
Basınç dayanımı
pressure swing absorption
basınç swing emme
pressure switch
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Basınçlı şalter
pressure to
pressure valve
tazyik supabı, basınç supabı
pressure vessels
basınçlı kaplar
pressure water
tazyikli su, basınçlı su
pressure: piezoelectricity
basıncı: piezoelectricity
Pressure monitor
(Tekstil) Basınç gözleyici
pressure ager
(Tekstil) basınçlı buharlayıcı
pressure altitude
(Askeri) BASINÇ İRTİFAI: Standart atmosferdeki basınca denk gelen irtifa cinsinden ifade edilen bir atmosferik basınç. Ayrıca bakınız: "altitude"
pressure altitude variation
(Askeri) BASINÇ İRTİFA DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ: Ortalama deniz seviyesiyle standart deniz yüzeyi arasında, fit veya metre olarak ifade edilen, basınç farkı
pressure bar
basınç çubuğu
pressure boundary
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç sınırı
pressure charge
(Askeri) BASINÇ İMLA HAKKI: İçinde kimya maddesi bulunan bir kaptaki basınçlı karbondioksit veya klor. Bu madde; kabın içindeki kimya maddesini silindirden dışarı sevk etmek için gerekli basıncı temin eder
pressure coefficient
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç katsayısı,reaktivite basınç katsayısı
pressure drop
voltaj düşmesi
pressure drop
basınç düşümu
pressure dryer
(Tekstil) basınçlı kurutucu
pressure feed
besleme takviye
pressure firing device
(Askeri) BASINÇLA ATEŞLEME TERTİBATI: Kara mayınları, bubi tuzakları vesaireyi bir düzen üzerinde yapılacak basınç veya tatbik edilecek ağırlıkla ateşlemede kullanılan dört ateşleme tertibatından biri. Bu cihaz; esas itibariyle, bir ateşleme iğnesinden ve ona imla hakkını ateşleyecek bir tahrip kapsülü bağlanmış, horozlu tetikten ibarettir. Bak. "firing device"
pressure gage
basınç ölçer
pressure gage
(Askeri) BASINÇ ÖLÇÜ ALETİ; MANOMETRE; KROŞE: Bir silahın ateşlenmesi sonucu barut haznesinde meydana gelen basınç miktarını tayin için barut haznesine konulan, silindir şeklindeki ölçü aleti
pressure gauge
(İnşaat) basınç göstergesi
pressure gradient
basınç değişiminin eğimi
pressure group
pressure group
baskı grubu
pressure line of position
(Askeri) BASINÇ MEVKİ HATTI: Basınç örnek formülleriyle tayin edilip uçağın fiili uçuş yoluna paralel olarak işaretlenen ve net yan rüzgarı kaydırmasını gösteren bir mevki hattı
pressure loss
basınç yitimi
pressure mark
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç izi
pressure mine
(Askeri) basınçla çalışan mayın
pressure mine circuit
(Askeri) BASINÇLI MAYIN DEVRESİ: Bak. "pressure mine"
pressure of conscience
(fiil)cdan azabı
pressure of taxation
(fiil)rgi yükü
pressure of taxation
vergi yükü
pressure pipe
basınçlı boru
pressure plate
(İnşaat) basınç plakası
pressure recovery
basinc geri kazanimi
pressure relief system
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç rahatlatma sistemi
pressure suit
(Askeri) basınçlı uçuş kombinezonu
pressure suit
pressure switch
basinc anahtari
pressure tank
basınçlı tank
pressure tap
(İnşaat) basınç tıpası
pressure tube
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç tüpü
pressure tube wear
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç tüpü aşınması
pressure vessel
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç kabı
pressure vessel skirt
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç kabı eteği
pressure-depth profile
basınç-derinlik profili
pressure cooker

Ben düdüklü tencereyi açamam. - I can't open the pressure cooker.

Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To encourage or heavily exert force or influence

Do not let anyone pressure you into buying something you do not want.

The amount of force that is applied over a given area divided by the size of this area

Others: bar (1 bar equals 100000 pascals), barye (Ba) (1 barye equals 0.1 pascal), pounds per square inch (psi, lbf/in2, lb/in2), torr, mmHg, atmosphere (atm).

A pressing; a force applied to a surface

Apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.

Mental strain caused by one's own or others' expectations on one's own performance

Synonyms - under the pump, under the gun.

a force that compels; "the public brought pressure to bear on the government" the somatic sensation of pressure; "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal" the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit); "the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure" an oppressive condition of physical or mental or social or economic distress
{n} weight, force, impression, affliction
A force applied to a specific amount of surface area A common unit of pressure is psi, i e , pounds per square inch The force that develops the pressure is sum total of all the slight "nudges" on a surface generated by each molecule striking the surface; the greater number of impacts or the more violent each impact, the greater the pressure Therefore, the pressure increases if the same number of molecules are contained in a smaller space (greater number of impacts per unit area) or if the molecules are heated (each impact is more violent) Also see psi
amount of force per unit area: pressure = force/area
If you pressure someone to do something, you try forcefully to persuade them to do it. He will never pressure you to get married The Government should not be pressured into making hasty decisions Don't pressure me His boss did not pressure him for results. + pressured pres·sured You're likely to feel anxious and pressured. see also blood pressure. to try to make someone do something by making them feel it is their duty to do it British Equivalent: pressurizepressure sb into doing sth. Perpendicular force per unit area, or stress at a point within a confined fluid. A solid object exerts pressure on a floor equal to its weight divided by the area of contact. The weight of the Earth's atmosphere on the surface constitutes atmospheric pressure, which varies from place to place but always decreases with altitude. The pressure exerted by a confined gas results from the average effect of the forces produced on the walls of the container by the continual, numerous collisions by gas molecules. Hydrostatic pressure is the stress, or pressure, exerted equally in all directions at points within a confined fluid. Lithostatic pressure is the stress exerted on a body of rock in the Earth's crust by surrounding rock, which increases with depth below the surface. The SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa), which is equal to one newton of force per square metre. high blood pressure low blood pressure atmospheric pressure barometric pressure blood pressure pressure gauge radiation pressure
Pressure is the result of Force divided by the Area the force is applied over It is measured in Newtons per meter squared [N/m2] which is also known as a Pascal [Pa]
Force per unit area, usually expressed in pounds per square inch
Force applied to or distributed over a surface; it is measured as force per unit area
the state of urgently demanding notice or attention; "the press of business matters"
The force per unit area in a gas or liquid, typically expressed as pounds per square inch in the US The scientific unit is newtons per m2 (also known as the pascal) For instance, atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth equals 14 7 lbs /in2 = 1 01 x 105 newtons per m2 The pressure at the center of the Sun is approximately 300 billion Earth atmospheres, or 3 x 1016 newtons per m2
The force exerted on a surface divided by the area of the surface
exert pressure on someone through threats
n force per unit area applied to a body
Force per unit area; more precisely, the magnitude of a compressional stress (measured in kPa)
Force acting on an area Expressed in a variety of ways for which a conversion table is given Pressure is important in aquaculture from the design of systems (to enable sizing of pumps and prediction of flows) to applications such as the induction of triploidy through subjecting eggs to high pressure treatments Many diffusers have optimum pressure ratings, where they are most efficient at delivering the required gas into the water see also friction loss water, friction loss air
The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed; compression; a squeezing; a crushing; as, a pressure of the hand
the somatic sensation of pressure; "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal"
The pressure in a place or container is the force produced by the quantity of gas or liquid in that place or container. The window in the cockpit had blown in and the pressure dropped dramatically
The action of a force against some obstacle or opposing force; a force in the nature of a thrust, distributed over a surface, often estimated with reference to the amount upon a unit's area
the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure; "he gave the button a press"; "he used pressure to stop the bleeding"; "at the pressing of a button"
a force that compels; "the public brought pressure to bear on the government"
the apparently continuous and isotropic force exerted on unit area of any real or imaginary surface because of bombardment by molecules of contiguous fluid
force per unit area, measured in kilopascals (kPa) or pounds per square inch (psi) Standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is 101 3 kPa (14 7 psi), or one atmosphere Gauge pressure, as indicated by a conventional pressure gauge, is the pressure in excess of atmospheric pressure Absolute pressure is the sum of atmospheric and gauge pressures Pressure is also expressed in terms of the height of a column of mercury that would exert the same pressure One atmosphere is equal to 760 mm (29 9 in) of mercury
Force per unit area acting on the boundaries of a system and needed to confine it to a given volume In equilibrium, then, also the force per unit area exerted by the system on its boundaries Gases at finite temperature always exert pressure on any container because of the kinetic motions of their molecules Solids and liquids will exert pressure on their containers or boundaries except at some particular volume where the attractive and repulsive forces between their consituent atoms happen to be perfectly balanced Pressure is best defined in gases and liquids lacking shear strength, because the equilibrium state of stress in these materials must be hydrostatic, i e the same in all directions Solids can be more complicated because they can support shear stress, in which case pressure is not a complete characterization of the mechanical confining conditions
The force exerted by the interaction of the atmosphere and gravity Also known as atmospheric pressure
Force per unit area, usually expressed in pounds per square inch (PSI) or BAR (099)
to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means : "She forced him to take a job in the city"; "He squeezed her for information"
The force per unit area exerted by the weight of the atmosphere above a point on or above the earth's surface
the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit); "the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure"
mental strain caused by ones own or others expectations on ones own performance
If you are experiencing pressure, you feel that you must do a lot of tasks or make a lot of decisions in very little time, or that people expect a lot from you. Can you work under pressure? The pressures of modern life are great
Is defined as the force acting on a surface from another mass per unit area
Urgency; as, the pressure of business
The force exerted by the interaction of the atmosphere and gravity
Affliction; distress; grievance
{i} exertion of force, compression, application of weight; weight, burden, encumbrance
A contrasting force or impulse of any kind; as, the pressure of poverty; the pressure of taxes; the pressure of motives on the mind; the pressure of civilization
Electro-motive force
Force per unit of area
The pressure exerted against the surface of the body is the force exerted on that body per unit area The dimensions of pressure are therefore N m2
Force per unit area
If there is pressure on a person, someone is trying to persuade or force them to do something. He may have put pressure on her to agree Its government is under pressure from the European Commission
an oppressive condition of physical or mental or social or economic distress
The force per unit area exerted by the weight of the atmosphere above a point on or above the earth's surface Also known as atmospheric pressure or barometric pressure
Pressure is force that you produce when you press hard on something. She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure
The measurement of the force exerted by a medium on the objects in the medium In vacuum coating, pressure refers to the pressure of the gases in the vacuum chamber Pressure is normally measured in Torr Other units are psi, bars, atmospheres, pascals, etc
The pressure on a surface due to forces from another surface or from a fluid is the force acting at right angles to unit area of the surface: pressure = force/area
Impression; stamp; character impressed
{f} apply force or weight, push, stress

We want to measure your blood pressure. - We want to take your blood pressure.

I've been under a lot of pressure lately. - I have been under a lot of pressure lately.

pressure bandage
A tight fitting or tightly wrapped bandage for reducing swelling or blood loss from a wound by applying pressure to the injury
pressure cooker
A sealed cooking vessel that allows cooking in greater than atmospheric pressure and at a temperature above the boiling point of water
pressure cookers
plural form of pressure cooker
pressure gradient
The rate of decrease (gradient) of pressure in space at a fixed time. The term is sometimes used to denote simply the magnitude of the gradient of the pressure field
pressure group
A group of people who try to influence the policies of governments and other legislative organizations
pressure groups
plural form of pressure group
pressure point
A specific small area of the body targeted, due to a cluster of nerves being close to the skin, usually not protected by bone

For this strike, if your thumb is tucked correctly, you should hit the pressure point where their arm meets their shoulder.

pressure retarded osmosis
The salinity gradient energy retrieved from the difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water
pressure ulcer
A bedsore
pressure ulcers
plural form of pressure ulcer
pressure valve
A valve designed to open when subjected to a given amount of pressure. Also used figuratively

WikiLeaks might have provided a pressure valve for those agents who were terribly worried about what might happen and frustrated by their superiors' seeming indifference.

pressure vessel
A container designed to maintain a volume at a significantly different pressure to that of ambient
pressure vessels
plural form of pressure vessel
pressure washer
A mechanical device that uses a pump to generate a high-pressure stream of water (up to 5000 PSI - residential/commercial and up to 70000 PSI for commercial/industrial uses) to clean surfaces
pressure washers
plural form of pressure washer
Alternative spelling of pressure cooker
Attributive form of pressure ulcer, noun
pressure group
Any association of individuals or organizations, usually formally organized, that, on the basis of one or more shared concerns, attempts to influence public policy in its favour
an airtight utensil for quick cooking or preserving of foods by means of high-temperature steam under pressure
a situation or environment that is fraught with emotional or social pressures
pressure cabin
A pressurized section of an aircraft
pressure cabin
cabin consisting of the pressurized section of an aircraft or spacecraft
pressure cap
(Otomotiv) A radiator cap that allows the cooling system to operate under pressure at higher temperatures for greater efficiency. Safety pressure caps can be used to help release the pressure before the cap is removed to prevent injuries due to escaping steam or hot coolant
pressure cooker
A pressure cooker is a large metal container with a lid that fits tightly, in which you can cook food quickly using steam at high pressure
pressure cooker
pot that uses pressure and steam to cook food rapidly
pressure distribution
division of pressure throughout an area
pressure dome
a dome-shaped building that is pressurized
pressure drop
Resistance to flow created by the element (media) in a filter Defined as the difference in pressure upstream (inlet side of the filter) and downstream (outlet side of the filter)
pressure drop
The loss of force applied over a filtering surface due to restriction of airflow
pressure drop
For oil hydraulic systems, the following will approximate pressure drop through "short orifice" (1/4 to 1/2-inch long-length not over 3 times diameter): For specified pressure drop: A (required) =
pressure drop
The drop in static pressure of the fluid (air, gas, or water) due to friction or obstruction as the fluid flows through pipe, valves, fittings, regulators, burners, and appliances
pressure drop
condition in which began a sudden decrease of pressure
pressure drop
The difference in pressure between two points
pressure drop
the amount of pressure required to fill that section Adding up the pressure drops over every section in a flow path totals the pressure required to fill the mold
pressure drop
A decrease in water pressure during flow due to internal friction between molecules of water, and external friction due to irregularities or roughness in surfaces past which the water flows
pressure drop
Pressure drop is the loss of pressure that occures when the melt is pushed into a section of the mould during the filling phase
pressure gauge
A device that indicates pressure differential above or below atmospheric pressure (099)
pressure gauge
round dial located on backwash valve or on top of filter Indicates in pounds per square inch the pressure in the filter When the pressure reads 10 psi or more above what it did wen the filter was freshly clean, the filter needs to be cleaned
pressure gauge
A water level gauge that is operated by the change in pressure at the bottom of a body of water due to the rise and fall of the water level See gas purged pressure gauge
pressure gauge
device that measures pressure
pressure gauge
Test instrument used to read positive pressure values
pressure gauge
A gauge that measures the amount of pressure built up in a closed system
pressure gauge
Instrument for measuring the condition of a fluid (liquid or gas) that is specified by the force the fluid would apply, when at rest, to a unit area, such as pounds per square inch (psi) or pascals (Pa). The reading on the gauge, called the gauge pressure, is always the difference between two pressures. When the lower of the pressures is that of the atmosphere, the total (or absolute) pressure is the sum of the gauge and atmospheric pressures
pressure gauge
Instrument for measuring the pressure of a fluid
pressure gauge
A gauge in the dielectric system that measures the pressure of the fluid at the location of the gauge
pressure group
A pressure group is an organized group of people who are trying to persuade a government or other authority to do something, for example to change a law. the environmental pressure group Greenpeace. An interest group that endeavors to influence public policy and especially governmental legislation, regarding its particular concerns and priorities. a group or organization that tries to influence the opinions of ordinary people and persuade the government to do something interest group
pressure plate
(Otomotiv) A disc that's forced by springs against the clutch disk, which forces the disc and the engine flywheel against each other, causing the engine and the transmission to turn at the same rate of speed
pressure point
any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point
pressure point
point which reacts when pressed
pressure regulator
device that controls the pressure level
pressure suit
specially sealed garment that protects a pilot's body in situations of low atmospheric pressure
pressure suit
protective garment consisting of an inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying
pressure unit
a unit measuring force per unit area
pressure vessel
Any type of vessel or container which is designed to hold liquids or gases under pressure
pressure vessel
A metal container generally cylindrical or spheroid, capable of withstanding various loadings
pressure vessel
means a storage tank that is designed to operate at pressures greater than 100 kPa (gauge) (Ontario Fire Code 1996)
pressure vessel
a container that holds fluid under pressure
pressure vessel
Any container that is under internal pressure or will experience and internal pressure buildup
pressure waves
powerful waves usually created by a strong explosion
very intense and demanding; stressful; "subjecting children to a pressure-cooker situation in the school
pressure-reducing valve
device that lowers pressure
wash before painting to remove old paint and mildew; "pressure-wash the house
pressure cooker
autoclave for cooking at temperatures above the boiling point of water
{s} under pressure, stressed
past of pressure
feeling worried, or making you feel worried, because of the number of things you have to do British Equivalent: pressurized
plural of pressure
present participle of pressure