
listen to the pronunciation of positive
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Tom epeyce olumlu tepkiler aldı. - Tom got quite a few positive responses.

Bu sıfatların hepsi olumlu. - These adjectives are all positive.


Protonlar pozitif, elektronlar negatif yüke sahiptir ve nötronların yükü yoktur. - Protons have a positive charge, electrons have a negative charge, and neutrons have no charge.

Negatif elektronlar pozitif elektronlar çekerler. - Negative electrons attract positive electrons.

(Matematik) artı nicelik
(Matematik) sıfırdan büyük nicelik
kati şey
(Kanun) meriyette
hastalık belirtisi gösteren

Tom Mary'nin sahip olduğu kameranın onunki olduğundan emindi ama değildi. - Tom was positive that the camera Mary had was his, but it wasn't.

Onun Tom olduğundan emin misin? - Are you positive that it was Tom?

(foto) pozitif resim

Gerçekten olumlu hissettim. - I felt really positive.

(fotoğraf) pozitif

Sen kesinlikle bitkin görünüyorsun. - You look positively haggard.

Tom'un bunu yapabildiğinden kesinlikle eminim. - I'm absolutely positive that Tom can do that.


Pozitron bir elektrona benzeyen küçük bir parçacıktır fakat pozitif elektrik yüklüdür. - A positron is a small particle similar to an electron, but with a positive electric charge.

Pozitif elektrota katot adı verilir. - The positive electrode is called the cathode.

{s} mutlâk
{s} belirgin
{s} kesin, mutlak: positive proof kesin delil
{s} dogmatik
{s} gerçek: a positive
{s} müspet
(Askeri) POZİTİF RESİM; POZİTİF FOTOĞRAF: Orijinal süjedeki, aşağı yukarı aynı renk gölge tonunu ifade eden bir fotoğraf
sıfırdan büyük
{s} inatçı
(Tıp) Bir madde, durum veya hastalığın mevcudiyetini gösteren
{i} pozitif görüntü (film)
{s} kuşkusuz
(Tıp) Kat'i
{i} olumlu derece
{i} kesin şey
{s} olumlu, pozitif: a positive development olumlu bir gelişme
(Askeri) pozitif fotoğraf
pozitif görüntü

Bunu yapabileceğimden kesinlikle eminim. - I'm absolutely positive that I can do that.

Kesinlikle olumlu musun? - Are you absolutely positive?

(Ticaret) lehte
(Kanun) meri
pozitif resim
olumlu yönde
olumlu şekilde
positive electron
positive sign
artı işareti +
positive vibes
pozitif titreşimler, olumlu düşünmek
positive balance
alacaklı bakiye
positive charge
pozitif yük
positive charge
pozitif çıngı yükü
positive charge
artı yük
positive column
pozitif sütun
positive crystal
pozitif kristal
positive definite matrix
kesin artı matris
positive degree
sıfatların yalın hali
positive degree
eşitlik derecesi
positive electricity
pozitif çıngı
positive electrode
pozitif elektrot
positive electron
pozitif elektron
positive feedback
pozitif geribesleme
positive feedback
artı geribesleme
positive integer
pozitif tamsayı
positive ion
pozitif iyon
positive logic
pozitif mantık
positive magnetic pole
artı kutup
positive picture
pozitif görüntü
positive pole
pozitif kutup
positive printing
pozitif baskı
positive ray
artı ışın
positive ray
pozitif ışın
positive semidefinite matrix
yarı kesin artı matris
positive sign
toplama işareti
positive accommodation
yakına bakarken silier kasların kontraksıonu
positive amplitude modulation
pozitif genlik modülasyonu
positive approach
pozitif yaklaşım
positive approach
olumlu yaklaşım
positive attitude
Olumlu tavır
positive consolidation
Pozitif konsolidasyon, pozitif birleşme
positive control
pozitif kontrol
positive crystal
pozitif kristal, artı kristal
positive degree
sıfatların yalın hali, eşitlik derecesi
positive discrimination
Pozitif ayrımcılık: Yalnızca “dezavantajlı” gruplara mensup bireylere verilen ekstra haklardır. Dezavantajlı gruplar herkesin rahatça kullanabildiği Negatif Hakları çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı kullanamadığı için; onlar ancak bazı özel birtakım haklara sahip olurlarsa çoğunlukla gerçekten eşit olma şansını yakalayabilecekleri için, fazladan haklarla desteklenmelidirler
positive electricity
pozitif elektrik
positive energy
pozitif enerji
positive feedback
olumlu geribildirim
positive grid
pozitif ızgara, artı ızgara
positive integer
pozitif tamsayi, artı tümsayi
positive intent
iyi niyet
positive lens
pozitif mercek, yakınsak mercek
positive obligation
olumlu gereklilik, mecburiyet
positive or negative going clock
ileri giden veya geri kalan saat
positive outlook
olumlu görüş
positive pressure
(Mühendislik) Bir mahalde veya odada dışarıdan hava ile kirleticilerin girişini önlemek için mahallin çevreye göre tutulduğu yüksek basınç
positive pressure
(Mühendislik) Atmosfer basıncının üstündeki basınç değerleri
positive qualities
olumlu nitelikler
positive ray
pozitif işin, artı işin
positive reinforcement
Olumlu pekiştirme
positive response
olumlu yanıt
positive sentence
Olumlu cümle
positive sweepback
pozitif kanat çekikligi
positive temperature coefficient
pozitif sıcaklık katsayısı
positive thinking
Pozitif düşünce
positive video signal
pozitif resim sinyali
positive-pressure self contained breathing apparatus
Pozitif basınçlı, tam yüz maskeli hava tüplü solunum cihazı
positive accommodation
(Biyoloji) yakına bakarken silier kasların kontraksiyonu ile oluşan uyum
positive accommodation
yakına bakarken silier kasların kontraksiyonu ile
positive ammeter
pozitif ampermetre
positive analysis
pozitif çözümleme
positive answer
olumlu cevap
positive ballot
beyaz oy
positive bias
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) artı öngerilim
positive bias
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) pozitif öngerilim
positive booster
(Elektrik, Elektronik) voltaj yükseltici
positive buoyancy
pozitif yüzdürme kuvveti
positive cathexis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) olumlu yük
positive charge
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) pozitif elektrik yükü
positive column
(Askeri) POZİTİF SÜTUN: Soğuk-katot gaz ışıl lambasında Faraday karanlık alanı ile anot arasındaki ışıklı kızartı
positive column
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) artı dikeç
positive column
pozitif kolon
positive cone
(Matematik) artı koni
positive cone
(Matematik) pozitif koni
positive control
(Askeri) POZİTİF KONTROL: Bir hava sahası içindeki uçağın pozitif olarak tanımlanmasına, izlenmesine ve yönlendirilmesine dayanan o hususta yetki ve sorumluluğa sahip bir teşkilat tarafından elektronik vasıtalar ile yürütülen bir hava sahası kontrol metodu
positive control launch
(Askeri) pozitif fırlatma kontrolü
positive coupling
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) pozitif bağlaşma
positive crystal
(Elektrik, Elektronik) artı kristal
positive damage
(Kanun) müsbet zarar
positive degree
(Dilbilim) yalın durum
positive dose
(Çevre) artı doz
positive electrode
artı yüklü uç
positive electrode
positive electrode
pozitif elektrod
positive emulsion
(Fotoğrafçılık) pozitif duyarkat
positive emulsion
(Fotoğrafçılık) pozitif emülsiyon
positive eustatic movements
deniz seviyesini yükselme haraketleri
positive eustatic movements
pozitif deniz hareketleri
positive feature
olumlu özellik
positive film
pozitif film
positive friendly identification
(Askeri) olumlu dost tanımlama
positive fund
olumlu fon
positive g
(Askeri) POZİTİF ÇEKİM; POZİTİF G: İnsan vücudunun bir çekim sahası veya ivme sırasında atalet kuvveti vücut üzerinde baş-ayak istikametinde tesir gösterecek, yani baş istikametinde bir ivme ile ayak istikametinde bir atalet kuvveti meydana gelecek şekilde duruşu. POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION AND RADAR ADVISORY ZONE: POZİTİF TANIMA TEŞHİS VE RADAR İSTİŞARE BÖLGESİ: Bir filo tarafından savunulan bölgenin yakınındaki bir uçağın tanınması ve uçuş takibi için tespit edilmiş özel bir bölge. POSITIVE PHASE OF THE SHOCK WAVE: ŞOK DALGASININ POZİTİF SAFHASI: Basıncın, çevre basıncının değerinden daha yüksek bir değere hızla yükselmesi ve bundan sonra çabukça çevre basıncına düşmesi esnasındaki periyot. Bak. "negative phase of the shock wave", "shock wave"
positive grid
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) artı ızgara
positive grid
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) pozitif ızgara
positive identification and radar advisory zone
(Askeri) tanımlama ve radar görüş alanı
positive influence
(Ticaret) pozitif etki
positive integer
(Matematik) artı tümsayı
positive integers
(Matematik) pozitif tamsayılar kümesi
positive justification
pozitif dogrulama
positive lap
pozitif lep
positive law
mevzu hukuku
positive lens
yakınsak mercek
positive lens
pozitif mercek
positive lift
pozitif yükseklik
positive measure
pozitif ölçüt
positive moment
(İnşaat,Teknik) pozitif moment
positive negative action
arti eksi eylem
positive negative three step action
arti eksi uc basamakli eylem
positive nucleus
pozitif çekirdek
positive or regenerative feedback
arti geribesleme
positive phase
(Çevre) pozitif faz
positive picture
(re: numbers) sıfırdan büyük rakam gösterimi
positive plate
pozitif plaka
positive plate
pozitif levha
positive pole
artı uç
positive pole
artı yüklü uç
positive pole
positive prescription
zaman aşımı ile kazanılan hak
positive proof
kesin delil
positive proof
(Ticaret) kesin kanıt
positive rays
pozitif ışınlar
positive reactivity
(Nükleer Bilimler) pozitif reaktivite
positive reactivity coefficient
(Nükleer Bilimler) pozitif reaktivite katsayısı
positive recency
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) olumlu sonralık
positive sense
(Tıp) pozitif iplikçik
positive series
(Matematik) pozitif seri
positive sign
toplama işareti, artı işareti (+)
positive sign
artı işareti
positive stage
pozitif safha
positive stagger
(Havacılık) pozitif kademe
positive symptom
(Tıp) pozitif semptom
positive terminal
(Elektrik, Elektronik) pozitif kutup cıvatası
positive terminal
(Otomotiv) pozitif kutup başı
positive terminal
(Elektrik, Elektronik) pozitif terminal
positive transfer
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pozitif transfer
positive tropism
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) pozitif yönelim
positive valence
pozitif değer
positive vote
beyaz oy
positive wire
pozitif tel
positive work
pozitif iş
{f} varsaymak
olumlu biçimde
dupe positive
(Sinema) çoğaltım pozitifi
exhibit positive attitude
olumlu bir tutum sergilemek
exhibit positive attitude
pozitif bir tutum sergilemek
express a positive opinion
olumlu görüş vermek
false positive
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yanlış pozitif
var saymak
olumlu bir şekilde
proof positive
(Kanun) kati delil
receive positive energy
pozitif enerji almak
battery positive terminal
akü pozitif kutbu
dupe positive
çoğaltma pozitifi
false positive reaction
yalancı pozitif reaksiyon
gram pozitif
intermediate positive
ara pozitifi
light positive
ışıklı pozitif
farz etmek
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Wholly what is expressed; colloquially downright, entire, outright

Good lord, you've built up a positive arsenal of weaponry here.

Definitively laid down; explicitly stated; clearly expressed, precise, emphatic

Positive words, that he would not bear arms against King Edward’s son.

A thing capable of being affirmed; something real or actual
Characterized by the existence or presence of qualities or features, rather than by their absence

The box was not empty – I felt some positive substance within it.

HIV positive
Something having a positive value in physics, such as an electric charge
Characterized by affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable

a positive voice in legislation.

An adjective or adverb in the positive degree
A favourable point or characteristic
Of a visual image, true to the original in light, shade and colour values

A positive photograph can be developed from a photographic negative.

Of number, greater than zero
Overconfident, dogmatic

Some positive, persisting fops we know, That, if once wrong, will needs be always so.

Characterized by the presence of features which support a hypothesis

The results of our experiment are positive.

Having more protons than electrons

A cation is a positive ion as it has more protons than electrons.

Actual, real, concrete

Positive good.

Fully assured, confident; certain

I’m absolutely positive you've spelt that wrong.

Describing the primary sense of an adjective or adverb; not comparative or superlative

‘Better’ is an irregular comparative of the positive form ‘good’.

Derived from an object by itself; not dependent on changing circumstances or relations; absolute

The idea of beauty is not positive, but depends on the different tastes of individuals.

A positive image; one that displays true colors and shades, as opposed to a negative
free from doubt or hesitation
{a} absolute, real, certain, obstinate
~ taking a selfless pleasure in something of good report with which we are identified; enjoying an understanding of what produced something creative or excellent, e g God was pleased with His creation (Genesis 1: 31)
a film showing a photographic image whose tones correspond to those of the original subject formally laid down or imposed; "positive laws" characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc
The sign of the electric charge on the proton
A lab test result that reveals the presence of a specific disease or condition for which the test is being done
A photographic image which appears as the original image, as opposed to a negative which reverses the black and white
greater than zero; "positive numbers"
formally laid down or imposed; "positive laws"
Having the power of direct action or influence; as, a positive voice in legislation
A positive response to something indicates agreement, approval, or encouragement. There's been a positive response to the UN Secretary-General's recent peace efforts. negative + positively posi·tive·ly He responded positively and accepted the fee of £1000 I had offered
greater than zero -- "A "+" in front of a numeral denotes a positive number " (45)
That which settles by absolute appointment
{s} not negative; favorable, beneficially; explicit, clear; practical, not based on theory
If something has a positive electrical charge, it has the same charge as a proton and the opposite charge to an electron. negative. a quality or feature that is good or useful   negative
granting what has been desired or requested; "a favorable reply"; "a positive answer"
a film showing a photographic image whose tones correspond to those of the original subject
Prescribed by express enactment or institution; settled by arbitrary appointment; said of laws
A positive fact, situation, or experience is pleasant and helpful to you in some way. The parting from his sister had a positive effect on John negative The positive in a situation is the good and pleasant aspects of it. Work on the positive, creating beautiful, loving and fulfilling relationships. negative
If you are positive about something, you are completely sure about it. I'm as positive as I can be about it `She's never late. You sure she said eight?' --- `Positive.'
Photographic image on film or glass which corresponds to the original The reverse of negative
The positive plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell
A picture in which the lights and shades correspond in position with those of the original, instead of being reversed, as in a negative
Derived from an object by itself; not dependent on changing circumstances or relations; absolute; opposed to relative; as, the idea of beauty is not positive, but depends on the different tastes individuals
Electro- positive
Designating, or pertaining to, a motion or device in which the movement derived from a driver, or the grip or hold of a restraining piece, is communicated through an unyielding intermediate piece or pieces; as, a claw clutch is a positive clutch, while a friction clutch is not
Film containing an image in which the dark and light values are the same as the original
having a positive electric charge; "protons are positive"
The positive degree or form
A positive number is greater than zero. It's really a simple numbers game with negative and positive numbers. negative
Characterised by the presence of features which support a hypothesis
Definitely laid down; explicitly stated; clearly expressed; opposed to implied; as, a positive declaration or promise
A photographic image on paper, film or glass which corresponds to the original copy; the reverse of negative to top
A film (transparancy) that, when viewed, is like the original in tone and colour, unlike a negative film where tones appear reversed
Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual; opposed to negative
If you make a positive decision or take positive action, you do something definite in order to deal with a task or problem. Having a good diet gives me a sense that I'm doing something positive and that I'm in control
behaviors include the heightened alertness, strength, endurance, and tolerance to discomfort which the fight or flight stress response and the stage of resistance can produce when properly in tune
Film that contains an image with the same tonal values as the original; opposite of a negative
marked by excessive confidence; "an arrogant and cocksure materialist"; "so overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen"; "the less he knows the more positive he gets"
Mistaken at the top of one's voice
a film showing a photographic image whose tones correspond to those of the original subject formally laid down or imposed; "positive laws"
If you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think of the good aspects of a situation rather than the bad ones. Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life a positive frame of mind. negative + positively posi·tive·ly You really must try to start thinking positively
impossible to deny or disprove; "incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence"; "proof positive"; "an irrefutable argument"
of or relating to positivism; "positivist thinkers"; "positivist doctrine"; "positive philosophy"
Film containing an image in which the dark and light values are the same as the original The reverse of negative
having a positive electric charge; "protons are positive
indicating existence or presence of a suspected condition or pathogen; "a positive pregnancy test"
The opposite of a negative, an image with the same tonal relationships as those in the original scenes-for example, a finished print or a slide
characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc
Positive evidence gives definite proof of the truth or identity of something. There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake. = conclusive + positively posi·tive·ly He has positively identified the body as that of his wife
In photography, film containing an image in which the dark and light values are the same as the original The reverse of negative
positive assortative mating
Alternative name of assortative mating
positive crystal
a doubly refracting crystal in which the index of refraction for the extraordinary ray is greater than for the ordinary ray, and the former is refracted nearer to the axis than the latter, such as as quartz and ice; as opposed to negative crystal: one in which this characteristic is reversed, such as Iceland spar or tourmaline
positive degree
That state of an adjective or adverb indicating simple quality, without comparison or relation to increase or diminution; as in wise, noble
positive drainage
the drainage condition in which consideration has been made during design for all loading deflections of the deck and additional roof slope has been provided to ensure drainage within 48 hours following rainfall during conditions conducive to drying
positive economics
The branch of economics that concerns the description and explanation of economic phenomena and their causal relationships
positive edge
The point in time when a signal's value becomes high
positive edges
plural form of positive edge
positive law
Law explicitly made, as compared to natural law, prescribed by express enactment or institution

a. 1862, John Codman Hurd, The Law Of Freedom And Bondage In The United States‎, page 576:But the same term, positive law, is also very often used to designate statute law or positive legislation, as distinguished from customary or unwritten law derived by the judicial application of natural reason.

positive laws
plural form of positive law
positive linear functional
A kind of linear functional which "returns" a non-negative scalar when "fed" a non-negative function as "parameter."
positive logic
The use of the higher voltage level to represent the Boolean value 1 and the lower voltage level to represent the Boolean value 0
positive measure
A function whose domain is a σ-algebra, whose codomain is , and which is countably additive
positive recurrence
the quality of being positive recurrent
positive recurrent
recurrent with finite expected return time
positive reinforcement
The giving of encouragement to a particular behaviour with the result that it is more likely to be repeated

The mother did not realize that by giving her son candy every time he cried was positive reinforcement.

positive sense
referring to an RNA strand that can serve directly as messenger RNA and be transcribed into DNA
positive side waterproofing
An application where the waterproofing systems and source of hydrostatic pressure are on the same side of the structural element
positive transition
one of four archetypal dramatic structures of commercials characterized by an emotionally neutral beginning with an enormous leap in positive emotions generated by seeing the branded product in use

The SUV ad featuring an ordinary man walking away from his ordinary home on his way to work and then shows him feeling like a daredevil behind the wheel of his SUV utilizes the dramatic structure known as a positive transition.

positive transition
a narrative structure used in commercials known as “supporting actor-type” advertising
positive zero
A signed magnitude representation of zero in which the sign bit indicates a positive number

When not otherwise noted, zero will mean positive zero here.

Describing a circuit or component that changes its state only when an input signal becomes high
positive vibes
to think positive, spread positivity
positive analysis
analysis of the existing situation
positive answer
agreement, confirmation, endorsement, approval, saying "yes
positive approach
confident attitude, looking at the good side
positive aspect
positive side, good element within the bad
positive attitude
good attitude or outlook, optimism
positive charge
having a deficiency of electrons; having a higher electric potential
positive chemotaxis
movement toward a chemical stimulus
positive commandment
commandment to do something (as opposed to being prohibited from doing something)
positive control
Consists of the active involvement of leaders to accomplish complex or vague tasks Examples include prescribing the date and time when an operation or activity will begin, making decisions to increase or reduce the tempo of battle, committing the reserve, or deciding which contingency plan to implement (See FM 101-5 )
positive control
a method of airspace control that relies on
positive control
The separation of all air traffic within designated airspace by air traffic control
positive correlation
a correlation in which large values of one variable are associated with large values of the other and small with small; the correlation coefficient is between 0 and +1
positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve
(Otomotiv) Part of the positive crankcase ventilation system, which reroutes crankcase blow-by to the intake manifold and back to the engine, where it's reburned in the cylinders as part of the fuel/air mixture. This cuts emission pollution and increases fuel economy because unburned fuel in the blow-by is consumed the second time around. It also keeps the blow-by and water vapour from fouling the oil in the crankcase, thus reducing the formation of engine sludge
positive current
particle in the nucleus of an atom which has a positive electrical charge
positive degree
{i} condition of an adjective or adverb which symbolizes simple quality without comparison or relation to increase or diminution (Grammar)
positive discrimination
constructive discrimination which is used to help minority groups move ahead after suffering from years of negative discrimination
positive discrimination
Positive discrimination means making sure that people such as women, members of smaller racial groups, and disabled people get a fair share of the opportunities available. American Equivalent: affirmative action
positive electricity
particle in the nucleus of an atom which has a positive electrical charge
positive energy
energy that lacks electrons
positive feedback
affirmative reaction, positive response
positive feedback
Feedback that results in amplification or growth of the output signal
positive feedback
feedback in phase with (augmenting) the input
positive float
(Ticaret) The period of time the start of a project task can be delayed without delaying the entire project. Project tasks that have positive float are not included on the critical path
positive identification
evidence proving that you are who you say you are; evidence establishing that you are among the group of people already known to the system; recognition by the system leads to acceptance; "a system for positive identification can prevent the use of a single identity by several people
positive injection
change that increases the amount of money in the economy
positive ions
atoms which have a positive electrical charge
positive law
body of laws which is legislated by the government
positive link
positive relationship, affinity, positive connection
positive lock
Positive lock ensures that the panels can be locked together, but can also easily slide back and forth for ease in installation This insure that the panels stay permanently affixed during adverse weather
positive lock
Positive Lock ensures that the panels can be locked together, but can also easily slide back and forth for ease in installation This ensures that the panels stay permanently affixed during adverse weather
positive note
manner of speaking which puts forth a positive impression
positive number
any number greater than zero
positive pole
the pole of a magnet that points toward the north when the magnet is suspended freely the terminal of a battery that is connected to the positive plate
positive pole
pole opposite the negative pole on a battery, place from which electricity leaves its source
positive precept
religious commandment that a Jew must fulfill in order to properly practice his religion
positive reinforcement
encouragement, motivation, incentive, positive urging
positive reinforcer
{i} prize, reward, any way that encourages a person; reaction that encourages one to continue in the present course of action (Psychology)
positive reinforcing stimulus
a reinforcing stimulus that serves to increase the likelihood of the response that produces it
positive stimulus
a stimulus with desirable consequences
positive terminal
(Otomotiv) The battery terminal that leads to the electrical system on cars with negative ground. The positive terminal usually has "pos" or "+" on it. Jumper cables and other devices that connect to the battery usually have red clips for the positive terminal and black clips for the negative terminal and ground
positive test result
test result that shows a particular (condition, disease, etc.) to be present
positive trait
good characteristic
positive yield
return which is more than zero
A positive
Of a blood type within the ABO and Rh blood grouping system. Blood type A positive has a phenotype of "A" and a Rhesus system classification of positive
false positive
A result of a test that shows as present something that is absent

A false positive can be returned on a password checking algorithm when the password is tested against a dictionary but the password does not contain a dictionary word.

false positive
type I error
that is stained violet by Gram's method
Propose for consideration or study; to suggest
Abbreviation of position
With certainty

I will positively be there at 8 a.m.

In a positive manner

He approached the interview positively.


I had a positively wonderful time.

The result of being positive
to present in an orderly manner
false positive
A false positive is a mistaken result of a scientific test. For example, if the result of a pregnancy test is a false positive, it indicates that a woman is pregnant when she is not. a high rate of false positive results. something that is wrongly thought or shown to be a particular thing, especially after a scientific test or research
{a} absolutely, really, certainly, truly
{n} obstinacy, confidence, certainty
Net Positive Suction Head
(Mühendislik) In any cross-section of a generic hydraulic circuit, the NPSH parameter shows the difference between the actual pressure of a liquid in a pipeline and the liquid's vapor pressure at a given temperature
false positive
Something that is wrongly thought or shown to be a particular thing, especially after a scientific test or research. "50% of the 170 compounds were judged to be carcinogenic, but some of these might be false positives.", "Many substances give false positive reactions in allergy skin testing."
(about bacteria) retaining the primary violet stain after being stained by Gram's method
(of bacteria) being or relating to a bacterium that retains the violet stain used in Gram's method
(logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning
To assume as real or conceded; as, to posit a principle
Assume the existence of; to postulate
Something that is posited; a postulate
Put (something somewhere) firmly
{f} assume, postulate; present a position, establish a viewpoint
If you posit something, you suggest or assume it as the basis for an argument or calculation. Several writers have posited the idea of a universal consciousness Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals. = postulate. to suggest that a particular idea should be accepted as a fact posit that (positus; POSITION)
put (something somewhere) firmly; "She posited her hand on his shoulder"; "deposit the suitcase on the bench"; "fix your eyes on this spot"
take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom; "He posited three basic laws of nature"
put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"
To dispose or set firmly or fixedly; to place or dispose in relation to other objects
emphasis You use positively to emphasize that you really mean what you are saying. This is positively the worst thing that I can even imagine = absolutely
so as to be positive; in a positive manner; "she intended her remarks to be interpreted positively
so as to be positive; in a positive manner; "she intended her remarks to be interpreted positively"
extremely; "it was positively monumental" so as to be positive; in a positive manner; "she intended her remarks to be interpreted positively
in a positive manner; favorably, beneficially; certainly, surely; explicitly, clearly
In a positive manner; absolutely; really; expressly; with certainty; indubitably; peremptorily; dogmatically; opposed to negatively
extremely; "it was positively monumental"
In a positive manner; a certainty
emphasis You use positively to emphasize that something really is the case, although it may sound surprising or extreme. He's changed since he came back -- he seems positively cheerful see also positive
in the affirmative
See Positive, a
characterized by dogmatic assertiveness
The quality or state of being positive; reality; actualness; certainty; confidence; peremptoriness; dogmatism
The quality of being positive; positivity
{i} poise, confidence, state of self-assurance; state of not being negative
plural of positive
of persons (or their blood) having the Rh factor present in their red blood cells
rh-positive blood type
the blood group (approximately 85% of people) whose red cells have the Rh factor (Rh antigen)