
listen to the pronunciation of pool
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} havuz

Havuzunuzda yüzebilir miyim? - Would you mind if I swam in your pool?

Tom ve Mary havuzu olan bir ev satın almakla ilgilenmiyorlar. - Tom and Mary aren't interested in buying a house with a pool.

{i} bilardo (amerikan)

If you want to play pool or darts this bar has it all - Bilardo yada dart oynamak istersen bu bar tam aradığın yer.

{i} on beş top ile oynanan bir çeşit bilardo

game played on a billiard table with a cue ball and 15 other balls that are driven into pockets.

{i} yüzme havuzu

Yüzme havuzuna daldı. - She dived into the swimming pool.

Yüzme havuzu halka açık. - The swimming pool is open to the public.

{f} kârı paylaşmak
{i} petrol rezervi
{i} tröst
{f} toplan
spor toto
{i} birlik

Tom, çocuklarıyla birlikte havuzda yüzüyor. - Tom is swimming with his kids in the pool.

{i} kartel
rekabete meydan vermemek için mal fiyatlarını kontrol altmda tutan tüccarlar birliği
ticaret birliği kurmak amacıyla para ve sermayeleri bir araya getirme
{i} pot
{i} fon
{f} tröst kurmak
havuz,v.toplan: n.havuz
{f} birleştirmek
(Tıp) Kan toplanması, kan birikimi
{i} tic. rekabeti önlemek için fiyatları kontrol altında tutan
çalışma grubu
{f} fon oluşturmak
(Askeri) İKMAL MERKEZİ TEŞKİL ETMEK: Başka faaliyet unsurlarının, ihtiyaç halinde çekebilecekleri bir vasıta veya personel ikmalini elde bulundurmak ve idare etmek. Bir ikmal merkezi teşkilinin belli başlı maksadı, toplu halde tutulan (akaryakıt merkezi, iş ve malzeme merkezi gibi) vasıta ve personelin kullanılmasında azami verim sağlanmasına yardımcı olmaktır
bahis tutuşmada veya kumarda ortaya konulan para
{f} para koymak
{i} isk. ortaya konulan para
{i} gölet
{i} su birikintisi
{i} ortaya konan para
{i} gölcük
bahçe havuzu
iskambilde ortaya konulan para
bir merkezde toplamak
(Ticaret) ortak sermaye
(Ticaret) ortak fon
(Ticaret) havuzda toplamak
(Ticaret) kartel oluşturmak
(Ticaret) ortak fona koymak
amerikan bilardo

Amerikan bilardosu nasıl oynanır bilmiyorum. - I don't know how to play pool.

Amerikan bilardosu

Amerikan bilardosu nasıl oynanır bilmiyorum. - I don't know how to play pool.

ç.spor toto
su birinkintisi
Birden çok işletmenin bir grup başkanının yönetimi altında, belirli bir işi gerçekleştirmek amacıyla belirli bir süre için oluşturdukları topluluk
Belirli bir işi gerçekleştirmek amacıyla belirli bir süre için oluşturdukları topluluk

Amerikan bilardosu nasıl oynanır bilmiyorum. - I don't know how to play pool.

Tom bilardo masasına uzandı. - Tom went over to the pool table.

(Ticaret) havuz sistemi
swimming pool
yüzme havuzu

O, yüzme havuzundan uzaktaydı. - He was away from the swimming pool.

Yüzme havuzu halka açık. - The swimming pool is open to the public.

pool agreement
müşterek anlaşma
pool ball
bilardo topu
pool cue
bilardo ıstakası
pool funds
fonları birleştirmek
pool stick
bilardo ıstakası
pool table
bilardo masası
pool into
pool party
Havuz başı partisi
pool shell
havuz kabuk
pool slipper
havuz terliği
pool alignment
(Bilgisayar) havuz hizalama
pool configuration
Havuz Yapılandırması
pool count
(Bilgisayar) havuz sayısı
pool equipment
(Askeri) özel görev malzemesi
pool equipment
(Askeri) ÖZEL GÖREV MALZEMESİ: Belirli bir mahiyette olmaları veya kendilerine mahsus özelliklere sahip bulunmaları dolayısıyla normal dağıtıma dahil edilmeyen ve kullanılmaları, belirli bir teşkilin görevinden ziyade, bir harekat alanındaki normal şartlara göre tayin edilen özel tip teçhizat. Buna "pool item" de denir
pool hall
bilardo salonu
pool item
(Askeri) özel görev malzemesi
pool item
(Askeri) ÖZEL GÖREV MALZEMESİ: Bak. "pool equipment"
pool of blood
kan gölü
pool quota
Havuz Kotası
pool reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) havuz tipi reaktör
pool tracking
(Bilgisayar) yoklama izlemesi
pool tube
havuz tüp
port pool
(Askeri) DENİZAŞIRI SEVKİYAT PERAKENDELERİ: Bak. "port of embarkation casual detachment"
car pool
sırayla araba kullanma anlaşması
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) havuzlama
buffer pool
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ara bellek yeri
community pool
halka açık yüzme havuzu
community swimming pool
halka açık yüzme havuzu
covered swimming pool
kapalı yüzme havuzu
cure pool
(Turizm) tedavi havuzu
equipment pool
makine parkı
equipment pool
teçhizat parkı
gene pool
(Biyoloji) gen havuzu
grid pool tube
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ızgaralı çanaklı tüp
indoor pool
kapalı havuz
indoor pool
kapalı yüzme havuzu
insurance pool
(Ticaret) sigorta havuzu
item pool
(Dilbilim) madde havuzu
ornamental pool
süs havuzu
outdoor pool
açık yüzme havuzu
outdoor swimming pool
açık havuz
outdoor swimming pool
açık yüzme havuzu
public pool
halka açık yüzme havuzu
swimming pool
(halka açık) yüzme havuzu
thermal pool
(Turizm) termal havuz
tip pool
(Gıda) bahşiş havuzu
car pool
araba parkı
clearing pool
arıtma havuzu
dollar pool
dolar havuzu
gene pool
kalıtımsal faktörler
gold pool
altın havuzu
mercury pool cathode
cıva banyolu katot
{f} toplan
wading pool
seyyar havuz
Infinity Pool
(Mimarlık) Sonsuzluk havuzu
above ground pool
yer seviyesi üzerine yapılmış portatif yüzme havuzu
buffer pool
tampon alanı, ara bellek yeri
car pool
aynı yada yakın işyerinde çalışan ve yakın yerlerde oturan kişilerin dönüşümlü olarak birbirlerinin arabalarıyla işe gidip gelmeleri
communal swimming pool
müşterek/ortak kullanılan yüzme havuzu
community pool
müşterek/ortak kullanılan yüzme havuzu
community swimming pool
müşterek/ortak kullanılan yüzme havuzu
cost pool
maliyet havuzu
in door swimming pool
Açık yüzme havuz
in-ground pool
yer seviyesindeki yüzme havuzu

above ground pool : yer seviyesinin üzerine yapılmış portatif yüzme havuzu.

jump into the pool
havuza atlamak
monetary pool
paranın toplandığı havuz
playing pool
havuz iskambil
plunge pool
dalma havuzu
rock pool
kaya havuzu
roof pool
çatı havuzu
solder pool
lehim havuzu
swimming pool reactor
havuzlu reaktör
tidal pool
gelgit havuzu
wading pool
havuz gölet ve göllerde
administrative motor pool
(Askeri) araç hizmet parkı
administrative motor pool
(Askeri) birlik motorlu araç parkı
administrative motor pool
(Askeri) BİRLİK MOTORLU ARAÇ PARKI: Bak; "motor pool"
candidate pool
aday havuzu
car pool lane
otoyolda şartlı şerit
car pool lane
otoyolda en sol şerit
condensation pool
(Nükleer Bilimler) yoğuşturma havuzu
consolidated motor pool
cooling pool
(Nükleer Bilimler) soğutma havuzu
data pool
bilgi haznesi
deed pool
tek yanlı sözleşme
does the hotel have a swimming pool
otelinizin havuzu var mı
fuel pool ventilation exhaust
(Nükleer Bilimler) yakıt havuzu havalandırma egzozu
functional pool
functional pool
(Askeri) araç hizmet parkı
gene pool
genetik faktörler
geology of plunge pool area
düşü havuzu jeolojisi
gold pool
(Ticaret) altın fonu
having a swimming pool
indoor swimming pool
kapalı yüzme havuzu
indoor swimming pool
(İnşaat) bina içi yüzme havuzu
indoor swimmming pool
kapalı yüzme havuzu
is there an outdoor pool nearby
buraya yakın açık havuz var mı
joint motor pool
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK MOTORLU ARAÇ MERKEZİ, MÜŞTEREK ARAÇ PARKI: Bak. "motor pool". JOINT MULTICHANNEL TRUNKING AND SWITCHING SYSTEM: MÜŞTEREK ÇOK KANALLI ANADEVRE VE SANTRAL SİSTEMİ: Kuvvetlerin, Savunma Muhabere Sisteminin ve diğer mevcut sistemlerin imkan ve kaynaklarından, ve/veya harekat sahasındaki müşterek kuvvet komutanına tercihen seyyar/taşınabilir/kolayca döşenebilir, harekat için yeterli ve dayanıklı bir muhabere sistemi sağlamak için Müşterek Kurmay Başkanları tarafından kontrol edilen imkan ve kaynaklardan oluşturulan birleşik çok kanallı ana devre ve santral sistemi
kiddie pool
plastik şişme çocuk havuzu
kiddy pool
çocuk havuzu
media pool type
(Bilgisayar) ortam havuz türü
modem pool
(Bilgisayar) modem havuzu
molten welding pool
(Askeri) erimiş kaynak havuzu
motor pool
(Askeri) oto hizmet parkı
motor pool
taşıt parkı
motor pool
(Askeri) OTO HİZMET PARKI: Muhtelif teşkil ve şahıslar tarafından ihtiyaç oldukça kullanılmaya mahsus motorlu araçlar grubu. Buna "motor transport pool" da denir
motor transport pool
(Askeri) OTO HİZMET PARKI: Bak. "motor pool"
oil pool
petrol bölgesi
open air swimming pool
açık yüzme havuzu
option pool
(Ticaret) opsiyon fonu
paddling pool
oyun havuzu
paddling pool
çocuk havuzu
physical motor pool
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK MOTORLU ARAÇ MERKEZİ: Bak. "motor pool"
plunge into the pool
havuza atlamak
plunge into the pool
havuza dalmak
printing pool
Yazdırma Havuzu
reactor pool
(Nükleer Bilimler) reaktör havuzu
replacement pool
resting pool
dinlenme havuzu
scratch pool
Karalama Havuzu
sediment pool
çökeltim havuzu
snooker pool
bir tür bilardo
special pool
(Bilgisayar) özel yoklama
spent fuel pool
(Çevre) tüketilmiş yakıt havuzu
stilling pool
düşü havuzu
suppression pool
(Nükleer Bilimler) basınç düşürme havuzu
swimming pool reactor
(Çevre) havuz reaktörü
temporary pool
(Denizbilim) geçici havuz
tidal pool
(Askeri) gel-git havuzu
unemployment pool
(Ticaret) işsizler havuzu
weld pool
(Bilgisayar) kaynak havuzu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A mutual arrangement between competing lines, by which the receipts of all are aggregated, and then distributed pro rata according to agreement
combine or contribute with others, as for a commercial,speculative, or gambling transaction
An aggregation of properties or rights, belonging to different people in a community, in a common fund, to be charged with common liabilities
A game at billiards, in which each of the players stakes a certain sum, the winner taking the whole; also, in public billiard rooms, a game in which the loser pays the entrance fee for all who engage in the game; a game of skill in pocketing the balls on a pool table

He plays pool at the billiard houses. --Thackeray.

A swimming pool
Any gambling or commercial venture in which several persons join
to put together; contribute to a common fund, on the basis of a mutual division of profits or losses; to make a common interest of; as, the companies pooled their traffic
The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.; an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a share; also, the receptacle for the stakes
A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon. --Wyclif

The sleepy pool above the dam. --Tennyson.

A small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle

The filthy mantled pool beyond your cell. --Shakespeare.

A supply of resources
In rifle shooting, a contest in which each competitor pays a certain sum for every shot he makes, the net proceeds being divided among the winners
A combination of persons contributing money to be used for the purpose of increasing or depressing the market price of stocks, grain, or other commodities; also, the aggregate of the sums so contributed; as, the pool took all the wheat offered below the limit; he put $10,000 into the pool
something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"
a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid; "there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain"; "the body lay in a pool of blood"
join or form a pool of people combine into a common fund; "We pooled resources
{n} a standing water, pond, term used at cards
the combined stakes of the betters any communal combination of funds; "everyone contributed to the pool"
{i} swimming pool, man-made tank used for swimming; pond, small lake; puddle, very small and shallow body of water
any communal combination of funds; "everyone contributed to the pool"
A defined account (e g , defined by size, geographic location, claim dollars that exceed "x" level per individual, etc ) to which revenue and expenses are posted A risk pool attempts to define expected claim liabilities of a given defined account as well as required funding to support the claim liability
A collection of mortgage loans assembled by an originator or master servicer as the basis for a security Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac pass-through securities are identified by a number assigned by the issuing agency
To put together; to contribute to a common fund, on the basis of a mutual division of profits or losses; to make a common interest of; as, the companies pooled their traffic
an organization of people or resources that can be shared; "a car pool"; "a secretarial pool"; "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"
A method of distributing insurance risk, whereby, the individual participants share overall risk with the other participants
A community of persons or companies with common interests which combine to carry out common measures, contribute to a common fund of resources or further a common effort (e g shipping pools, insurance company pools) A stockholder's pool combines the shareholdings of several or a number of shareholders in order to better represent common interests at stockholders' meetings The rights and duties of pool members are usually governed by a contract
A relatively deep, still section in a stream
1) (noun) An underground reservoir containing or appearing to contain a common accumulation of oil and natural gas A zone of a structure which is completely separated from any other zone in the same structure is a pool 2) (verb) To combine two or more tracts of land into one unit for drilling purposes This may be accomplished voluntarily, or through compulsion
{i} communal fund; treasury, general financial fund; any of a number of games played on a cloth covered table with cues and balls, billiards
the combined stakes of the betters
A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon
The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc
A separate account which includes entries for income and expenses It is used when a number of groups are put together for the purposes of combining their premium and paying their losses (H)
(broadcast usage) The unpackaged program feed from which several networks or distributors may take and add their own packaging (ID's, announcer etc ) It is called the "pool feed" because the users share the costs and take turns providing the resources (the crew, equipment, connections, etc )
An organization of insurers or reinsurers through which pool members underwrite particular types of risks with premiums, losses, and expenses shared in agreed amounts
The counters used to represent the influence and status a Methuselah has A player is ousted from the game if she loses the last counter in her pool
To combine or contribute with others, as for a commercial, speculative, or gambling transaction
A certain number of reporters or one reporter who goes out and represents everyone else For example, a high-interest court case, a presidential appearance or a concert may not have room for all the journalists who want to cover it, so the organizers may restrict coverage to a press pool Pool coverage is usually shared with other media outlets
Scoured depression found on the bed of streams Associated with riffles
Association of insurers, sharing business according to a defined formula in order to increase their insurance capacity for particular risks or losses
Pool is a game played on a large table covered with a cloth. Players use a long stick called a cue to hit a white ball across the table so that it knocks coloured balls with numbers on them into six holes around the edge of the table
A pool is the same as a swimming pool. a heated indoor pool During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded
join or form a pool of people
an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a snare; also, the receptacle for the stakes
An area of relatively deep slow water in a stream that offers shelter to fish
A pool of liquid or light is a small area of it on the ground or on a surface. She was found lying in a pool of blood The lamps on the side-tables threw warm pools of light on the polished wood
If a group of people or organizations pool their money, knowledge, or equipment, they share it or put it together so that it can be used for a particular purpose. We pooled ideas and information
a small lake; "the pond was too small for sailing"
an excavation that is (usually) filled with water
{f} join, attach; combine, unite; deposit into a communal fund
As used in the retail competition debate, refers to a system in which all suppliers of electricity sell to a central buying entity, the pool, which in turn is the single agent for selling power to retail customers and their aggregators
A pool is a fairly small area of still water. The pool had dried up and was full of bracken and reeds. see also rock pool
Section of stream deeper and usually wider than normal with appreciably slower current than immediate upstream or downstream areas, and possessing adequate cover (sheer depth or physical condition) for protection of fish The stream bottom is usually a mixture of silt and coarse sand
A pool of people, money, or things is a quantity or number of them that is available for an organization or group to use. The new proposal would create a reserve pool of cash. see also car pool
A body of non-potable water contained in a human-made structure intended and large enough for substantial immersion of one or more people The term includes but is not limited to swimming pool, whirlpool, spa, hot tub
A natural underground reservoir containing, or appearing to contain, an accumulation of petroleum
any of various games played on a pool table having 6 pockets an excavation that is (usually) filled with water an organization of people or resources that can be shared; "a car pool"; "a secretarial pool"; "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"
Used by insurance companies to combine all premiums, claims and expenses in order to spread the risk of insurance coverage This process ensures that small employers will not be singled out and unfairly assessed with a large rate increase due to unanticipated medical catastrophic claims of its insured employee(s)
A camera crew and reporter(s) assigned to cover a story or event on behalf of all media and to share materials with them Often used when tight space and security are considerations or when it is unlikely that any "news" will be made R
A collection of mortgage loans assembled by an originator or master servicer as the basis for a security In the case of Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac mortgage pass-through securities, pools are identified by a number assigned by the issuing agency
If you do the pools, you take part in a gambling competition in which people try to win money by guessing correctly the results of football matches. The odds of winning the pools are about one in 20 million. = football pools. to combine your money, ideas, skills etc with those of other people so that you can all use them. or pocket billiards Billiards game played on an oblong table having six pockets with 15 object balls and a white cue ball. At the beginning of play, the balls are arranged (racked) in a pyramid formation with its apex on a spot near the foot of the table. The first player breaks the formation by driving the cue ball into it; to continue play, he or she must hit a ball into a pocket. In the popular "8-ball" game, the first player (or team) to sink either the seven solid-coloured balls (numbered 1-7) or the seven banded (striped) balls (9-15), finishing with the black 8-ball, wins. In "9-ball," only the balls numbered 1-9 are used, and they must be sunk sequentially; the player who sinks the 9-ball wins. Pool probably reached its present form in England and France by 1800; today it is most popular in North America
A deep reach of a stream The reach of a stream between two riffles Natural streams often consist of a succession of pools and riffles
An organization in which insurers cover certain types of risks as a group and share premiums, expenses and losses Pools are often used to underwrite larger risks
The market for bulk trading of electricity in England and Wales prior to the commencement of the new electricity trading arrangement
put together; contribute to a common fund, on the basis of a mutual division of profits or losses; to make a common interest of; as, the companies pooled their traffic
combine into a common fund; "We pooled resources"
The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.; an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a snare; also, the receptacle for the stakes
any of various games played on a pool table having 6 pockets
An organization of insurers or reinsurers through which particular types of risks are underwritten with premiums, losses, and expenses shared in agreed ratios
an association of companies for some definite purpose
pool hall
A building where visitors pay to play billiards (pool)
pool halls
plural form of pool hall
pool noodle
A long, slender tube or rod, extruded from buoyant foam and usually brightly colored, used as a toy in swimming pools
pool parties
plural form of pool party
pool party
A social gathering around, and in, a swimming pool
pool table
A table used for playing pool
pool tables
plural form of pool table
pool ball
ball used in playing pool
pool club
billiards club, snooker club
pool hall
a building where people go to play pool
pool interests
unite goals, work as a group, cooperate
pool player
someone who shoots pool
pool room
a room used for playing pool, especially in a bar
pool table
large table covered in fabric used to play the game of billiards
pool table
A six-pocket billiards table on which pool is played
pool table
game equipment consisting of a heavy table on which pool is played
pocket pool
A variation of the game of pool
pocket pool
The act of manipulating the penis and testicles through a trouser pocket; masturbation
Alternative spelling of pocket pool

Before he could even begin to understand introductory algebra, he had to re-learn the fractions that he and Teddy and Vern had played pocket-pool through in the fifth grade.

Mexican pool
A putative variant of pool or billiards wherein players attempts to make shots called by their opponents
birthing pool
a specially designed pool, filled with warm water, in which water births take place
blind pool
Collective investment (such as a company or syndicate) where the investors have little or no idea what is being done

A Manhattan-based lawyer who is an expert in blind pool stock issues--those with a prospectus that says we don't know what we'll do with your money--notes that one of the better tactics is pinpointing specific groups for the sales pitch.

cow pool
A collective of people organized to purchase a live beef cow, contract the animal’s slaughter, and share in the cuts of beef
dirty pool
foul play, misconduct
drop the kids off at the pool
To defecate
gene pool
The complete set of unique alleles that would be found by inspecting the genetic material of every living member of a species or population
infinity pool
Alternative form of infinity-edge pool
infinity-edge pool
A swimming pool that produces a visual effect of water extending to the horizon or vanishing into a lake, bay, etc
jury pool
the eligible population from which jury members can be selected
meme pool
The set of all memes present in a given human population, in an analogy to gene pool
motor pool
A fleet of vehicles for use by a military installation; the department that maintains them
overflow pool
A type of swimming pool
paddling pool
An pool, usually inflatable, only able to contain enough water to paddle as opposed to swim
patent pool
A consortium of at least two companies which agree to cross-license patents relating to a particular technology, often to avoid the problem of blocking patents
picket pool
A Picket is a short-term micro-pool where ticket holders compete against one another

They would sit in the waiting area and play pickets.

press pool
A group of news organizations pooling their resources in the collection of news. A video pool or pool feed is then distributed to members of the pool, who are free to edit it or use it as they see fit
killer pool
A multi-player folk variant of straight pool in which each player is assigned a set number of "lives" and takes one shot per inning to attempt to pocket (pot) a ball, or else lose a life
Infinity Pool
A swimming pool that has been built in a special position so that someone swimming in the pool can see as far as the horizon (=the line far away where the land or sea seems to meet the sky)
communal swimming pool
community poolcommunity swimming pool
in-ground pool
swimming pool at ground level
A pool
Olympic pool
pool which is of regulation size for international competition
Stanley Pool
A lakelike expansion of the Congo River in west-central Africa on the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) and the Republic of the Congo between Kinshasa and Brazzaville
blind pool
A start-up company that sells stock in a public offering without specifying how the investors' money will be spent
bumper pool
A billiard game played on a usually small table with several fixed cushioned obstacles that necessitate the use of bank shots
car pool
A car pool is a number of cars that are owned by a company or organization for the use of its employees or members
car pool
A paratransit service by auto, on a scheduled or unscheduled basis, with at least two occupants
car pool
If a group of people car pool, they take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school. The government says fewer Americans are carpooling to work
car pool
Complicated system of transportation where Mom always winds up going the furthest, with the biggest bunch of kids, who have had the most sugar
car pool
a small group of car drivers who arrange to take turns driving while the others are passengers
car pool
A car pool is an arrangement where a group of people take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school. In American English, car pool is sometimes used to refer simply to people travelling together in a car. the carpool lanes in LA
car pool
Complicated system of transportation where Mom always winds up going the furthest with the biggest bunch of kids who have had the most sugar
car pool
- An arrangement where people share the use and cost of a privately owned automobile in traveling to and from pre-arranged destinations
cost pool
(Ticaret) A group of specific indirect costs created by the same cost drivers; the total cost pool amount is usually allocated to specific products or cost centers on the basis of estimated production over a period of time
covered pool
indoor or roofed swimming pool
dirty pool
conduct that is unfair or unethical or unsportsmanlike
dirty pool
Unjust or dishonest conduct
edge of the pool
thickened outer edges surrounding a swimming pool
evaporation pool
pan of liquid used as a tool to measure the rate of water evaporation, atmometer
gene pool
all genes contained within a population Submitted by Amy Franzen, franzena@pilot msu edu
gene pool
The collection of genes found in all the individuals of a species, containing that species' entire range of characteristics
gene pool
The collection of alleles available among reproductive members of a population
gene pool
All the variations of genes in a species Source : Human Genome Project Information
gene pool
The sum total of all the genes in a selected group at any given time
gene pool
the collection of genes in an interbreeding population
gene pool
All the variations of genes in a species See also: allele, gene, polymorphism
gene pool
The collective name for all the genes of a particular population Global ecology: The study of the relationship of organisms to each other and to their environment on a global scale Global stability: The ability of an ecological unit (such as a habitat) or taxonomic unit to withstand great disturbances without being greatly affected Gyres: A roughly circular path of water circulation in the open ocean
gene pool
sum of all genetic traits carried by a particular species
gene pool
The collective genetic information contained within a population of sexually reproducing organisms. all of the genes available to a particular species
gene pool
– The total of all the genes of a species or species population
gene pool
EPE the collected alleles of a population or species
gene pool
The total sum of genetic information present in a population at any given moment
gene pool
The sum of genetic information for a population
gene pool
Refers to the genetic heritage of a group or individual; the governing code of life, mapping the basic structure of an organism
gene pool
The combination of all genes and gene variations of a specified group, e g species
gene pool
All the alleles and genotypes within a breeding population-the "pool" of genetic material available
gene pool
Sum total of all the genes found in the individuals of the population of a particular species
gene pool
A description of the diversity of a population
manpower pool
concentration of employable workers
motor pool
A centrally managed group of motor vehicles intended for the use of personnel, as of a governmental agency or military installation. a group of cars, trucks, and other vehicles that are available for people in a particular part of the government or army to use
motor pool
a fleet of military vehicles controlled by a single agency and available for use as needed
numbers pool
an illegal daily lottery
olympic size swimming pool
pool used in the Olympic Games (length: 50 meters, width: 25 meters, depth: a minimum of 2.0 meters) with 8 lanes having a width of 2.5 meters each lane (two empty lanes on the outside)
paddling pool
A paddling pool is a shallow artificial pool for children to paddle in. a small pool or plastic container of water which is not very deep, for children to play in American Equivalent: wading pool
paddling pool
wading pool; small pool for children
play pool
{f} play billiards
past of pool
Pooling is the basic concept behind mutual funds A fund pools the money of thousands of individual and institutional investors who share common financial goals The fund uses this pool to buy a diversified portfolio of investments
Combining resources for a common purpose such as in mutual funds The fund uses pooled funds to invest in various assets, thus diversifying risk
The practice of underwriting a number of small groups as if they constituted one large group
Basic concept behind mutual funds A fund pools the money of thousands of individual investors who share a common investment objective The fund uses this pool to buy a diversified portfolio of investments Each mutual fund share represents ownership in all the fund's underlying securities
The process of sharing or combining individual case experience among all cases of a specified class for the purpose of experience rating
{i} combining, joining; association, joining together in cooperation
Providing a number of preconfigured resources to improve
Combining resources, expertise, equipment, etc for use toward a common purpose This helps to save scarce resources and reduces the possibility of duplication or gaps in services Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability, Governance, Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
The act of uniting, or an agreement to unite, an aggregation of properties belonging to different persons, with a view to common liabilities or profits
The process of combining risk for all or several groups of persons
present participle of pool
The combining of different loans into standardized or predefined units for trading purposes This activity increases the homogenization of the underlying collateral A key benefit of pooling is a diverse, generic security
The aggregation of assets provided by investors who have a common financial goal The investment pool is used to buy a portfolio of stocks and bonds; this diversified portfolio becomes mutually owned by the mutual fund investors who have "per share" interests
Combining customers' gas usage to reduce fees for daily imbalances
The combination of several small groups into one large group for insurance purposes, such as obtaining lower premiums or more group benefits
The basic concept behind mutual funds in which a fund aggregates the assets of investors who share common financial goals
Combining risk
When two members combine miles or points from different accounts to redeem an award Usually not allowed, but sometimes is permissible for family members or spouses
Spreading of losses incurred by the few over the entire group, so that in the process, average loss is substituted for actual loss
A budgeting concept in Colleague that allows a reporting unit to have one overall budget for multiple account numbers An "Umbrella" account number is established and is linked with multiple "Poolee" account numbers The Umbrella account contains the total budget, and the Poolee accounts spend against that budget Expenditures are charged to the Poolee accounts only The Poolee accounts are not individually budgeted The University uses this concept to be able to keep track of State of Illinois expense categories for appropriated funds, such as Commodities, Contractual, etc It can also be a valuable tool for non-appropriated units who have no need to budget at a very detailed level At this time, Colleague only allows one level of pooling between linked accounts
A term frequently used interchangeably with "Unitization" but more properly used to denominate the bringing together of small tracts sufficient for the granting of a well permit under applicable spacing rules
In group insurance, the practice of underwriting a number of small groups as one large group
The basic concept behind mutual funds in which a fund aggregates the assets of investors who share common financial goals A fund uses the investment pool to buy a diversified portfolio of investments, and each mutual fund share purchased represents ownership in all the fund's underlying securities
An agreement among carriers to share the freight to be hauled or to share profits The Interstate Commerce Act outlawed pooling agreements, but the Civil Aeronautics Board has approved profit pooling agreements for air carriers during strikes
The sharing of cargo or the profit or loss from freight by member lines of a liner conference Pooling arrangements do not exist in all conferences
A method of calculating group insurance premium rates by which the insurer considers several small groups as one large group for risk assessment purposes Contrast with experience rating
plural of pool
{i} (United Kingdom) systematized form of gambling carried out by mail involving the prediction of the outcome of soccer games
Any small area of liquid that has collected on a surface; puddle; pond
Pools are very slow or stagnant water that forms were the channel bottom is substantially lower in elevation than upstream or downstream For the fisheries survey, pools were classified by the feature that caused the pool to form These features are undesignated, artificial, beaver, bedrock, boulder, culvert, large woody debris, meander and rootwad
a small body of still water found in a stream or creek
deeper and slower waters in a stream or river
risk pool
A distinct population group, such as employees of a company, insured against costs of their potential use of health care resources Premium projections are based on variables such as the age of the covered population, health status, sex, occupation, group size, and location Structure can provide positive incentives to the participants, such as sharing savings when expenses are below projections; sharing losses when actual expenses exceed budgeted expenses, or a combination of these May also describe a financial arrangement among providers and payers to safeguard against unexpectedly high expenses or utilization
risk pool
A pool of money that is at risk for being used for defined expenses Commonly, if the pool of money that is put at risk is not used by the end of the year, some, or all of it, is returned to those managing the risk
risk pool
Funds are set aside to cover over-utilization or to encourage limits on utilization or to encourage limits on utilization More commonly seen in primary care than with specialists
risk pool
Funds are set aside to cover over-utilization or to encourage limits on utilization More commonly seen for primary care rather than specialty care
risk pool
A defined patient population and geographic location to which revenue and expenses are determined A risk pool seeks to define expected claim liabilities of a given defined account as well as required funding to support the claim liability
risk pool
– A pool of money that is to be used for defined expenses Commonly, if the money that is put at risk is not expended by the end of the year, some or all of it is returned to those managing the risk
risk pool
A portion of provider fees or capitation payments withheld as financial reserves to cover unanticipated utilization of services For example, if services provided exceeded the per member per month payment due to unexpected catastrophic claims, the dental health plan would still be able to pay providers from the risk pool
risk pool
A pool of money that is to be used for defined expenses Commonly, if the money that is put at risk is not expended by the end of the year, some or all of it is returned to those managing the risk
rock pool
A rock pool is a small pool between rocks on the edge of the sea. a small pool of water between rocks by the sea American Equivalent: tide pool
rock pool
area of the beach near to the rocks where water remains at low tide
roofed swimming pool
swimming pool covered by a roof or canopy
sea pool
A pool of salt water
swimming pool
pool that provides a facility for swimming; "`swimming bath' is a British term"
swimming pool
pool that provides a facility for swimming; "`swimming bath' is a British term
swimming pool
Any constructed or pre-fabricated pool used primarily for swimming or bathing and is more than eighteen inches (18") in depth
swimming pool
A swimming pool is a large hole in the ground that has been made and filled with water so that people can swim in it. A structure, often a concrete-lined excavation of rectangular shape, that is filled with water and used for swimming
swimming pool
A watertight basin, chamber, or tank containing an artificial body of water for swimming, diving, or recreational bathing
swimming pool
large tank used for swimming
swimming pool
A constructed, non-natural, basic water recreation structure meeting all the local codes and standards
swimming pool
Any man-made, contained, or partially-contained structure used for swimming
swimming pool above ground level
Above Ground pool
tidal pool
A pool of water remaining after a tide has retreated. Also called tide pool
tide pool
a small area of water left among rocks by the sea when the tide goes out British Equivalent: rock pool
typing pool
a group of typists who can work for different persons
typing pool
a group of typists in a large office who type letters for other people
wading pool
A wading pool is a shallow artificial pool for children to play in. a small pool filled with water that is not very deep, for small children to play in British Equivalent: paddling pool
wading pool
a shallow pool for children
warmed swimming pool
pool which has a special heater used to keep the water warm during the winter season