polymerization: a chemical process that combines several monomers to form a polymer or polymeric compound
Is started by a catalist or initiator Once it stopped, it can not be started again The reaction products are called polymerides Polymerisation is of major importance for the production of plastics
This is the way that prions may be thought to build up i e by one PrPc joining onto the end of a PrPsc crystal
A chemical reaction in which one or more small molecules combine to form larger molecules A hazardous polymerization is such a reaction that takes place at a rate that releases large amounts of energy If hazardous polymerization can occur with a given material, the MSDS usually will list conditions that could start the reaction and–since the material usually contains a polymerization inhibitor–the length of time during which the inhibitor will be effective
A chemical reaction in which small molecules (monomers) combine to form much larger molecules (polymers) A hazardous polymerization is a reaction that occurs at a fast rate, and releases large amounts of energy Many monomers are hazardous in the liquid and vapor states, but form much less hazardous polymers An example is vinyl chloride monomer, which causes cancer but forms the relatively non-toxic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic
in petroleum refining, polymerization refers to the combination of light, gaseous hydrocarbons, usually olefins, into high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons that are used in manufacturing motor gasoline and aviation fuel The product formed by combining two identical olefin molecules is called a dimer, and by three such molecules, a trimer See polymer
Reaction of two molecules to form a polymer; the length of the polymer chain is specified by the number of repeat units in the chain (degree of polymerization)
Any process in which monomers combine chemically to produce a polymer. The monomer molecules which in the polymer usually number from at least 100 to many thousands may or may not all be the same. In nature, enzymes carry out polymerization under ordinary conditions to form proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrate polymers; in industry, the reaction is usually done with a catalyst, often under high pressure or heat. In addition polymerization, monomers are added successively to the reactive ends of a growing polymer molecule, similar to adding links to a chain; during the reactions, no by-products are formed. In condensation polymerization, growth of the polymer advances stepwise monomers having reactive functional groups combine into larger molecules with their own functional groups; each reaction splits off a small molecule, often water, as a by-product
A chemical reaction in which two or more small molecules combine to form larger molecules that contain repeating structural units of the original molecules A hazardous polymerization is the above reaction with an uncontrolled release of energy
A chemical reaction in whch one or more small molecules combine to form larger molecules A hazardous polymerization is such a reaction that takes place at a rate that releases large amounts of energy
A chemical reaction in which one or more small molecules combine to form larger molecules A hazardous polymerization is a reaction that takes place at a rate that releases large amounts of energy If hazardous polymerization can occur with a given material, the MSDS usually will list conditions that could start the reaction and--since the material usually contains a polymerization inhibitor--the length of time during which the inhibitor will be effective
Chemical reaction in which one or more small molecules combine to form larger molecules A hazardous polymerization is such a reaction that takes place at a rate that releases large amounts of energy that can cause fires or explosions or burst containers Materials that can polymerize usually contain inhibitors that can delay the reaction
A chemical reaction in which the molecules of monomers are linked together to form polymers via two principal reaction mechanisms Addition polymerizations proceed by chain growth and most condensation polymerizations through step growth
An undesirable change in the composition of a food fat involving intermolecular agglomeration or clumping of the normal chemical units of fat and its decomposition products into larger and insoluble chemical units
A chemical reaction usually carried out with a catalyst, heat, or light, and often under high pressure, in which a large number of simple molecules combine to form a much larger chain-like macromolecule