
listen to the pronunciation of political
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{s} siyasal

Birçok Amerikalı için, iki partili siyasal sistem doğal görünüyor. - To many Americans, a two-party political system seems natural.

Feministler tüm cinsiyetlerin siyasal, sosyal ve ekonomik eşitliğine inanırlar. - Feminists believe in the political, social, and economic equality of all genders.


O bütün politik gücünü kaybetti. - He had lost all political power.

Politik dünyada pek çok düşmanı var. - He has many enemies in the political world.


Seçimi kazanmak adayın siyasi partisi için büyük bir zaferdi. - Winning the election was a great victory for the candidate's political party.

Lincoln eski siyasi rakibini karşıladı. - Lincoln greeted his former political rival.

{s} hükümet

Zalim hükümetler sık ​​sık siyasi rakiplerini hapsederler. - Tyrannical governments frequently imprison their political opponents.

Acımasız hükümetler sık ​​sık siyasi muhaliflerini cezaevine sokarlar. - Tyrannical governments frequently put their political opponents in prison.

devlete ait
politikayla ilgilenen
siyasal bilgiler
{s} devlet

Daha sonra, diğer birçok ülkeden olanlar büyük ekonomik imkanlarla ilgili raporlar ve dini ve politik özgürlük tarafından cezbedildikleri için Amerika Birleşik Devletlerine akın ettiler. - Later, those from many other countries flocked to the United States because they were attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and religious and political freedom.

{s} devlete/hükümete ait
siyasi bir partiyepolitical agent siyasi delege
politicallysiyaset bakımından
siyasete ait
political sciences
siyaset bilimi
political stability
siyasal istikrar
political activity
siyasal faaliyet
political asylum
political asylum
(Politika, Siyaset) sığınma hakkı
political behavior
(Eğitim,Politika, Siyaset) siyasal davranış
political behaviour
siyasal davranış
political campaigns
siyasal kampanyalar
political culture
siyasal kültür
political economist
political economy
siyasal iktisat
political ethics
siyasal ahlak
political fiction
siyasal roman
political history
siyasal tarih
political islam
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasal islam
political paper
(Politika, Siyaset) politika belgesi
political parties
siyasal partiler
political power
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasal erk
political power
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasal iktidar
political prisoners
siyasal mahkumlar
political regime
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasal rejim
political rights
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasal haklar
political sociology
siyasal sosyoloji
political theory
siyasal teori
political thought
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasal düşünce
political violence
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasal şiddet
political asylum
siyasal iltica
political campaign
politik kampanya
political dissident
politik muhalefet
political economy
politik iktisat
political economy
ekonomi politik
political geography
siyasi coğrafya
political leader
politik lider
political movement
siyasi hareket
political orientation
siyasi yönelme
political party
siyasi parti
political platform
siyasi platform
political prisoner
siyasi suçlu
political program
siyasi program
political relation
siyasi ilişki
political science
siyasi bilgiler
political science
idari ilimler
political scientist
political system
politik sistem
political system
siyasi jüye
Political Action Conference
Siyasal Eylem Konferansı
political arena
siyasi arena
political capital
siyasi sermaye
political cartoonist
siyasi karikatürist
political cleavage
(Politika Siyaset) Siyasi ayrılma, siyasi bölünme, politik kutuplaşma
political consociation
siyasi consociation
political correctness
Siyaseten doğruluk (İngilizce: Political correctness), farklı dil, din, kültür ve cinsiyetten kişileri incitmemek amacıyla, özenle kullanılan ifade, düşünce ve uygulamaları tanımlamak amacıyla kullanılan bir terimdir. Daha çok sıfat haliyle "siyaseten doğru" şeklinde kullanılır. Bu terim günümüzde daha çok "farklı olanları" incitmemek için yapılan bazı uygulamaların pratik olmadığı veya özünde yanlış olduğu fikrinde olan karşıt taraflar tarafından eleştirel anlamda kullanılır hale gelmiştir
political corruption
siyasi yolsuzluk
political disablement
siyasal iktidarsızlık
political football
Futbola olan ilgiye benzetmeyle politikacıların oy almak için gündemde tuttukları konu, proje vs
political hardliner
siyasi hardliner
political incorrectness
siyasi incorrectness
political involvement
siyasi katılımı
political landslide
siyasi heyelan
political life
siyasi hayat
political office
Siyasi mevkii
political philosophy
siyaset felsefesi
political power
siyasi güç
political prisoners
siyasi tutsaklar
political reaction
political stage
Siyaset sahnesi
political view
politik görüş
çıkarlar doğrultusunda
political science
(Politika, Siyaset) siyasi bilim
political science
(Politika, Siyaset) siyaset bilim
political views
siyasi görüşler
siyasi açıdan
siyasi olarak

Hâlâ siyasi olarak aktif değil misin? - Aren't you still politically active?

Hala siyasi olarak aktif misin? - Are you still politically active?

political science
siyasal bilgiler
iyi düşünülmüş biçimde
politik olarak

Sen hâlâ politik olarak aktif misin? - Aren't you still politically active?

Tom politik olarak muhafazakârdı. - Tom was politically conservative.

siyasal yönden
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
concerning or related to politics, the art and process of governing

Political principles are rarely absolute, as political logic holds an imperfect result by compromise is better than a theoretically perfect abstention from the political process in the opposition.

concerning a polity or its administrative components

Good political staff is hard to find, they may neither be ambitious and corrupted by power nor tempted by private sector careers.

motivated, especially inappropriately, by political (electoral or other party political) calculation
a publication centred around politics
of or related to views about social relationships that involve power or authority
{a} relating to a state as a corporate body, and to public affairs
Of or pertaining to public policy, or to politics; relating to affairs of state or administration; as, a political writer
of politics
motivated (esp. inappropriately) by political calculation
Pertaining or relating to the policy or the administration of government, state or national Pertaining to, or incidental to, the exercise the functions vested in those charged with the conduct of government; relating to the management of affairs of state; as political theories; of or pertaining to exercise of rights and privileges or the influence by which individuals of a state seek to determine or control its public policy; having to do with organization or action of individuals, parties, or interests that seek to control appointment or action of those who manage affairs of a state (Page 1319) TOP
Of or relating to the structure and affairs of a government, state, or locality and their related politics
Someone who is political is interested or involved in politics and holds strong beliefs about it. This play is very political. adj. political action committee political convention political machine political party political philosophy political science political economy
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of or concerned with governance and the expression of power; a value orientation prizing social influence and the exercise of authority
Politic; wise; also, artful
Having, or conforming to, a settled system of administration
of or relating to the profession of governing; "political career
involving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians; "calling a meeting is a political act in itself"- Daniel Goleman; "political pressure"; "a political machine"; "political office"; "political policy"
Of or pertaining to a party, or to parties, in the state; as, his political relations were with the Whigs
of or relating to your views about social relationships involving authority or power; "political opinions"
Political means relating to the way power is achieved and used in a country or society. All other political parties there have been completely banned The Canadian government is facing another political crisis. a democratic political system see also party political + politically po·liti·cal·ly They do not believe the killings were politically motivated Politically and economically this is an extremely difficult question
concerning or related to politics
{s} of or relating to the state or its government; pertaining to politics, concerned with politics
of or relating to the profession of governing; "political career"
political asylum
The protection, by a sovereign state, of a person who is persecuted in his own country for his political opinions or activity
political climate
The aggregate mood or opinions of a population about current political issues that affect said population in some way

The political climate has warmed up to the plan.

political conservative
A person who favors decentralization of political power and disfavors activist foreign policy
political consumerism
The standpoint that consumption decisions can be made by political criteria and perceived as being political
political correctness
The result or product of being politically correct
political correctness
The concept that one has to shape their statements (if not their opinions) according to a certain political dogma, i.e. to be politically correct
political correctnesses
plural form of political correctness
political economy
Interdisciplinary studies drawing upon economics, law, and political science in explaining how political institutions, the political environment, and the economic system — capitalist, socialist, mixed — influence each other
political football
A political topic that is continually debated but left unresolved
political machine
A local political organization that controls a large number of personal votes and can therefore exert political influence
political opposition
A recognized political party that is present in Parliament or some other legislative party and does not control the floor (usually due to being in the minority)
political opposition
An unrecognized political party in a one-party state
political opposition
A more general case of disagreement in politics
political opposition
Actions by one political group against another political group, either by using governmental power or by popular actions such as protests
political parties
plural form of political party
political party
A political organization that subscribes to a certain ideology and seeks to attain political power within a government
political price fixing
A situation in which a group of political parties band together to take opposing sides of certain issues, but take the same side on other issues. If the parties are powerful enough, voters on the opposite side of the other issues are left without a viable voting option. Instead, they must either not vote, vote for a candidate of another political party that stands no chance of winning, or vote for one of the major political parties that most closely aligns with his/her beliefs
political prisoner
A person imprisoned for no other reason than his political views or political activism
political prisoners
plural form of political prisoner
political risk
Any financial or other risk that stems from the possibility of a nation changing its policies
political risks
plural form of political risk
political science
The systematic study of government and politics
political science
The analytical study of public policy and policies, past, present, and prospective
political sciences
plural form of political science
political scientist
An expert in political science
political scientists
plural form of political scientist
political slogan
A memorable motto or phrase that expresses a goal or an aim, used for a political purpose
political system
A complete set of institutions, political organizations, interest groups (such as political parties, trade unions, lobby groups), the relationships between those institutions and the political norms and rules that govern their functions (constitution, election law)
political system
A system composed of the members of a social organization (group) who are in power
political systems
plural form of political system
political vacuum
a state of relative anarchy compared to neighboring states, often caused by death of the head of state before a successor could be designated

Both directly and through their terrorist intermediaries in Lebanon, Iran's ayatollahs have been meddling in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for years. But the death of Yasser Arafat, and the political vacuum that has emerged in the wake of the Palestinian strongman's passing, have laid the groundwork for even greater Iranian infiltration of Palestinian politics. (, 1/26/2005).

political correctness
Political correctness (PC or politically correct) is a term used to describe language, ideas, policies, or behaviour seen as seeking to minimize offence to groups of people. Conversely, the term politically incorrect is used to refer to language or ideas that may cause offense or that are unconstrained by orthodoxy
political football
(deyim) A program or issue used by politicians to get votes, play political games

A day-care program is a political football. Politicians use it to get the votes of parents with babies.

political philosophy
(Felsefe) Branch of philosophy that analyzes the state and related concepts such as political obligation, law, social justice, and constitution
political pork
Political "pork" means that a state Senator has influence and respect in Congress, and can better benefit those who elected them
{a} with policy, cunningly
political science
Political science is the study of the ways in which political power is acquired and used in a country. The study of the processes, principles, and structure of government and of political institutions; politics.political scientist n. the study of politics and government scientist. Academic discipline concerned with the empirical study of government and politics. Political scientists have investigated the nature of states, the functions performed by governments, voter behaviour, political parties, political culture, political economy, and public opinion, among other topics. Though it has roots in the political philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, political science in the modern sense did not begin until the 19th century, when many of the social sciences were established. Its empirical and generally scientific orientation is traceable to the work of Henri de Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte. The first institution dedicated to its study, the Free School of Political Science, was founded in Paris in 1871
political science
State Intervention Justice/Rights/Paternalism Nationalism/Ethnic Violence
political science
The branch of social science that studies politics Social scientists use surveys, experiments, interviews, statistical analyses, and other scientific methods to gather facts and data that can be used to explain political phenomena Political science is descriptive discipline
political science
the study of government of states and other political units
political science
{i} science of politics, study of the structure and methods of governments and political organizations
political science
Political Science is the study of social arrangements to maintain peace and order within a given society; it examines the theory of systems of government and studies actual practices of government
in a political way
from a governmental standpoint; in a political manner, in the manner of involving a government
with regard to social relationships involving authority; "politically correct clothing
with regard to government; "politically organized units" with regard to social relationships involving authority; "politically correct clothing
In a political manner
Politicly; artfully
with regard to social relationships involving authority; "politically correct clothing"
with regard to government; "politically organized units"