
listen to the pronunciation of polar
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{s} tam tersi
polar (kimyada, h2o gibi molekül yapısı kısmi pozitif veya negatif yük taşıyan moleküller için kullanılan bir sıfat)
(Matematik) kutup doğrusu
(Gıda) ucaylı
kutuplarla ilgili
polar bear beyaz kutup ayısı
kutuptan öIçü!en mesafe
kutbi mesafe
(Biyoloji) polar
{s} yol gösteren
tamamen birbirine zıt
(Tıp) Kutup gösteren, özellikle bir veya birkaç uzantı gösteren (sinir hücresi hakkında)
(Tıp) Kutup'la ilgili, kutba ait
kutupta veya civarında bulunan
{s} kutup

Beluga balinalarının tek doğal düşmanı kutup ayılarıdır. - The only natural enemies of beluga whales are polar bears.

Aslında, herhangi bir hızda hareket etmek için kutup ayısı, çoğu diğer memelilerden iki katı daha fazla enerji harcar. - In fact, to move at any speed the polar bear uses twice as much energy as do most other mammals.

iki mıknatıs kutbuna ait veya benzer
{s} (sıfat) zıt
(Tıp) Kutup yakınında, kutup çevresinde
Kutupyıldızına benzer
{s} kutupyıldızı gibi
{s} kutupsal, kutup: polar lights kutup ışıkları
polar vortex
(Giyim) Kutup girdabı
polar air
(Meteoroloji) soğuk hava
polar circle
(Astronomi) kutuplar dairesi
polar climate
(Meteoroloji) eksenucu iklimi
polar coordinate
kutupsal koordinat
polar coordinates
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) kutupsal konaçlar
polar coordinates
(Matematik) ucaysal konaçlar
polar coordinates
(Askeri) kutupsal koordinasyonlar
polar equation
(Matematik) kutupsal denklem
polar form
trigonometrik biçim
polar form
(Matematik,Teknik) kutupsal biçim
polar grid
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kutupsal ızgara
polar plot
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kutupsal çizim
polar vector
kutupsal vektör
Polar Sea
Kutup Denizi
polar air
kutup havası
polar angle
kutupsal açı
polar axis
kutup ekseni
polar bear
kutup ayısı

Aslında, herhangi bir hızda hareket etmek için kutup ayısı, çoğu diğer memelilerden iki katı daha fazla enerji harcar. - In fact, to move at any speed the polar bear uses twice as much energy as do most other mammals.

2014 Sochi Kış Olimpiyatlarının resmi maskotları Kutup Ayısı, Tavşan, Leopar ve Kar Tanesi ve Işık Demeti adlarındaki iki uzaylıdır. - The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics official mascots are The Polar Bear, The Hare, The Leopard and two aliens called The Snowflake and The Ray of Light.

polar circle
kutup çemberi
polar circle
kutup dairesi
polar climate
kutup iklimi
polar curve
kutupsal eğri
polar distance
kutup uzaklığı
polar fox
kutup tilkisi
polar front
kutup cephesi
polar lights
kutup ışınları
polar line
kutup doğrusu
polar solvent
polar çözücü
polar zone
kutup bölgesi
polar zone
eksenucu bölgesi
polar air
kutup havası, soğuk hava
polar angle
kutupsal acı
polar array
Bir objeyi dairesel olarak kopyalamak.Özellikler Auto Cad kullanıcılarının karşılaştığı bir menü
polar cap
polar kap
polar ice
Kutup buzları

If the temperature continues to rise, the polar ice will melt.

polar ice
kutup buzu
polar ice cap
buzul takkesinin
polar opposition
polar muhalefet
polar region
kutup bölgesi
polar transmission
polar iletim
polar adsorption
(Fizik) ucaysal yüzerme
polar adsorption
(Fizik) polar adsorpsiyon
polar air depression
(Meteoroloji) kutupsal hava depresyonu
polar air mass
(Meteoroloji) kutup hava kütlesi
polar air mass
(Askeri,Meteoroloji) kutupsal hava kütlesi
polar angle
(Matematik) kutup açısı
polar axis
ucay ekseni
polar bear
polar bond
(Tekstil) polar bağ
polar bond
kutupsal bağ
polar charge
(Askeri) SIRIK İMLA HAKKI: Kapsül ve fitilleri takılıp birbirine bağlanmış ve ateşlenmeye hazır vaziyette bir sırığın ucuna monte edilmiş toplu infilak maddeleri. Barut hakkı asgari ağırlığı, genel olarak, 15 libre kadardır. Sırık imla hakkı, el ile erişilemeyecek bir yere uzatılarak yerleştirilebilir
polar compound
ucaylı bileşik
polar compound
polar bileşik
polar compound
kutupsal bileşik
polar continental air
(Meteoroloji) kutup kara havası
polar continental air mass
(Meteoroloji) kutup-karasal hava kütlesi
polar continuum
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kutuplu süreklilik
polar coordinates
(Askeri) (DOD, NATO) KUTUPSAL KOORDİNASYONLAR (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, NATO): Topçu ve deniz topçu ateşi desteğinde, gözlemci/gözcünün mevkisinden hedefe olan yön, mesafe ve dikey doğrulama (kayma)
polar coordinates
(Askeri) (DOD-IADB) KUTUPSAL KOORDİNATLAR (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir düzey üzerinde bulunan bir noktanın yerini, düzey üzerindeki sabit bir başlangıç noktasından yarıçap vektörü uzunluğu ve bu yarıçap vektörünün düzey üzerinde sabit bir hat ile yaptığı açı vasıtasıyla bulma usulü. Bak. " coordinates"
polar current
polarizasyon akımı
polar curve
kutup egrisi
polar distance
(Askeri) kutup mesafesi
polar distance
(Matematik) kutupsal uzaklık
polar distance
(Askeri) kutuptan ölçülen mesafe
polar flagellum
(Gıda) polar flagella
polar flattening
(Astronomi) kutup basıklığı
polar flattering
(Coğrafya) kutup basıklığı
polar form
trigonometrik bicim, kutupsal bicim
polar front
(Meteoroloji) kutupsal cephe
polar globule
(Biyoloji) kutup yuvarı
polar grid
kutupsal izgara
polar group
(Tekstil) polar grup
polar high pressure
(Coğrafya) kutup yüksek basıncı
polar high pressure
(Coğrafya) eksenucu yüksek basıncı
polar jet
(Meteoroloji) kutupsal jet
polar line
kutup çizgisi
polar liquid
kutupsal sıvı
polar maritime air
(Meteoroloji) kutup deniz havası
polar maritime air mass
(Meteoroloji) kutup-denizsel hava kütlesi
polar meteorology
kutup bölgesi meteorolojisi
polar molecule
kutupsal molekül
polar molecule
ucaysal molekül
polar molecule
polar molekül
polar moment of inertia
polar atalet momenti
polar moment of inertia
polar eylemsizlik momenti
polar moment of inertia
(Tıp) kutupsal atalet momenti
polar motion
(Coğrafya) kutup devinmesi
polar motion
(Astronomi) kutup hareketi
polar motion
(Astronomi) eksenucu devinimi
polar opposite
(Ticaret) kutupsal karşıt
polar orbiting satellite
(Meteoroloji) kutupsal yörüngeli uydular
polar plot
(Askeri) KUTBİ İŞARETLEME: Kutupsal koordinatlar vasıtası iye harita üzerinebir hedefin veya noktanın yerleştirilmesi metodu
polar radius
(Matematik) kutupsal yarıçap
polar regions
(Askeri) KUTUP BÖLGELERİ: Arz yüzeyinin en sıcak ay hava sıcaklığı ortalaması 0° C (32°F) dan düşük olan kısımları
polar stereographic grid
(Askeri) kutbi stereografik grid
polar stereographic grid
(Askeri) KUTBİ STEREOGRAFİK GRİD: Askeri grid sistemi. Bu sistemde, 79° 30'dan daha yüksek olan kutup bölgesinde Arz sathı mıntıkalarının kutbi stereografik projeksiyonuna bir grid şebekesi tatbik edilir ve böylece, üniversal transvers merkatar gridinin daha yüksek sınırları ile 30'luk bir bindirme meydana gelmiş olur. Bak. "universal transverse mercator grid"
polar stereographic projection
(Askeri) KUTBİ STEREOGRAFİK PROJEKSİYON: Kutbi stereografik usulü ile meydana getirilen projeksiyon
polar stereographic projection
(Askeri) kutbi stereografik projeksiyon
polar tension
polar gerilim
polar triangle
(Matematik) kutup üçgeni
polar vapors
(Fizik) polar buharlar
polar vector
kutupsal vektor
polar wander path
kutupsal gezme güzergâhı
non polar bond
kutupsuz bağ
be polar
polar olmak
(purchase order) Sipariş emri, satın alma emri
{k} Post Office
(Askeri) barış harekatı; deniz astsubay (peace operations; petty officer)
universal polar stereographic grid
(Askeri) EVRENSEL KUTBİ STEREO GRAFİK GRİD: Sınırlı bölgelerde yapılacak olan veya kesin yer bildirimi gerektiren harekatta müşterek olarak kullanılmak üzere hazırlanmış askeri grid
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Uzaktan yaptığı etki, bir elektrik dipolünün etkisine benzeyen bir molekül ve bu tür moleküllerden yapılan madde
Bir poliester kumaş tipi
Bir polyester kumaş tipi
Bir çeşit polyester kumaş türü
italya'nın birinci, Avrupa'nın da sayılı büyük nehiri
italya'da bir ova
italya'nın en uzun ırmağı
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
having a dipole; ionic
of an orbit that passes over, or near, one of these poles
Having but two possible answers, yes and no
of, relating to, measured from, or referred to a geographic pole (the North Pole or South Pole)
of a coordinate system, specifying the location of a point in a plane by using a radius and an angle
pertaining to the poles of a sphere, especially of the earth
{a} near or issuing from the pole
Polar is used to describe things which are completely opposite in character, quality, or type. In many ways, Brett and Bernard are polar opposites
extremely cold; "an arctic climate"; "a frigid day"; "gelid waters of the North Atlantic"; "glacial winds"; "icy hands"; "polar weather"
being of crucial importance; "a pivotal event"; "Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions"- Henry Kissinger; "the polar events of this study"; "a polar principal"
Of or pertaining to the magnetic pole, or to the point to which the magnetic needle is directed
(objective) as in polar angle The angle between two perpendiculars to two lines (or planes) forming a true angle; as a noun it refers to polarizing filters, see polars
Polar means near the North and South Poles. Warmth melted some of the polar ice. polar explorers
A polar-orbiting spacecraft to observe the auroral zone particles, fields, and auroral emissions One of NASA's contributions to the ISTP
Satellite launched on February 24, 1996 by NASA in the Global Geospace Science project Polar is an atmospheric studies satellite in polar orbit One purpose of Polar is to gather information that will help scientists protect future satellites from radiation and other atmospheric dangers
characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed; "in diametric contradiction to his claims"; "diametrical (or opposite) points of view"; "opposite meanings"; "extreme and indefensible polar positions"
of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles; "polar regions"
having a pair of equal and opposite charges of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles; "polar regions" located at or near or coming from the earth's poles; "polar diameter"; "polar zone"; "a polar air mass"; "Antarctica is the only polar continent
Used to describe compounds that have a dipole moment because they consist of molecules that have negative and positive poles
If the given point lies within the curve so that the two tangents become imaginary, there is still a real polar line which does not meet the curve, but which possesses other properties of the polar
A signal stream in which all one bits are the same voltage polarity (either positive or negative) All zero bits are the opposite polarity from the one bits
The right line drawn through the two points of contact of the two tangents drawn from a given point to a given conic section
The given point is called the pole of the line
Of or pertaining to one of the poles of the earth, or of a sphere; situated near, or proceeding from, one of the poles; as, polar regions; polar seas; polar winds
Of or near the North or South Pole
Pertaining to, reckoned from, or having a common radiating point; as, polar coördinates
describes a neutral molecule that has opposite charges partially separated within the molecule; example H2O is a polar molecule
located at or near or coming from the earth's poles; "polar diameter"; "polar zone"; "a polar air mass"; "Antarctica is the only polar continent"
Exhibiting polarity: a molecule with opposite charges
There are also poles and polar curves to curves of higher degree than the second, and poles and polar planes to surfaces of the second degree
A graph of sink rate against airspeed As the airspeed increases from the stall speed, the sink rate decreases until it reaches a minimum (known as the minimum sink rate), and then starts to increase as airspeed increases further
{s} of the North and South Poles; opposed; of the poles, of the extremities
having a pair of equal and opposite charges of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles; "polar regions"
Describing a substance or molecule in which the positive and negative electrical charges are permanently separated, as opposed to nonpolar molecules in which the charges coincide Polar molecules ionize in solution and impart electrical conductivity Water, alcohol, and sulfuric acid are polar Most hydrocarbon liquids are nonpolar Carboxyl and hydroxyl groups often exhibit an electric charge The formation of emulsions and the action of detergents are dependent on this behavior
located at or near or coming from the earth's poles; "polar diameter"; "polar zone"; "a polar air mass"; "Antarctica is the only polar continent
having a pair of equal and opposite charges
Thus the focus and directrix are pole and polar
polar antonym
gradable antonym
polar bear
A very large bear found in the Arctic Circle, white in appearance and very furry
polar bear dip
An outdoor swim in the middle of winter, often through ice
polar bears
plural form of polar bear
polar body
One of the small cells that are by-products of the meiosis that forms an egg
polar cap
A high-latitude region of a celestial body that is covered by ice

The southern polar cap of Mars consists of both carbon dioxide and water ice.

polar cone
Relative to a set S in Rn, the set of points y such that the inner product of x and y is not positive for any point x in S

Since a is in S and b is in So — the polar cone of S — we know that aT b ≤ 0.

polar cones
plural form of polar cone
polar coordinates
The coordinates of a point in a plane, measured as its Cartesian distance from the origin and the angle measured anticlockwise/counterclockwise from the x-axis to a line joining the point to the origin
polar coordinates
The coordinates of a point in three-dimensional space, measured as its Cartesian distance from the origin, the angle measured from the z-axis to a line joining the point to the origin, and the angle measured anticlockwise from the x-axis to this line
polar covalent bond
A covalent bond in which the electrons are not shared equally, giving the bond some ionic character
polar covalent bonds
plural form of polar covalent bond
polar equation
An equation defining a curve in terms of radius and angle
polar fox
The arctic fox (Alopex lagopus)
polar foxes
plural form of polar fox
polar ice
Permanent sea ice found in the Arctic and Antarctic
polar moment of inertia
A measure of a body's resistance to twisting; a measure of torsional strength
polar night
A period of darkness that occurs in polar regions north from the Arctic Circle and south from the Antarctic Circle and during which the sun stays below the horizon
polar question
A question which has only two possible responses: yes (affirmative) or no (negative)
polar questions
plural form of polar question
polar star
Alternative form of pole star
polar stratospheric cloud
A relatively rare type of clouds that occurs high in the stratosphere; polar stratospheric clouds often resemble mother-of-pearl as they shine in vivid colours, known as irisation
polar vortex
A persistent, large-scale cyclone located near either of a planet's geographical poles
polar body
A minute cell produced and ultimately discarded in the development of an oocyte, containing little or no cytoplasm but having one of the nuclei derived from the first or second meiotic division
polar ice cap
An ice cap is a dome-shaped ice mass that covers less than 50 000 km² of land area (usually covering a highland area). Masses of ice covering more than 50 000 km² are termed an ice sheet
polar ice cap
(Çevre) A polar ice cap or polar ice sheet is a high-latitude region of a planet or moon that is covered in ice. There are no requirements with respect to size or composition for a body of ice to be termed a polar ice cap, nor any geological requirement for it to be over land; only that it must be a body of solid phase matter in the polar region. This causes the term 'polar ice cap' to be somewhat of a misnomer, as the term ice cap itself is applied with greater scrutiny as such bodies must be found over land, and possess a surface area of less than 50,000 km²: larger bodies are referred to as ice sheets
polar ice sheet
(Çevre) A polar ice cap or polar ice sheet is a high-latitude region of a planet or moon that is covered in ice. There are no requirements with respect to size or composition for a body of ice to be termed a polar ice cap, nor any geological requirement for it to be over land; only that it must be a body of solid phase matter in the polar region. This causes the term 'polar ice cap' to be somewhat of a misnomer, as the term ice cap itself is applied with greater scrutiny as such bodies must be found over land, and possess a surface area of less than 50,000 km²: larger bodies are referred to as ice sheets
polar molecule
A molecule with regions of partial positive charges is called a poler molecule
Polar bear
large white bear that is native to arctic regions
polar angle
The angle formed by the polar axis and the radius vector in a polar coordinate system
polar axis
The fixed reference axis from which the polar angle is measured in a polar coordinate system
polar bear
A polar bear is a large white bear which is found near the North Pole. A large, white-furred bear (Ursus maritimus or Thalarctos maritimus) living in Arctic regions. Also called white bear. White semiaquatic bear (Ursus maritimus) found throughout Arctic regions, generally on drifting oceanic ice floes. A swift, wide-ranging traveler and a good swimmer, it stalks and captures its prey. It primarily eats seal but also fish, seaweed, grass, birds, and caribou. The male weighs 900-1,600 lbs (410-720 kg) and is about 5.3 ft (1.6 m) tall at the shoulder and 7-8 ft (2.2-2.5 m) long. It has a short tail. The hairy soles of its broad feet protect it from the cold and help it move across the ice. Though shy, it is dangerous when confronted
polar body
a small cell containing little cytoplasm that is produced along with the oocyte and later discarded
polar circle
a line of latitude at the north or south poles
polar coordinate
n. Either of two coordinates, the radius or the polar angle, that together specify the position of a point in a plane
polar coordinate
either of two values that locate a point on a plane by its distance from a fixed pole and its angle from a fixed line passing through the pole
polar front
The region or boundary separating air masses of polar origin from those of tropical or subtropical origin
polar glacier
a glacier near the Arctic or Antarctic poles
polar hare
a large Arctic hare of North America; almost completely white in winter
polar moment of inertia
same principle as Moment of Inertia only x2, y2 and xy are replaced with r2 (i e uses radius in it's calculation)
polar moment of inertia
Is the sum of any two moments of inertia about axes at right angles to each other It is taken about an axis which is perpendicular to the plane of the other two axes
polar moment of inertia
The resistance of an object to rotational acceleration When the mass of an object is distributed far from its axis of rotation, the object is said to have a high polar moment of inertia When the mass distribution is close to the axis of rotation, it has a low polar moment of inertia A mid-engined car has most of its mass within its wheelbase, contributing to a low polar moment of inertia, which, in turn, improves cornering turn-in
polar moment of inertia
The moment of inertia of a body about an axis perpendicular to plane of its surface is called polar moment of inertia Hence, polar moment of inertia is a mass distribution property about an axis perpendicular to its surface
polar nucleus
Either of two nuclei located centrally in a flowering plant embryo sac that eventually fuse to form the endosperm nucleus
polar opposition
an opposition that can be graded between two extremes or poles
polar wandering
Migration of the magnetic poles of the Earth through geologic time. Scientific evidence indicates that the magnetic poles have slowly and erratically wandered across the surface of the Earth. Pole locations calculated from measurements on rocks younger than about 20 million years do not depart from the present pole locations by very much, but successively greater "virtual pole" distances are revealed for rocks older than 30 million years, indicating that substantial deviations occurred. Calculations of polar wandering formed one of the first important pieces of evidence for continental drift
Purchase order
Probation officer
Police Officer
Post office
By mouth
Italy's longest river, which flows 652 kilometers eastward to the Adriatic Sea near Venice
A chamberpot
space polar coordinate
Any of a system of coordinates by which a point is located in space by its distance from a pole, the angle between the polar axis and its radius vector, and its longitude
{i} place at which mail can be sent and received
PO is an abbreviation for Post Office or postal order. A river of northern Italy flowing about 652 km (405 mi) generally eastward to the Adriatic Sea. The Po Valley is a major industrial and agricultural area. The symbol for the element polonium. the Po the largest river in northern Italy. Po Hai Po Chü i Li Po Po River
{i} river in Italy
Italys longest river, which flows 652 kilometers eastward to the Adriatic Sea near Venice
at or near the north pole
The purchase order number selected for inquiry or reporting
Ingest by mouth
Power Output
Primary Out
Physician Organization A group of physicians, typically the medical staff of a hospital, band together to gain bargaining clout with insurers
The Previous Owner, committer of the dreaded SPOT
a radioactive metallic element that is similar to tellurium and bismuth; occurs in uranium ores but can be produced by bombarding bismuth with neutrons in a nuclear reactor
2: Oxygen level in the baby’s blood It is measured by either taking a small sample of blood either from a catheter in an artery (like the UAC) or by a blood from a heel stick, or indirectly by measurements from the pulse ox
Principal Officer
A peacock
peace operations
{i} chamber pot, night pot, portable toilet used at night (Slang)
Putouts (primary position)
a European river; flows into the Adriatic Sea
-See Purchase order
an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States
Private Office
a noncommissioned officer in the navy with a rank comparable to sergeant in the army
at or near the south pole