plötzlicher rückgang

listen to the pronunciation of plötzlicher rückgang
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение plötzlicher rückgang в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

{i} ani düşüş
kendini bırakmış bir şekilde oturma veya yürüme
ansızın düşmek
fiyat vb düşmek
(Ticaret) ticarette durgunluk
(iş/ticaret/fiyat/vb.'de) düşme
kötüye gitmek

Menkul kıymetler borsası sürüp giden bir ekonomik kriz içindedir. - The stock market is in a prolonged slump.

(sayıca/vb.) düşmek
{i} düşme

Tayvan doları değer kazandı ve Tayvan ihracatının düşmesine neden oldu. - The Taiwanese dollar appreciated, causing Taiwanese exports to slump.

fiyatların birden düşmesi
iş durğunluğu
{i} ekonomik kriz

Menkul kıymetler borsası sürüp giden bir ekonomik kriz içindedir. - The stock market is in a prolonged slump.

{f} onto/to/over -in üstüne çöküvermek
{i} durgunluk (piyasa)
{f} kaymak (toprak)
{f} çökmek
{i} (fiyat, oy, müşteri sayısı v.b.'nde) düşüş, düşme
(Mukavele) çökme; fiyatların birden düşmesi; iş durgunluğu
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
To decline or fall off in activity or performance
To slide or slip on a declivity, so that the motion is perceptible; said of masses of earth or rock
assume a drooping posture or carriage
not strong enough to bear the person
(i) A mass movement process characterized by a landslide involving a shearing and rotary movement of a generally independent mass of rock or earth along a curved slip surface (concave upward) and about an axis parallel to the slope from which it descends, and by backward tilting of the mass with respect to that slope so that the slump surface often exhibits a reversed slope facing uphill (ii) The landform or mass of material slipped down during, or produced by a slump
fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly; "The real estate market fell off"
A landslide where the underlying rock masses tilt back as they slide from a cliff or escarpment Slumps are sometimes caused by clear cutting on unstable soils
To fall or sink suddenly through or in, when walking on a surface, as on thawing snow or ice, partly frozen ground, a bog, etc
To collapse heavily or helplessly
To undergo a slump, or sudden decline or falling off; as, the stock slumped ten points
If you slump somewhere, you fall or sit down there heavily, for example because you are very tired or you feel ill. She slumped into a chair He saw the driver slumped over the wheel
Tendency of a solder cream to spread out from the original shape and position in which it was printed or dispensed and hence bridge between pads or create solder balls
A slump is a time when many people in a country are unemployed and poor. the slump of the early 1980s. = recession
The permanent distortion of wares by downward bending, during the firing process Can be caused by inadequate supporting of wares during the firing and/or overfiring
A falling or declining, esp
A Technique used to form glass using a mold, heat and gravity
A boggy place
the complex movement of materials on a slope; includes rotational slump
ein plötzlicher Anstieg/Rückgang (bei etwas)
a sharp increase/fall (in something)