(Askeri) PIGEON KODU: Hava önlemede, "Manyetik 4 kerteriz ve üssün (veya belirtilen birliğin) size olan mesafesi------ derece----- mildir " anlamına gelen kod
(Askeri) GÜVERCİNLİK: Askeri haberleşmede kullanılan güvercinlere mahsus güvercinlik.. Güvercinlikler; üretme, besleme bakım ve eğitim için lüzumlu kısımları ihtiva eder
A pigeon is a bird, usually grey in colour, which has a fat body. Pigeons often live in towns. to put the cat among the pigeons: see cat see also clay pigeon, homing pigeon. a grey bird with short legs that is common in cities (pijon, from pipio ). Plump, small-billed, monogamous birds of the family Columbidae, found almost worldwide and recognizable by their head-bobbing strut. Unlike other birds, pigeons suck liquids and provide the young with regurgitated "pigeon's milk." The 175 species of true pigeons include the Old and New World Columba species and the Old World Streptopelia species; all eat seeds and fruit. Common street pigeons, or rock doves, are descendants of the Eurasian rock dove (Columba livia). From antiquity pigeons were trained to carry messages over long distances. About 115 species of fruit pigeons occur in Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and the Pacific islands. The three species of crowned pigeons (genus Goura), of New Guinea, are nearly the size of a turkey. See also dove; mourning dove; passenger pigeon; turtledove
Any bird of the order Columbæ, of which numerous species occur in nearly all parts of the world
(noun) A small recess (usu. one of a series) for a domestic pigeon to nest in; transf. a small room, apartment, etc. Formerly also (Criminals' slang) the stocks; an instrument in which the hands of culprits were confined, when being flogged
(noun) a.) Any of a series of compartments in a desk or on a wall, open in front, for keeping and sorting papers, letters, etc. b.) fig. Any of a series of categories for the classification of facts, ideas, people, etc. "R. H. Morrieson - I had privately consigned Len Ramsbottom to the pigeon-hole 'lousiest typist ever'."
Assign to a definite place in the memory, or in an ordered group of ideas; categorize mentally. "National Times - He was labelled schizophrenic, a diagnosis flung around to pigeon-hole misfits
(Anatomy) condition of the chest in which the sides of the chest are flattened and the sternum is prominent due to obstruction of infantile respiration or to rickets
To pigeon-hole someone or something means to decide that they belong to a particular class or category, often without considering all their qualities or characteristics. He felt they had pigeonholed him I don't want to be pigeonholed as a kids' presenter
A pigeon-hole is one of the sections in a frame on a wall where letters and messages can be left for someone, or one of the sections in a writing desk where you can keep documents
Someone who is pigeon-toed walks with their toes pointing slightly inwards. someone who is pigeon-toed has feet that turn towards each other as they walk
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Fancy pigeons are domesticated varieties of the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia). They are bred by pigeon fanciers for various traits relating to size, shape, color, and behavior. The breeders of these fancy varieties exhibit their birds at pigeon shows, fairs and other livestock exhibits
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) A bluish-gray dove (Columba livia) that is indigenous to Eurasia but has been widely established elsewhere including most of North America and that is the ancestor of many domesticated pigeons and of the feral pigeons found in cities and towns throughout most of the world ― called also rock dove
Clay pigeons are discs of baked clay which are thrown into the air by a machine as targets for gun shooting practice. hunting and clay-pigeon shooting. A clay disk thrown as a flying target for skeet and trapshooting. Also called bird
A homing pigeon is a pigeon that is trained to return to a particular place, especially in races with other pigeons. a pigeon that is able to find its way home over long distances
An extinct migratory bird (Ectopistes migratorius) abundant in eastern North America until the latter part of the 19th century. Extinct species (Ectopistes migratorius) of pigeon (subfamily Columbinae, family Columbidae). Passenger pigeons were about 13 in. (32 cm) long and had a long pointed tail; the male was pinkish, with a blue-gray head. Billions inhabited eastern North America in the early 19th century; migrating flocks darkened the skies for days at a time. Gunners began to slaughter them in huge numbers for shipping by railway carloads for sale in city meat markets. Martha, the last known passenger pigeon, died in 1914 in the Cincinnati Zoo. The bird's extinction was largely responsible for ending the marketing of game birds and gave major impetus to the conservation movement