
listen to the pronunciation of physical
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Jim bedensel çalışmadan korkuyordu. - Jim was afraid of physical labor.

Tekerlekli sandalye bedensel engelli insanlara daha fazla hareket özgürlüğü verir. - Wheelchairs give people with physical disabilities more mobility.

(Tıp) Tabiat bilgisine (fiziğe) ait, fiziki
(Askeri) BEDENİ NİTELİK: (Aşağıda ismi, rütbesi, sicil veya askerlik numarası yazılı şahsın genel muayenesi ve varsa askerli hizmetine engel bedeni arızası hakkında bilgi verilmesi) anlamına kullanılan bir kısaltma. (Request report physical examination and any physical defects which disqualify from performing military service of following individual (s); name, grade, service, number)
{s} mevcut

Çakralar sürekli dönüyor. Eğer olmasalar, fiziksel beden mevcut olamazdı. - The chakras are constantly spinning. If they weren't, the physical body couldn't exist.

maddeye ait
(Tıp) fizikal
{s} fiziksel

Biz yaş ya da fiziksel sorunlar hakkında bir şey soramayız. - We cannot ask anything about age or physical problems.

Fiziksel durumu iyidir. - He is in good physical condition.

a physical impossibility fizik
(Tıp) Tabii
tabiat ilmine ait
physical education bedeneitimi
{s} maddesel
{s} somut

Biz asla somut değildik. - We never were physical.

{s} bedensel. i., k.dili. sağlık muayenesi, çekap
physical examination sıhhi muayene
physical sciences tabii ilimler
physical geography fiziki coğrafya
{s} fiziki
{i} sağlık kontrolü

Tom yılda bir kez sağlık kontrolü yaptırır. - Tom gets a physical once a year.

Ben bir sağlık kontrolü yaptırdım. - I had a physical checkup.

{s} maddi
{i} muayene

Doktor, hasta için tam bir fizik muayene talimatı verdi. - The doctor ordered a full physical examination for the patient.

Ben yılda bir kez fizik muayene olurum. - I get a physical examination once a year.

Physical Therapy
(Geometri) Fiziki Terapi
physical condition
sağlık durumu
physical education
physical examination
(Askeri) genel sağlık muayenesi
physical examination
physical therapy
physical address
fiziksel adres
physical anthropology
fiziksel antropoloji
physical attraction
fiziksel cazibe
physical change
fiziksel değişim
physical chemistry
fiziksel kimya
physical chemistry
vücut kimyası
physical condition
sağlık yağdayı
physical education
beden eğitimi

Beden eğitimi gerekli bir ders mi? - Is physical education a required course?

Kelly, beden eğitimini kesti ve eve gitti. - Kelly cut physical education and went home.

physical exertion
fiziksel çaba
physical force
fiziksel güç
physical geography
fiziksel coğrafya
physical jerks
physical method
fiziksel yöntem
physical object
fiziksel madde
physical phenomenon
fiziksel olay
physical property
fiziki özellik
physical property
fiziksel özellik
physical record
fiziksel kayıt
physical science
fizik bilimi
physical stress
fiziksel basınç
physical structure
fiziksel yapı
physical structure
fiziki yapı
physical therapy
fizik tedavisi
physical training
beden eğitimi
physical abuse
Fiziksel taciz
physical activity
fiziksel aktivite
physical appearance
Dış görünüm
physical attributes
fiziksel özellikleri
physical characteristic
fiziksel özellik
physical confrontation
fiziksel olarak karşı karşıya gelme
physical culture
fiziksel kültür
physical data
fiziksel veri
physical data structure
fiziksel veri yapısı
physical digestion
fiziksel sindirim
physical disk
verileri fiziksel ortamda tutan disk çeşidi
physical education teacher
beden eğitimi öğretmeni
physical exam
genel sağlık muayenesi
physical facilities
fiziki imkânlar
physical life
Fiziksel kullanım ömrü
physical love; sexual desire
fiziksel seviyorum; cinsel istek
physical make up
fiziksel makyaj
physical pain
fiziksel acı
physical rehabilitation
fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon
physical relationship
fiziksel ilişki
physical resemblance
Fizîkî benzerlik
physical sign
fiziksel işareti
physical simulation systems
fiziksel simülasyon sistemleri, fiziksel benzetim dizgeleri
physical strength
fiziksel gücü
physical track
fiziksel iz
physical trait
fiziksel özellik
physical unit
fiziksel birim
physical work
fiziksel iş
physical assault
fiziksel saldırı
physical assets
(Ticaret) fiziksel varlıklar
physical attributes
(Gıda) fiziksel nitelikler
physical beauty
fiziksel güzellik
physical characteristics
(Askeri) FİZİKSEL ÖZELLİKLER: Teçhizatta; ağırlık, biçim, su geçirmezlik ve dayanıklılık gibi, esas itibarıyla fiziksel mahiyette özellikler
physical check
(Ticaret) maddi denetim
physical check
(Ticaret) fiziksel denetim
physical child
fiziksel altöğe
physical climate
(Meteoroloji) fiziksel iklim
physical damage
fiziki hasar
physical dependence
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) fiziksel bağımlılık
physical development
(Tıp) fiziksel gelişme
physical device
fiziksel aygit
physical disturbance
(Tıp) fiziksel bozukluk
physical drives
fiziksel dürtüler
physical endurance
(Askeri) fiziki dayanıklılık
physical endurance
(Tıp) fiziksel dayanıklılık
physical examination
(Askeri) GENEL SAĞLIK MUAYENESİ: Bir şahsın fiziki durumu hakkında bir karara varmak için yapılan akli ve bedeni muayene. Bu muayenenin şu şekilleri vardır: a. Nihai sağlık muayenesi (final type examination); teferruatlı müşahade; göğüs radyografisi, frengi için serolojik muayene, idrar tahlili (mikroskopik muayene dahil), gerekli diğer testler ve kadınlar için ürejenital muayeneyi içine alan tam bir fiziki ve miropsikiyatrik muayeneden ibarettir; b. İhzari sağlık muayenesi (periliminary physical examination), bir şahsın fiziki durumu ile ilgili peşin bilgi verme için yapılan muayenedir. Bir şahsın fiziki durumunun, bir ihzari sağlık muayenesine dayanılarak onaylanması muteber değildir. c. Fiziki bir elem muayenesi (screening exemination), vücutta şüphelenilen veya anormal ya da arızalı bulunan herhangi bir sistemin kısaca bir müşahadesi ve fiziki muayenesiyle gerekli görülen röntgen ve diğer laboratuar incelemelerini içine alır. Buna kısaca (screening) de denir. d. Tamamlayıcı sağlık muayenesi (supplemental physical examination), nihai muayenesi yapılmış herhangi bir kısmın yeniden muayenesinden, özel testlerden veya belirli bir vücut sisteminin özel bir muayeneden geçirilmesinden ibarettir. Bu muayene; lüzum görülünce ve genel olarak, herhangi bir branşa mensup bir uzman tabip veya operatör tarafından yapılır. Bak. "screening"
physical examination
sağlık kontrolü
physical examination

Doktor, hasta için tam bir fizik muayene talimatı verdi. - The doctor ordered a full physical examination for the patient.

Son fiziksel muayeneni ne zaman yaptırdın? - When did you have your last physical examination?

physical examination
sağlık muayenesi, çekap
physical exercise
beden eğitimi
physical file
fiziksel kütük
physical fitness
(Askeri) Fiziki kondüsyonu iyi olmak
physical geography
fiziki coğrafya
physical half life
(Nükleer Bilimler) fiziksel yarılanma süresi
physical handicapped
bedensel özürlü
physical infirmity
(Kanun) maluliyet
physical inventory
(Askeri) MUHASEBE DIŞI ENVANTER; FİİLİ SAYIM; FİZİKSEL ENVANTER: Eldeki malzemenin miktar ve değeri fiilen sayılmak, tartılmak veya ölçülmek suretiyle yapılan sayım
physical inventory
(Ticaret) fiili mal sayımı
physical inventory
(Nükleer Bilimler) fiziksel envanter
physical inventory
(Askeri) fiziki sayım
physical inventory
(Askeri) fiili sayım
physical inventory
(Ticaret) fiziki envanter
physical inventory
(Ticaret) fizik envanter
physical inventory
(Ticaret) stok sayımı
physical inventory
(Ticaret) muhasebe dışı envanter
physical inventory list
(Nükleer Bilimler) fiziksel envanter listesi
physical labour
bedensel çalışma
physical labour
(Ticaret) bedeni çalışma
physical lag
fiziksel gecikme
physical law
fiziksel yasa
physical law
fiziksel kanun
physical layer
(OSI) fiziksel katman
physical life
(Ticaret) maddi hayat
physical location
fiziki konum
physical logging
(Çevre) fiziki sondaj
physical maps
fiziksel haritalar
physical medicine
(Askeri) FİZİKİ TABABET: Hasta ve yaralıların tedavisinde; fizik tedavisi (physical therapy), meşguliyetle tedavi (occupational therapy) ve bedeni ve ruhi geliştirme tedavisi (physical reconditioning) usullerinden koordineli olarak faydalanan bir teşhis ve tedavi branşı
physical medicine service
(Askeri) FİZİKİ TEDAVİ SERVİSİ: Bir hastanede fiziki tababetle meşgul olan servis. Ayrıca bakınız: "physical medicine"
physical memory
Fiziksel Bellek
physical menace
fiziksel tehdit
physical meteorology
(Meteoroloji) fiziksel meteoroloji
physical model
(Çevre) fiziki model
physical motor pool
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK MOTORLU ARAÇ MERKEZİ: Bak. "motor pool"
physical output
(Ticaret) fiziki çıktı
physical parent
fiziksel üstöğe
physical photometry
(Aydınlatma) fiziksel ışıkölçme
physical properties
fiziksel ozellikler
physical punishment
beden cezası
physical quantity
(Ticaret) fiziksel miktar
physical reality
fizik hakikati
physical requirements
fiziksel isterler
physical resources
(Ticaret) maddi kaynaklar
physical roentgen equivalent
(Nükleer Bilimler) (rap) (rem) fiziksel röntgen eşdeğeri
physical science
fiziki bilimler
physical science
doğa bilimi
physical security
(Askeri) Fiziki emniyet
physical strength
fiziksel dayanıklık
physical therapist
physical therapy
(Askeri) FİZİK TEDAVİSİ: Uzman bir tabibin nezareti ve yetişmiş personelin idaresi altında, bazı hastalık ve sakatlıkların ışık, ısı, su, elektrik, masaj ve beden hareketleri gibi fiziki vasıtalarla tedavisi
physical therapy aide
(Askeri) FİZİK TEDAVİ TEKNİSYENİ: Ordu Sağlık Teşkilatına mensup ve bazı hastalıklar için vücut sakatlıklarının, vücut hareketleri ve ışık, ısı, elektrik ve masaj gibi vasıtalarla tedavisi konusunda eğitim görmüş unsur. Bu unsur, subay veya erat sınıfına mensup olabilir
physical threat
fiziksel tehdit
physical value
(Ticaret) fiziksel değer
fiziksel olarak

Tıp öğrenimi yapması için onun doktor babasının teşvikini reddettikten sonra Hawking onun yerine Matematik ve fizik üzerinde konsantre olmayı seçti. - Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on mathematics and physics.

(Tıp) () Fizik
bedenen/fiziksel olarak
eski müshil
tıp bilimi
fizik bilimi
physical appearance
fiziksel görünüm
müshil vermek
ilaç vermek
ilaç ver
müshil içirmek
dahili ilaç vermek
dahilden verilen ilâç
{i} ilaç

Doktor hastasına biraz ilaç yazdı. - The physician prescribed his patient some medicine.

Gittikçe daha fazla doktor yeni ilaçlar kullanmaya başladı. - More and more physicians have begun to use the new medicines.

amel vermek
{f} tedavi etmek
(Tıp) Tıp, hekimlik
(Tıp) Dahilden verilne ilaç
i., eski müshil
{i} doktorluk
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Involving bodily force

This team plays a very physical game, so watch out.

Having to do with the material world

It's not so much a physical place as a state of mind.

Physical examination

How long has it been since your last physical?.

Having to do with physics

This substance has a number of interesting physical properties.

Having to do with the body

Are you feeling any physical effects?.

Characteristic of computer components, generally hardware, that actually exist In programs, physical components can be represented by logical components
Perceptible through a bodily or material organization; cognizable by the senses; external; as, the physical, opposed to chemical, characters of a mineral
{s} bodily, corporeal; pertaining to physics; material, tangible; natural
Having material existence
Of physicality; reflected, incomplete
(adjective)-relating to the natural features of the world, the laws of natural philosophy or physics
Physical Learners are the toe-tappers, hand-wavers, and fidgeters of the world These are the people who can't seem to sit still They simply think well while their bodies are in motion They relate best to the world through their hands and bodies Physical Learners will enjoy sports, building, and dancing When learning new information or developing academic skills, Physical Learners benefit most from role play, manipulating and touching objects, or performing movement exercises Some examples of Physical Learners applying their learning style to their work are professional dancers, professional athletes, surgeons, and craftspeople
A physical is a medical examination, done in order to see if someone is fit and well enough to do a particular job or to join the army. Bob failed his physical = medical. .physical examin'ation a thorough examination of someone's body by a doctor, in order to discover whether they are healthy or have any illnesses or medical problems. physical anthropology physical chemistry physical education physical medicine and rehabilitation physical therapy
Physical means relating to the structure, size, or shape of something that can be touched and seen. the physical characteristics of the terrain
relating to the body or the material world, as in: I must make an appointment with my doctor for a physical examination
Physical means connected with physics or the laws of physics. the physical laws of combustion and thermodynamics
Increasing work, responsibilities
Of or pertaining to physic, or the art of medicine; medicinal; curative; healing; also, cathartic; purgative
involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit; "physical exercise"; "physical suffering"; "was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance"
Physical is used in expressions such as physical love and physical relationships to refer to sexual relationships between people. It had been years since they had shared any meaningful form of physical relationship
Someone who is physical touches people a lot, either in an affectionate way or in a rough way. We decided that in the game we would be physical and aggressive
Pertaining to the body of or pertaining to that which is material
This layer conveys the bit stream - electrical impulse, light or radio signal -- through the network at the electrical and mechanical level It provides the hardware means of sending and receiving data on a carrier, including defining cables, cards and physical aspects
relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics; "physical sciences"; "physical laws
Responsible for the transmission of unstructured bit streams over a physical network This covers the mechanical, electrical and procedural characteristics required to establish, maintain and deactivate physical links This level defines electrical and mechanical characteristics, and interfaces between network medium and network devices
impelled by physical force especially against resistance; "forcible entry"; "a real cop would get physical"; "strong-arm tactics"
having substance or material existence; perceptible to the senses; "a physical manifestation"; "surrounded by tangible objects" concerned with material things; "physical properties"; "the physical characteristics of the earth"; "the physical size of a computer" according with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter); "a reflex response to physical stimuli" involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit; "physical exercise"; "physical suffering"; "was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance" relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics; "physical sciences"; "physical laws
relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics; "physical sciences"; "physical laws"
Of or pertaining to matter and energy or the sciences dealing with them back
the network interface, cabling, etc ; e g Ethernet
Of or pertaining to nature (as including all created existences); in accordance with the laws of nature; also, of or relating to natural or material things, or to the bodily structure, as opposed to things mental, moral, spiritual, or imaginary; material; natural; as, armies and navies are the physical force of a nation; the body is the physical part of man
Of or pertaining to physics, or natural philosophy; treating of, or relating to, the causes and connections of natural phenomena; as, physical science; physical laws
{i} general medical examination performed in order to determine one's overall state of health or fitness
having substance or material existence; perceptible to the senses; "a physical manifestation"; "surrounded by tangible objects"
according with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter); "a reflex response to physical stimuli"
concerned with material things; "physical properties"; "the physical characteristics of the earth"; "the physical size of a computer"
This tab contains information gathered from physical examination of the patient The content of this tab may be represented in text, audio, or visual format
Physical qualities, actions, or things are connected with a person's body, rather than with their mind. the physical and mental problems caused by the illness The attraction between them is physical. + physically physi·cal·ly You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight. disabled people who cannot physically use a telephone
Physical things are real things that can be touched and seen, rather than ideas or spoken words. Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe. physical evidence to support the story. + physically physi·cal·ly physically cut off from every other country
Refers to text formatting tags that imply no special meaning but alter the physical appearance of text
Actual Physical Medium
characterized by energetic bodily activity; "tennis is an active sport"; "a very physical dance performance"
When used to describe a graphics object (such as a font or brush), this means that the object described is an actual object Physical objects can be used to actually draw on devices Back
It refers to physical access to a facility, specific work areas, or computer systems
What is actually there, as opposed to how the computer relates to it For example, one physical hard disk may be partitioned into two or more "logical" disks, and a system may have a "virtual disk" in memory as well
{a} medicinal, relating to nature
physical attractiveness
The state or degree to which the physical traits of an individual human person are perceived as pleasing or beautiful
physical break
A short break in a meeting or in a classroom setting, intended to improve attention
physical breaks
plural form of physical break
physical chemistry
The science that uses theories and techniques from physics to study chemical systems
physical constant
A physical quantity that is generally believed to be both universal in nature and constant in time
physical constants
plural form of physical constant Measured mathematical constants
physical culture
The hobby and sport of muscular development
physical education
An element of an educational curriculum concerned with bodily development, strength, physical co-ordination, and agility

The physical education instructor also served as the coach of the track team.

physical examination
The examination of the patient's body with the use of such methods as inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation
physical finger
the ring finger
physical geography
The subfield of geography that studies physical patterns and processes of the Earth. It aims to understand the forces that produce and change rocks, oceans, weather, and global flora and fauna patterns
physical law
A universal statement about both nature and society, based on empirical observations of physical behavior, tested using scientific method
physical map
A topographical map
physical map
A map showing how much DNA separates two genes, measured in base pairs, as opposed to a genetic map
physical maps
plural form of physical map
physical quantities
plural form of physical quantity
physical quantity
A physical property that can be measured or calculated from other physical property and expressed as the product of a numerical value and a physical unit
physical science
An encompassing term for the branches of natural science and science that study non-living systems, in contrast to the biological sciences
physical sciences
plural form of physical science
physical system
The portion of the physical universe chosen for analysis, with everything outside the system known as the environment
physical therapies
plural form of physical therapy
physical therapy
Any of various therapeutic exercises and other activities to treat injury or dysfunction, or such exercises and activities collectively
physical therapy
The medical discipline dealing with such
physical education
education of health maintenance via physical activity, development of physical stamina, gym, sports
physical education
training in the development of and care for the human body; stresses athletics; includes hygiene
physical education
Physical education is the school subject in which children do physical exercises or take part in physical games and sports. Education in the care and development of the human body, stressing athletics and including hygiene. PE sport and physical exercise that are taught as a school subject. Training in physical fitness and in skills requiring or promoting it. In the U.S. it is required in most primary and secondary schools. It generally includes calisthenics, gymnastics, various sports, and some study of health. College majors in physical education have been available since the early 20th century. Most teaching is done in gymnasiums, though outdoor sports are also emphasized
physical capital
(Ekonomi) In general physical capital refers to any non-human asset made by humans and then used in production. Often, it refers to economic capital in some ambiguous combination of infrastructural capital and natural capital. As these are combined in process-specific and firm-specific ways that neoclassical macroeconomics does not differentiate at its level of analysis, it is common to refer only to physical vs. human capital and seek so-called "balanced growth" that develops both in tandem
physical education
Beden eğitimi dersi
physical education
Sport and physical activity taught as a school subject
physical education
Beden eğitimi
physical education
(Spor) Sport and physical activity taught as a school subject:
physical vapour deposition
Physical vapor deposition (PVD) is a technique used to deposit thin films of various materials onto various surfaces (e.g., of semiconductor wafers) by physical means, as compared to chemical vapor deposition
physical abuse
abuse of the body
physical activity
physical exercise, bodily activity, sports
physical anthropology
The branch of anthropology that deals with human evolutionary biology, physical variation, and classification. Also called somatology.physical anthropologist n. Branch of anthropology concerned with the study of human evolution and human biological variation. Research on human evolution involves the discovery, analysis, and description of fossilized human remains. Two key goals are the identification of differences between humans and their human and nonhuman ancestors, and the clarification of the biological emergence of humankind. A variety of quantitative methods are used, including the comparative analysis of genetic codes. Research on biological variation among contemporary humans once relied heavily on the concept of race, but today principles of genetics and the analysis of such factors as blood type have largely eliminated race as a scientific category
physical chemistry
Scientific analysis of the properties and behavior of chemical systems primarily by physical theory and technique, as, for example, the thermodynamic analysis of macroscopic chemical phenomena. Branch of chemistry concerned with interactions and transformations of materials. Unlike other branches, it deals with the principles of physics underlying all chemical interactions (e.g., gas laws), seeking to measure, correlate, and explain the quantitative aspects of reactions. Quantum mechanics has clarified much for physical chemistry by modeling the smallest particles ordinarily dealt with in the field, atoms and molecules, enabling theoretical chemists to use computers and sophisticated mathematical techniques to understand the chemical behaviour of matter. Chemical thermodynamics deals with the relationship between heat and other forms of chemical energy, kinetics with chemical reaction rates. Subdisciplines of physical chemistry include electrochemistry, photochemistry (see photochemical reaction), surface chemistry, and catalysis
physical chemistry
the branch of chemistry dealing with the physical properties of chemical substances
physical chemistry
study of the physical properties of chemicals
physical condition
{i} condition of the health of one's body, physical fitness
physical culture
improvement of the body through physical exercise
physical development
changes that the body undergoes as it grows and matures
physical drive
drive which actually performs the reading and writing
physical education instructor
athletic soldier who is trained to coach other soldiers in order to improve their fitness
physical effort
effort made by one's body, bodily exertion, physical exertion
physical environment
In a computer lab setting
physical environment
Those aspects of the classroom that are concrete, easily identifiable, and exist independent of the people who inhabit the classroom
physical environment
The inanimate surroundings necessary for life, such as air, water, soil, rock, and sun
physical evidence
drugs, weapons, clothing and other items related to an alleged offense
physical evidence
The physical aspects of a service setting that communicate the nature of the service
physical examination
The Fund reserves the right to examine at its own expense and as often as necessary, any person whose injury or sickness is the basis of a claim and, in the case of any death claim, to have an autopsy made
physical examination
(Medicine) clinical examination, process in which a doctor examines a patient's body looking for signs of disease
physical examination
Investigation into a patient's health status by observing, feeling, and measuring observable characteristics
physical exercises
calisthenics, exercises using the body
physical fitness
bodily fitness, physical condition; culture of the body; sports, exercise
physical geography
the study of physical features of the earth's surface
physical geography
The study of the natural features of the earth's surface, especially in its current aspects, including land formation, climate, currents, and distribution of flora and fauna. Also called physiography. the study of the Earth's surface and of its rivers, mountains etc
physical geography
branch of geography that deals with the physical characteristics of the earth's surface
physical handicap
physical impairment, disability
physical hazards
Tangible risks like faulty electrical wiring, inferior building materials or poorly constructed heating or air-conditioning systems
physical hazards
Any hazard associated with a reagent that could cause physical harm, including but not limited to corrosive properties, flammability, or explosion hazards
physical immortality
everlasting life, belief that a person's body and soul will never die
physical impossibility
something that physically cannot be done, something that cannot physically exist
physical injury
injury to the body, bodily harm
physical inspection
official inspection of a person's physical condition (Medical)
physical inventory
(Ticaret) The verification of on-hand inventory quantities by taking an actual count. Often refers to the annual or quarterly process of counting all items, rather than the physical verification of selected groups of parts on a continuing basis (a cycle count)
physical map
sketch which describes the physical characteristics of the earth (ground features, climate, plants, and wild-life)
physical medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of disease by essentially physical means, including manipulation, massage, and exercise, often with mechanical devices, and the application of heat, cold, electricity, radiation, and water. Also called physiatrics, physiatry
physical medicine and rehabilitation
or physiatry or physical therapy or rehabilitation medicine Medical specialty treating chronic disabilities through physical means to help patients return to a comfortable, productive life despite a medical problem. Its objectives are pain relief, functional improvement or maintenance, training in essential activities, and functional testing of areas such as strength, mobility, breathing capacity, and coordination. Physical medicine may use diathermy, hydrotherapy, massage, exercise, and functional training. The last can mean learning to work with a guide dog or a prosthesis or learning new ways to carry out everyday activities with a limb missing, sometimes by using assistive devices. Physician specialists head rehabilitation teams including a physical therapist, rehabilitation engineer, rehabilitation nurse, psychological counselor, and sometimes a respiratory or speech therapist. See also occupational therapy; orthopedics
physical memory
Fast, electronic memory of a computer; main memory; physical memory stands in contrast to virtual memory
physical memory
physical memory
Commonly referred to as Main Memory or RAM (Random Access Memory) This is thetotal amount of space that is used to load and run programs at any given time The more memory you have, the more efficiently the computer will function On average, computers will come with 64-128MB (Megabytes) of Main Memory
physical memory
The total capacity of the memory boards installed in your system Physical memory is either wired or it is shared by processes and the UBC
physical memory
actual memory, genuine memory which is not virtual memory
physical memory
the main memory of the computer
physical memory
(n ) The main memory The memory connected to the processor that stores instructions--which the processor directly fetches and executes--and any other data the processors must manipulate
physical pendulum
pendulum consisting of an actual object allowed to rotate freely around a horizontal axis
physical phenomenon
a natural phenomenon involving the physics of matter and energy
physical property
a property used to characterize physical objects
physical rehabilitation
providing help for disabled persons; the removal or reduction of disabilities
physical science
the science of matter and energy and their interactions
physical science
The physical sciences are branches of science such as physics, chemistry, and geology that are concerned with natural forces and with things that do not have life. Any of the sciences, such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology, that analyze the nature and properties of energy and nonliving matter. the sciences, for example chemistry and physics, that are concerned with studying things that are not living
physical sciences
sciences that deal with inanimate matter (physics, chemistry, etc.)
physical therapist
therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder
physical therapist
A person trained and certified by a state or accrediting body to design and implement physical therapy programs
physical therapist
performs diagnostic tests and evaluations, such as joint mobility, stability and appearance of walking, strength and muscle endurance
physical therapist
A trained healthcare professional who uses physical activities to help people with disabilities become more functional and independent
physical therapist
A rehabilitation professional who utilizes various therapies to assist individuals in maximizing mobility, and restoring strength and body movement following an illness, injury (e g , stroke, fall, back injury, etc)
physical therapist
A trained medical person who provides rehabilitative services and therapy to help restore bodily functions such as walking, speech, the use of limbs, etc (H)
physical therapist
n The person who treats physical dysfunction or injury by the use of therapeutic exercise and the application of modalities, intended to restore or facilitate normal function or development
physical therapist
Assists patients who have experienced disability from illness, trauma, or birth defects, performs individual exercise programs to restore or relocate physical function
physical therapist
Works with patients to improve strength, mobility, endurance, coordination and balance of their trunk and extremities The physical therapist also helps patients manage pain through the use of therapeutic exercises and treatment modalities
physical therapist
A trained professional who teaches exercises and other physical activities to aid in rehabilitation and maximize physical ability with less pain
physical therapist
Professional who treats physical disorders with physical and/or mechanical means such as massage, exercise, water, light, heat, etc
physical therapist
An expert in maintaining and improving the movement and function of joints and limbs Physical therapists may begin to work with patients early in the rehabilitation phase
physical therapist
a health professional who uses exercises and other methods to restore or maintain the body's strength, mobility, and function
physical therapist
Say: fizz-ick-all thair-a-pist After you get injured, have an operation, or are really sick for awhile, your body might forget how to move a part (or parts) of your body the way you used to It may be hard to stand, walk, run, or catch a ball A physical therapist helps your body remember by teaching you to do exercises, playing games, giving you massages, or making you move around in warm water
physical therapist
Help manage pain and mobility by using therapeutic exercise, heat, cold or water therapy
physical therapy
healing by physical means, healing through movement massage or exercise
physical therapy
Physical therapy is the same as physiotherapy. The treatment of physical dysfunction or injury by the use of therapeutic exercise and the application of modalities, intended to restore or facilitate normal function or development. Also called physiotherapy.physical therapist n. a treatment that uses special exercises, rubbing, heat etc to treat medical conditions and problems with muscles British Equivalent: physiotherapy
physical therapy
therapy that uses physical agents: exercise and massage and other modalities
physical topology
the appearance of the network; "the physical topologies of local area networks include the bus, the ring and the star
physical training
training of the body through physical exercise
physical training officer
officer in charge of the physical education of soldiers, officer that helps soldiers in sports and athletics
physical violence
bodily violence, aggression, wildness, cruelty
The art or profession of healing disease; medicine
using physical force
bodily, carnally, in a fleshly manner; materially, tangibly, corporeally
according to the laws of physics
According to the rules of medicine
in a physical manner
in accord with physical laws; "it is physically impossible
{n} the art of healing, a medicin, a purge
{v} to purge with physic, cleanse, cure
In a physical manner; according to the laws of nature or physics; by physical force; not morally
{a} naturally, by natural operation
{a} medically
{a} medicinally
plural of physical
To work on as a remedy; to heal; to cure
To cure or heal; to treat or administer medicine, especially to purge
medicine, as in: Grandmother gave him a physic for his stomachache
A medicine or drug, especially a cathartic or purgative
Specifically, a medicine that purges; a cathartic
A medicinal preparation
A medicine or the skill of healing physician a doctor of medicine who trained at university
{i} medicine, drug; cathartic, diarrhetic, laxative
To treat with physic or medicine; to administer medicine to, esp
A specific internal application for the cure or relief of sickness; a remedy for disease; a medicine
The art of healing diseases; the science of medicine; the theory or practice of medicine
a purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels
a cathartic; to operate on as a cathartic; to purge
{f} provide medicine, administer drugs; act as a laxative, function as a diarrhetic
A physician
in accord with physical laws; "it is physically impossible"