
listen to the pronunciation of peripheral
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{s} periferik
(Diş Hekimliği) Merkezden uzakta olan, dışa doğru
(Denizbilim) sınırsal
çevreyle ilgili
(Tıp) periferal
dış yüzeye ait
(Askeri) yan donanım
(Biyokimya) dış
çevreye ait
kompütörde bilginin verildiği veya alındığı kısım
çevresel alet
dış yüzeye veya kenara ait
{s} dış kenara ait
(Bilgisayar) çevre birimi

Bu cümle Present Perfect Tense. 'Have bir fiil değil ama bir yardımcı fiil. - This sentence is in the present perfect. 'have' is not a verb, but an auxiliary verb.

Esperanto şimdiye kadar icat edilmiş en popüler yardımcı dildir. - Esperanto is the most popular auxiliary language ever invented.

peripheral bus
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevre veriyolu
peripheral control unit
(Bilgisayar) çevre denetim birimi
peripheral equipment
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevresel ekipman
peripheral equipment
(Askeri,Bilgisayar) çevre donatımı
peripheral interface
(Bilgisayar) çevre donatımı arabağı
peripheral interface
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevre donatımı arayüzü
peripheral nervous system
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) periferal sinir sistemi
peripheral neuropathy
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) periferal nöropati
peripheral speed
çevresel hız
peripheral device
çevre aygıtı
peripheral device
çevresel aygıt
peripheral equipment
çevre donatısı
peripheral memory
çevrel bellek
peripheral nervous system
periferik sinir jüyesi
peripheral processor
çevre işlemcisi
peripheral bound
çevresel donatı sinirlamali
peripheral buffers
çevre birimleri tamponlari, çevre tamponlari
peripheral control
periferik kontrol
peripheral controller
çevre birimleri denetleyicisi
peripheral devices
Çevre birimler/aygıtlar
peripheral electron
dış elektron, çevrel elektron
peripheral highway
Çevre yolu

the peripheral highway was opened to traffic by last week.

peripheral interface channel
çevresel arayüzey kanalı
peripheral limited
çevresel birim sinirlamali
peripheral link
periferik bağlantı
peripheral prompt
çevresel birim çağrısı
peripheral speed
çevrel hız, çevresel hız
peripheral storage
periferik depolama
peripheral transfer
çevresel aktarım
peripheral unit
çevresel birim, çevre birimi
peripheral vision
Periferik görme
peripheral accessories
Çevre Birim Donatıları
peripheral blood smear
(Tıp) periferik kan sayımı
peripheral buffers
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevre birimleri tamponları
peripheral buffers
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevre tamponları
peripheral bus
cevre veriyolu
peripheral component interconnect
(PCI) Yan Bileşen Bağlantısı
peripheral control unit
cevre denetim birimi
peripheral device
Çevrebirim aygıtı
peripheral economies
(Ticaret) çevre ekonomileri
peripheral electron
(Fizik) dış elektron
peripheral electron
(Fizik) çevrel elektron
peripheral equipment
(Askeri) ÇEVRESEL TEÇHİZAT: Merkezi kompüterin kontrol altında kullanılabilen yardımcı cihazlar. Kart deliciler, kart okuyucular, manyetik band sürgü parçaları ve yüksek süratte yazıcılar bu teçhizat arasındadır. Çevresel teçhizat; kompüterin modeline, iş ihtiyacına göre ve ekonomik düşünceler göz önüne alınarak, kompütere bağlı veya ayrı olarak kullanılabilir
peripheral fault
çevre fayı
peripheral faults
kenar faylar
peripheral faults
jeolojik olarak yükselmeye veya alçalmaya uğramış bir bölgenin çevresinde gerçekleşmiş faylar
peripheral interface
cevre donatimi arayuzu
peripheral limited
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevresel birim sınırlamalı
peripheral nerve diseases
(Tıp) periferik sinir hastalıkları
peripheral nerve neoplasms
(Tıp) periferik sinir tümörleri
peripheral neurolymphomatosis
(Tıp) nörolenfomatoz
peripheral nn receptor
(Tıp) periferik nn reseptörü
peripheral processor
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevresel birim işlemcisi
peripheral route to persuasion
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çevresel ikna yolu
peripheral service
(Ticaret) yan hizmet
peripheral smear
(Tıp) periferik yayma
peripheral tie
peripheral units
çevre üniteleri
peripheral vasodilator
(Tıp) periferik vazodilatör
peripheral vision
(Televizyon) çevresel görüş
peripheral vision
(Televizyon) çevresel görme
peripheral vision
kenardan görme
peripheral vision
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yandan görme
peripheral war
(Askeri) çevre harbi
peripheral war
(Askeri) ÇEVRE HARBİ: Kullanılmayacaktır. Bak. "United war"
peripheral weir
çevresel savak
peripheral, peripheric
(Tıp) Dış yüzeye ve kenara ait periferal, periferik, çevresel
s., i. yedek; yardımcı
beside the point
konunun dışında
çevresel olarak
{i} yardımcı fiil

Bu cümle Present Perfect Tense. 'Have bir fiil değil ama bir yardımcı fiil. - This sentence is in the present perfect. 'have' is not a verb, but an auxiliary verb.

(Bilgisayar) harici

Önemsiz şeyler düşünüyorsun. - You're thinking of unimportant things.

İşte 50.000 yen. Önemsiz şeylere para harcama lütfen. - Here is ¥50,000. Please do not spend the money on unimportant things.

plural of peripheral
periferik çoğul
retained peripheral
alıkonan çevresel birim
(Aux) Yardımcı
{s} destek
gram yardımcı fiil
{s} yedek
yedek motorlu
simultaneous peripheral operatio
n on-line;çevrimiçi çevre birimi
sony peripheral
(Bilgisayar) sony çevre birimi
{s} mühim olmayan
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
a part of or located in the peripheral nervous system
a device, such as a printer or scanner, connected to a computer
on the periphery or boundary
beside the point
(computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer; "disk drives and printers are important peripherals" on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area; "Russia's peripheral provinces"; "peripheral suburbs" related to the key issue but not of central importance; "a peripheral interest"; "energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy"; "peripheral issues
n In computing, a device, such as a disk drive, printer, modem, or joystick, that is connected to a computer and is controlled by the computer's microprocessor
A device that is an optional attachment to the core components of a computer (CPU and memory)
A device connected to and used by the computer This can be a drive, printer, modem, or any other device
An external input-output device which is connected to a computer
A piece of hardware that's outside the main computer It usually refers to external hardware such as disk drives, printers, and scanners sold by a third party
(computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer; "disk drives and printers are important peripherals"
A device connected to a computer to provide communication (as input and output) or auxiliary functions (as additional storage)
{s} of the circumference; circumferential; marginal; external, outer, exterior
Any device attached to your computer, such as a printer
A Peripheral is any device that is connected to your computer other than the main computer itself Such as your mouse, keyboard, printer and speakers
External; away from the center; as, the peripheral portion of the nervous system
Any external device attached to a computer Examples of peripherals include printers, disk drives, display monitors, keyboards, and mice (Source: http: //webopedia internet com)
A hardware device that is not part of the central computer
A term designating the various kinds of machines and devices that work in conjunction with a computer but are not necessarily part of the computer structure Typically, peripherals refer to: printers, keyboards, monitors, scanners, CD ROM drives, and plotters A hard drive, floppy disk drive, and a MODEM are considered to be peripheral devices even though they may be physically located inside a computer
Any external device that may be connected to a computer
related to the key issue but not of central importance; "a peripheral interest"; "energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy"; "peripheral issues
A term used to collectively describe computer hardware accessories such as printers, modems, scanners, etc
Of or pertaining to a periphery; constituting a periphery; peripheric
Any number of devices connected to a computer to provide input, output, or other functions Printers, modems, switches, voice synthesizers, and internal memory cards are considered peripherals
A hardware item that can be attached to a computer to increase its functionality, such as a printer or monitor
Any hardware devide that provides input, output or storage for a computer, such as keyboards, monitors, disks, or rinters
Peripheral areas of land are ones which are on the edge of a larger area. urban development in the outer peripheral areas of large towns
This generally refers to the ingestion or inoculation of material into an animal outside the central nervous system
on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area; "Russia's peripheral provinces"; "peripheral suburbs"
Any accessory device attached to the computer such as a disk drive, printer, modem or joystick
A device that attaches to a PC and is controlled by its processor (eg , printer, modem, joystick, zip drive)
Any external device attached to a computer such as a printer or scanner
Any external device attached to a computer Examples of peripherals include printers, disk drives, display monitors, keyboards, mice and printers
Any hardware device connected to a computer, such as a monitor, keyboard, printer etc
A peripheral activity or issue is one which is not very important compared with other activities or issues. Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training Science is peripheral to that debate. + peripherally pe·riph·er·al·ly The Marshall Plan did not include Britain, except peripherally
any hardware device attached to and controlled by a computer, such as a monitor, keyboard, joystick, or printer
Peripherals are devices that can be attached to computers. peripherals to expand the use of our computers. a piece of equipment that is connected to a computer and used with it, for example a printer
Something that lets the computer communicate with the outside world - mainly with you The keyboard, screen, mouse, printer, and modem all are peripherals
Any hardware device connected to a computer, such as monitor, keyboard, printer, plotter, disk or tape drive, graphics tablet, scanner, mouse, etc
{i} auxiliary equipment that is connected to a computer (printer, keyboard, etc.)
peripheral brain
Any hardware (i.e. handheld computer, laptop) containing vast amounts of information, which is in constant flux and is important to the owner but not so important as to be stored in wetware
peripheral brains
plural form of peripheral brain
peripheral device
A device that is outside the computer's system unit, such as a printer or a scanner
peripheral devices
plural form of peripheral device
peripheral nervous system
The part of the nervous system which is not the central nervous system
Peripheral Component Interconnect
internal connection for peripheral devices, high-speed connection between a computer and expansion cards, PCI
peripheral device
Any of a variety of hardware equipment, including printer, modem, scanner, external drive, CD-ROM, and others, that enable the computer to perform additional functions A peripheral device is said to be online when it is in direct communication with a computer's central processing unit
peripheral device
- Hardware that is outside of the system unit, such as a disk drive, printer, cash drawer or scanner
peripheral device
Device attached to a computer, such as a keyboard, video unit, printer, and scanner, that collects, displays, communicates, or stores data
peripheral device
A hardware device not part of the central computer Examples are digitizers, plotters, and printers
peripheral device
A piece of hardware - such as a scanner, digital camera, printer, or modem - used with a computer and under the computer's control
peripheral device
equipment that is connected to a computer (printer, keyboard, etc.)
peripheral device
  See peripheral equipment
peripheral device
- Any hardware component on a computer that's not the CPU In a networking context, it usually refers to some kind of device, such as a printer or a plotter, that users can share across the network
peripheral device
a hardware component modeling a device that is directly connected to a computer to input or output data
peripheral device
A piece of equipment (usually attached to one of the computer's ports) that lets users send and receive data to and from a computer Printers, modems, mouse devices, and keyboards are all peripheral devices
peripheral device
a device that connects to the motherboard Includes monitor, mouse, keyboard, modem etc
peripheral device
Any external device attached to a computer Examples of peripherals include printers, disk drives, display monitors, keyboards, and mice
peripheral device
Any device that can communicate with a particular computer; for example, input/output units, auxiliary storage (T)
peripheral device
A device that can be attached to a host computer, using a SCSI bus for example Typical SCSI peripherals are disk drives, tape drives, printers, and communication devices
peripheral device
Any external device attached to a computer For example, a printer, monitor, etc
peripheral device
A Peripheral Device (PD) or Peripheral Unit (PU) is an auxiliary storage unit associated with or attached to a computer system It is usually used for storage of bulk data or for programs that are not often used by the system
peripheral device
A piece of hardware - such as a monitor, disk drive, printer, or modem - used with a computer and under the computer's control
peripheral device
Hardware that is outside of the system unit, such as a disk drive, printer, cash drawer or scanner
peripheral device
peripheral: (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer; "disk drives and printers are important peripherals"
peripheral device
Also known as a peripheral, a computer device, such as a CD-ROM drive or printer, that is not part of the essential computer, i e , the memory and microprocessor Peripheral devices can be external -- such as a mouse, keyboard, printer, monitor, external Zip drive or scanner -- or internal, such as a CD-ROM drive, CD-R drive or internal modem
peripheral equipment
equipment that is connected to a computer (printer, keyboard, etc.)
peripheral nervous system
The part of the vertebrate nervous system constituting the nerves outside the central nervous system and including the cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
peripheral nervous system
the section of the nervous system lying outside the brain and spinal cord
peripheral vision
Side vision The ability to see objects and movement outside of the direct line of vision
peripheral vision
vision using only the periphery of the retina
peripheral vision
Ability to perceive objects when outside the direct line of vision
peripheral vision
Side vision; vision not in the straight-ahead direction
peripheral vision
The seeing of objects displaced from the primary line of site and outside of the central visual field point methodA method of estimating the illuminance at various locations in a building using photometric data
peripheral vision
The area of vision lying just outside the line of sight to either side of the face For activities such as driving and sports, it is important not to obstruct peripheral vision
peripheral vision
The ability to see objects and movements with side vision, outside the direct line of sight
peripheral vision
The seeing of objects displaced from the primary line of site and outside of the central visual field
peripheral vision
Side vision; ability to see objects and movement outside of the direct line of vision
peripheral vision
Side vision The ability to see objects and movement outside the direct central line of vision
peripheral vision
The ability to see objects and movement outside of the direct line of vision
peripheral vision
The edges of your visual field
peripheral vision
commonly called "side vision," this vision is processed in the area of the retina outside the macula, where light through the front of the eye is not focused and is less intense
peripheral vision
Side vision; the ability to see objects and movement outside of the direct line of vision
peripheral vision
The ability to see or be aware of the vision around about us or to the sides defects in this ability can be caused by diseases such as glaucoma, tumours, retinal detachments and strokes to name but a few Good peripheral vision is essential in driving, most sports and reading Peripheral vision can be tested using visual field testing instruments
peripheral vision
the ability to see to the left and the right of direct vision Pink Eye: medically known as conjunctivitis, it is the inflammation of the membrane that covers the eyelid's inner surface Planned Replacement Lenses: contact lenses that are replaced at regular intervals as determined by the eye care practitioner to avoid the build up of lens deposits which can affect vision and cause discomfort Polymers: a specific chemical component in the combination of chemicals that form the plastic that lenses are made from
peripheral vision
Side vision or what an eye can see to the side while looking straight ahead
peripheral vision
(per-IF-ur-al) Side vision; ability to see objects and movement outside of the direct line of vision
In a peripheral manner
Devices, such as printers, that are separate from the main computer hardware and that handle computer output
All the electronic equipment that goes with a computer, e g printer, mouse, modem
A connectable device that has an auxiliary function outside the permanent system configuration
a piece of equipment (mouse, printer, scanner, etc) attached to a computer to perform tasks that a computer cannot do itself
A device connected to a computer enabling different forms of communication to take place or additional functions such as extra storage
Term used to describe a computer's associated devices, e g mouse, monitor, keyboard, printer, etc
A connectable device that has an auxiliary function outside of the permanent system configuration
Made up of, input, output peripherals and secondary memory 2 4, p12
The input, output and auxiliary storage devices attached to a computer processor
Devices such as printers, modems, scanners, and so forth, that support and enhance the functioning of a computer
are items of computer equipment such as plotters, printers, scanners, digitizers, and graphics displays Although essential to a complete GIS system, these pieces of equipment are considered peripheral to central computer resources such as the processor, memory, keyboard, and display screen
exteriorly, perimetrically, in a circumferential manner
At or towards a periphery
in or at or near a periphery or according to a peripheral role or function or relationship
plural of peripheral
{i} accessories, add-on equipment