
listen to the pronunciation of performance
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Elektrikli otomobillerin performansı arttı. - The performance of electric cars has improved.

O, performansı ile ilgili eleştiri alma hakkında endişeli. - She was apprehensive about receiving criticism of her performance.

(Ticaret) ortaya koyma
(İnşaat) işlevsellik
(Tiyatro) oynayış
sahneye koyma
(Sinema) görmelik
(Dilbilim) dil kullanımı
(Ticaret) başarı derecesi

Oyun henüz başladı mı? - Has the performance started yet?

Koç'un onun saha performansını değerlendirmek için her oyuncuyla bire bir görüşmesi vardı. - The coach had a one-on-one discussion with each player to evaluate his performance on the field.


O, gösteriden sonra kulise gitti. - After the performance, she went backstage.

Gösteri neredeyse bitmişti. - The performance was almost over.

Bir sanatçının sanatını icra ettiği mekânda sanatını icra edişi, sergilemesi; performans
(Askeri) RANDIMAN; VERİM; PERFORMANS: Bir makine veya cihazın rakamlarla ifade edilen gerçek çalışma kapasitesi. Bu kapasite, çeşitli itibari nispetlerle ifade olunur
{i} (oyunu) oynama; (oyun) oynanma
benefit performance yardım için yapılan gösteri veya temsil
{i} çalma, icra etme; (müzik eseri) çalınma, icra edilme
{i} verim
{i} başarı

Gösteri neredeyse bitmişti. - The performance was almost over.

Tom Mary'nin gösterisinden sonra alkışlamadı. - Tom didn't clap after Mary's performance.

(Mukavele) iş; çalışma; performans; uygulama
{i} icraat
put up a good performance başarmak
{i} yerine getirme
{i} başarma gücü
(Ticaret) sonuç
oynama (oyunu)
icra edilme
icra etme
(İnşaat) eylem
rol yapmak
icra etmek

Tam vücut tarayıcıları sanal şerit arama yapmaktadır. - Full body scanners perform a virtual strip search.

Tom 100 saat toplum hizmeti yapmak zorundaydı. - Tom had to perform 100 hours of community service.

yerine getirmek

Söz vermek bir şeydir, ve diğeri yerine getirmektir. - It is one thing to promise, and another to perform.

{f} uygulamak
performance art
gösteri sanatı
performance arts
gösteri sanatları
performance bond
(Ticaret) kesin teminat
performance budget
(Askeri,Ticaret) performans bütçesi
performance center
gösteri merkezi
performance factor
(Askeri) performans faktörü
performance increase
performans artışı
performance index
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) başarım ölçütü
performance measure
performans ölçümü
performance review
performans değerlendirmesi
performance status
(Tıp) performans durumu
performance test
(Telekom) başarım testi
performance testing
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) başarım sınaması
performance analysis
performans analizi
performance monitor
performans monitörü
performance appraisal
(İdari Yönetim) Performans/verim/randıman değerlendirmesi
performance assignment
performans görevi
performance begins, opening
performans, açılış başlar
performance bond guarantee
teminat mektubu anlamına gelir
performance characteristic
performans karekteristigi, etkinlik karakteristiği
performance duty
performans görevi
performance feedback
performans geribildirimi
performance management
performans yönetimi
performance of contract
sözleşmenin ifasının
performance requirements
performans gereklilikleri, etkinlik gerekimleri
performance security
(Finans) kesin teminat
performance-based measurement
performansa dayalı ölçme
Performans artırıcı

Seven of the 12 winners tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs.

performance analysis
(Askeri) PERFORMANS ANALİZİ; İŞ ANALİZİ: Bir şahıs veya topluluk tarafından meydana getirilen bir iş hacminin, tespit edilmiş bir iş görme ölçüsüne göre başarılması gereken bir iş hacmi ile kıyaslanması usulü. Bu münasebet, bir müessiriyet yüzdesi (percent of effectiveness) olarak ifade edilir
performance and work measurement analysis
performance anxiety
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) performans kaygısı
performance anxiety
performans endişesi
performance assessment report; population at risk; precision approach radar
(Askeri) performans değerlendirme raporu; risk altındaki grup; hassas yaklaşma radarı
performance awards
(Ticaret) başarı ödülleri
performance awards
performans ödülleri
performance budget
(Askeri) PERFORMANS BÜTÇESİ; BÜTÇE TASLAĞI; BÜTÇE PROGRAMI: Bütçe hazırlıklarında dikkati; personel hizmetleri; ikmal maddeleri, malzeme vesaire gibi temin ve tedarik olunacak şeylerden çok, program, proje, görev gibi yapılacak işlerin genel karakteri ve nisbi önemi üzerinde toplayacak hususlara dayanan bütçe
performance certificate
(Mukavele) kesin kabul belgesi
performance chart
(Ticaret) verim çizelgesi
performance curve
verim eğrisi
performance decrease
performans düşüklüğü
performance driving
üstün özellik sürüşü
performance factor
(Askeri) PERFORMANS FAKTÖRÜ; İŞ FAKTÖRÜ: Kara Ordusu Manajman Strüktürü'ne ait ve titizlikle ve dikkatle hazırlanmış bir gösterge. Bu gösterge; tasarlanan iş seviyesi, yapılmakta olan iş seviyesi veya yapılan işin, kaynak ihtiyaçları ve bu kaynaklardan faydalanma seviyesine nazaran münasebetini ifade eden bir barometre veya ölçü olarak kullanılır
performance in kind
(Ticaret) mal olarak ödeme
performance index
basarim olcutu
performance measurement
basarim olcumu
performance monitor
Başarım Monitörü
performance number
performans sayısı
performance of dam
barajın performansı
performance of work
çalışma performansı
performance oriented packaging
(Askeri) performansa bağlı birikim
performance penalty
aratermin cezası
performance penalty
güç azalması
performance rating
(Ticaret) iş başarısı notu
performance regime
(Ticaret) performans rejimi
performance report
(Ticaret) başarı raporu
performance report
(Ticaret) uygulama raporu
performance security
(Mukavele) performance bond, performance guarantee: kesin teminat, kati teminat
performance standard
(Askeri) PERFORMANS STANDARDI; İŞ ÖLÇÜSÜ: Bir iş biriminin yapılması için tespit edilmiş bir iş saati miktarı
performance study
(Ticaret) performans incelemesi
performance testing
basarim sinamasi (testi)
performance tuning
başarım eniyileme
performance type glider
(Askeri) YÜKSEK PERFORMANSLI PLANÖR: Aerodinamik özellikleri yüksek bir hadde çıkarılmış ve irtifa kaybetme hızı en düşük hadde indirilmiş bir planör. Bu planör, özellikle süzülüş için kullanılır. Bak. "glider"
konser vermek
(Avrupa Birliği) ifa etmek
{f} oynamak (rol)
classification performance
sınıflandırma başarımı
cognitive performance
idrak performansı
cognitive performance
kavramsal performans
commitment performance period
(Askeri) taahhüt süresi
deliver great performance
yüksek performans sağlamak
deliver performance
performans ortaya koymak
deliver performance
performans sergilemek
entire performance
(Kanun) tamamen ifa
improve one's performance
performansını arttırmak
improve one's performance
performansını artırmak
need of performance
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) performans ihtiyacı
outstanding performance
üstün performans
performansı ... olmak
performans sergilemek
eda etmek
temsil etmek

Cumartesi günü benimle bir oyunun canlı performansını görmek ister misin? - Would you like to see a live performance of a play with me Saturday?

poor performance
yetersiz performans
poor performance
yetersiz edim
premiere performance
theater performance
(Tiyatro) gösteri
average performance
ortalama verimlilik
communication performance
komünikasyon performansı
cruising performance
seyir performansı
decrease of performance
güç azalması
high performance equipment
yüksek performanslı ekipman
high performance file system
yüksek performanslı dosya sistemi
highest performance
eniyi performans
live performance
canlı yayın
musical performance
müziksel performans
rol oynamak
rol almak

Sıfırdan bir ülke yaratmada bir deney gerçekleştirin. - Perform an experiment in creating a country from scratch.

Onlar böyle bir görevi gerçekleştirmek için yenilikçi bir teknik kullanacaklar. - They will use an innovative technique to perform such a task.

aeroplane performance
uçak performans
appraise performance
performansı değerlendirmek
command performance
komutu performans
drill performance
(Mühendislik) matkap verimi
excellent performance
mükemmel performans
export performance
ihracat performansı
first night performance
ilk gece performans
for the sake of performance
performans uğruna
high performance
yüksek performans
high performance parallel interface
yüksek performanslı paralel arabirim
key performance indicator
anahtar performans göstergesi
language performance
dil performans
network performance
ağ performansı
operatic performance
opera sahneleme
performance bond
(Finans) kesin teminat mektubu
propeller performance
pervane performansı
repeat performance
Tekrar performans
system performance
sistem performansı
top performance
yüksek performans
vicarious performance
(Kanun) Yasal olarak bir kişinin bir diğer kişiye olan sorumluluklarının 3. bir kişi tarafından yerine getirilmesi
analyze performance
(Bilgisayar) başarımı çözümle
artistic performance
icracı sanatçı
asset performance
(Ticaret) varlık performansı
basic performance issues
(Ticaret) temel performans konuları
classification performance
siniflandirma basarimi
computer performance evaluation
bilgisayar basarim analizi
continuous performance
devamlı gösterim
cruise performance
(Havacılık) uçuş performansı
decrease of performance
verim azalması
demanding performance
(Kanun) ifayı talep etme
driving performance curves
(Otomotiv) sürüş performans eğrileri
duly tendered performance
(Kanun) usulü dairesinde ifa
engineered performance standard
(Askeri) HESAPLANMIŞ İŞ STANDARDI: Bir şahıs veya grubun, bir iş birimini, işin teferruatlı bir incelenmesi sonucu kararlaştırılmış belirli bir metoda uygun olarak, yapması için gerekli süre
error performance parameter
hata basarim parametresi
evening performance
evening performance
evening performance
(Tiyatro) gece oyunu
fuel performance
(Nükleer Bilimler) yakıt performansı
gala performance
ilk gösterim
gala performance
gala gösterimi
ground performance aircraft
(Askeri) YER PERFORMANSLI UÇAK: Esas itibariyle havada kullanılmak üzere imal edilmiş, fakat kendi motor gücüyle rule dışında bir yer performansına sahip uçak
imperfect performance
(Kanun) natamam ifa
impossibility of performance
(Kanun) ifanın mümkün olmaması
impossibility of performance
ifa imkansızlığı
level of performance
(Ticaret) beceri derecesi
level of performance
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) performans seviyesi
literal performance
(Kanun) harfiyen icra
manner of performance rating
(Askeri) iş derecelendirme şekli
manner of performance rating
(Askeri) veri derecelendirme şekli
measure of performance; memorandum of policy
(Askeri) performans ölçümü; politika muhtırası
mental performance
zihinsel performans
military performance specification
(Askeri) askeri performans spesifikasyonu
morning performance
sabah seansı
morning performance
non performance
objective performance
nesnel basarim
outdoor performance
açık hava gösterisi
outdoor performance
açık hava tiyatrosunda sergilenen oyun
partial performance
kısmen bitirme
partial performance
kısmen yapma
{f} işlemek
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
That which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through; an achievement; a deed; an act; a feat; especially, an action of an elaborate or public character
In Computer science: The amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used. Better Performance means more work accomplished in shorter time and/or using less resources
The act of performing; carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action; as, the performance of an undertaking of a duty
A live show or concert
{n} the act of performing, a work
A major factor in determining the overall productivity of a system, performance is primarily tied to availability, throughput and response time
process or manner of functioning or operating; "the power of its engine determine its operation"; "the plane's operation in high winds"; "they compared the cooking performance of each oven"; "the jet's performance conformed to high standards"
A measure of how well a fund is doing Typically, mutual fund performance measures are yield (for dividends) and total return (which measures dividends plus changes in net asset value) Increase in the Net Asset Value (NAV)
A measure of how well your investment is doing; yield and total return are two commonly used mutual fund performance measures
You can describe something that is or looks complicated or difficult to do as a performance. The whole process is quite a performance
The performance of a task is the fact or action of doing it. He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties
The way in which an individual, group, or organization carries out or accomplishes its important functions or processes
One of the three required parts of a learning objective that describes the action that a student must exhibit It is an observable behavior It can be a task, activity, or attitude that the student will have acquired by the end of the training (Bennett and Clasper)
Compare with Compliance A device can exhibit performance characteristics without being compliant to an industry standard
the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it; "they criticised his performance as mayor"; "experience generally improves performance"
The results of an investment's activity over time Past performance does not guarantee future performance
A presentation of one's work before an audience, which may include classmates, parents, or members of the community, in addition to scorers
The degree to which a facility or system fulfills the purposes for which it was built or acquired, or which it is now expected to fulfill; a function of effectiveness, reliability, and cost
Refers to the metrics relating to how a particular request is handled For example, if a particular query takes 5 seconds to run, and after performance tuning, it now takes 3 seconds to run, we have boosted the performance of this query On the other hand, if a particular query now takes 15 seconds, and it used to take only 10 seconds to run, then performance has degraded
A statement of the speed at which a computer system works Or rather, might work under certain circumstances Or was rumored to be working over in Jersey about a month ago
The carrying out or bringing to completion of a physical activity or production of some significance, which displays one’s knowledge and judgment while engaged in the task
A performance involves entertaining an audience by doing something such as singing, dancing, or acting. Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet's Carmen. her performance as the betrayed Medea
an action of an elaborate or public character
One of the three required parts of a properly composed learning objective Observable and measurable actions that should be demonstrated by the learner after the completion of training are detailed in the performance statement
Generically, the work involved in and the results or products that accrue from conducting a process or activity Human performance describes how people do a task and what results System performance describes how systems do a task and what results Organizational performance describes what an organization does and what results
That which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through; an achievement; a deed; an act; a feat; esp
A programmed combination of voices Performances can be splits, which divide the keyboard in two regions, FIXME See Also part, voice
a dramatic or musical entertainment; "they listened to ten different performances"; "the play ran for 100 performances"; "the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity
A loose description of the adequacy of the operation of an Animat within an Environment, formally measured by a pre-defined measure of goodness of each action within the environment
Someone's or something's performance is how successful they are or how well they do something. That study looked at the performance of 18 surgeons The job of the new director-general was to ensure that performance targets were met
any recognized accomplishment; "they admired his performance under stress"; "when Roger Maris powered four home runs in one game his performance merits awe"
The degree to which a development intervention or a development partner operates according to specific criteria/standards/guidelines or achieves results in accordance with stated goals or plans
The measure of success of an investment A performance calculation on investment fund shares is based on their current asset value (= redemption-, or bid price), plus any interim income distributions (which, in the case of an investment account at DWS, are reinvested at no extra cost) This is the BVI method, the method used by the German Association of Investment Companies
A measure of how well a fund is doing Two commonly used mutual fund performance measures are yield (which measures dividends) and total return (which measures dividends plus changes in net asset value)
The act of performing; the carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action; as, the performance of an undertaking of a duty
{i} show, presentation; execution; act, deed; act of presenting an artistic work to an audience
A car's performance is its ability to go fast and to increase its speed quickly
A measure of how well a system or item functions in the expected environments
A performance car is one that can go very fast and can increase its speed very quickly. see also high-performance
A human activity, interactional in nature and involving symbolic forms and live bodies, which constitutes meaning, expressing or affirming individual and cultural values, meaning "to complete" or "to carry out thoroughly," execution, accomplishment, fulfillment; show The performance event is the embodiment or enactment of the text--usually a collaborative endeavor involving one or more performers, text, audience, context
the degree to which a project or institution operates or operated according to various criteria or quality standards, such as Efficiency, Effectiveness and Relevance
means any acoustic representation of a work or any visual representation of any dramatic action I including a representation made by means of any mechanical instrument or by radio communications
Denotes what an individual actually does in a real life situation In medicine, it denotes what a student or doctor actually does in an encounter with a patient when applying learned knowledge and skills, mediated by clinical judgment and the use of interpersonal communication skills From this standpoint, competence implies professional maturity and ease in making difficult decisions And, although these elements are inherent in good practice, it is not easy to demonstrate them Assessment of clinical performance is of the greatest importance but is often difficult to measure
A measure of the speed of the drive during normal operation Factors affecting performance are seek times, transfer rate, and command overhead
a repeat performance: see repeat
the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment; "we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal"; "an inspired performance of Mozart's C minor concerto"
performance arousal
A phenomenon which can be experienced by performers both before and during performing situations. Performance arousal can be manifested either postively as excitement, or negatively as anxiety, and can affect performance level
performance bond
: A contractor's bond, guaranteeing that the contractor will perform the contract and providing that, in the event of default, the surety may complete the contract or pay damages up to the bond limit
performance bonds
plural form of performance bond
performance management system
A management technique intended to holistically consider the performance of (usually a group of) employees or machines to work towards optimum performance of a particular task or (more frequently) a group of tasks

After the induction stage, training and employee development is usually discussed and planned as a result of the employer's appraisal/performance management system.

performance management systems
plural form of performance management system
performance measurement system
A set of measurable criteria and methodology to enable performance to be measured objectively (normally required as part of a performance management system)

These factors will need to be taken into account by managers wishing to develop a new performance measurement system, or refine an existing one.

performance measurement systems
plural form of performance measurement system
performance metric
A measurement of performance, often financial performance, either against peers or against a predetermined target
performance monitoring system
A system to monitor performance, often using a performance measurement system as part of a performance management system

Establishment of the Addiction Leadership Group (composed of payers, providers, researchers, and policy makers) to develop a performance monitoring system for statewide application (PA).

performance monitoring systems
plural form of performance monitoring system
performance poetry
poetry written for public performance rather than private reading
Describing an organization or business strategy that stresses the importance of the performance of its individual employees and of its operating policies and systems
performance appraisal
Performance appraisal, also known as employee appraisal, is a method by which the performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time). The roots of performance appraisal can be found in Frederick Winslow Taylor's time and motion study. Performance appraisal is a part of career development
performance bond
A bond issued by a bank or other financial institution, guaranteeing the fulfilment of a particular contract
performance anxiety
fear of failure which inhibits the carrying out of a task
performance art
This skill will be a specific performance art, such as singer, musician, acrobat, magician or drama player It is used to make money by live performance before an audience The inventive character may find their skills pressed into other purposes too It is a Social skill
performance art
Performance art is a theatrical presentation that includes various art forms such as dance, music, painting, and sculpture. A form of theatrical art featuring the activity of the artist and works presented in a variety of media.performance artist n. a type of art that can combine acting, dance, painting, film etc to express an idea artist. Art form that arose in Europe and the U.S. in the 1960s. The term describes an art that is live but operates outside the traditional conventions of theatre or music. Early examples represented a challenge to orthodox art forms and cultural norms by creating an ephemeral art experience that could not be captured or purchased. By the 1970s performance art was used as a general term to describe a multitude of activities, including happenings, body art, actions, events, and non-matrix theatre. Prominent performance artists have included Joseph Beuys, John Cage, Dennis Oppenheim, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Meredith Monk, and Laurie Anderson
performance art
Multimedia art form involving visual as well as dramatic and musical elements
performance art
A type of art in which events are planned and enacted before an audience for aesthetic reasons
performance bond
Funds that must be deposited as a performance bond by a customer with his or her broker, by a broker with a clearing member, or by a clearing member, with the Clearing House The performance bond helps to ensure the financial integrity of brokers, clearing members and the Exchange as a whole
performance bond
Bond issued at the request of one party to a contract in favor of the other party to the contract to protect the other party against loss in the event of default on the contract by the requesting party The bonding agent may undertake to fulfill the contract or may simply undertake to pay a specific amount in monetary damages A standby letter of credit or demand guarantee is often used as a performance bond with the latter characteristics
performance bond
A bond which guarantees the faithful performance of a contract See also Contract Bond
performance bond
Bond, usually issued by a bank, guaranteeing specific monetary payment to a beneficiary if the purchaser or maker fails to perform or acts in violation of a contract In the United States, a performance bond puts the issuer under obligation to render the performance himself
performance bond
A bond, usually posted by one who is to perform work for another, which assures that a project or undertaking will be completed as per agreement or contract
performance bond
means a surety bond, collateral bond or a combination thereof, by which a permittee assures faithful performance of all the requirements of the Federal Act, the State Act, 62 Ill Adm Code, and the requirements of the permit and reclamation plan
performance bond
A bond posted by a contractor guaranteeing the owner that the bonding company will complete construction if the contractor defaults
performance bond
A surety bond posted by a contractor guaranteeing full performance of a contract with the proceeds to be used to complete the contract or compensate for the owner's loss in the event of nonperformance
performance bond
a bond given to protect the recipient against loss in case the terms of a contract are not filled; a surety company assumes liability for nonperformance
performance bond
one issued by an insurance company; posted by a party who is to perform certain work If the work is not performed, the insurer promises to complete the work or pay damages up to the amount of the bond
performance bond
A bond which guarantees performance of the terms of a written contract Performance bonds can incorporate payment bond (labor and materials) and maintenance bond liability
performance bond
Cash or securities deposited before a landfill operating permit is issued, which are held to ensure that all requirements for operating ad subsequently closing the landfill are faithful performed The money is returned to the owner after proper closure of the landfill is completed If contamination or other problems appear at any time during operation, or upon closure, and are not addressed, the owner must forfeit all or part of the bond which is then used to cover clean-up costs Performance Data (For Incinerators): Information collected, during a trial burn, on concentrations of desig- nated organic compounds and pollutants found in incinerator emissions Data analysis must show that the incinerator meets performance standards under operating conditions specified in the RCRA permit (See: trial burn; performance standards )
performance bond
A bond that binds a surety company to complete a construction contract if the contractor defaults
performance bond
Guarantees contractor will complete the scope of the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions
performance bond
A bond which guarantees performance of the terms of a written contract, Performance Bonds frequently, but not always, incorporate payment bond and maintenance bond liability
performance bond
Funds that must be deposited as a performance bond by a customer with his or her broker, by a broker with a clearing member or by a clearing member, with the Clearing House The performance bond helps to ensure the financial integrity of brokers, clearing members and the exchange as a whole
performance bond
Guarantees that the contractor will perform the work according to the contract, within the stipulated time and according to the agreed price They may also guarantee the performance of the bonded contractor's subcontracts
performance bond
A surety bond purchased by a contractor that guarantees that the contractor will complete a project as spelled out in the contract
performance bond
A written promise from an insurance company, stating that if a given person does not complete work required under a contract, the insurer will pay someone else to complete the work or pay damages
performance bond
An amount of money (usually 10% of the total price of a job) that a contractor must put on deposit with a governmental agency as an insurance policy that guarantees the contractors' proper and timely completion of a project or job A bond issued by a surety and executed by a contractor to provide protection against the contractor's failure to perform a contract in accordance with its terms
performance bond
Security deposit, such as a bank guarantee or a letter of credit opened by the supplier, that guarantees compliance on the part of the supplier with the terms of the sale contract The deposit, typically 10 percent of the contract amount, is payable to the buyer as liquidated damages in case the supplier defaults on performance
performance bond
A bond supplied by one party to protect another against loss in the event of default of an existing contract
performance bond
A bond that guarantees the property owner (the "obligee") that the contractor with the winning bid on a job will perform as promised and on time
performance bond
Bond submitted by the contractor which guarantees his ability to complete the work for the contract price
performance bond
Surety bond given by one party to another, protecting the second party against loss in the event that the terms of the contract are not fulfilled (Source: GNMA Document Custodian Manual, Glossary)
performance bond
A bond that secures performance and fulfillment of the contractor's obligations under the contract
performance comparison
test of abilities for candidates which is based on several indices
performance curve
displaying abilities and achievements by a graph
performance of contract
fulfilling of the terms stated in a contract
performance report
review of the results that were actually achieved as compared to the planned achievements
performance-enhancing drug/product/supplement etc a drug or product that is used illegally by people competing in sports events to improve their performance
performance-related pay
Performance-related pay is a rate of pay which is based on how well someone does their job. money that you earn for your work, which is increased if you do your work very well
Having the quality of performing exceptionally well

The new high-performance computer can run all the new software and games.

high-performance liquid chromatography
high-pressure liquid chromatography
key performance indicator
A financial or non-financial metric used to help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals
To do something in front of an audience in order to entertain it

The string quartet performed three pieces by Haydn.

To do something; to execute

It took him only twenty minutes to perform the task.

to accomplish
carry out or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
{v} to do, execute, discharge, succeed
Key Performance Indicator
(Finans) Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are financial and non-financial metrics used to quantify objectives to reflect strategic performance of an organization. KPIs are used in Business Intelligence to assess the present state of the business and to prescribe a course of action. The act of monitoring KPIs in real-time is known as business activity monitoring. KPIs are frequently used to "value" difficult to measure activities such as the benefits of leadership development, engagement, service, and satisfaction. KPIs are typically tied to an organization's strategy (as exemplified through techniques such as the Balanced Scorecard)
part performance
(Tıp, İlaç) a doctrine which provides an exception to the Statute of Frauds requirement that a contract be in writing by treating partial performance and the acceptance of it by the other party as evidence of an enforceable contract
part performance
(Tıp, İlaç) partial performance of a contract, promise, or obligation
Pay for performance (healthcare) is an emerging movement in health insurance, in which providers are rewarded for quality of healthcare services
Pay for performance (human resources) is a system of employee payment that links compensation to measures of work quality or goals
Pay for performance advertising is a new business model used in online advertising whereby an ad agency charges a marketer for the results achieved by the ad campaign
aeroplane performance
aeroplane's ability to perform
army high performance computing research center
a United States defense laboratory to conduct reserch in high-performance computing for defense technology applications; a partnership of government and university and industry
command performance
A command performance is a special performance of a play or show which is given for a head of state. a special performance at a theatre that is given for a king, president etc
constructive performance
clear intention to execute a contractual obligation
feature a performance
publicize a performance (play, concert, etc.)
gala performance
festive performance
gave a performance
provided a show, performed, provided entertainment, made an appearance
guest performance
performance given by an entertainer (singer, musician, etc.) who was specially invited to appear in a program
high performance
excellent performance
modified to give superior performance; "a high-performance car
modified to give superior performance; "a high-performance car"
A high-performance car or other product goes very fast or does a lot. the thrill of taking an expensive high-performance car to its limits. high-performance cars/computers/tyres etc cars, computers etc that are able to go faster, do more work etc than normal ones
impromptu performance
improvised show or presentation, hastily prepared production
key performance indicator
(Ticaret) (KPI) Indicators used to provide measurements of the defined priority and key success factors of a project or system
musical performance
the act of performing music
avoidance of carrying out a specific duty, defective execution of an action
overall performance ratio
(Accounting) index of a business' income compared to its stock capital (used to estimate performance)
part performance
incomplete execution of an action, unsatisfactory implementation
If someone or something performs well, they work well or achieve a good result. If they perform badly, they work badly or achieve a poor result. He had not performed well in his exams `State-owned industries will always perform poorly,' John Moore informed readers
To carry through; to bring to completion; to achieve; to accomplish; to execute; to do
To do, execute, or accomplish something; to acquit one's self in any business; esp
perform a function; "Who will perform the wedding?"
To do something
If something performs a particular function, it has that function. A complex engine has many separate components, each performing a different function
to represent sometimes by action; to act a part; to play on a musical instrument; as, the players perform poorly; the musician performs on the organ
If you perform a play, a piece of music, or a dance, you do it in front of an audience. Gardiner has pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music This play was first performed in 411 BC He began performing in the early fifties, singing and playing guitar
To discharge; to fulfill; to act up to; as, to perform a duty; to perform a promise or a vow
To represent; to act; to play; as in drama
{f} do, carry out, execute; act, fulfill a role in a show; present; arrange; direct, manage
get (something) done; "I did my job"
give a performance (of something); "Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight"; "We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera"
perform a function; "Who will perform the wedding?
When you perform a task or action, especially a complicated one, you do it. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget Several grafts may be performed at one operation
plural of performance
poor performance
poor execution (of a task); bad performance (of a role)
sexual performance
sexual capability, performance in bed
specific performance
The performance of a contract as specified in its terms
specific performance
the performance of a legal contract as specified by its terms
specific performance
compliance with contractual obligations, fulfilling one's obligations in a contract
substituted performance
making a debit that is not what has agreed upon
theatrical performance
a performance of play
weak performance
performance that is not as good as it should be, bad performance
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение performance в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

gece gösterisi evening showing or performance
(of a film or play)