Определение perfect в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь
- Having both male (stamens) and female (carpels) parts
- To take an action, usually the filing of a document in the correct venue, that secures a legal right
perfect an appeal; perfect an interest; perfect a judgment.
- Of a set, that it is equal to its set of limit points, i.e. set A is perfect if A=A'
- Thoroughly skilled or talented
Practice makes perfect.
- Representing a completed action
- Excellent and delightful in all respects
a perfect day.
- Fitting its definition precisely
a perfect circle.
- To make perfect; to improve or hone
You spend too much time trying to perfect your dancing.
- Having all of its parts in harmony with a common purpose
That bucket with the hole in the bottom is a poor bucket, but it is perfect for watering plants.
- Sexually mature and fully differentiated
- {v} to complete, smith, instruct fully
- {n} complete, blameless, pure, holy, safe
- without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers; "an arrant fool"; "a complete coward"; "a consummate fool"; "a double-dyed villain"; "gross negligence"; "a perfect idiot"; "pure folly"; "what a sodding mess"; "stark staring mad"; "a thoroughgoing villain"; "utter nonsense"
- a tense of a verb that indicates an action has been completed in the past "I have been perfected" is in the perfect tense
- a tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect)
- {f} refine; improve; complete; make faultless
- H8003 shalem, shaw-lame'; from H7999; complete (lit or fig ); espec friendly: --full, just, made ready, peaceable, perfect (-ed), quiet, Shalem [by mistake for a name], whole
- A number is perfect if sigma(n) = 2n, or, equivalently, if index(n) = 2 Another way of saying this is that sum of the proper divisors of n equals n Contrast abundant, deficient Every multiple of a perfect number other than itself is abundant, and every proper divisor is deficient A Mersenne prime multiplied by the preceding power of two is a perfect number; i e , if 2^p - 1 is prime, then (2^p - 1)*2^(p - 1) is perfect All even perfect numbers are of this form; it is not known if there any odd perfect numbers
- make perfect or complete; "perfect your French in Paris!" precisely accurate or exact; "perfect timing" being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish; "a perfect circle"; "a perfect reproduction"; "perfect happiness"; "perfect manners"; "a perfect specimen"; "a perfect day
- emphasis If you say that something is perfect for a particular person, thing, or activity, you are emphasizing that it is very suitable for them or for that activity. Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they're easy to take up and wash So this could be the perfect time to buy a home. = ideal
- Something that is perfect is as good as it could possibly be. He spoke perfect English Hiring a nanny has turned out to be the perfect solution Nobody is perfect
- A perfect fluid is defined as a fluid with zero viscosity (i e inviscid)
- Having both functional stamens and pistils
- The perfect tenses of a verb are the ones used to talk about things that happened or began before a particular time, as in `He's already left' and `They had always liked her'. The present perfect tense is sometimes called the perfect tense. see also future, present perfect, past perfect. to make something as good as you are able to
- If you perfect something, you improve it so that it becomes as good as it can possibly be. We perfected a hand-signal system so that he could keep me informed of hazards
- To make perfect; to finish or complete, so as to leave nothing wanting; to give to anything all that is requisite to its nature and kind
- A term meaning the same as "mint" in old quilts Referring to new quilts it means that the quilt is problem-free and has never been washed
- make perfect or complete; "perfect your French in Paris!"
- When you only have one way to make a hand, you need perfect cards Usually this means two cards If you hold 8JQ, you need two perfect cards for a straight To catch perfect is to hit a perfect card
- The act of printing both sides of a sheet of paper in one press pass A press with this capability is sometimes refered to as a "prefector"
- A flower that has both functional stamens and pistils
- The perfect tense, or a form in that tense
- the quality assigned to 1: 1 primes, 3: 2 fifths, 4: 3 fourths, and all octave expansions of these intervals
- If an object or surface is perfect, it does not have any marks on it, or does not have any lumps, hollows, or cracks in it. Use only clean, Grade A, perfect eggs. their perfect white teeth
- The rating you get on a step when you hit the arrow exactly on the beat
- Hermaphrodite; having both stamens and pistils; said of flower
- Well informed; certain; sure
- precisely accurate or exact; "perfect timing"
- To complete recording or filing of a security interest in order to establish a lien or priority ownership
- emphasis You can use perfect to give emphasis to the noun following it. She was a perfect fool What he had said to her made perfect sense. = complete, total
- A term used to label fourth, fifth, and octave intervals It corresponds to the major, as given to seconds, thirds, sixths, and sevenths
- A term used to describe the binding process where the signatures of a book are held together by a flexible adhesive
- Brought to consummation or completeness; completed; not defective nor redundant; having all the properties or qualities requisite to its nature and kind; without flaw, fault, or blemish; without error; mature; whole; pure; sound; right; correct
- free from defects or complete, as in: The sweater is a perfect fit
- being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish; "a perfect circle"; "a perfect reproduction"; "perfect happiness"; "perfect manners"; "a perfect specimen"; "a perfect day
- {s} flawless; complete; undamaged
- According to the Federal Trade Commission, only a diamond that is flawless, colorless and well cut can be referred to by this term Therefore, it is not applicable in most cases and should be avoided
- parfit
- perfit
- perf
It makes perfect sense!
- It makes perfect sense.
We are a perfect match.
- We're a perfect match.
- perfect fifth
- an interval equal to that of between the second and third harmonics of the harmonic series; in equal temperament, an interval of seven semitones spanning five degrees of the diatonic scale. It is enharmonically equivalent to a diminished sixth
- perfect game
- A game in which every batter on one team is retired without reaching base
- perfect games
- plural form of perfect game
- perfect gold standard test
- A test that measures the value of a binary variable without error
- perfect gold standard tests
- plural form of perfect gold standard test
- perfect number
- A number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself
The factors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28, and 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28, so 28 is a perfect number.
- perfect numbers
- plural form of perfect number
- perfect octave
- A musical interval of the Western twelve-semitone system consisting of twelve semitones and spanning eight degrees of the diatonic scale. It is enharmonically equivalent to an augmented seventh and is commonly referred to as an octave
- perfect passive participle
- A part of speech present in some languages (e.g. Latin) but absent in English, providing a sense of something having happened (e.g. 'having been educated')
- perfect passive participles
- plural form of perfect passive participle
- perfect pitch
- The ability to identify a note by name without the benefit of a reference note
- perfect pitch
- The exact pitch of a note described by its frequency in vibrations per second
- perfect rhyme
- A rhyme where the latter part of the word or phrase is identical sounding to another
Boy it is mighty high.
- perfect set
- A set which is equal to its set of limit points. That is, a set A is perfect if A' = A
The Cantor set is perfect.
- perfect storm
- A powerful hurricane or other major weather disturbance, especially as produced by a combination of meteorological conditions
Ten o'clock. Beginning to blow hard; taking in sails one after another. — Three o'clock. A perfect storm; the gale a few days ago but a gentle breeze to it.
- perfect storm
- A situation where a calamity is caused by the convergence and amplifying interaction of a number of factors
Tory said he was worried that a perfect storm of economic factors could put tourist operators and their communities in peril.
- perfect storms
- plural form of perfect storm
- perfect system
- In Latin, the three perfect tenses: perfect, future perfect, and pluperfect or past perfect, as contrasted with the present system: present, future, and imperfect. A verb in the perfect system indicates an action that has completed
- perfect tense
- a verb form indicating that an action or state has been completed at the present time, in the past, or will be completed in the future. English has three perfect tenses:
- perfect tenses
- plural form of perfect tense
- perfect competition
- rational free market of manufacturers and individual buyers that have all needed information (Economics)
- perfect obligation
- (Kanun) A perfect obligation is one which gives a right to another to require us to give him something or not to do something
- perfect square
- An integer that is the square of an integer
- perfect storm
- The phrase perfect storm refers to the simultaneous occurrence of events which, taken individually, would be far less powerful than the result of their chance combination. Such occurrences are rare by their very nature, so that even a slight change in any one event contributing to the perfect storm would lessen its overall impact
- perfect stranger
- A person who is completely unknown [to oneself]
1. I was stopped on the street by a perfect stranger who wanted to know my name.
2. If a total stranger asked me such a personal question, I am sure I would not answer!.
- perfect beauty
- beauty without defect or flaw
- perfect copy
- copy that looks exactly like the original
- perfect couple
- two people perfectly suited to each other
- perfect fit
- good match, something that fits exactly
- perfect game
- a game in which a pitcher does not allow any opposing player to reach base
- perfect gas
- or ideal gas Gas whose physical behaviour conforms to the general gas law, which states that for a given quantity of gas, the product of the volume V and pressure P is proportional to the absolute temperature T, or PV = kT, where k is a constant. A perfect gas is assumed to consist of a large number of molecules in random motion, which obey Newton's laws of motion. Their volume is assumed to be negligibly small, and no forces are presumed to act on the molecules except during momentary collisions. Though no gas has these properties, real gases at sufficiently high temperatures and low pressures can be described this way
- perfect gas
- gas which is made up of molecules containing two atoms
- perfect match
- perfect couple, complete compatibility, perfect pair
- perfect murder
- murder so well planned and executed that it is impossible to solve
- perfect number
- A positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive integral factors, including 1 but excluding itself
- perfect order
- impeccable order, everything in its proper place
- perfect participle
- the past participle
- perfect pitch
- The ability to tell if a note is concert pitch
- perfect pitch
- Someone who has perfect pitch is able to identify or sing musical notes correctly. the ability to correctly name any musical note that you hear, or to sing any note at the correct pitch without the help of an instrument
- perfect pitch
- Throwing a banjo in the dumpster without hitting the sides
- perfect pitch
- The ability to hear and identify a note without any other musical support
- perfect pitch
- absolute pitch: the ability to identify the pitch of a tone
- perfect pitch
- The ability to distinguish and identify any given note without any musical or tonal support
- perfect pitch
- The ability possessed by some people to describe one or more heard pitches by their note names without error This is sometimes regarded as a magical ability but is no more remarkable than the ability to name a colour, and like that skill can be learnt by most children and even some adults It is a rarer skill simply because it is less practised Some people have a more extreme form where they can not only name the note heard but tell you whether it is flat or sharp Some even feel discomfort if it incorrect This "gift" is occasionally described as absolute pitch It seems to be common among children with autism
- perfect pitch
- ability to recognize a tone by name by listening, musical diagnostic ability
- perfect rhyme
- rhyme in which the words sound exactly the same except for the beginning letters
- perfect silence
- complete silence, stillness, quiet, hush
- perfect square
- A perfect square is a number that has an whole number square root For example, 25 is a perfect square, because is 5, a whole number Here's a problem for you: Name the next perfect square higher than 25
- perfect square
- A perfect square is a number whose square root is a whole number
- perfect stranger
- person who is not known
- perfect substitutes
- products of which the demand rises causes a reverse trend in the demand for another products (Economics)
- perfect tense
- a tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect)
- perfect tense
- {i} verb tense that expresses an action completed in the past, tense of verbs that describes a state completed in the past
- conditional perfect
- A combination of the conditional mood and the perfect tense, roughly corresponding to English 'I would have...'
If I had known we were out of ketchup, I would have bought some at the store..
- future perfect
- A tense that expresses action completed at some time in the future; in English it is formed by use of will have (or shall have) and a past participle
The sentence, “In a few years time we will have almost completed this dictionary,” is in the future perfect.
- future perfect continuous
- A tense used to express an ongoing action completed after some time in the future. In English it is formed by use of will have been (or shall have been) and a present participle
Example: By the end of this year, I will have been working here for 10 years.
- future perfect progressive
- future perfect continuous
- inch-perfect
- perfectly measured
- let the perfect be the enemy of the good
- Intransigently fight for or argue the entirety of an ideal to the detriment of any partial fulfilment thereof
But we shouldn’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
- nobody's perfect
- Used when someone's mistakes or flaws are acknowledged, to remind that everyone else makes mistakes and has flaws
I feel so sad. What I did wasn't right. I feel so bad and I must say to you: Sorry, but nobody's perfect. Nobody's perfect. What did you expect? I'm doing my best.
- past perfect
- A tense which represents actions that occurred before other actions in the past; the pluperfect tense
- past perfect continuous
- A tense that expresses an unbroken action continuing up to a certain time in the past. In English it is formed by using had been with a present participle
Example: She had been living in England for three years before moving to Sweden.
- past perfect progressive
- past perfect continuous
- perfected
- that has been made perfect:
The perfected speech was better, but all spontaneity had been lost.
- perfected
- Simple past tense and past participle of perfect
- perfecting
- Present participle of perfect
- perfecting
- The process of printing on both sides of the printed-on material during its single pass through the printing press
- perfection
- The quality or state of being perfect or complete, so that nothing requisite is wanting; entire development; consummate culture, skill, or moral excellence; the highest attainable state or degree of excellence; maturity; as, perfection in an art, in a science, or in a system; perfection in form or degree; fruits in perfection
- perfectly
- With perfection
They completed the first series perfectly.
- perfectly
- Wholly, adequately
Their performance was perfectly fine.
- picture-perfect
- Perfect in appearance as with the subjects in paintings or photographs, without the common imperfections of real life
- pixel-perfect
- Involving precision at the pixel level
Manual pixel-perfect collision-detection routines can be difficult to create and processor-intensive to run.
- practice makes perfect
- If you practice something enough, you will eventually master it
- present perfect
- A perfect tense that expresses action completed at the present time; in English it is formed by using the present tense of have with a past participle
- present perfect continuous
- A tense that expresses an unbroken action continuing at the present time, started in the recent past. In English it is formed by using have been with a present participle
Example: I have been working in this bank all my life.
- present perfect progressive
- present perfect continuous
- perfecter
- {n} one who makes perfect or complete
- perfection
- {n} a perfect state, excellence
- perfectly
- {a} completly, exactly, fully, totally
- perfectness
- {n} completeness, skill, goodness
- Perfectly
- parfitly
- future perfect
- {i} verb tense that describes an action that has not yet been completed and will be finished in the future (e.g., "By that time, I will have finished")
- future perfect
- a perfective tense used to describe action that will be completed in the future; "`I will have finished' is an example of the future perfect"
- future perfect
- A verb tense that expresses action completed by a specified time in the future and that is formed in English by combining will have or shall have with a past participle. the form of a verb that shows that the action described will be complete before a particular time in the future, formed in English by 'will have' or 'shall have', as in 'I will have finished by 5 o'clock.' perfect
- future perfect
- A verb tense that indicates one event expected in the future will occur before another event happens Use the future of have + past participle: He will have hit the ball before the game ends
- future perfect
- Ex : I will have worked
- future perfect
- a perfective tense used to describe action that will be completed in the future; "`I will have finished' is an example of the future perfect
- future perfect
- I will have worked
- future perfect tense
- {i} verb tense that describes an action that has not yet been completed and will be finished in the future (e.g., "By that time, I will have finished")
- future perfect tense
- a perfective tense used to describe action that will be completed in the future; "`I will have finished' is an example of the future perfect"
- in perfect working order
- functioning smoothly, working well, fully operational
- just perfect
- absolutely superb, absolutely flawless
- letter-perfect
- eloquent, skilled in using words; skilled at a certain job or role
- letter-perfect
- correct to the last detail; especially being in or following the exact words; "a letter-perfect rendition of the soliloquy"; "she was word-perfect in her part
- letter-perfect
- correct in every detail
- not perfect
- not complete, is not all that he appears
- nothing is perfect
- don't expect everything to go your way, don't expect everything to be perfect all the time
- noun perfect 3
- the perfect the form of a verb which is used when talking about a period of time up to and including the present. In English it is formed with 'have' and the past participle = present perfect past perfect
- past perfect
- pluperfect which is a grammatical tense which places one past action in relation to another past action
- past perfect
- a perfective tense used to express action completed in the past; "`I had finished' is an example of the past perfect
- past perfect
- A verb tense that indicates one action was finished in the past, before another was finished Use the past tense of have + the past participle of the appropriate verb: He had hit the ball over the fence before we arrived
- past perfect
- a perfective tense used to express action completed in the past; "`I had finished' is an example of the past perfect"
- past perfect
- I had worked
- past perfect
- Ex : I had worked
- past perfect
- In grammar, the past perfect tenses of a verb are the ones used to talk about things that happened before a specific time. The simple past perfect tense uses `had' and the past participle of the verb, as in `She had seen him before'. It is sometimes called the pluperfect. the form of a verb that shows that the action described by the verb was completed before a particular time in the past, formed in English with 'had' and a past participle perfect
- perfected
- {s} improved; refined
- perfected
- that has been made perfect
- perfected
- perfectly formed; "a graceful but not yet fully perfected literary style
- perfected
- of plans, ideas, etc
- perfected
- past of perfect
- perfecter
- One who, or that which, makes perfect
- perfecter
- {i} improver, one who makes something better
- perfecter
- a skilled worker who perfects somethings; "although not the inventor he must be recognized as the perfecter of this technique
- perfecting
- Printing the second side of a sheet; backing-up
- perfecting
- Printing both sides of a sheet on one pass through the machine, or printing the second side of a sheet: backing-up
- perfecting
- Printing both sides of the paper (or other material) on the same pass through the printing machine
- perfection
- If something is done to perfection, it is done so well that it could not be done any better. fresh fish, cooked to perfection
- perfection
- To perfection, in the highest degree of excellence; perfectly; as, to imitate a model to perfection
- perfection
- The Ancients have delivered unto us, that there are four ways or means, which discover whether one question or the thing demanded shall be accomplished yea or not
- perfection
- The perfection of something such as a skill, system, or product involves making it as good as it could possibly be. Madame Clicquot is credited with the perfection of this technique
- perfection
- n An imaginary state of quality distinguished from the actual by an element known as excellence; an attribute of the critic The editor of an English magazine having received a letter pointing out the erroneous nature of his views and style, and signed "Perfection," promptly wrote at the foot of the letter: "I don't agree with you," and mailed it to Matthew Arnold
- perfection
- If you say that something is perfection, you mean that you think it is as good as it could possibly be. The house and garden were perfection
- perfection
- The process of considering a bill in which the bill is subject to amendments At the conclusion of this process, upon a favorable vote, a bill is order perfected and printed, which means that any amendments adopted are incorporated into the printed bill
- perfection
- The proper recording or filing of an instrument, thereby giving notice to the world
- perfection
- the act of making something perfect the state of being without a flaw or defect
- perfection
- A quality, endowment, or acquirement completely excellent; an ideal faultlessness; especially, the divine attribute of complete excellence
- perfection
- the state of being without a flaw or defect
- perfection
- Perfection is the quality of being as good as it is possible for something of a particular kind to be. Physical perfection in a human being is exceedingly rare
- perfection
- the act of making something perfect
- perfection
- {i} completion, wholeness; improvement, refinement
- perfection
- Perfection is a process and requires continual improvement
- perfection
- When a secured creditor has taken the required steps to perfect his lien, the lien is senior to any liens that arise after perfection A mortgage is perfected by recording it with the county recorder; a lien in personal property is perfected by filing a financing statement with the secretary of state An unperfected lien is valid between the debtor and the secured creditor, but may be behind liens created later in time, but perfected earlier than the lien in question An unperfected lien can be avoided by the trustee
- perfection
- An action that has to be taken before a security interest is secured
- perfection
- A quality, endowment, or acquirement completely excellent; an ideal; faultlessness; especially, the divine attribute of complete excellence
- perfection
- an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept
- perfections
- plural of perfection
- perfectly
- wholly or without doubt, perfectly normal
- perfectly
- If something is done perfectly, it is done so well that it could not possibly be done better. This adaptation perfectly captures the spirit of Kurt Vonnegut's novel The system worked perfectly
- perfectly
- in a perfect or faultless way; "She performed perfectly on the balance beam"; "spoke English perfectly"; "solved the problem perfectly"
- perfectly
- emphasis If you describe something as perfectly good or acceptable, you are emphasizing that there is no reason to use or get something else, although other people may disagree. You can buy perfectly good instruments for a lot less
- perfectly
- In a perfect manner or degree; in or to perfection; completely; wholly; throughly; faultlessly
- perfectly
- emphasis You can use perfectly to emphasize an adjective or adverb, especially when you think the person you are talking to might doubt what you are saying. There's no reason why you can't have a perfectly normal child They made it perfectly clear that it was pointless to go on You know perfectly well what happened. = quite
- perfectly
- completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers; "an absolutely magnificent painting"; "a perfectly idiotic idea"; "you're perfectly right"; "utterly miserable"; "you can be dead sure of my innocence"; "was dead tired"; "dead right"
- perfectly
- in a perfect or faultless way; "She performed perfectly on the balance beam"; "spoke English perfectly"; "solved the problem perfectly
- perfectly
- flawlessly, superbly, faultlessly, without an error, without a blemish
- perfectness
- The quality of being perfect; perfection
- perfectness
- The quality or state of being perfect; perfection
- perfectness
- {i} wholeness, completeness ; perfection, flawlessness
- perfects
- third-person singular of perfect
- picture-perfect
- exactly right in appearance or quality
- practice makes perfect
- doing something over and over makes a person better at it
- present perfect
- In grammar, the present perfect tenses of a verb are the ones used to talk about things which happened before the time you are speaking or writing but are relevant to the present situation, or things that began in the past and are still happening. The simple present perfect tense uses `have' or `has' and the past participle of the verb, as in `They have decided what to do'. the form of a verb that shows what happened during a period of time up to and including the present, formed in English with the present tense of the verb 'have' and a past participle, as in 'he has gone'
- present perfect
- I have worked
- present perfect
- a perfective tense used to express action completed in the present; "`I have finished' is an example of the present perfect
- present perfect
- Ex : I have worked
- present perfect
- a perfective tense used to express action completed in the present; "`I have finished' is an example of the present perfect"
- present perfect
- A verb tense that indicates an action that occurred in the past and finished in the past, but the exact time of the action is not important Use the present tense of have + the past participle of the main verb: Paul has hit the ball over the fence many times
- present perfect
- (Grammar) verb tense showing an action completed at the time of speaking (ex: I have gone)
- present perfect tense
- a perfective tense used to express action completed in the present; "`I have finished' is an example of the present perfect"
- word perfect
- {s} letter-perfect, eloquent, skilled in using words; skilled at a certain job or role; thoroughly and completely correct
- word-perfect
- able to remember and say every word of something correctly