
listen to the pronunciation of passiert
Немецкий Язык - Турецкий язык
(Gramer) passieren (+ dat.) A olmak, vuku bulmak
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение passiert в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь


Sanırım Tom'a bir şey olmuş olabilir. - I think something may have happened to Tom.

Yolda ona bir şey olmuş olmalı. - Something must have happened to him on the way.

{f} geç

Gemi Panama Kanalından geçti. - The ship passed through the Panama Canal.

Test sürüşünü geçtikten sonra bir araba aldı. - After she had passed her driving test, she bought a car.

(Bilgisayar) geçti

Gemi köprünün altından geçti. - The ship passed under the bridge.

Ne kadar zaman geçtiğini söyleyemem. - I cannot say how much time passed.


Büyükbaba ve büyükannelerim Almandı ve dil bana ve erkek kardeşime geçmiş oldu. - My grandparents were German, and the language has been passed down to me and my brother.

Kendimden geçmiş olmalıyım. - I must've passed out.


Onun erkek kardeşi geçen ay öldü. - His brother passed away last month.

Yapraklar her geçen gün kırmızıya döndü. - The leaves turned red as the days passed.

Elenmiş, elekten geçirilmiş
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
'Entschuldigung.' 'Nichts passiert.'
'I'm sorry' 'No harm done.'
Das passiert mir nicht noch einmal.
That won't happen to me again
Das passiert mir zum ersten Mal.
That's the first time this sort of thing has happened to me
Das passiert öfter als man denkt.
That happens more often than one thinks
Dass das passiert, / Das halte ich für unwahrscheinlich.
I don't think it's likely/liable to happen
Die Polizei versucht zu rekonstruieren, was genau passiert ist.
Police are trying to piece together exactly what has gone on
Er hat die Ziellinie knapp vor mir passiert.
He beat me narrowly to the finish line
Es ist ein Glück, dass der Unfall so nahe beim Krankenhaus passiert ist.
It's a mercy the accident happend so near the hospital
Es ist ganz von selbst passiert.
It just happened all by itself
Gestern ist etwas ganz Komisches passiert.
A really weird thing happened last night
Hättest du aufgepasst, ware das überhaupt nicht passiert! / gar nicht erst passi
If you had paid attention, this wouldn't have happened in the first place!
Ich hasse es/das, wenn so etwas passiert.
I hate it when that happens. /HIWTH/
Ich muss dir erzählen, was heute passiert ist. Ich muss das einfach loswerden.
I must tell you about what happened today. I just need to get it off my chest
Ich weiß nicht, was tatsächlich passiert ist, denn ich war nicht dort.
I don't know what actually happened, since I wasn't there
Leben ist das, was passiert, wenn du gerade andere Pläne schmiedest.
Life is what happens to you while you are making plans
Sag nichts davon, was passiert ist, sonst fängt sie wieder an/geht das bei ihr w
Don't mention what happened, you'll only set her off again
Was an dieser Schule passiert, ist ein genaues Spiegelbild der allgemeinen polit
Events at that school closely mirror the political situation as a whole
Weiß der Himmel, was als Nächstes passiert!
God only knows what'll happen next!
Wenn das passiert, dann ist es aus mit uns/mit der Reform.
If this happens, it will be all up with us/with reform
Wenn etwas passiert, spricht sich das (in der Stadt/Schule) schnell herum.
When something happens, (the) word quickly spreads (around town/school)
Wäre das in der Nacht passiert, wären wir alle dran gewesen.
If it had happened at night, we would have all been goners
die Stelle, wo es passiert ist
the place where it happened
es ist/war passiert
it has/had occurred
es ist/war passiert
it has/had happened
es passiert
it happens
es passiert
it occurs
ganz gleich, was passiert
no matter what happens
nachhelfen, dass etwas passiert
to help make something happen
noch nie passiert
unheard of
noch nie passiert
spekulieren, was wäre, wenn dieses oder jenes passiert
to speculate about what would happen if this or that were to occur
„Und was ist dann passiert?“, hakte er nach.
'And then what happened?' he prompted