(Tıp, İlaç) Parankim. Parankima. Bir organ ya da bezin görev gören dokusudur. Örneğin, karaciğer parankimi denildiği zaman, karaciğerin bütünü anlaşılır
connective tissue and blood vessels the primary tissue of higher plants composed of thin-walled cells that remain capable of cell division even when mature; constitutes the greater part of leaves, roots, the pulp of fruits, and the pith of stems
Syn: Soft tissue, storage tissue In wood anatomy, tissue active in storage and distribution of carbohydrates; cells mostly short, with numerous simple pits
the primary tissue of higher plants composed of thin-walled cells that remain capable of cell division even when mature; constitutes the greater part of leaves, roots, the pulp of fruits, and the pith of stems
Plant tissue type composed of relatively undifferentiated (non-specialized) cells Found primarily in leaf (mesophyll), cortex, and also in conductive tissues
the portion of the organ that performs the unique function of that organ; each tissue is composed of parenchyma and the tissue that provides support known as stroma As an example, breast parenchyma would be the ductal/glandular units and the stroma would be the supporting fibroadipose connective tissue
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[ p&-'re[ng]-k&-m& ] (noun.) 1651. New Latin, from Greek, visceral flesh, from parenchein to pour in beside, from para- + en- en- + chein to pour; more at FOUND.