
listen to the pronunciation of operator
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Operatör telefonu kapatmamı ve biraz beklememi söyledi. - The operator told me to hang up and wait for a moment.

Ben John ile telefonda konuşurken, operatör kesti. - While I was talking on the telephone with John, the operator cut in.

(Bilgisayar) işlemimi
(Bilgisayar) işletmen sistem
(Bilgisayar) işlem operatörü
{i} cerrah
(Askeri) OPERATÖR: Teknik herhangi bir alet veya cihazı çalıştıran ve kullanan kimse, mesela; radar operatörü, sinema operatörü gibi
{i} telefon operatörü
{i} uygulayıcı
{i} telsizci
{i} işletmeci
santral memuresi
(Ticaret) borsa spekülatörü
santral memuru
operator gene
(Biyokimya) işletici kalıt
operator manual
(Bilgisayar) işletmen elkitabı
operator manual
işletmenin el kitabı
operator services
işletmen hizmetleri
operator services
(Bilgisayar) operatör hizmetleri
operator theory
operatör teorisi
operator precedence
işlem önceliği
operator command
işletmen buyruğu
operator guidance
operatör rehberlik
operator indicators
işletmen göstergeleri
operator name
işletmen adı
operator oversight
operatör gözetim
operator part
işletmen kısmı
operator station
operatör istasyonu
operator's control panel
işletmen denetim paneli
operator algebras
operatör cebirleri
operator hold
(Bilgisayar) işleç tutuşu
operator licence
(Nükleer Bilimler) işletme lisansı
operator manual
isletmenin el kitabi
operator part
işletmen kısmi
operator position
operatör konumu
operator procedure regulations
(Askeri) OPERATÖR İŞLETME USULÜ YÖNETMELİĞİ: Muharebe trafik emniyetinin, operatör işletme usulü hususundaki talimatı ifade ve tatbik eden kısmı
operator services
isletmen (operator) hizmetleri
operator space
operatör çalışma bölmesi
operator symbols
(Bilgisayar) işleç simgeleri
operator's cab
makinist kabini
operator's seat
sürücü koltuğu
tour operator
(isim) tur operatörü
backward shift operator
(Bilgisayar) geri kaydırma işleci
crane operator
(İnşaat) vinç operatörü
identity operator
(Bilgisayar) özdeşlik işleci
linear operator
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) doğrusal işleç
logical operator
(Bilgisayar) mantık işleci
medical operator
(Askeri) sağlık memuru
neighborhood operator
(Bilgisayar) komşuluk işleci
(Bilgisayar) işleç
smooth operator
(deyim) çıkarcı
angular momentum operator
açısal moment operatörü
boolean operator
boole operatörü
card punch operator
delgi işletmeni
compact operator
kompakt operatör
computer operator
bilgisayar operatörü
computer operator
bilgisayar işletmeni
data entry operator
veri giriş operatörü
data preparation operator
veri hazırlama işletmeni
differential operator
diferansiyel operatörü
elevator operator
asansör operatörü
hamiltonian operator
hamilton işlemcisi
inverse differential operator
ters diferansiyel operatör
keypunch operator
delgi operatörü
laplace operator
laplace operatörü
logic operator
mantık operatörü
logical operator
mantıksal operatör
logical operator
mantıksal işleç
machine operator
makine operatörü
radio operator
telsiz operatörü

Geminin kaptanı telsiz operatörüne imdat sinyali göndermesini emretti. - The ship's captain ordered the radio operator to send a distress signal.

relational operator
ilişkisel operatör
smooth operator
nabza göre şerbet veren kişi
switchboard operator
santral memuru
systems operator
jüye operatörü
telegraph operator
telex operator
teleks operatörü
Or operator
Veya operatörü, Ya da isleci
The Concatenation Operator
(Bilgisayar) Birleştirme Operatörü
alternative telecom operator
alternatif telekom operatörü
camera operator
kamera operatörü
exchange operator
kambiyo operatörü
furnace operator
fırın operatör
lift operator
vinç operatörü
relational operator
iliskisel operatör
smooth operator
systems operator
sistem operatörü
tour operator
tur operatörü
x or operator
x veya operatör
x-ray operator
röntgen teknisyeni
Position of the operator
(Tekstil) Operatör pozisyonu
airborne sensor operator
(Askeri) HAVA/UÇAK ELEKTRONİK HEDEF SAPTAMA CİHAZI OPERATÖRÜ: Uçakta bulunan hedef saptama cihazını kullanmak ve uçuş sırasında toplanan bilgilerin kısıtlı bir değerlendirmesini yapmak üzere eğitilmiş kişi
application operator
Uygulama işletmeni
arithmetic operator
aritmetik işleç
backward shift operator
geri kaydirma isleci
blalock's operator
(Tıp) pulmonalis'in stenozlarında, bu arterin stenoze olan bölgesinden önceki kısmıyla, aortanın bir dalı arasında yapılan anastomoz
boom operator
(Sinema) mikrofoncu
comm operator
(Bilgisayar) iletişim işletmeni
compact operator
(Matematik) tıkız işleç
completely continuous operator
(Matematik) tıkız işleç
completely continuous operator
(Matematik) kompakt operatör
differential operator
(Matematik) türetken işleç
differential operator
(Matematik) türem işleci
dyadic operator
ikiz işlemci (li)
economic operator
(Ticaret) ekonomik aktör
edge operator
ayrit isleci
elevator operator
forward shift operator
ileri kaydirma isleci
fuse setter operator
(Askeri) TAPA TANZİMCİSİ: Top mürettebatına mensup olan ve atış esnasında mekanik tip tapa tanzim anahtarını kullanan er, cephaneci
fuze setter operator
(Askeri) tapa tanzimcisi
help desk operator
yardım masası sorumlusu
horizontal control operator
(Askeri) YATAY PLANCI: Ateş idare merkezinde bulunan ve atış esasları için lüzumlu yatay açı ve mesafeleri işaretleyen ve ölçen bir ateş idare merkezi elemanı. Bak. "vertical control operator"
identity operator
ozdeslik isleci
image operator
imge isleci
indirection operator
(Bilgisayar) dolaylama işleci
instrument operator
alet operatörü
laser designator operator
(Askeri) lazer hedef işaretleme operatörü
machine operator
makinist, makine işleten kimse
mathematical operator
Matematiksel işleç
mechanical operator
mekanik çalıştırıcı
microphone operator
(Sinema) mikrofoncu
milling cutter operator
monadic operator
tek işlemci (li)
neighborhood operator
komsuluk isleci
normal operator
(Matematik) normal operatör
normal operator
(Matematik) düzgen işleç
qualified operator
kalifiye operatör
radio operator
(Askeri) TELSİZ OPERATÖRÜ: Telsiz göndermeç ve almaçlarını çalıştırarak telsiz sinyallerini gönderen ve alan şahıs
radio operator
sensor operator
(Askeri) algılayıcı operatörü
server operator
(Bilgisayar) sunucu işletmeni
smooth operator
(deyim) egoist, çıkarcı insan
specialist tour operator
(Turizm) uzman tur operatörü
switchboard operator
santralcı, santral; santral memuru/memuresi
system operator
sistem isletmeni
target selection confusion of the operator; top secret control officer
(Askeri) operatörün hedef seçimini şaşırtması; çok gizli evrak kontrol subayı
telephone operator
santral memuru
tour operator
(Turizm) paket turlar düzenleyen firma
tower operator
kule operatörü
vertical control operator
(Askeri) DİKEY PLANCI: Ateş idare merkezinde bulunan ve muhtelif bataryalar için, toprak açılarını, ayrıca lüzumunda bildirilecek, toprak açısı için uygun komutları tespit eden şahıs. Dikey plancının şeması, yatay plancınınkinin aynıdır ve her an yatay plancının görevini ifaya hazır bulunur. Ayrıca bak "horizontal control operator"
virtual operator console
(Bilgisayar) sanal operatör konsolu
weapon system operator
(Askeri) silah sistem operatörü
wireless operator
wireless operator
telsiz memuru
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A telecommunications facilitator whose job is to establish temporary network connections
A member of a military Special Operations unit
A function or other mapping that carries variables defined on a domain into another variable or set of variables in a defined range
The administrator of a channel or network on IRC
Another name for Chinese whispers
A person who is adept at making deals or getting results, especially one who uses questionable methods
One who operates
one who works with or controls some machine or scientific apparatus
{n} one who operates, one who effects
a word or symbol, such as + or AND, used in a query which indicates an operation to be performed on one or more words or phrases
Unsung heroes Computer operators at many sites worked long and hard to keep big machines running and users happy This is a fast-vanishing profession See also pl1_operators_
The operator (or 'op') is the moderator of the chat room discussion The operator has the power to choose who joins the channel, and can kick off people who abuse the system An operator can also give 'op' privileges to other people in the channel The first person to enter the channel automatically becomes an operator
The symbol that expresses the operation to be performed; called also facient
If you call someone a good operator, you mean that they are skilful at achieving what they want, often in a slightly dishonest way. one of the shrewdest political operators in the Arab World. see also tour operator
The unit of computation in Ninja In its most general form, an Operator is a computer program that can be named and the physical resources needed for which can be described An Operator can be anything from a Java applet to a Win32 executable to a large parallel program written in Fortran Ninja will define certain kinds of Operators which have special properties (such as scalability, fault tolerance, etc ) For example, we will often work with Operators written as Java classes, so that the code is portable and mobile and uses strong typing The point is that this definition is meant to be overly generic so we can talk about Operators living in all kinds of places: On big clusters, on small units -- then the real discussion turns to what properties those Operators have
The organization that operates and maintains a particular project Federal dams were built and are operated by the U S Army Corps of Engineers (COE) or the U S Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
or Batch Operator is a person authorized to use some but not all of the restricted capabilities of the batch system
A person, acting for himself or as an agent for others and designated to the Commission as the one who has the primary responsibility for complying with its rules and regulations in any and all acts subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission
A prokaryotic regulatory element that interacts with a repressor to control the transcription of adjacent structural genes
An operator is a person who connects telephone calls at a telephone exchange or in a place such as an office or hotel. He dialled the operator and put in a call for Rome
A control operator or a redirection operator See section Redirections, for a list of redirection operators
One who, or that which, operates or produces an effect
Term used to describe a company appointed by venture stakeholders to take primary responsibility for day-to-day operations for a specific plant or activity
A DNA region at one end of an operon that acts as the binding site for repressor protein A DNA sequence that is recognized by a repressor protein or repressor-corepressor complex When the operator is complexed with the repressor, transcription is prevented
A search modifier used to refine the relationship between your search term(s) The three major operators are AND, OR and NOT
An operator is a person who is employed to operate or control a machine. computer operators
a shrewd or unscrupulous person who knows how to circumvent difficulties
An operator is a person who operates WebCheckout at a checkout center on behalf of patrons, in the same way a sales clerk operates the cash register on behalf of the customer of a store There are four basic levels of operators: administrators, assistants, technical staff, and window workers
A reserved word or character used to limit or expand your search Frequently used operators include AND, OR, NOT, *, and ? For example, steam AND generator finds all documents containing both terms (ignoring documents that contain only steam or generator, but not both) Use quotation marks or parentheses to force a search of the operator itself: a search for steam "and" generator will find all documents containing any one or more of the three terms steam, generator, and and To force a search of an entire phrase as a whole (and create any included operators as words), enclose it in quotation marks: "steam and generator" or parentheses (steam and generator) The alphabetical case of the operator does not matter Alphabetical operators other than AND, OR, and NOT must be enclosed in brackets <> to be recognized (such as <CONTAINS>, <MATCHES>, <NEAR>, <NEAR/x>, <STARTS>, and <ENDS>)
a word or symbol, such ~ or AND, used in a query which indicates an operation to be performed on one or more words or phrases
The part of an operator expression that determines the particular relationship of the operands to the expression's value See the chapter on Expressions
One who performs some act upon the human body by means of the hand, or with instruments
An operator is a person or a company that runs a business. `Tele-Communications', the nation's largest cable TV operator
{i} one who activates; worker of a telephone switchboard; worker; operation symbol, character which signifies a logical or mathematical operation between several numbers (Computers)
(1) A symbolic expression that indicates the action to be performed in an expression; operator types include arithmetic, relational, and logical (2) In Fortran 90, an operator indicates a computation that involves one or two operands Fortran 90 defines several intrinsic operators (for example, +, -, *, /, ** are numeric operators, and NOT , AND , and OR are logical operators) Users also may define operators for use with operands of intrinsic or derived types
(mathematics) a symbol that represents a function from functions to functions; "the integral operator"
a speculator who trades aggressively on stock or commodity markets
An operator is an operation which has one or two operands A unary operator is written before an operand; a binary operator is written between two operands This notation is a special kind of function call An operator can be declared as a function Many operators are implicitly declared by the declaration of a type (for example, most type declarations imply the declaration of the equality operator for values of the type)
a word or symbol, such + or AND, used in a query which indicates an operation to be performed on one or more words or phrases
an agent that operates some apparatus or machine; "the operator of the switchboard" someone who owns or operates a business; "who is the operator of this franchise?" a speculator who trades aggressively on stock or commodity markets (mathematics) a symbol that represents a function from functions to functions; "the integral operator
An operator is a short hand method for defining an operation between one or more values The addition operator is written using the plug sign(+) Other operators include multiply(*), division(/), etc
An Operator is responsible for the routine operation of the CA equipment and operations such as system backups and recovery or changing recording media
- An employee of a transit system who spends his or her working day in the operation of a vehicle, e g , bus driver, streetcar motorman, trolley coach operator, cablecar gripman, rapid transit train motorman, conductor, etc
an agent that operates some apparatus or machine; "the operator of the switchboard"
A central clearing facility which provides distribution and settlement of ACH transactions ACH operators clear debits and credits electronically, rather than through the physical movement of checks Currently there are four ACH Operators: the Federal Reserve System, which clears approximately 80% of all ACH transactions, Visanet ACH, New York ACH, and American ACH
A dealer in stocks or any commodity for speculative purposes; a speculator
someone who owns or operates a business; "who is the operator of this franchise?"
a speculator who trades aggressively on stock or commodity markets (mathematics) a symbol that represents a function from functions to functions; "the integral operator
The person who is responsible for maintaining and running a Web site
A special word or symbol typed between the words in search criteria Operators are used to modify the way the search engine treats those words For example, there are operators to match special patterns, look for word variants, and so on For a complete description of the operators available, see Search Syntax
operator gene
a gene that activates the production of messenger RNA by adjacent structural genes
Laplace operator
An elliptic operator, ∆, used in the modelling of wave propagation, heat flow and many other applications
NOT operator
An operation on logical values that changes true to false, and false to true
arithmetic operator
Any of the four basic operators in arithmetic, namely addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
bastard operator from hell
a rogue operator (system administrator, root user, superuser, host manager, system manager) who abuses users on the system that he or she operates, when he or she thinks they are annoying (being lusers)
binary operator
A symbol representing binary operation; an operator taking two operands

The four rules: +, −, × and ÷ are examples of binary operators.

hypoelliptic operator
A differential operator that preserves mathematical smoothness
linear operator
An operator L such that for functions f and g and scalar λ, L (f + g) = L f + L g and L λf = λ L f
A subcontractor that can be a commercial carrier, but most often provides capacity (trucks and drivers, with or without trailers or chassis) to either commercial or private carriers under a contract for services
short circuit operator
A logical operator that returns a value as soon as the outcome is certain, without necessarily testing all operands (for example, an OR operator returning true if the first operand evaluates as true, without evaluating the second operand)
short-circuit operator
Alternative spelling of short circuit operator
smooth operator
A person who accomplishes tasks with efficiency and grace, especially one with verbal skills who is persuasive in interpersonal relationships, negotiation, etc

Alexander lit up Connecticut for 34 points in a Big East quarterfinal win last week. He is a smooth operator who can score in a variety of ways.

smooth operator
A skillful, manipulative person, con artist, or clever scoundrel

He plays the hospital administrator, a fast-talking smooth operator who cons patients and doctors alike.

telephone operator
a person who operates a telephone switchboard
telephone operator
a person who provides assistance in establishing a connection, or who provides information or takes messages via the telephone
ternary operator
An operator taking three operands, specifically the operator ?: used in many programming languages to select one of two values depending on a third value
tour operator
a company that sells package holidays
unary operator
A symbol representing unary operation; an operator taking one operand
wireless operator
A person who operates a radio transmitter on a ship or in an outpost, military unit, etc., in order to communicate over long distances

He found the new wireless operator a charming fellow, possessed of talents far superior to those of the young men who ordinarily pound the brass at sea.

wireless operator
A commercial firm which provides mobile communications services

France Telecom is the second largest wireless operator and Internet access provider in Europe.

{n} a person who jointly endeavors
help desk operator
A help desk operator generally involved in the provision of telephone or internet support to users of particular IT products
IRC Operator
one who is responsible for an IRC server at a particular site (Internet), IRCOP
aircraft tool operator
person who is trained to work with aircraft tools
arithmetic operator
sign indicating a mathematical operation
big time operator
person with a lot of influence; one who is active in a central way (in a project); activist; person who is actively involved in many different causes (commercial or otherwise)
boolean operator
provides a way to express the logical relationships between concepts The most common Boolean operators are: AND and OR
boolean operator
A symbol or word used in Internet searches to narrow search results, or to include or exclude certain words or phrases from the results Note: not all search engines except boolean operators
boolean operator
words such as AND, OR, and NOT that are used to combine search terms to broaden or narrow the results of a search Combining terms using operators is sometimes called Boolean searching
boolean operator
Logical operators, such as AND and OR, that are used to connect search terms into search statements The operators tell the database what the relationship is between the search terms
boolean operator
Boolean Operators define the relationship between words in a search statement The principal Boolean operators are: AND (intersection) OR (union) and NOT (difference)
boolean operator
It is word such as "AND," "OR," and "NOT" It is used logically to limit a keyword search in a search string
boolean operator
Boolean operators are used to combine logical expressions into a complex expression
boolean operator
Also called a logical operator Used in programming to identify AND, OR, NOR, XOR, and NOT operations
boolean operator
The words AND, OR, and NOT used to combine concepts or search terms when searching a database for information
boolean operator
provides a way to tell a computer how you want to combine your descriptors or keywords The most common Boolean operators are: AND, OR [Find tips on using Boolean operators ]
boolean operator
Words like AND, OR and NOT - used to refine searches
boolean operator
Special words (AND, OR, NOT, ADJ, NEAR, etc ) used to combine terms in a search statement Used with Search Tools to refine a search
boolean operator
An instruction that enables users to create more complex criteria for file searchers (e g , OR, AND, or NOT)
boolean operator
Words that can be used in a search query to specify one's information needs Boolean operators include AND, OR, and NOT
boolean operator
logical operator, mathematical operation between Boolean values
boolean operator
A word (AND, OR, or NOT) that helps you narrow, broaden, or refine the scope of a keyword search On the Internet, you can use Boolean operators with most search engines
boolean operator
A word in all capital letters, such as AND, OR, and NOT, used to combine search items For example, if you search for ham AND eggs, you would get documents which contain both words; ham OR eggs would look for all documents with ham and all with eggs; ham AND eggs NOT seuss would look for documents with both words, but no mention of Dr Seuss
boolean operator
Boolean operators are used when searching the web They help you find the information you are looking for by restricting your search using words like AND, OR and NOT
boolean operator
A word (AND, OR, or NOT) that helps you refine the scope of a keyword search On the Internet, you can use Boolean operators with Veronica, Jughead, and Web search engines
boolean operator
or Boolean Logic The use of AND, OR, and NOT to refine or expand the possible results in your search Example
camera operator
cameraman: a photographer who operates a movie camera
company operator
an operator who works for a company
crane operator
person trained to operate a crane (large machine used in construction)
differential operator
In mathematics, any combination of derivatives applied to a function. It takes the form of a polynomial of derivatives, such as D^2xx -D^2xy D^2yx, where D^2 is a second derivative and the subscripts indicate partial derivatives. Special differential operators include the gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplace operator (see Laplace's equation). Differential operators provide a generalized way to look at differentiation as a whole, as well as a framework for discussion of the theory of differential equations
elevator operator
an operator of an elevator
fire control operator
person who regulates the firing intensity and the direction in which a weapon is aimed
keypunch operator
typist, clerk
lathe operator
one who operates a lathe, one who operates a machine for spinning and carving materials
linear operator
an operator that obeys the distributive law: A(f+g) = Af + Ag (where f and g are function)
logic operator
Variant of logical operator
logical operator
Boolean operation, symbol which indicates the logical relation between two conditions
Actors which can be used to calculate or compare values Example: Two values may be summed using the addition operator (+); total+tax Example: Two values may be compared using the greater-than operator (>); total>200
Words such as AND, OR, and NOT that are used to combine search terms to broaden or narrow the results of a search Combining terms using operators
Placed between two tokens in a conditional statement
B2 7, p40
Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), and Division (/)
Terms such as AND, OR, NOT, NEAR, and IN which can be used to combine keywords or limit a search to portions or fields of a document For instance, the search statement smith in ti would, in certain databases such as Canadian Business and Current Affairs, limit a search to instances of smith in the title field See also Boolean operators, Proximity, and Field
Symbols such as '+', '-', '*', '/', and '='
Commands that are used to combine keywords to broaden or narrow the results of a search Combining terms using operators is sometimes called Boolean searching Boolean operators are the words AND, OR, NOT, which are used to connect search terms AND narrows a search by requiring that both terms be present OR broadens a search by incorporating synonyms or alternate terms NOT narrows a search by excluding terms Most databases include other operators, but AND, OR, NOT are the three that will always work
The characters that establish the relationships between values in a formula, such as +, -, * and <= Arithmetic operators calculate numeric values; text operators act on strings of text, and logical operators evaluate true/false conditions
Functions used to manipulate data (+, -, *, /, SIN, COS, TAN, ^)
plural of operator
radar operator
one who operates radar equipment
radio operator
one who operates cordless radio devices
radio operator
someone who operates a radio transmitter
sewing-machine operator
someone who sews by operating a sewing machine
system operator
person who manages an electronic bulletin board system, BBS operator, sysop
system operator
One who operates a bulletin board system
telephone operator
one who works for a telephone company and provides various customer services (such as international dialing, assistance with service problems, and other inquiries)
telephone operator
someone who helps callers get the person they are calling
tool operator
one who uses tools, one who works with tools, technician
tour operator
A tour operator is a company that provides holidays in which your travel and accommodation are booked for you. a company that arranges travel tours
tour operator
{i} tour guide, one who is active in the tourist industry, person who organizes guided tours
wireless operator
one who operates wireless communications equipment (especially in the armed forces)
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение operator в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

bilgisayar operatörü computer operator, operator of
a computer

    Расстановка переносов


    Турецкое произношение



    /ˈäpərˌātər/ /ˈɑːpɜrˌeɪtɜr/


    ... Let's move on to something more practical. We call it virtual camera operator. ...