Operating Systems: The software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, central processing unit, disk space, and peripheral devices Optical cable: A technology for the transmission of light beams along optical fiber
Owner occupied Open End Mortgage - A mortgage permitting the mortgagor to borrow additional money under the same mortgage, with certain conditions (Most mortgage companies will not lend behind this type of loan ) Origination Fee - A fee or charge for work involved in the evaluation, preparation and submission of a proposed mortgage loan Owner of record - The individual(s) named on a deed that has been recorded at the local municipality Owners Policy - Title insurance for the owner of property, rather than a lien holder Back to Top
Object Oriented An abbreviation used when discussing or documenting object oriented concepts or facilities The very basic objective of OO is that reusability enables greater productivity and faster application development
Object Oriented, any programming language or other system which is based on the concept of grouping related routines and data structures together in 'objects' [Buy the Book]