
listen to the pronunciation of onlangs
Нидерландский Язык - Турецкий язык
yakın zamanda
yakın geçmiş
son günlerde
son dönemlerde
yakın zamanlarda
yeni yeni
yeni olarak
yakın zaman önce
son dönem
yakın tarih
Нидерландский Язык - Английский Язык
the other day

She bought a new house the other day. - Ze heeft onlangs een nieuw huis gekocht.

This is the man of whom I spoke the other day. - Dat is de man over wie ik onlangs sprak.


Did you meet him recently? - Hebt ge hem onlangs nog ontmoet?

A strange marine creature was found recently. - Er werd onlangs een vreemd zeedier gevonden.